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1、英语选修六,Unit 1 Art,Unit 2 Poems,Unit 3 A healthy life,Unit 4 Global warming,Unit 5 The power of nature,Unit 1 Art,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,词汇过关,1.重点单词拼写,1)Does the p of wealth bring happiness?,【答案】possession,2)The purpose is to provide a cover for their own(侵略)activities.,【答案】aggressive,3)His long illness

2、and c absence put him behind his work.,【答案】consequent,4)(现今)more and more youths prefer pop music rather than classical music.,【答案】Nowadays,词汇过关,5)The art school held an e of modern art yesterday.,【答案】exhibition,6)It would be(可笑的)to walk backward all the time.,【答案】ridiculous,7)Moses was the great la

3、w-giver of the Jewish r.,【答案】religion,8)Most people believe the tree is the s of life,especially in deserts.,【答案】symbol,9)These comments result in more natural and r speech.,【答案】realistic,词汇过关,10)I mention the peoples of Asia,because their c is the oldest and strongest in the world.,【答案】civilization

4、,2.用所给单词所构成的短语填空,1)Anyone found this kind of poison will be punished.(possession),【答案】in possession of,2)Though I couldnt believe my ears at the very beginning,now I the truth.(convince),【答案】am convinced of,词汇过关,3)The beams of light moved across the stage and then the actors.(focus),【答案】xfocused on,

5、4)His speech the boys who had not play fair.(aim),【答案】was aimed at,5),the bitterest race hatreds broke out in that country.(consequence),【答案】As a consequence,短语习得,1.短语积累,traditional painting 传统绘画religious belief 宗教信仰professional artists 专业画家art galleries 艺术展览馆Western art 西方艺术be influenced by the way

6、 of life 受生活方式的影响the Middle Ages 中世纪a religious symbol 宗教标志take the place of 取代focus on 集中于in the late 19th century 在十九世纪末,短语习得,a controversial issue 有争议的问题scores of 几十;许多oil painting 油画be worth doing 值得做contemporary painters 当代画家all the time 总是,一直every other year 每两年2.用方框中短语的正确形式填空,aim at a great d

7、eal scores of focus on take the place ofmake an attempt be worthy of be possessed with,1)He has done to help me with my English.,【答案】a great deal,短语习得,2)She loved her mother so much that no one could her mother.,【答案】take the place of,3)people are standing in line for registration in the hall.,【答案】Sc

8、ores of,4)Modern medicine has tended to developing highly complicated surgical techniques too much.,【答案】focus on,5)The boss of our company training everybody by the end of this year.,【答案】is aiming at,6)She the idea that something bad would happen.,【答案】was possessed with,7)He to escape from the priso

9、n,but failed at last.,【答案】made an attempt,8)Lets hope she proves all that has been done today.,【答案】worthy of,短语习得,重点句型,1.The style of Western art has changed many times,while Chinese art has changed less often.(P1)本句为while引导的并列句。While表示对比,意思接近whereas,可译为“而,但是,却”,用于强调两种情况、活动等之间的差别;while的用法:1)当/在的时候Ne

10、ver get on or off a bus while it is in motion.车辆行进时请勿上下。2)而,当,却Some people waste food while others havent enough.有的人浪费粮食,而有的人却吃不饱。3)尽管,虽然(引导让步状语从句,同though),重点句型,While I like the color of the hat,I dont like its shape.【提示】表示对比的while从句还可以放在主句之前。While表示“尽管”时多放在句首。That region has plenty of natural resou

11、rces while this one has none.那个地区自然资源丰富,这个地区却一点也没有。即时强化练习:翻译下面句子你喜欢体育而我喜欢阅读。,【答案】You like sports while I like reading.,2.During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(P2),重点句型,to represent religious themes 为不定式作表语注意:当主语中含有do时,不定式作表语时,to可省略。What he wants to do is(

12、to)help her with her English.即时强化练习:翻译下面句子我们的职责是帮助孩子们更好地成长。,【答案】Our duty is to help the young children to grow better.,3.The first person to use perspective in his paintings was Masaccio in 1428(P2)to use perspective为不定式作定语,修饰the first person,当名词被first,second,next,last,only等修饰时,其后常用不定时作定语。She was al

13、ways the first one to come and the last to leave.,即时强化练习:翻译下面句子他是唯一了解事实真相的人。,【答案】He is the only person to know the whole truth.,4.Some modern art is abstract;that is,the painter does not attempt to paint object as we see them with our eyes,but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object,

