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1、实用文体与翻译,目 录,新闻话语,广告话语,外交话语,新闻话语的特点,具体性,1,明确性,2,简练性,3,通俗性,4,生动性,5,1、具体性,时间、地点、人物、事件经过及原因结果。e.g An Israeli warplane dropped a 2,000-pound bomb on the home of one of Hamas top five decision-makers Thursday,January 1,2009,instantly killing him and 18 others,while the Isreali army said troops massed on t

2、he Gaza border were ready for any order to invade.,2、明确性,时间、数量、程度需明确。e.g 12 hours before that,Bankok ringed in the New Year with a tragic fire that killed at least 59 revelers in a popular nightclub and left about 200 with burns and injuries.,3、简练性,1)一条新闻,一件事实。2)直接写事实,无过多解释。a.多用简短小词e.g,b.用语简单通俗,c.剔除

3、多余用词,4、通俗性,语言需更接近口语e.g The firms promised to compensate the victims and cover all expenses for their medical treatment,the message said.The 22 companies have established a compensation fund for the victims of the melamine-contaminated milk.,5、生动性,生动形象富有特色The girls swarm around celebraties to talk th

4、eir photos.The girls gather around celebraties to talk their photos.,新闻话语与翻译,例1:中国的班禅喇嘛在北京罕见露面。Chinas Panchen Lama makes rare appearance in Beijing.例2:这导致浪莎在沃尔玛无利可图甚至小幅亏损。先拿下大订单再考虑利润,这条道路显然走不通了。.The strategy of first winning the big order and considering profits later has consequently turned out to

5、be a damp squib.,例3:Trying to pass another car while travelling at high speed brought serious injury to two men last night when their automobile overturned twice on Washington Boulevard at Potter Avenue.昨晚,两名驾车男子在波特大街的华盛顿大道口发生车祸,严重受伤。车子在试图高速超越另一辆车时连打了两个滚。,广告,advertise,源于拉丁语advertere,意为唤起大众对某种事物注意的一种

6、手段。,1、简练性,朗朗上口,通俗易懂。例1:Ask for more.例2:Obey your thirst.例3:Good to the last drop.(麦氏咖啡)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。例4:Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒脑喝七喜。例5:Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。,2、生动性,生动形象,吸引注意。e.g For twogether the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.为两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包在单人费用之内。Come to where

7、 the flavor is,Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境万宝路世界。,广告话语与翻译,Just do it.只管去做。We lead,others copy.我们领先,他人效仿。理光复印机Start ahead.成功之路,从头开始。A diamond lasts forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。,外交话语:措辞犀利又不失谨慎文雅,外交话语的翻译,例1、我们将进一步提高对外开放的水平,有步骤的开放金融等服务领域。We will further deepen the opening-up and gradually open our service sector suc

8、h as banking.,例2、今天上午,我同贵国总理和外长等领导人进行了会晤。,今天上午,我同贵国总理和外长等领导人进行了会晤。译文1.This morning,I met their Excellencies Prime Minister and Foreign Minister separately.译文2.This morning,I met their Excellencies Prime Minister and Foreign Minister and other leaders.,例3、尽管反华言论急剧升级(尤其是在民主党候选人当中),也尚未达到20世纪八十年代席卷美国政界的“恐日”程度。Although the level of rhetoric against China has risen sharplyparticularly among Democratic candidates-it hasnt yet to reach the pitch of the Japanic that swept US politics in the late 1980s.,THANKS,(*_*),


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