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1、3.1,MODULE 3 BUSSINESS TOPIC,Company biography,READING,1 Work in pairs.Do you like fast food?When was the last time you went to a fast food restaurant?What do you like about fast food restaurant?What do you dislike?2 Read the text about how one man transformed a small restaurant into a global busine

2、ss.Find the following information.1 the place of the original McDonalds restaurant2 what was on the original McDonalds menu3 the names of the owners of the original McDonalds4 who developed the McDonalds franchise5 how many McDonalds restaurants there are today,San Bernardino,California,hamburgers,F

3、rench fries,soft drinks and milkshakes,Richard and Maurice(Mac)McDonald,Ray Kroc,over 31,000,3.1,MODULE 3 BUSSINESS TOPIC,Characteristics of fast food,READING,Fast 快Fresh 新鲜Fried 油炸Fantasy 浪漫感Fordism 福特主义Franchising 特许经营权,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,THE MAN BEHIND,McDonalds,IN 1954,TWO BROTHERS ran a

4、 small,but busy,restaurant in San Bernardino,California.The restaurant featured a limited menu that included:hamburgers,French fries,soft drinks and milkshakes.The milkshakes were very popular and the restaurant had purchased ten special“Multimixer”milkshake makers.Each one could mix five milkshakes

5、 at a time.A salesman named Ray Kroc was the exclusive distributor of the“Multimixer”milkshake machines at that time.Ray decided to visit the restaurant;he wanted to find out why they had so many machines.Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac)McDonald,the owners of the restaurant.He saw how they pre

6、pared the food using equipment that they had invented.The service in the restaurant was fast and the prices were inexpensive.,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,Ray realized that this was a fantastic opportunity.He wanted to open more restaurant and so well more multimixers.In April 1955,Ray opened his firs

7、t franchised MacDonalds restaurant in DesPlaines,Illinois.First day sales were366.12.Ray continued to franchise new restaurants and to expand.In 1961,he bought the business from the MacDonald brothers for 2.7 million.Today,McDonalds Corporation has over 31,000 restaurants in over 100 countries.There

8、 is even one in Kuwait City,which opened in 1994.On its first day,there were 15,000 people lining up to eat at the restaurant.,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,3 Read the text carefully.Choose the best ending(A,B or C)for each sentence(1-4).1 In 1954,Richard and Maurice A ran a hamburger restaurant.B didn

9、t like milkshakes.C prepared the food by hand.2 Ray Kroc A owned a restaurant in California.B invented a milkshakes maker.C sold machines for making milkshakes.3 Ray opened A his first restaurant in California.B his first restaurant in Illinois.C his first restaurant in 1961.4 When a restaurant open

10、ed in Kuwait City,it was A not very busy on the first day.B quite busy on the first day.C extremely busy on the first day.,A,C,B,C,美国快餐业成功的8个F,美国的快餐业举世闻名,且日益兴旺发达,分析其成功的秘诀在于以下8个“F”:快(Fast):星罗棋布地设立在美国高速公路两旁的快餐店,首创于20世纪20年代,目的是为那些匆匆赶路,不愿在路上浪费时间的过客们设立的。为节省时间,柜台上设有多台计算机,以便减少付款时间。饱(Filling):快餐要给人以“价廉物美”之感

11、。这就是说,一方面使人感到东西不少,另一方面又使人感到便宜。为此,可以在炸鸡上多洒些面包屑;或把面包卷做得厚些。此外,炸马铃薯片和生菜沙拉也很容易使人饱。新鲜(Fresh):美国人很重视食品的新鲜豆子要碧绿,番茄要绯红,菠萝要金黄,草莓要鲜红,鱼肉要洁白;油炸的食品必须酥脆;生菜要鲜嫩,温度也须讲究。为了卫生起见,食品须很热,或者很冷,不冷不热的容易使顾客怀疑不新鲜。优良的冷冻和通风设备是不可缺少的。油炸(Fried):美国人喜欢吃酥脆的油炸食品,但都不愿在家里做,所以他们愿意到快餐店去饱餐一顿。同时,油炸的食品做起来快,也易于携带,还可以一边开车,一边用手拿着吃。,MODULE 3.1 BU

12、SSINESS TOPIC,美国快餐业成功的8个F,家庭式:快餐店的食品必须符合美国家庭的要求:对孩子来说,食品不能做得太腻,而对家长来说,又不能太贵;洗手间必须清洁卫生;餐厅要明亮通风,餐桌要干净。食品一般由妇女烹饪为宜,因为这可以给人宛如家庭主妇烹饪的感觉。快餐店一般不供应酒类,也不另设酒吧间。浪漫感(Fantasy):家庭式快餐店一方面要使人感到是家外之家,一方面又要使人感到在那里用餐是一种享受,甚至是一种冒险,一种刺激。福特主义(Fordism):所谓福特主义,包括精密分工,降低生产成本,节省生产时间,以及采用自动化设备代替手工操作。快餐业的老板在快餐制作方面,遵循美国汽车大王亨利福特

