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2、s,characters,folks代替(people,persons):positive,favorable,rosy(美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect,pleasurable,excellent,outstanding代替good:dreadful,unfavorable,poor,adverse(有害的)代替bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive代替.more and more=an increasing number of/a growing number of more and more important=increasingl

3、y important,适当使用被动来代替主动,这样更能客观地反映事实。句子开头不能总是用I,my等。不用 We should take effective measures to 而用 Effective measures should be taken to 善于使用连接词或插入语,例如 however,therefore,for example等。Some hold the opinion that 换成Other individuals,however,take the attitude that 别看一个小小的连接词,有时候作用很大的。今后都是扫描阅卷,卷面一定要整洁,字数只能多不能

4、少。,结构要清晰结尾要点题卷面要整洁忌用没有把握的词多用连接性的单词多用长句,少用短句注意审题,拟好提纲利用提示,调整扩充写好第一句话,留个良好印象文章忌讳太长,容易引起反感如有可能,适当加上一两句名言或是谚语,以显示你见识的广博。,写作备考指南首段写法,(1)谚语法,由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。例如:As the saying(proverb)goes,“Haste makes waste.”We are now living in an age of rapid pace and high efficiency.Everyone wants to

5、set the quickest result within the shortest time.But if too much emphasis is laid upon speed,people will ignore the quality of what they are doing,and thus yield unsatisfying results.常用的句型有:There is an old saying thatPeople often sayIt is often quoted thatOne of the great men once said that,(2)定义法,定

6、义法是通过对文章中的关键词做一些简单或正面或反面的解释,限定其范围,这样比较有利于引出主题。例如:Fashion means a general tendency among people in a certain society,for example,their common interest in clothes,in one type of hair style and so on.Some people like fashion.常用的句型有:Sth is/is called/is considered to be/is taken to be/refers to/means/sig

7、nifies,(3)提问法,通过提问一个或一连串的问题,可以激发读者的兴趣,从而引出主题。例如:Do you have many friends?Are they similar to you or different from you?Which kind of friends do you prefer?,(4)现象描述法,概括法指先总结文章内容所涉及的现状,然后引出主题。例如:In recent years,while our industries and businesses have developed quickly,the number of trees in many big

8、cities has dramatically reduced.Efforts are being made to prevent people from cutting more trees,but to realize the significance of making cities greener is of importance.,(5)主题句开篇法,即开门见山直接陈述主题。例如:As a human being,one can hardly do without a friend.Society is made up of individuals,and making friend

9、s is a very important part of our life.Friends can give you a lot.,(6)故事法,故事法指用简单有趣的故事激发读者的兴趣,从而提出自己的观点。例如:Most of us may have such experiences:when you go to some place far away from the city where you live and think you know nobody there,you are supposed to find that you run into one of your old c

10、lassmates on the streets,perhaps both of you would cry out:“What a small world!”,(7)引语法,例如:Just as eating without liking harms the health,learning without interest harms the memory and cant be retained.From Vincis words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning.,(8

11、)调查法,为了得到读者的认可,文章的开始可以引出调查数据等,借以提出主题。例如:It was reported that scientific studies had been made to determine whether smoking was a hazard to health.Evidence had shown that there was a serious health risk.,(9)假设法,假设法是指通过假设提出一种选择,交代文章要涉及的问题,从而提出文章的主题。例如:Suppose you were offered two jobs,one is highly-pa

12、id but rather demanding,the other is less demanding,but poorly-paid,which would you prefer?,(10)间接开头法,常用的句型有:People often say that,but I think it is not true.Some people say/believe/hold the view/claim/suggest that Others criticize./point out/maintain/argue thatNowadays it is universally/generally a

13、dmitted/acknowledged/accepted/held that,写作备考指南结尾段写法,(1)重述或总结主题,重述主题指于结论处以另外一种表达方式重申主题,与首段照应。例如:Influence on Young Adults一文的开头段是:The process of growing up is very complex for every person.Among countless factors which influence a persons growth,there are two conspicuous aspects:the family and the fri

