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1、广州市教育研究院 镇祝桂,高考英语短文改错分析及教学建议,一、为何考?,数据:全国卷一直使用此题型;技术层面:客观性、公平性(能产生适中的难度和理想的区分度),答案尽可能唯一。更合理题型应该具有可行性方面的效益:1.比选择题更客观(试题要有明确的最佳答案)2.易批阅:答案的(1)唯一(2)简洁3.考试的后效:“好的后效源自这样一个事实:应试者能答对的题就答得上,不会答的题就答不上。”“导致外语教育应试潮流的一个主要原因,就是具有导向作用的大学入学考试没有坚持使用正确的测试方法。”,一、为何考?,理论层面:1.“短文改错考查学生在语篇层面的纠错的能力,此能力被视为英语书面表达能力的组成部分,而纠

2、错是写作过程中不可缺少的一个环节。”即改错是写作过程的一环,改错应融入写作练习之中。2.从二语习得和对比语言学的角度来看,当学习者目标语的用法和母语的用法有差异的时候,学习者往往会出现错误。英语学习者如果能够系统地总结出中英文的用法差异,就能较容易识别出自己英语作文中以往所犯的各种错误,从而写出较为规范的英语作文。,一、为何考?,理论层面:3.Error analysis and error correction theories:“We learn through our errors.”e.g.Ferris(2004):a necessary component of L2 writing

3、 instruction;encourage students in cognitive problem-solving(as they attempt to self-edit);Students should be required to revise or re-edit their writing(after receiving feedback).;facilitate progress in accuracy;,一、为何考?,理论层面:4.The necessity of error correction:Fathman&Walley(1990)Ferris&Roberts(200


5、求:给出一篇约100个单词的短文,文中有10处错误,错误类型包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等。要求考生对每个句子进行判断,如有错即将其改正。试题的要求:增加(缺词):冠词、介词、连词、助动词、不定式符号to等等 删除(多词):(基本同上)修改(错词):,三、考什么?,2010-2016年全国I卷短文改错分析,三、考什么?,多词 漏词,与语法填空的关联!,附件:近四年所考的具体内容,2016全国卷I,My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.Though not very wherebig,but the restaurant

6、 is popular in our area.It is always crowded with customers At meal times.Some people even had to wait outside.My uncle tells me that the haveKey to his success is honest.Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high honesty andquality oil are using for cooking.My uncle says that he never dr

7、eams becoming rich used ofin the short period of time.Instead,he hopes that our business will grow steady.a his steadily,三、考什么?,词法:句法:主谓语在数上的一致;名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句、强调句型、句子结构的连贯性、完整性、对等性和逻辑性。e.g.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.语篇(行文逻辑):(难点)1.上下文的时态是否一致 e.g.I was onlyfour when she pa

8、sses away.2.上下文中的代词是否一致,主要是代词的格与数的错误。e.g.I was eager to see him,but outside her room I stopped.I got angry and broke it.3.上下文中的逻辑是否一致 e.g.:Before waiting for about half an hour,I was beginning to get impatiently.I learned that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.,错在哪里?为什么难?,I paid visit t

9、o Mr Johnson.The book Im reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain.He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town.I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.I was eager to see him,but outside her room I stopped.One day,little Tony wen

10、t to a shopping center with his parent.,What?,Read+Prove,Read a composition written by your partner.,Prove its correctness.,Easy,How?,Make the passage/sentences consistent!,Difficult?,e.g.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.(2015),四、怎样备考?,一致性-难点与突破点,

11、Proofreading,(以2014年卷I为例)Nearly five years before,and with the help by our father,my sister and I planted some cherry ago oftomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden.Since then-for all these year-we had been years haveallowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.Asresult,the plants are growing somewhere.a

12、 everywhereThe fruits are small in size,but juicy and taste.There are so much that we often share them with tasty manyour neighbors.Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year,but 删除but,或改为yetwe have never had any disease or insect attack problem.We are growing wonderfu