14、using color,line and shape to represent them.(P3)That is=that is to say:也就是说,即:常用作插入语。即时强化练习:翻译下面句子,重点句型,【答案】We are leaving on March 2,that is,Friday.,我们3月2号离开,也就是星期五。,重点句型,1.Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist?(P1)wish sb.to do sth.wish to do sth.wish sb.sth.had do

15、neWish(that)sb did/were could/would do sth 过去做了某事希望 现在作某事 现在/将来能够做某事He shall not go.I wish him to remain.I do not wish to be disturbed in my work.,目标解读,I certainly wish them victory.I wish you hadnt smoked that much.I wish you didnt smoke now.I wish you wouldnt smoke any more.【词语辨析】wish/hope 1)wish与

16、hope都可以跟不定式,但wish to do sth.比较正式,口气也 比较强烈,而hope to do sth.所表达的愿望是最容易实现的。2)wish之后可以跟含有不定式的复合宾语(wish sb.to do sth.),而 hope却没有这种用法。3)hope之后所跟的宾语从句谓语使用陈述语气的一般将来时或一 般现在时,表达可以实现的愿望;wish的宾语从句的谓语动词则 只能用虚似语气,委婉地表示某个愿望是无法实现或难以实现的。4)wish可跟双宾语,而hope不能。She ardently wished to be independent.,目标解读,I hope to find y

17、ou in better spirits when we meet again.I wish I were back home;I do not like this place.Lets hope you will soon be feeling fit again.【搭配】wish for希望得到(有),盼望 wish sb.good night(morning,etc.)道晚安(早安等)Everyone wishes for happiness,but few get it.After he had shown and recommended a hotel,he wished me go

18、od bye.2.In the Renaissance,new ideas and values took the place of those that were held in the Middle Ages.(P2)of(great/little/no/.)value可作表语和定语,有价值,有作用,有用 That would be of permanent value to them throughout their lives.,目标解读,那会是对他们一生都有用的。Nothing of value was stolen.没有任何值钱的东西被盗。3.Its interesting to

19、predict what styles of painting there will be in the future.(P3)【词语辨析】in the future/in future in the future指在将来的某一时刻,而in future意为from now on指从 今以后的全部将来。I hope you will be more careful in future about the things you say.In the future,travel agencies may be organizing trips to the moon.4.They also beg

20、an painting other things besides religious subjects.(P4)【词语辨析】besides/except/except for/except that besides作介词时指“除之外还有”(as well as,in addition to),表,目标解读,示补充、包括的意思;作副词时指“此外、而且”(moreover)。except指“除之外”,是从一组东西中排除其特殊的一个或几个,except for是以保留的方式对整个句子内容作修正,现代英语中可灵活地用来代替except,except that后跟从句。We go to school e

21、very day except Sunday.我们除了星期天以外每天都上学。The suit fits me well except that the trousers are too long.这套衣服很适合我,只是裤子太长。,目标解读,Unit 2 Poems,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,词汇过关,1.重点单词拼写,1)He t the old kitchen into a beautiful sitting-room.,【答案】transformed,2)That splendid building is a theater with a(旋转的)stage.,【答案】rev

22、olving,3)He has a habit of u the words he is not sure of while reading some English articles.,【答案】underlining,4)This company is a p of what a good company should be.,【答案】pattern,词汇过关,5)The bridge was built to support heavy.,【答案】loads,6)Joy,grief,fear,hate,love,rage,and excitement are all e.,【答案】emot

23、ions,7)What was it that the author wants to c to his readers through the story?,【答案】convey,8)Plain and simple clothes are a for the matter.,【答案】appropriate,9)Then she went on to consider other a of the matter.,词汇过关,【答案】aspects,10)Brain surgery is another difficult b of advanced medicine.,【答案】branch,

24、2 用所给单词所构成的短语填空,1)Although he had read the letter again,he still couldnt it.(sense),【答案】make sense of,2)Some so-called news items are just in the newspaper office.(make),【答案】made up,词汇过关,3)The second the bell rang,the pupil a yell and ran home.(let),【答案】let out,4)While reading the novel,the main cha

25、racter me deeply his great determination.(impress),【答案】impressed;with,5)Freds good nature make him all his fellow students.(popular),【答案】popular with/among,短语习得,1.短语积累,make sense 有道理,讲得通give/put/leave a deep impression on sb 给留下深刻印象convey emotions 传达情感express oneself 表达自己的观点、情感等stay up late 熬夜take i

