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1、高中第四册,Module 4,Great Scientists,Qian Xuesen,Do you know who are they?,Newton,Albert Einstein,Marie Curie,Archimedes(阿基米德),Thomas Edison,1.the study of animals 2.the study of plants 3.the study of all living things,zoology,botany,biology,Match the words and definitions.,biochemistry biology botany ch

2、emistry genetics physics zoology,4.the study of physical objects and natural forces 5.the study of chemical processes in living things 6.the study of the structure of substances and how they react with each other 7.the study of inherited characteristics in living things,chemistry,physics,biochemistr

3、y,genetics,Work in pairs.Write some facts about a famous scientist.,Example:Newtown was born inEngland in the 17th century.Hediscovered the laws of gravity.,Today,we are going to learn something about one of the most important scientists-Yuan Longping.What do you know about him?,Yuan Longping,Lets r

4、evise some new words first,READING AND VOCABULARY,The Student Who Asked Questions,leading figure educate nickname agriculture breeding species yield,adj.主要的n.人物vt.教育n.绰号n.农业n.培育n.(动物或植物的)种n.产量,originalpublish sterile breakthroughsupport production convertexport,adj.原来的;最初的vt.出版 adj.不结果实的n.突破vt.支持n.产

5、量vt.改变;转换vt.出口,hybrid agriculturalreplacequantityquality,n.杂交种adj.农业的vt.取代;以代替 n.数量n.质量,Expressions,bring upas a result of cash crop,培育;养育由于的结果经济作物,To get general ideas,Skimming,Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Yuan Longping and his achievement.B.As a boy,Yuan Longping was called”the student who

6、 asked questions”.C.Yuan Longping discovered a new type of rice.D.Yuan Longpings discoveries has brought in great profit.,To get detailed information,Scanning,China produces more rice than any other country.(2)Yuan Longping asked a lot of questions at school.(3)He developed a new kind of fast-growin

7、g rice.,T,T,T,True or false?,Reading comprehension 1,(4)The government helped him in his research.(5)The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometres.(6)The new rice is now grown in other countries,such as Pakistan.,T,F,T,1.Which country is the worlds largest rice producer?China.2.W

8、here is rice grown in the world?Many Asian Countries and some European countries.,Reading comprehension 2,The 1st paragraph,1.What nickname was he given?The student who asks questions.,The 2nd paragraph,1.What did Yuan Longping study in college?Agriculture.2.According to him,what was the key to feed

9、ing people?To have more rice and produce it more quickly.,The 3rd paragraph,From an early age he _ plants.He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments _.He thought that _ feeding people was to have more rice and to _ it more quickly.He thought there was only one way

10、to do thisby _ different species of rice plant,and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher _ than either of the _ plants.,in crop breeding,was interested in,the key to,produce,crossing,original,yield,1.What special type of rice plant did he search for?A male and sterile rice plan

11、t.,The 4th paragraph,1.What did his discoveries result in?Chinese rice production rose by 47.5%.2.Why were the rice fields converted to growing vegetables and other cash crops?It is no need to plant so many rice because of the high production.,The 5th paragraph,1.What is the most important crop in P

12、akistan?Wheat.,The last paragraph,Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the _ world.As a boy,he was called“the student who asks question”.As a young teacher,he began _ in crop _.He thought that the _ to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.In 1970 a naturally male rice

13、plant was discovered.This was the _.,rice-growing,experiments,breeding,key,breakthrough,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,As a result of this,Chinese rice production rose _ 47.5percent.The _ of the new rice is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.,by,yield,Write a

14、description about Yuan Longping(in 100 words).,Yuan Longping isHe was born and brought upWhen he was a boy,he was given the nicknameLater he studied then he began.He discoveredAs a result of his discovery,Homework,To solve difficult points,Careful reading,1.rice-growing 复合形容词,种植水稻的n.+现在分词(与所描述的人或事物之

15、间是逻辑上的主动关系)an English-speaking country a gold-mining group a paper-making factory peace-loving peoples,2.As a boy he was educated in schools and was given the nickname,”the student who asks question”.被动语态:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词 Thousands of people speak English.English is spoken by thousands of people.,被动语

16、态详解见M4P2 Grammar,3.He thought there was only one way to do this-by crossing different species of rice plant.by+v-ing形式 通过(表示某种方式)你可以通过尽可能多的练习来提高口语。You can improve your spoken English by practising as often as possible.他通过努力通过了考试。He passed the exam _ _ _.,by working hard,4.As a result of Yuan Longpin

17、gs discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s.由于袁隆平的发现,中国的水稻产量在20世纪90年代增长了47.5%。as a result of 由于 由于交通堵塞,他上学迟到了。He was late as a result of the traffic jam.,as a result of&as a result The plate moved toward the west.As a result,earthquake broke out.As a result of the moveme

18、nt of the plate,earthquake broke out.,5.earn a living谋生,维持生活:Tom could hardly earn a living.汤姆难于维持生计。He earned a living by teaching.他以教书为生。earn a living也可作earn ones living,类似短语还有gain a living/get a living/make a living/earn ones keep/earn ones bread。,6.kind,sort,species,type“种类”区别kind指同种类的东西,用来指具有共同

19、特征 而放在一起的一群人或物或说话人对某 事物在某方面有相像之处的一种看法;sort指大体相似的东西,有时用于贬义判断;species指相同种类的生物;type表示某一类事物分出的不同类型,表示“型、类型、样式”。What _ of bicycle do you want?This is the book of a different _.Hes the _ of person I really dislike.,type,kind,sort,1.We call the food that we eat regularly s_ food.2.A s_ plant is a plant whi

20、ch doesnt produce seeds.3.The Chinese government has taken active measure to encourage peasants to give a high y_.4.Most smokers are perfectly a_ of the dangers of smoking.5.We must e_ more food ourselves and import less.,taple,terile,ield,ware,xport,Quiz 1,6.Our country has made a great(突破)_ in exp

21、loring the Antarctica.7.The whole office _(换了)a new computer system last year.8.He is _(受害者)of the bad circumstances.9.Hawkings work was in the area of _(宇宙学).10.The escape of _(辐射)from the nuclear power plant caused great damage to this area.,breakthrough,converted,victim,cosmology,radiation,1.-How

22、 do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?-_ is to meet the demand made by the customers.2.The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200.This meant _ 20 percent.,The key to solving the problem,it has risen by,Quiz 2,Quiz 3,Translation,1.There is a new probl

23、em involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved.关于私家车普及所产生的新问题是,公 路状况需要改善。2.电子邮件在社会交往中所起的作用越来越大。E-mails are playing a more and more important part in social communication.,3.一般说来,大城市的街道清洁工是按小时计酬。Generally speaking,street cleaners in big cities usually get paid

24、by the hour.4.检查你的作文确保它易于阅读,结构完整,文字简练。Check your composition to make sure that it is easy to read,well-organizedand brief.,5.他获得作家的名气靠得是作品的数量而非质量。His reputation as a writer depends more on quantity than quality.6.他总是心不在焉的。难怪老是犯错误。He is always absent-minded.No wonder he keeps making mistakes.,Text analysis,Thank you!,


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