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1、Unit5 lets celebrate,Grammar,Have a free talkWhen do you usually get up?How do you usually go to school?Which is your favourite subject?Why do you like it?What do you do after school?,Hello,boys and girls!我的名字叫特殊疑问句。我的特点是用疑问词开头,由于疑问词是w或h作词首,所以有人给我起了个绰号WH疑问句。我的用途是对句子的某一成分进行提问,问具体的人或事、时间、地点、原因等,因此不能用y

2、es或no来进行简单回答。Z x x k,认识,When WhereWhoWhoseWhatWhichWhyWhat colorWhat time,谁什么时候谁的什么哪一个哪里什么颜色几点为什么,检测,how how manyhow much how oftenhow old,多少(数量)多少(价钱)怎样,如何多大,几岁多久一次,特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句Z x x k一般疑问句是指:be动词/助动词/情态动词开头的句子Eg.Are you a student?Do you like English?Can you swim?,(Special question),what

3、-Activity or thing(对行为和事物提问)。eg:a book,read books,swim etc e.g.1.“What are you talking about?”“你们在谈什么?”“We are talking about our family.”“我们在谈论我们 的家庭情况。”2.“What do you usually do at the weekend?”“你在周末经常干什么?”“I usually do some housework.”备注:对动词词组提问,特殊疑问词用what 动词词组要用do 替代。,which-Thing or person(对特定的人或

4、事物提问)。e.g“Which man is your English teacher?”“The man in white.”The bike under the tree is Toms.Which bike is Toms?备注:对紧随名词之后的介词短语进行提问用,He often swims in summer.What does he often do in summer?,练习,.The car in the park is new.Which car is new?2.I like the short ruler.Which ruler do you like?3.He like

5、s playing computer games.What does he like doing?4.There is a desk in the room.Whats in the room?,who-Person(对人提问)e.g“Who will visit you tomorrow?”“My father.”“明天谁来看你?”“我爸爸。”,whose-Possession(对人的所有关系提问)e.g“Whose book is this?”“It is my brothers.”“这是谁的书?”“是我弟弟的。”备注:对 my,your,his,her,our,their,its Tom

6、s,my fathers(名词所有格)mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs,its提问都要用whose,when-Time(对时间提问)e.g“When will you finish your homework?”“Tomorrow.”备注:时间短语有:in the morning/afternoon/evening in 2012,in spring/summer/autumn/winter at four,on Sunday/Tuesday,at night,on 31st may,etc.Z xx k1.Our school starts at 7:30 a.

7、m.When does your school start?2.My mother goes shopping on Sunday.When does your mother go shopping?3.We have a party on the evening of 31st,October.When do you have a party?,where-Place(对地点提问)e.g“Where do you study?”“你在哪儿读书?”“In Shanghai.”“在上海。”,why-reason(对原因提问)e.g“Why are you late?”“你为什么迟到?”“Beca

8、use I missed the bus.”“因为我没赶 上公共汽车。”,想想还缺了哪个疑问词呢?,Lets see the family of“how”,1.I go to school by bus.2.She is twelve.3.There are more than forty students in our class.4.There is some bread on the plate.,How do you go to school?,How old is she?,How many students are there in your class?,How much bre

9、ad is there on the plate?,5.Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.6.Ill bring it here in a minute.Z x x k7.Jim plays with his dog for about two hours on Sunday.8.My school from my home is 2 kilometres,How soon will you bring it here?,How long does Jim play with his dog on Sunday?,How often do

10、es Millie go to the Reading Club?,How far is the school from your home?,多长时间,多久,多远,How的总结,1 how对 by bus/car/bike/train/plane,on foottake a bus,walk,ride等方式提问。e.g:He walks to school.How does he go to school?2 How old 多大了,对年龄进行提问3 How many可数名词复数 对可数名词的数量进行提问 How much 不可数名词 对不可数名词的量进行提问,How often 多久一次

11、对频率进行提问e.g:always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never once a day,twice a week,three times a month,four times a year,every day/Monday/TuesdayHow long 多长时间 对时间段提问,for 时间段e.g:for half an hour,two days,three years,twenty minutesHow soon 对in 时间段提问e.g:in a day,in two weeks,in three years 等提问How far 多远 对距