14、ends.结尾段:Families offer us warmth and care.Friends give us strength and horizon.They both help us understand the world as it is.Both of them are the dearest parts in our life.,(2)提出建议,例如:Since postcards do us more harm than good,since we have many other ways to convey our feelings and promote our fr

15、iendship,I hope everyone will take actions now to stop using postcards.,(3)概括总结,例如:To sum up,in order to keep the respectable life,the students ought to behave well according to the four rules mentioned above:1.be ambitious;2.be broadminded;3.be brave;and 4.be honest.,(4)提出预测和希望,例如:In a word,TV adve

16、rtisement,I think,are a newborn thing in the development of our economy,of course,there is much room for improvement in the TV ads.I believe the TV ads will benefit both the advertisers and consumers.,词义辨析,alternative,choice,preferencehole,cave,cavity,den,excavation,hollow,pitmill,factory,plant,work

17、sabsurd,foolish,silly,ridiculousinevitable,unavoidable mist,fog,smog,vapor perfume,fragrance,大学英语四六级考试写作实例,主讲:林明金,The Global Shortage of Fresh Water,Most people believe that the supply of fresh water on the earth is inexhaustible.City dwellers are used to having as much clean water as they want comi

18、ng out of the kitchen tap.And if you go into the countryside in most places you will see a wide variety of sources of water rivers,wells,and even glaciers.It seems that they could never be used up.But the truth is that the world is short of fresh water.The rapid growth of the rural population,the ri

19、sing demand for water by industry and the increasing rate of pollution of water sources means that there is a global threat of massive water shortages.Already in some major cities there is not enough fresh water to satisfy the daily needs of their inhabitants.Therefore,it is an urgent task for us to

20、 find new ways to save water.First,we should be careful not to waste water.Second,scientists should be encouraged to improve methods of desalinating seawater and purifying polluted water.And third,industry must make extra efforts to reduce the use of fresh water.,Global Shortage of Fresh Water,Peopl

21、e often think that water will never be used up.There is plenty of water,such as rain,water from the rivers and wells.It seems as if water is always available around us and we never have to worry about water shortage.In fact,water is rather limited on the earth.With the rapid increase of population a

22、nd fast development of industries,water is more needed than before.At the same time,a large amount of water has been polluted and wasted every day.Some big cities in China are facing the problem of water shortage already.There,water supply is controlled and industry has been restrained.What should w

23、e do about the water shortage?I think,first,the people should be made aware of the real situation about the water.Everyone should consciously save water.Besides,certain law should be made to prevent water from being polluted.We have to protect the existing water resources and develop new ones.In thi

24、s way I believe that our cities will not be thirsty for water in the future.,Smoking and Health,It was reported that scientific studies had been made to determine whether smoking was a hazard to health.Evidence had shown that there was a serious health risk.Cigarette smoking is believed by,most rese

25、arch workers in this field to be a n important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and tat of a throat.It also affects the heart and blood vessels.Smokers die much often of heart disease.While all tobacco smoking affects peoples health,cigarette smoking seems to have a much greater effe

26、ct than cigar or pipe smoking.However,the taking in of nicotine is not reduced by the latter forms.Scientific research indicates that filters and low tar tobacco are to make smoking to some extent safer.They can only reduce hazards by a very small degree,but they cannot remove them altogether.So,a g

27、reat number of doctors and researchers think that smoking is a dangerous thing.“Give up smoking.If you dont smoke,dont start,”they say.,Smoking,It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for peoples health.Scientific researches show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.

28、The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.Still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given

29、up.Another reason is the effect of nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking.In many cities,smoking is forbidden in public places.The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere.And newspap

30、ers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes.World No Tobacco Day is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking.,The Taxi in Big Cities,Needless to say,taxi brings us convenience.You may have the experience to be packed like a canned sardine in a crowded bus,exhausted,

31、bored and desperate.It is quite different when you sit in a taxi.First,it usually runs faster and can take you wherever you want to go.Second,it is more comfortable especially for children and senior citizens.Meanwhile,taxi also brings us some trouble.The increasing number of taxis makes the streets