13、lly tomatoes at no cost!wonderful,How?,固定搭配,单复数一致,语义及逻辑关系一致,平行结构一致,指代一致,动词时态与时间状语一致,Consistency between verb tense and adverbial(时间状语与谓语动词的时态一致):e.g.I was onlyfour when she passes away.,2.Consistency in numbers(单复数一致):e.g.He was tall,with broad shoulder and a beard,3.Consistency in meaning and logic

14、(语义及逻辑关系一致):e.g.However,he was the gentlest man I have never known.,4.Consistency in parallel structure(平行结构一致):e.g.He is rich in wealth but _ in health.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sat by the lake,5.Consistency in reference(指代一致):e.g.I was eag

15、er to see him,but outside her room I stopped.I got angry and broke it.He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town.,6.Consistency between the subject and verb form(主谓一致:人称、数、时态、语态等)e.g.My dream school look like a big garden.,2.Consistency in numbers(单复数一致):e.g.He was tal

16、l,with broad shoulder and a beard,3.Consistency in meaning and logic(语义及逻辑关系一致):e.g.However,he was the gentlest man I have never known.,Consistency between verb tense and adverbial(时间状语与谓语动词的时态一致):e.g.I was onlyfour when she passes away.,5.Consistency in reference(指代一致):e.g.I was eager to see him,bu

17、t outside her room I stopped.I got angry and broke it.He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town.He hopes that our business will grow steadily.,6.Consistency between the subject and verb form(主谓一致:人称、数、时态语态等)e.g.My dream school look like a big garden.,4.Consistency in

18、parallel structure(平行结构一致):e.g.He is rich in wealth but _ in health.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sat by the lake,四、怎样备考?(思想上),学生的自我纠错能力很差,无法做到互评互改?教师在课堂上分析讲解语误类型和答题技巧?(亓鲁霞,2007)针对短文改错题进行(集中大量)操练的提分效果并不显著。如果放弃应试操练,把同样的时间用在按照教学大纲正常教学,鼓励学生多写多改英语,只

19、在临考前熟悉题型,学习效果或许更佳。,四、怎样备考?(行动上),语法基本功过关扩大语篇输入,增强对英语语言的敏感度 阅读数量与质量-语篇意识-语篇把握能力-语感强化语篇意识和衔接手段,培养语篇分析能力 1)基础语法知识的重要性与不足 2)利用上下文和语篇语境,兼顾一致性 3)语篇衔接知识综合训练短文写作与改错,提高语言表达的准确性。学生通过对写作词汇、句型与固定搭配的记忆和相关话题的写作训练,实现正确输出与行文的通畅连贯。这样既可以提高写作的得分率,同时也提高短文改错的得分率。另外,熟悉5种基本句型,也将有助于考生分析句子成分和抓句子主干,从而找到句子构成和词性混淆方面的错误。指导学生收集写作


21、比例。即多词1个,缺词1个,错词8个。2.核对改正的语法项目是否有重复。(短文改错往往覆盖面广,一般不会出现重复考查某个语法点的现象。?)3.核对答题符号是否规范,位置是否准确。无单词拼写错误、大小写错误、词序错误和标点符号错误。,短文改错 能做到每个人都答题规范吗?,提问:在答卷上,如果发现划错了单词,怎样纠正过来算符合答题规范?,短文改错的命题原则、方法及案例,一、选材,话题、内容:正面意义、积极导向;知识性、趣味性、文化特色语言:规范、得体、文章结构紧凑、有逻辑;无生僻词汇或概念,题材:个人情感与经历学习生活其它体裁:记叙文居多长度:约100个单词,意义或情节完整难度:短文的内容、文字较

22、简单,初、中级英语学习者写作时常犯的错误类型。目的:考查学生在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性,测试学生发现、判断和纠正语篇错误的能力。,二、设点,呈现形式:(例如,分行、不分行等)考点分布:词法:动词(含非谓语)、名词、形容词、副词、冠词、代词、介词、连词、时态、语态 句法:并列句、复合句、主谓一致等 行文逻辑:语篇层次、意义因素设点方式:多词、缺词、错词(删除、增加、修改)考点效度:考点层次:单词、词组、句子、语篇 焦点因素:语法、惯用搭配、意义,附:英语测试中的考点效度(考点层次+焦点因素),D=discourse语篇;S=sentence句子;P=phrase词组;W=word单词;M=me