12、离提问e.g:2 kilometres,Lets see the family of“how”,1.I go to school by bus.2.She is twelve.3.Jim plays with his dog for about two hours on Sunday.4.Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.,How do you go to school?,How old is she?,How long does Jim play with his dog on Sunday?,How often does Millie

13、 go to the Reading Club?,5.There are more than forty students in our class.6.There is some bread on the plate.7.Mike is 1.35 meters tall.Z xx k,How many students are there in your class?,How much bread is there on the plate.,How tall is Mike?,3._ is that girl in a red coat?,4._ does he want for Chri

14、stmas?,Its on the ground floor.,Who,Thats kitty!,What,He wants a toy train.,Its Amys,2._ mask is this?,1._ is your classroom?,Where,Whose,Part B,5._ present is for Daniel?,6._ do you celebrate Christmas?,Which,The blue one.,How,Family members get together and give each presents.,Its on 1 August.,8._

15、 do you want rice dumplings?,7._ is your birthday?,When,Why,Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming!,Millie:What a nice cake!_ birthday is it today?Amy:Its my birthday,Millie.Millie:Happy birthday,Amy!_ do you usually celebrate your birthday?Amy:We go out for a birthday dinner.Millie:_ goes to yo

16、ur birthday dinner?,Whose,How,Who,Part C,Amy:My grandparents,aunts,uncles,and cousins.Millie:I see._ do you have the dinner?Amy:At a restaurant near my home.Millie:_ do you get as birthday presents.Amy:Books,clothes,shoes,toys,and some other nice things.,Where,What,Exercises:针对下列划线部分提问,1.We are goin

17、g to Hainan Island.2.Chinese New Year this year is in February.3.Kitty is wearing a special costume.4.I want a skateboard for Christmas.,Where are you going?,When is Chinese New Year?,Who is wearing a special costume?,What do you want for Christmas?,5.We are going to Hainan Island.6.Chinese New Year

18、 this year is in February.7.Kitty is wearing a special costume.8.I want a skateboard for Christmas.,Where are you going?,When is Chinese New Year?,Who is wearing a special costume?,What do you want for Christmas?,9.Daniel is in the kitchen.10.We celebrate by giving presents.11.My birthday is on 14th

19、 August.12.I am going to buy moon cakes because the Mid-autumn Festival is coming.,Where is Daniel?,How do we celebrate?Z xx k,When is your birthday?,Why are you going to buy moon cakes?,Millie:_are we going to Harbin?Mum:10th February.Millie:_s the weather like in Harbin at that time?Mum:Its very c

20、old.Millie:_are we going to stay in Harbin?Mum:In Grandmas big house.Millie:_does Grandma like eating?Mum:She likes biscuits very much.Millie:_do we need that big bag?Mum:Its because we need to take lots of things to Harbin.,when,what,where,what,why,Try to complete the dialogue,尝试练习一:就划线部分提问 My name

21、 is Tom.I am 13 years old.I usually get up at 6:00.My grandparents live in Shanghai.5.There are three pencils in my bag.,What,Where,How many,WhenWhat time,How old,尝试练习二:用所给的疑问词填空。is the bike?-It is 200 yuan.2.-are you going to buy?-Im going to buy some books.3.does your father help with?-Liu Yun.4.a

22、re you going?-The shopping mall.5.days are there in a week?-7 days.,What,How much,Where,Who,How many,who,what,how much,where,how many,演练二:Ann is from Washington,America.Shes 11 years old.Table tennis is her favorite game.She often plays with her friends after school.She plays table tennis at school.

23、She won the first prize at school last year.Miss White is her Chinese teacher.1.Where is Ann from?2.What game is her favorite game?3.Who does she often play with?4.When does she play table tennis?5.Where does she play table tennis?,Sam was very busy yesterday.He was watching the morning news at seve

24、n at home.He had a meeting at nine thirty.He went to the hospital to see a friend at two.At half past three,he read a book in his office.He played basketball with friends at five.He was tired.1.How was Sam yesterday?2.What was he doing at seven?3.Where did he read the book?4.Why did he go to the hospital?5.What did he do at five?,


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