32、 more and more crowded.What is more,most citizens cant afford to take it.On the one hand,it is a little bit expensive for the mass to take taxi.On the other hand,some taxi drivers often refuse to pick up those who want to go to a distance place.In my opinion,taxi should be encouraged and controlled

33、to make it a real facility of the public by strengthening its administration.,The Taxi in Big Cities,Nowadays,in many big cities taxis have become an important transport means.They offer quick and convenient service to the city people.For example,if you need to get to the center of the city quickly

34、for a meeting,a taxi can take you there on time.When someone is sick,a taxi can take him to hospital in a minute.But,some problems exist service.From time to time,some taxi drivers refused passengers,who would take a short distance trip from which the drivers cant make much money.And some taxi drive

35、rs overcharge the passengers.To solve these problems,I would like to suggest that passengers should take down the taxis number and report to the organization concerned.The city government should also make regular check-up on the taxi.At the same time,a kind of punishment should be given to those who

36、 have violated certain regulations.In this way,the situation will be improved.,Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport运动的积极因素;运动的消极因素你的体会。,Sample 1Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports,Sports benefit us in many respects.When taking part in sports,we get the chance to train almost all parts of our b

37、odies.There is no doubt that proper sports activities keep our physical fitness.Furthermore,sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health.Through participation,everyone can learn that on the playground he not only struggles for himself but also fights for his team.Sports teach us

38、about consideration,cooperation and optimism to failure.But sports can do some harm to those who cannot plan their activities properly.Too hard training may hurt their bodies,exhaust their vigor,and even cause them to become sick.In general,I love sports.I enjoy sports.For sports not only help me to

39、 live a well-balanced life,but also provide me with opportunities to get closer to nature.Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I perform in a decent way.,Sample 2,Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.In collective

40、 sports like basketball,volleyball,or football,we will learn the importance of cooperation.While taking part in sports game,we will try our best to win and arouse in ourselves the competitive spirit.Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausted work.As the saying goes,“every coin has two

41、 sides.”We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.On the other hand,excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.Generally speaking,I love sports.I feel that sports make me healthy both physically and psychologically.I have

42、also made friends and gained much pleasure through taking part in sports activities.,Sample 3,Sports benefit us in many respects.When taking part in sports,we get the chance to train almost all parts of our body.There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit.Furt

43、hermore,sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health.Through participation,everyone can learn that on the playing field he not only competes for himself but also for his team.Sports teach us about consideration,cooperation and optimism,and how to cope with difficulties.But sports

44、 can do harm to those people who cannot balance their activities properly.Training too hard may hurt their body,exhaust their energy and even make them disabled.Personally,I love sports.I enjoy participating in sports.I feel that I not only gain a well-balanced life through sports,but also get more

45、chances to move closer to nature.Sports have really added happiness to my daily life.,Practice Makes Perfect怎样理解”熟能生巧”?例如:在英语学习中.又如.,Sample 1,Practice is the key to success in all fields of activity.It is practice alone that enables us to build up speed and efficiency.When we accomplish something pe

46、rfectly without wasting effort,this is the result of long practice.Take the study of English,for example.Only practice can enable us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar.And it is only through practice that we can become fluent in speaking and writing;there is no other way.Anothe

47、r good example is sports.Practice is the only way to become stronger and run faster.Besides,in team games practice is what improves our sense of cooperation and helps the team to win.To sum up,there can be no achievement which is not based on a solid foundation of practice.,Sample 2,The famous sayin

48、g“Practice makes perfect”is widely accepted today.It means if we practice unfamiliar things again and again,well be able to perform it perfectly.The practice of learning English is a good example.We are not living in an English speaking country.So,in order to learn it well,we need extra practice,suc

49、h as reading English books,going to English corners,or communicating with foreigners.Only sitting at the desk cannot lead to the mastery of English.As another example,if we want to be skilled in using the computer,we also need to practice using it.Some children become little experts in computer,just

50、 because they play with it everyday.On the contrary,if we just stick to books,we will still feel confused when using computers.Judging from the evidence offered,we might safely draw the conclusion that practice makes perfect.,The Effect of Personal Computers on Kids,In the effort to create an extra-


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