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1、1,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,课程公约,空杯心态 手机置静音 勿开小会 举手发言 积极讨论 认真听取他人发言 记笔记(要点、领悟、行动),2,学习的含义,Communication for Results沟通与协调,光是吸收知识、信息不是学习,真正的学习必定是修正行为,也就是修行、修炼的意思。,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,3,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communicat

2、ion for Results,一个人想要成功!百分之十五依靠他的专业技能,但百分之八十五要依赖他待人处事的人际关系(沟通)能力!-戴尔.卡内基,4,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,课程安排,第一章 沟通的基本原理第二章 现代商务活动中的有效沟通第三章 如何写电子邮件,5,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,第一章:沟通的基本原理,人为什么要沟通?沟通为什么那么难?什么是沟通?,6,思

3、考?,Communication for Results沟通与协调,他在说什么啊?我凭什么要听他的?,我说了那么多你还不懂,你这人太笨了!,7,思考:两个极端的人?,Communication for Results沟通与协调,请用10个词语形容最容易交流的人?请用10个词语形容最难交流的人?总结:共同点,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,8,我是怎样一个人?,Communication for Results沟通与协调,如果你的同事形容你,又会用到哪些词呢?菲尔博士的人格测试,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Resul

4、ts,9,(一)、沟通的定义,Communication for Results沟通与协调,沟通的定义:发送方将“信息”传递给接收方,然后收到接收方的反馈.沟通是一个双向传递的过程.,听说问,沟 信息 通(现状)(工具)(结果)Communication communis share/common,11,(二)、沟通的目的,Communication for Results沟通与协调,1)将”信息”传递出去2)被理解3)被接收4)得到答复性的行动,12,沟通=?,Communication for Results沟通与协调,全世界有_%的人拥有95%的财富与权力更有_%的人拥有50%以上的财富

5、与权力这部分人之所以成功,主要源于他们善于沟通,5,1,13,交流中的”漏斗”,Communication for Results沟通与协调,我所知道的我所想说的我所说的他所想听的他所听到的他所理解的他所接受的他所记住的,100%90%70%,1%-5%,20%,14,沟通的真谛,被听到 to be heard 听到 hear 听 listen 会说 how to speak说 speak,15,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,第二章:现代商务活动中的有效沟通,怎样沟通?有效沟通的必要条

6、件是什么?,16,(一).沟通的方式,Communication for Results沟通与协调,17,(一).沟通的方式,Communication for Results沟通与协调,面对面的沟通 电话沟通 书面沟通(信函、传真、电子邮件、便签、留言条等),18,沟通的三个阶段,Communication for Results沟通与协调,准备阶段 传递阶段 确认阶段,19,A.准备阶段,Communication for Results沟通与协调,在进行沟通之前,首先确定您沟通的动机您的接收方是谁(听众)您要传递什么信息哪种沟通模式对发送方传递信息内容和意图、对接收方都比较合适哪种沟通模

7、式对您比较适合(发送方)何时何地进行好,20,Communication for Results沟通与协调,这看上去挺简单的要点,然后失败的沟通往往是因为当事人没有很好执行这些注意项目,忽略了其中的某一点或几点。,21,B.选择信息传递的方式,Communication for Results沟通与协调,将您采用的传递方式称为“模式”的话,这个“模式”由以下因素决定:,1)是否最能传递你的信息2)是否方便3)接收方的数量4)具体的接收方是谁5)接收方在那里6)费用,22,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for

8、Results,看电影肖申克的救赎片段 Morgan Freeman 假释成功 Andy和狱警长交上朋友思考与讨论有效沟通的必要条件是什么,23,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,有效沟通的必要条件,沟通主体的成熟人格从对方利益点出发 win/lose win/win尽一切可能的简单,24,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,第三章:如何写电子邮件,人为什么要沟通?沟通为什么那么难?什么

