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1、1.unite junat v.联合 united adj.一致的,统一的;团结的,和睦的2.consist knsst vi.组成;在于;一致。常用搭配:consist of 由组成;由构成(一般不用于进行时和被动语态)=be made up of/be composed of consist in=lie in 在于;存在于 consist with 符合;与一致,e.g.The United Kingdom consists of/is made up of/is composed of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰

2、。The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.这计划的好处就在于简单易行。What he does doesnt consist with what he says.他的言行不一致。,3.divide dvad vt.分开;除以 division n.divide into 把分成 易混辨析:divideinto/separatefrom,4.clarify klrfa vt.澄清;讲清楚;阐明clarify ones position 阐明某人的立场 a problem/situation 澄清问题/立场 e.g.She clarifi

3、ed her position on the issue.她阐明了她在该问题上的立场。She asked him to clarify what he meant.clarification n.澄清,阐明 5.accomplish kmpl vt.完成,实现,达到近义词:finish/achieve/complete/fulfill e.g.I study hard in order to accomplish my purpose.为了达到目标我努力学习。,You must accomplish the task within the limited time.你们必须在限定的时间内完成这

4、项任务。派生词:accomplishment n.成就,完成6.unwilling nwl adj.不愿意(的)unwillingly adv.不情愿地;勉强地 unwillingness n.不愿意;不情愿To judge by the paper,the administration is unwilling even to think about this.根据这份报告判断,本届政府对这个问题连想都不愿意想。,7.break away(from)挣脱;脱离;改掉,破除Nowadays many farmers want to break away from rural life and

5、make a living in cities.现在许多农民都想离开农村到城里谋生。The American southern states wanted to break away from the union.美国南方各洲想脱离联邦。You should break away from the bad habit.你应该改掉这个坏习惯。,break throughbreak inbreak upbreak outbreak intobreak down,突破;克服 闯入;插话,打断 粉碎;绝交;破裂;结束(战争)爆发;(火灾)突然发生 闯入;突然起来(后接tears,laughter等)(

6、机器)出故障;失败;使分解;(身体)垮掉,break out/break down/break up/break into/break off,1)When we were out,a thief_ our house.2)She _ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.3)Unluckily,our car _ on the high way.4)The two companies decided to _ the partnership.5)A big earthquake _ in Tangshan.,broke into,broke off,b

7、roke down,break up,broke out,8.union junn n.联合 student union学生会 9.credit krdt,搭配为:to ones credit 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下 e.g.The bank refused further credit to the company.银行拒绝再贷款给该公司。To his credit,Arthur gave back the money he found.亚瑟拾金不昧,值得赞扬。,10.convenience knvinns(U)方便,便利;(C)便利的事物或设施。for convenience 为方便

8、起见 at ones convenience 在方便的时候 for the convenience of sb.为了方便某人e.g.Please send me an answer at your convenience.We bought this house for convenience;its near the school.It is a convenience to live near the station.住在车站附近很方便。,派生词:convenient adj.方便的,便利的 搭配为:be convenient for sb./sth.对方便 It is convenien

9、t for sb.to do sth.某人做某事方便。e.g.Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?你明天开始工作方便吗?,11.attract trkt vt.吸引 attract sbs attention 吸引某人的注意 attract sb.to sth.吸引某人关注某事 e.g.What first attracted me to her was her sense of humor.他首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。派生词:attraction n.吸引 attractive adj.有吸引力的;引起注意的,In Bei

10、jing,there are many _,like the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Tiananmen Square.But what _ me most is the Great Wall,which is also_ to the foreigners.More and more foreigners are_ by the beauty and come to China.,attrations,attracts,attractive,attracted,12.historical hstrkl adj.历史(上)的 history n.历史,

11、历史学;历史记录;来历13.enjoyable ndbl adj.令人愉快的 enjoy vt.欣赏,享受;喜爱;使过得快活 enjoyment n.享受;乐趣;享有14.leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑;不理会;忽视e.g.Youve left out the most important word in this sentence.这句话你漏掉了最重要的单词。No one speaks to him;he is always left out.没人跟他讲话,他总是被人冷落。,leavealone,听其自然,不管,leavefor,动身去,.,leavealone,听其自然,不管,leavefor,动身去,.,leavealone,听其自然,不管,leavefor,动身去,.,leavealone,听其自然,不管,听其自然,不管 动身去,前往留下,忘记带,leave alone leave forleave behind,15.,


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