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1、雅思口语技巧之part123答题思路详解 该如何在考试与日常交流这两种语境中平衡并找到最合适的答题思路呢?一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语技巧之part123答题思路详解雅思口语考试part123答题技巧与思路part1. 生活日常(Daily conversation)Answer with lengthDaily conversation部分基本涉及的都是和我们日常生活相关的话题。如兴趣爱好,学习生活,家乡学校以及家庭等等。有的时候问题可能考生觉得只需一个字就可以回答完成了,但如果在考场上真的这样做了,最后得到的成绩肯定是不会高的。因为雅思口语考试考察的是考生的英语水

2、平,而单个词的回答或者是短句的回答很难体现考生的英语水平,更深层次上来说,其实给考官的感觉应该是该考生英语水平有限,所以无法组织有效的语言来让对话往下进行。所以考生需要注意的就是在回答一些尽管用是或者不是就可以完成的题目时,尽量给出有一定的长度的答案(简单回答 + details)。这里的detail可以是原因,也可以是具体的例证也可以是补充的相关信息。举个例子,在兴趣爱好范围中考官问到:Examiner: Do you like playing sports? (你喜欢运动吗?)如果考生只是回答yes I do或者no I dont都是不合适的。怎么做到让自己的回答有长度有内容呢?我们需要加

3、入具体的细节。喜欢什么样的运动以及喜欢这些运动的原因或者为什么不喜欢运动的原因都可以作为加长回答的内容。所以以下的回答就会显得更加适宜,更能展现考生的实际口语水平:Candidate: No, I dont really enjoy playing sports. I am more into watching it than doing it cos I do not like being all sweaty after physical exercise. I much prefer staying fresh and smell-free.(不,我并不喜欢运动。相较而言我更喜欢观看运动

4、比赛而不是亲身上阵。我不喜欢运动完以后浑身臭汗淋漓的感觉。我更偏向于保持清爽干净。)Use native expressions中国考生在口语考试或者日常交际中常常显得生硬死板的原因通常是我们运用的词汇或者是表达方式都是从教科书里生搬硬套下来的。比如问好,我们最常用的就是“How are you? I am fine, thank you, and you?”。实际上可以运用的表达方式有很多,比如 “ how are you doing?” “how is it going?” “how have you been?” “whats up?”。这些表达方式都是我们可以在美剧英剧或者好莱坞电影里

5、听到看到的实例。我们其实都知道,但是却让它们沉睡在我们的脑海里没有重见天日的一天。所以大家需要更留心,在观看英语电影电视,收听英语广播歌曲的时候,注意native speakers使用的是什么样的表达方式,句型结构,什么样的词汇构成,然后运用在自己的身上。长此以往,对提高自己的英文表达能力肯定用不小的助力。part2.个人陈述(Individual presentation)Be layered and organizedIndividual long run也是我们熟知的话题卡部分。考官给考生一张话题卡以及一分钟准备时间,之后考生需要根据此话题卡做一个1-2分钟的独自描述。在描述过程中需要注

6、意做到主次清晰逻辑清楚。以以下的话题卡为例:Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.You should say:where you met themwhat subject they taughtand explain why this person influenced you so much.怎么做到逻辑清楚呢?我们可以根据话题卡上提示的小问题来构建自己的回答。where you met them? “well, I guess the teacher who influenced me th

7、e most is my maths teacher from middle school.”这里我们其实已经把第二个小问题也回答了。但是我们还没有进行进一步的描述,所以借鉴之前提到的simple answer + details的技巧,我们可以在这里做出更深入更细节化的描述。比如“he is an average looking guy with no particularly worth-mentioning feature, like everybody you walk by everyday without giving a second look”,从外貌入手介绍此人,之后可以过渡

8、到他给你留下的印象,“at first i was not really fond of him cos i had little interest in maths. It always seemed boring and tedious to me and i was never good at it, however, he managed to turn me around by”,这里可以通过讲述一个故事来突出他是如何扭转你的态度并给你带来何种影响的。他的特殊性以及对你的影响应该就是最后画龙点睛的部分了。可以通过描述你之前现在的变化来突出他对你影响之深远。当我们把以上内容串联起来之后

9、就会发现我们的层次和逻辑都清楚了。切记在第二部分考生一定要保持思路清晰,逻辑分明,不要给考官思路混乱有什么说什么的杂乱的感觉。part3.双向讨论(Two way discussion)Brain storming第三部分一直是考生头疼的部分。因为这部分是最能真实体现考试生英语口语水平的。原因在于第三部分的问题通常涉及到的都是比较大的话题。如教育,文化,习俗,经济,环境,科技等等。很多问题对考生来说就算用中文回答都很难,更别提英语了。在这里需要提醒广大考生的是雅思口语考试考察的是考生的英语水平而不是知识面。换句话说就是你回答的答案是否正确其实并不重要,重要的是你是如何组织语言来回答的。当然这也

10、不是说考生可以就此瞎扯了。在被问到第三部分的时候,能否在短时间内让你的想法和观点脱口而出取决于你思考问题的速度。就像我上面提到的,口语考试中回答的答案其实没有绝对的对错之分,有的只是发音和语法的错误,所以我们在平时就需要多观察了解实事,锻炼自己的思考能力。观点多了自然就有的可讲了。另外第三部分中逻辑思维也是非常重要的。在说出自己的观点之后要有充分的的论据和理由来阐释。最好能跟考官产生互动。比如在讲完之前的话题卡之后,考官很可能会跟进在第三部分问:Compare the importance of facilities and equipments with the importance of