26、t easy 放松,不在意run out of 用完be made up of 由组成be popular with 受欢迎translate sth into 把译成take ones advice 听取建议let out a cry 发出一声喊叫,短语习得,2.用方框中短语的正确形式填空,take it easy be popular with stay up translate into leave a deep impression on let out make sense run out of make up,1)Does it to let little children pla

27、y with math?,【答案】make sense,2)She had been absent from school for two months,so she naturally had a lot of homework to.,【答案】make up,3)We our fresh water before we came out of the desert.,【答案】had run out of,短语习得,4)I had been working so hard for several weeks that I decided to for a few days.,【答案】take

28、 it easy,5)The beauty of the gardens in Suzhou all the visitors from all over the world.,【答案】leaves a deep impression on,6)The famous popular novel“Gone with the Wind several languages.,【答案】has been translated into,7)He very late last night.It is no wonder he fell asleep during the math class just n

29、ow.,【答案】stayed up,8)Who the details of the reshuffle in the department?,【答案】let out,9)Michael Jackson teenagers in China several years ago,but now few people mention him.,【答案】was popular with,短语习得,重点句型,1.By playing with the words in nursery rhymes,children learn about language.(P10)by:prep.1)(=at th

30、e side of)在附近,在旁边We had a day by the seaside.我们在海边呆了一天。2)通过,取道He entered by the back door.他通过后门进去了。3)按计算The workers are usually paid by the hour.工人通常按小时付费。4)表示增减的幅度I am older than you by three years.我比你大3岁。5)通过某种手段或方式、交通工具等。,重点句型,Is this made by hand or by machine?这是用手做的还是用机器做的?2.Wewould have won,if

31、 Jackhad scored that goal.(P10)本句是虚拟语气句,if条件从句用had done,主句用would have done,表示与过去事实相反。表示与现在事实相反时,从句用did,主句用would do;表示与将来事实相反时,从句有三种形式:did;were to do;should do,主句用would do。If I were you,I would tell him the truth.If he hadnt done that foolish thing,he wouldnt have been punished.If it were to rain tom

32、orrow,I would give you 1000 yuan.3.Im looking forward to reading all your poems.(P15)英语的固定动词短语中若含有to,则to大部分都是介词,因而其后要跟名词或动名词。,重点句型,【词汇网络】这类词组常见的有:belong to 属于devote to 把献给;把专用于admit to 承认,让进入adapt to 适合be accustomed to 习惯于get used to 习惯于object to 反对,1.Do you remember any little poems you used in gam

33、es in the playground when you were a child?(P9)【词语辨析】poem与poetry poem是可数名词,指“诗、韵文、诗体文”;poetry是不可数名词,是诗的总称。write/compose poems写/作诗 Shakespeare and Milton are masters of English poetry.莎士比亚和弥尔顿是英诗中的大师。2.People write poems to make others laugh.(P9)make others laugh是“make+宾语+补语”结构,补语是不带to的动词不定式。make sb.

34、+do sth.(被动时不定式要带to)make sb.+sth.,目标解读,make sb.+adjWatching too much TV makes my eyes ache.看太多电视令我的眼睛发痛。Trying to soothe her only made matters worse.试着去安抚她却令事情变得更糟糕。We made him chairman of the students union.我们选他做学生会的主席。(注:当表示独一无二的职位的名词作宾语时,如:monitor,president,chairman,manager等,名词前不加冠词。)【词语辨析】make s

35、b.do/cause sb.to do/have sb.do/get sb.to do made sb.do常指“强迫某人做某事”,在被动句中“强迫、命令”的意思尤其明显;cause是个较正式的词,cause sb.to do虽然有“强迫”的含义,但不能用在被动句中;have sb.do指“吩咐、同意、请某人做,目标解读,某事”;get sb.to do在语义上相当于have sb.do,但更具有“请求、劝说”的意思。The workers were made to work 12 hours a day.What caused him to(made him)change his mind?

36、Please have someone mop the floor for me.I got him to help me when I moved the furniture.If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,have him or her leave a message.3.Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.(P10)impression印象,感想(on sb.);想法,

37、感觉,看法(of sth./doing sth./that);印记。【词汇网络】give/make/leave a(+adj.)impression 留下的印象,目标解读,under the impression 有的印象,认为,以为have a false impression of sb.对有不正确的看法His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience.他当上会长后的第一次演讲给听众留下深刻的印象。He gives the impression of being a hard worker/that

38、 he works hard.他给人的印象是工作很努力。I asked him for a job under the impression that he was the head of the firmbut he wasnt.我以为他是公司的头儿,所以向他请求要一份工作,但其实他不是。4.They delight small children because they have strong rhythm and have a lot of repetition.(P10)delight v./n.【词汇网络】be delighted to do 高兴地做某事,目标解读,be delig