23、aning意义;C=collocation惯用搭配;G=grammar语法或结构,三、布局,考点在篇章中的位置分布是否均匀错误类型的分配考点的覆盖面考点效度是否合理,四、检验,答案的唯一性 e.g.I have bought a few book.无诡题(tricky items)(错误既不能太明显,也不能太隐蔽。)放在一份试卷中,与其它题型的考点是否重复改错后不改变原文的意义找人试做,When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I thought would be happy there.Now I am living in

24、a city,but I miss my home in countryside.There the air is clean or the the andmountains are green.Unfortunately,on the development of withindustrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we br

25、eathe in is getting serious airdirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.We Manymust found ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so,find ourwell live to regret it.,Practise:discuss and share(2015),Practise:proofread(2013),I hardly remember my grandmother.She used to holding me

26、on herknees and sing old songs.I was onlyfour when she passes away.She is just a distant memory for me now.I remember my grandfather very much.He was tall,with broad shoulder and a beard that turnedfrom blacktoward gray over the years.He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our sm

27、all town,he wasstrong and powerful.In a fact,he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or dohomework with me.However,he was the gentlest man I have never known.,Practise:proofread,I hardly remember my grandmother.She used to holding me on her holdknees and sing old songs.I was

28、onlyfour when she passes away.passedShe is just a distant memory for me now.I remember my grandfather very much.He was tall,with broad shoulder and a beard that turned well/clearly shouldersfrom blacktoward gray over the years.He had a deep voice,which toset himself apart from others in our small to

29、wn,he wasstrong him and and powerful.In a fact,he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or dohomework with me.whenHowever,he was the gentlest man I have never known.ever,2016全国卷样题,需要一些什么改进?,Dear Bob,I saw your note yesterday afternoon since I came back from school.You suggeste

30、d whenthat we go to concert this Friday evening.Im sorry but I will be visit my uncle thethat day.He is going to Canada to do him PhD,and leave China this Sunday.his willI think I should say good-bye for him.to Id really like to go to the concert.I knew the performances will continue until next know

31、weekend,so how do you think about going next Friday evening?Please let me know whatthat we can go together then.Give me a phone at 12300456.if callThanks.,参考文献:2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲的说明.高等教育出版社杂志社研究组.2014年高考英语试题评介报告 基础教育外语教学研究J.2015(2)(3)杨宏波等.2010-2012年高考英语短文改错题命题质量探究J.教育测量与评价.2013(7)亓鲁霞.高考英语的期望后效与实际

32、后效 基于短文改错题的调查 J.课程 教材 教法,2 007,(10):43一46李英.论高考英语短文改错题存在的必要性从对比语言学的角度 探究二语习得中的错误成因J.贵阳学院学报(社会科学 版).2014(6)镇祝桂.高中英语教师与学生对写作纠错策略的态度与认识J.英语教师.2010(11),Permitted or to be permitted,that is a question.,But my connection with pandas goes back 64 my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,65 I was the first Wes

33、tern TV reporter 66(permit)to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.(2016全国卷I)争论的是评价标准,也是外语教学观,更是语言观,超越了一道题的判断。(张连仲,2016),语法与语用?,语用恰当性,与语法结构的可能性?因为有这个结构,所以就应该是可接受的?语料库中有例句,都说明是可以用first person to be permitted to do something;问了很多老外,也说两者都可以,so?,语境下的语义,微结构语料库只告诉我们有这个

34、结构,任何语料库都需要专家做语义解释;也就是说,要看句子的表意需要,还要看整个文章的自然和表达风格的有效性。结构有不等于表意恰当而且根据上下文,本句下面还有一个to do,结构就是:the first person to be permitted to do something.Redundant?Clumsy?因此,the first person to do something的判断有了新的维度:语用恰当性。,新的评价标准:表意的恰当性,不止语法,更看表意;语法是用法?结构的使用要服务于语义的有效,精准表达。外语教育的改革方向,追求语用能力,与文本互动和有效表达能力,逻辑思考能力。要认识和适应这种变化,只讲结构构成的可能性完不成语言能力的真正塑造。(张连仲,2016),


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