11、good teachers. (比较设备和教师在教学中的重要性。)遇到此类问题我们不需要太多时间思考,可以选择随便一种倾向性,或者两方面都涉及。重点是要有足够的论据来支持自己的观点和想法。观点:teachers are more important.理由:facilities and equipments are a nice addition to the process of teaching and learning but they are lifeless and can only do so much as to help students learn. A good teache

12、r is hard to come by and when we do, the influence the teacher has on students is enormous and hard to quantify, and I do not think I can say the same about the tools.分享三个雅思口语答题技巧技巧一:凡事尽量说好的一面即在回答问题时应表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的时候还是应该保持比较正面,尽量说好的一面。例如问你对自己家乡的印象,就算你真的认为非常不堪,也不应说出口。一句话,不要compla


14、准备好的答案,他会打断你而改变另一个话题。你可能会失去这个好机会而陷入困境。考生应该巧妙地运用一些犹豫表达,好像在边想边说,同时也可以询问一两句考官的想法。另外,在交谈过程中,考生也会被问到自己不熟悉的话题。有些考生过于紧张,会出现冷场现象,这时千万不要沉默,没反应,或苦思冥想。这样不仅没有解决问题,反而给考官留下一种不会表达自己的印象。考生应尽量控制谈话,试着改变题目;对比较难回答的问题,尽量偏离它。雅思口语part2高分话题范文:有用的网站Describe a website that you like to visit.You should say:What the website is

15、What it is used forWhen you used itAnd explain why you think it was interesting.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:有用的网站(Describe a website that helps a lot)Today, I am going to tell you about one website which Im really interested in. Its name is m.ebay.It is an e-commerce website used for online shopping purposes.

16、 This website advertises various items classified by categories such as fashion, electronics, and motors. It allows people to order products, and make transactions online.I always give priority to shopping online whenever I have spare time instead of going to stores or supermarkets. So, this website

17、 is very handy for me as I can take advantage of my mobile phone or computer with an Internet connection to access it and purchase what I need.I find this website very appealing due to its good layout and attractive images of products. There is a box for me to enter what items Im looking for so I ca

18、n avoid browsing items unnecessarily, as Im able to find quickly the things I need. After that the items I have bought will be delivered right to my door so I can save a lot of time. Not only that, there is always the chance to get a good deal and discounts as there are various promotion programs.Th

19、is website has important advantages for me, such as convenience and the benefits of saving time and money. Now it plays a useful role in my daily life. In the future I will continue to visit the site and of course recommend it to my friends.雅思口语part2高分话题范文:描述一本让人振奋的书You should say:What is the name o

20、f the bookwhat type of book it ishow you knew this bookand explain why you like to recommend this book to your friend雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:描述一本让人振奋的书(Describe an exciting book you have read)One of the books that I have recently read is called At Home: A Short History of Private Life by an author called

21、Bill Bryson. It is a thick, factual bookabout many different subjects. It is really a collection of information and anecdotes related to our private lives, past and present.The book is mainly about things that have been included in our homes over the centuries. The author started out by wondering ab

22、out the history of everything in his own home. As it is a factual book rather than a novel, it does not have a plot as such. Each chapter in the book covers the history of a particular room. For example, the chapter on the kitchen talks about the history of running water, electricity, gas cooking an

23、d so on. The chapter aboutthe bathroom looks at the history of plumbing, sanitation and privacy. The bookcontains so much interesting information that I think I will have to read it again in order to take it all in.As to the kind of people who would enjoy it, I think anybody who is interested in his

24、tory and enjoys learning lots of interesting facts would enjoy reading this book. It would also appeal to a busy person, as its a good book to dip in and out of, because you dont have to follow a story, as you would with a novel. You can just take it chapter by chapter, or even page by page, as ther

25、e is something to learn on every page. Each chapter is written like a story, even though it is a factual book, so it takes the reader to all sorts of unexpected places, and for me it was a real page-turner.I like this book because I learned such a huge amount from it, which has made me look around m

26、y own home with different eyes and appreciate just how far we have come in a short space of time in terms of architecture, technology, lighting, comfort and many other things.雅思口语part2高分话题范文:历史人物You should say:Who he/she iswhat he/she didWhen you first knew him or herand why you are interested in hi

27、m/her雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:历史人物(Describe a historical person that you are interested )The United States of America is a land of historical events. Besides, the country is also famous for some of its heroic sons. Abraham Lincoln is one of them. I am really glad that I got the opportunity to talk about hi

28、m for the next few minutes.I knew about Lincoln from the history class when I was in high school . Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA. During his reign, the situations were unusual. The country went under some serious critical moments and the Civil War was one of them. Besides, there

29、were some political and constitutional crises as well. But Lincoln controlled the situations in an efficient manner. It is Abraham Lincoln who abolished the slavery. Before the abolition of this system, racism was at its peak. Lincoln also did some other notable activities. He is the man who also ma

30、de the federal government system stronger. The modern economy actually started its journey with the association of this President. In fact, many of the facilities we are enjoying today are the gift of this smart man.Yes, I like him much. He is a historical figure in the history of the USA. He served

31、 the country as a great guardian and wanted to improve the existing norms and rules. Accordingly, a good number of changes took place in the country and we are bearing the legacy in the present days. It is really a matter of courage indeed to rule a nation during a bloody war and provide the right d

32、irectives, working amid internal crisis and more. He also supervised and set strategies during the war so that the losses are minimal. All of his attempts were humane and he dreamt of a modern America. He emancipated the slavery in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution for the USA. In fact, this the greatest tasks he has ever done and for this reason, a majority of the US citizens like me hail him.


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