39、hted with 对感到高兴 be delighted at 因某事高兴 take delight in 喜欢干某事,从中取乐 to ones delight 使某人高兴的是 We were delighted to receive your letter.The professor is delighted with my second article on Shakespeare.He usually read Dickens,to the delight of his listeners.令他的听众高兴的是,他经常朗读狄更斯的作品。5.We would have won if we h

40、adnt taken it easy,if we hadnt run out of energy.(P10)【词语辨析】take it(things)easy/take ones time take it easy指慢慢来,不要急;take it/things easy指不要过于紧张(劳累),休息或停止工作;take ones time指从容不迫,拖拉,,目标解读,慢吞吞。Take it easy.The roads are icy.慢慢走。路面都结冰了。Grandfather will retire next year and take things easy.祖父明年将会退休并多休息一下了

41、。Since there was no need to hurry,we took our time leaving.因为不需要赶时间,所以我们很从容地出门。【词语辨析】run out/run out of run out 指(某物)用完,耗尽,没有了;过期失效。run out of sth 指(某人)用完(某物);把撵走。Wed just reached the motorway when the petrol ran out.=Wed just reached the motorway when we ran out of petrol.我们刚到高速公路就用光了汽油。,目标解读,The c

42、ontract runs out at the end of the year,and will have to be renewed.合同到年底就会过期了并且得重新办理。Federal agents ran the spies out of the country.联邦特警把间谍们驱逐出这个国家。【词语辨析】energy/power/strength/force energy主要指人的精力、精神及活力和物理学中的能、能量;power主要指政权、权力,或泛指做某事的能力,及物理学中的功率;strength强调人的力量、力气,实力,也指兵力、(酒的)浓度及(绳索的)强度;force主要指武力、兵

43、力、势力,物理学中的力及军队。be full of energy 精力充沛 the sources of energy 能源 labor power 劳动力,目标解读,a political party in power 执政党 build up ones strength 增强体力 alcohol of different strength 不同浓度的酒 the forces of nature 自然力 the air force 空军6.Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a

44、poem made up of five lines.(P10)【词语辨析】be made from/be made out of/be made of/be made up ofbe made of 强调当原材料制成成品后,原材料仍保持原有性质;be made from 强调当原材料制成成品后,失去了原有的性质或从制成品中看不出原材料;be made out of主要用于第一种含义(be made of),有时也用于第二种含义(be made,目标解读,from);be made up of 指“由所组成”,相当于consist of,be composed of The examinati

45、on paper is made up of two parts.=The examination paper consists of two parts.本试卷由两部分组成。,目标解读,Unit 3 A healthy life,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,词汇过关,1.重点单词拼写,1)An a boy develops fast both mentally and physically.,【答案】adolescent,2)The loan is d and you are required to pay back the money immediately.,【答案】due,

46、3)Im a to have mentioned it;please forgive me.,【答案】ashamed,4)He worked so hard that(终于)he made himself ill.,【答案】eventually,词汇过关,5)He was so used to driving that it has become a.,【答案】automatic,6)And you must a yourself to be more at your ease when you are with people.,【答案】accustom,7)As heavy smokers

47、have been a to nicotine,it is much more difficult for them to give up smoking.,【答案】addicted,8)Our object in providing such models is to train the students(理解力),【答案】comprehension,词汇过关,9)But I should use my own j as to where I aim the gun.,【答案】judgment,10)Father always put a lot of son good table mann

48、ers.,【答案】stress,2.填入适当的词、短语或所给词的适当形式完成下列句子,1)What one thinks and feels is tradition,habits,and education.,【答案】due to,2)Having studied at the university for 4 years,I am accustomed to(live)in the city now.,【答案】living,词汇过关,3)has been announced,we shall have our final exams next month.,【答案】As,4)is wide

49、ly acknowledged that most natural resources are nonrenewable.,【答案】It,5)It is about time we(go)to school;youd better hurry up.,【答案】went,6)I still remember that day was the first time I(see)the vast sea.,【答案】had seen,7)Indeed,it is time for us(put)an end to the discussion.,【答案】to put,词汇过关,8)It was the

50、 accident happened I found my purse.,【答案】where,that,9)It was 30 years ago the old man left his hometown and joined the army.,【答案】that,10)The diligented child is very much likely(study)in the classroom.,【答案】to be studying,短语习得,1.短语积累,take drugs 吸毒be on a diet 节食a balanced diet 均衡的饮食physical fitness 身


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