9、是沟通?,25,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,(一)为什么电邮水平很重要?,代表着公司的形象显示着公司的管理水平、实力直接影响到客户对公司的感受-评估-信心,26,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,(二)怎样才是一封好的邮件General tips,案例,例一,尊敬的王女士:主题:对于合并问题的答复全程参加了我司上周的讨论以后,我很高兴的通知您,到4月15日我们就成为豪恩公司的合资



12、择是什么?,哪一封信对于读者来说是来更友好的?哪一封信使你能更快地找到答案?你更愿意读哪一封信?,通过主题传递了最主要的信息标题就表达了全部内容,因此不必阅读整封信就可以获得关键信息作者在段落间留了的空隙,因此文章对比强烈,也利于读者眼睛的休息段落短小、易懂、易读。句子短小、简单、易懂。主要信息是用数字列表表示的。,31,导致商务信件失败的细节,Communication for Results沟通与协调,外观不整洁拼写错误长篇大论,词不达意文字之间没有层次分段字面的论战练习:信函结构框架,32,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Commu

13、nication for Results,General Tips,Use a“subject line”that summarizes briefly and clearly the content of the message.Your email may be one of hundreds on the recipients computer,and you want them to read it when it arrives and then find it again easily in their files.,33,Communication for Results沟通与协

14、调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,General Tips,2.Use short,simple sentences.Long sentences are often difficult to read and understand.The most common mistake for learners of English is to translate directly from their own language.Usually the result is a complicated,confusing sentence.,34,Com

15、munication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,General Tips,3.One subject per email is best.The other person can reply to an email about one thing,delete it,and leave another email in their“inbox”that needs more time.,35,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication f

16、or Results,General Tips,4.Be very careful with jokes,irony,personal comments etc.Humor rarely translates well from one culture to another.If you are angry,wait for 24 hours before you write.Once you press“Send”you cannot get your email back.Only write what you would be comfortable saying to the pers

17、ons face.,36,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,(三)电子邮件写作基础,1)格式2)内容3)语言,1)电邮的通常格式,From:写信人电子邮件地址To:收信人电子邮件地址 Cc:抄送收信人电子邮件地址主题摘要(Subject)URGENT急件标示方法称呼 Dear XXX(Salutation)开头(Beginning)正文(Body)(Reasons for writing)(Request for action)结尾(Ending)Sincerely,礼貌结束语(Compl

18、imentary Close)写信人全名(Writers Full Name)Director,Marketing Dept.写信人职务及所属部门(Writers Title and Department)Burton&,Body-introduction/reference,Your kind letter of Saturday arrived this morning.I have the pleasure of informing you thatWith great delight I learn thatI am writing to ask if you can do me

19、 a favor.I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your last letter,butAs I have not heard from you for so long,I feel anxious.What a surprise it was to get a letter from you after all this time!How nice it was to hear from you at last.Thank you/Many thanks for your letter of June 3rd.,Usually

20、used expressions,Body-conclusion,If you want more information,please be sure to write me again.Thanks again for your kind thought.Looking forward to seeing/hearing from you soon.Please give my love/regards/best wishes to,Usually used expressions,格式要点,形成视觉框:在邮件的四周留下不少于2厘米的空白。这些空白在文字周围形成了一个视觉框。把段落限制在5

21、-7行内,段落间留出双倍行距。标题全部使用粗体。重要信息用列表表示,但不要太多。并不是所有的邮件系统格式都相同,要注意电子邮件中的图表往往会出错。可以把图表按附件发送。,2)内容(结构模型),情境 1-3句话,写数字或者对方熟知的事实冲突 问题点,危害双方的什么利益?解决方案 挽回双方的什么利益?要求 希望对方做什么动作/反馈?,签名,根据签名的大小,留下四至五行的空格。千万别忘记了签名秘书或助理代写的信,主管一定要审核后签名,这是对客户和收信人的尊重。如果忘记签名,收信人会怎么想?,签名(例一),人事行政部/张楠公司:深圳市豪恩电声科技有限公司地址:深圳市宝安区龙华镇同富裕工业园17栋邮编:

22、518109电话:86-755-28030775传真:86-755-28030747邮箱:网址:日期:2005-06-20 09:37:14,签名(例二),黄 英 Huang Ying 竞越顾问公司(深圳)公开课程部地址:深圳市南山区桃园路171号发展银行大厦 11C 室电话:(86 755)2606 3457/2656 4459-公开课程部传真:(86 755)2656 5143邮箱:网址:竞越学习,快乐无比!,发送附件要考虑对方能否阅读该文件。给人细心、体贴的感觉,而且让人意识到这个文件的重要性。小心使用附件功能:附件越大,下载时间就越长,占用收件人电脑空间就越多。有些附件可能毫无必要,也

23、许收件人已经有了。传真或者邮寄那些冗长的附件。,附件,3)语言4C rules,To write an email with the best effect,you may follow the 4C rules.,Clear 清楚Concise 简洁Correct 准确Courteous 礼貌,Clear 清楚,Try to avoid long involved paragraphs,Concise 简洁,To be a concise email writer,you should start now to eliminate clutter or nonsense words and

24、phrases,repetition and redundancies.,Correct 准确,Pay attention to your spelling and avoid vague expressions.,Do wholesale has a positive impact?,This will give us enough time to reach some meaningful conclusions.,Does wholesale increase our profits.,This will give us enough time to determine our budg

25、et.,We will deliver your goods soon.,We will be able to deliver your goods hopefully by the end of June.,Courtesy plays a key part in helping you gain your ends.,Avoid insults and sarcasm.Avoid rude demands.Avoid negative implications.,Do you think you could possibly send me the correct size this ti

26、me?,Would you please replace the dress with one of the correct size?,I want you to send me,I need a copy of,Would you please send me,I take the position that,I think youll find that,Courtesy 礼貌,Courtesy plays a key part in helping you gain your ends.,Avoid suspicion.,We received the email of 7 May i

27、n which you claimed that the robot was faulty at the time of purchase.,We have noticed in your email of 7 May that the machine was faulty at the time of purchase.,If the commodities were damaged in transit,as you allege,we will be responsible for them.,As you mentioned the commodities were damaged i

28、n transit,we will be responsible for them.,Courtesy plays a key part in helping you gain your ends.,Avoid blaming,Obviously,you forgot to send us the report by registered mail.,We did request that you send us by registered mail.,Why didnt you read the instruction before using the machine?,You are re

29、quested to read the instruction before using the machine.,Courtesy plays a key part in helping you gain your ends.,Avoid talking down.,In a company as large as ours,we seldom take an order of less than 2000 items.,Please notice that it is not our common practice to take an order of less than 2000 it

30、ems.,You must visit our office next week.,Please visit our office next Tuesday.,Being direct and brief or being indirect and polite Compare these two emails:,Subject:My ideas following last Fridays meetingIn the attached Word document youll find my thoughts about the marketing plan that we discussed

31、 in last Fridays meeting,and in particular my response to Jennys points about needing a new type of packaging to appeal to a younger age group.I think she raised some important issues,and so Im circulating these ideas to everyone who was present at the meeting.Please insert your comments in the atta

32、ched document and email it back to me as soon as possible.Subject:Ideas for packagingWe need a new type of packaging as we all agreed in the last meeting.My ideas are in the attached document.Comments please asap.,Direct or indirect comparison,Can/Could you?(request)Can/Could I?(permission)Can I/Sha

33、ll I?(offering help)What about/Shall we?(sugg)Could you possibly/I was wondering if you couldI wonder if I could/Is it all right if I Do you need any help with/would you like me toPerhaps we should/Why dont we,练习:,案例介绍:由于市场原因,TG客户从2011年11月起有大批货柜滞港,在目的港产生高昂滞港费和码头费。2月26日,客户来电话说,近期收到的4个柜MSC的提单,船公司拒绝像往常一样对滞港费打20-30%折扣,4个柜需要支付约15,500美元费用。客户请求我们协助。此时,客户对方码头还有MSC公司约43个柜已经超过船公司给予的28天免堆期,并产生更多滞港费。,57,Communication for Results沟通与协调,有效商务沟通之电子邮件写作Communication for Results,Thank you!,


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