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1、Unit9 Lets smell the flowers,让我们来闻闻鲜花吧。,拼音英语音图ei a=a-e ai ay eigh i:e=e-e ee ea ey y ie eai i=i ie i-e igh y ind ildu o=o-e oe oa ow old ost ju:u=u-e ui ue ew:=ar as ass:=er ir ur wor-ear-:=or ore our oor oar war-quar-au aw al all ough aughe=air are ear eir i=eer ear ere u:或u=oo au=ou ow i=oi-oy=sh

2、ci-si-ti-=ch-tch 或=th w=wh f=ph kw=qu k=-c k ck r=wr tr=tr dr=dr ts=ts dz=ds n=kn=ng,Module2read 读:阅读running 跑步these 这些picture 照片take 拍摄take pictures 照相children(child的复数)listen 听listen to 听talk 说话talk to 和交谈China 中国,paint 绘画 rain下雨 rainbow 彩虹 fail 不及格daisy 雏菊 hail 冰雹 mail 信件 nail 指甲pail 水桶 pain疼痛 ra

3、ils 铁轨 tail 尾巴,Dictation,Unit 9(单词本)bounce a ball拍球butterfly 蝴蝶 have lunch吃午饭join 参与 listen to music听音乐kite风筝 paint a picture画画see-saw跷跷板 read a book读书shine照耀 ride a bike骑自行车smell 闻;嗅 take a photo拍相片,play on the see-saw 玩跷跷板,ride a bike骑自行车,catch a butterfly捉蝴蝶,talk谈话,smell the flowers闻花香,paint a pi

4、cture绘画,shine照耀,listen to music听音乐,have lunch吃午饭,read a book读书,kick a ball踢球,take a photo拍照片,bounce a ball拍球,play on the see-saw玩跷跷板,ride a bike骑自行车,catch a butterfly捉蝴蝶,talk谈话,smell the flowers闻花香,shine照耀,paint a picture绘画,listen to music 听音乐have lunch 吃午饭read a book 读书kick a ball 踢球take a photo 拍相

5、片bounce a ball 拍球,Yes,it is.是的。,Its a nice day,isnt it?今天是个好天气,不是吗?,Look!Lots of children areplaying in the park.看!许多小朋友在公园里玩耍。,They are smellingthe flowers.他们正在闻鲜花。,Lets go and join them.让我们加入他们吧。,Good idea!Lets go!好主意!走吧。,语法天地动词怎样加上ing?1.普通动词直接加,如:watchwatching,looklooking,readreading;2.结尾若有字母e,去e

6、再加ing,如:dancedancing,writewriting3.结尾若是辅元辅,双写辅音再加ing,如:sitsitting,hophopping,swimswimming,ride a bike,riding a bike,play on the seesaw,playing on the seesaw,paint a picture,painting a picture,take a photo,taking a photo,catch a butterfly,catching a butterfly,read a book,reading a book,kick a ball,ki

7、cking a ball,have lunch,having lunch,smell the flowers,smelling the flowers,listen to music,listening to music,bounce a ball,bouncing a bal,ing 练习 read-hop-swim-dance-fly-look-go-eat-drink-write-sit-paint-shop-catch-play-,现在进行时:表示正在做,第一要有be,第二要有ing,系动词be和人称代词结合时怎么来用,记住下面口诀我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he

8、)她(she)它(it),要是碰到we和they一定要用are are,are.,What are you doing?,I am jumping.,What is he doing?,He is jumping.,What is she doing?,She is jumping.,Lucy is _homework.(do doing),Ann is _a picture.(paint painting),I am _a book.(read reading),Peter is _a photo.(take taking),Sue is _a bike.(ride riding),Lily

9、 and May are _on the see-saw.(play playing),The boy _ _football.,is,playing,The girl_ _ the ball.,is,bouncing,What _ the girl doing?,is,The girl is _ the flowers.,smelling,The boy is _a _.,takeing,photo,taking,_?,What is the boy doing?,What _ they doing?,are,They are talking.,Homework(10.26 第13次课):,

10、1.听读:U8和U9part1(听2读3)2.抄默:U9的单词本(抄2默2)3.背:U9part1注:无家长签字的,以上作业罚3遍!下次课:10月29日周二晚6:50,butterfly 蝴蝶 play on the see-saw玩跷跷板join 参与 ride a bike骑自行车kite风筝 catch a butterfly捉蝴蝶smell 闻;嗅,Dictation,talk谈话 shine照耀smell the flowers闻花香 paint a picture绘画listen to music 听音乐 have lunch 吃午饭read a book 读书 kick a ba

11、ll 踢球take a photo 拍相片 bounce a ball 拍球,Dictation,A:What is he/she doing?B:He/she is reading a book.,Free talk,bounce,cloud,cloudy,count,house,loud,mountain,mouse,mouth,round,sound,trousers,ou,一只mouse(老鼠)穿件blouse(女式衬衣)西瓜round(圆的)长在ground(地面)走进house(房屋)被我found(发现),Colour the flower pink,blue and yellow,Draw a red ball under the tree.,Colour the kite green,brown and black.,Colour the butterfly blue and yellow.,Draw a bird next to the sun.,Colour the bike black and red.,Draw a plane and colour it yellow and black.,homework,1,U8 part 1,U9 part1抄两遍,2,U9 U10 单词 每个三遍 带一遍汉语,3,预习 U10,4,闯关 U9part3,


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