13、流水作业的方法,大量使用年轻的非熟练工人,他们的活儿不固定,可以随时调换,从而使生产既快又省。特许经营权(Franchising):通过出让特许经营权,那些快餐公司得以在全国推销他们的产品,统一规格,并迅速发展。,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,Reading:The Man behind McDonalds 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人,Text Structure Analysis,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,GRAMMAR,The past simple,In the affirmative fo

14、rm,regular verbs and with ed:talked,play-played,stop-stopped,study-studied,travel-travelled,prefer-preferred.For irregular verbs,such as speak-spoke,tell-told,you have to learn the forms.,4 Look at the reading text.Underline all the verbs in the past simple.Decide which are regular and which are irr

15、egular.Write the infinitive and the past simple forms in a table in your notebook.Compare with your partner.,Regular verbs,Irregular verbs,infinitive,past simple,past simple,infinitive,feature,past simple,past simple,featured,run,ran,be was/were have hadcan could see sawbuy bought,Include-included d

16、ecide-decided want-wanted talk-talkedprepare-prepared realize-releasedopen-opened continue-continued,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,The past simple is used:to talk about actions that happened in the past.The time is specified,or understood from the context.Ray talked to the owners.to talk about past sta

17、tes.In 1954,two brothers ran a small restaurant.,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,5 Work in pairs.How much do you remember about McDonalds?Ask each other these questions.Then look at the text again to check your answers.1 Where was the original restaurant owned by the McDonald brothers?2 What did it sell?

18、3 Was it expensive?4 When did Ray Kroc open the first McDonald franchise?5 How much money did they take on the first day?6 How much did Ray Kroc pay the brothers for the business?7 When did the Kuwait City restaurant open?8 Was the Kuwait City restaurant a success?,In San Bernardino,California,Hambu

19、rgers,French fries,soft drinks,and milkshakes.,No.It was very cheap.,In 1994,$366.12,$2.7 million,In 1994,Yes,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,GRAMMAR,Company profiles,1 Work in pairs.Write three things you know about each of these companies.,easyJet,THE BODYSHOP,They offer low-cost flights.The tickets ar

20、e very cheap.They dont give you free drinks on board.You have to pay for the drinks.,You can buy a holiday online and get very good prices.Their website is user-friendly.You have to pay for the drinks.,They sell personal care products(eg,soaps,shampoo,make-up).Their products are made from natural pr

21、oducts and are not tested on animals.They started in the UK.They have shops all over the world.,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.Which company in exercise does this text describe?Anita Roddick and her husband Gordon got the idea for their business in

22、1970,when they(1)_(visit)a natural cosmetics store in San Francisco.Back in England,they(3)_(begin)producing their own naturally-inspired cosmetics and they(4)_(open)their first shop in 1976.The products and the shops philosophy(4)_(be)revolutionary for the time.The Roddicks(5)_(buy)the raw material

23、s direct from the producers,and they(6)_(pay)their Community Trade suppliers a fair wage.Today,The Body Shop continues to bring ethical trade to the high street in more than 55 countries.,visited,began,opened,were,bought,paid,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,READING,Vocabulary:化妆品;护肤品,cosmetic kzmetk kzmt

24、k makeup toiletry perfume fragrance skin care(product)cream lotion facial cleanser Worldwide,the cosmetics,fragrance,and toiletry industry is a 170-billion-dollar business.全球化妆品、香水和化妆用具行业是一个价值1700亿美元的产业。But a spokesman for the Cosmetics,Toiletry and Perfumery Association said the study in sheep did

25、not prove the same effects would be seen in humans.但美容化妆品同业协会的发言人表示,在羊身上的研究并不证明会在人类身上出现同样的结果。,3.1,MODULE 3 BUSSINESS TOPIC,Characteristics of fast food,READING,Fast 快Fresh 新鲜Fried 油炸Fantasy 浪漫感Fordism 福特主义Franchising 特许经营权,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,3 Complete the text with the correct form of the v

26、erbs in the box.Which company in exercise 1 dose this text describe?be become begin not/have not/own sell not/sell takeStellios(1)_ the first two aircraft he operated.He(2)_ tickets through Travel Agencies and he(3)_ any company employees.Everything was contracted from other companies.It was 1995,an

27、d it(4)_ the beginning of a revolution in air travel.Just three years later,the company(5)_ the first online air ticket,it(6)_ services outside the UK and it(7)_ delivery of its own fleet of planes.When it merged with another low-cost airline,Go,in 2002,it(8)_ Europes biggest budget airline.,didnt o

28、wn,didnt sell,didnt have,sold,was,began,took,became,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,4 Work in pairs.Use the prompts to write questions about.Do you know the answers to any of these questions?1 Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox/the company(start)Where _ 2 the website(sell)What _ 3 the company(expand into

29、)Which countries _ 4 they/after six years(have)How many employees _ 5 the company(go public)When _ 6 Martha/the company(leave)When _,did Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox start the company?,did the website sell?,did the company expand into?,did they have after six years?,did the company go public?,

30、did Martha leave the company?,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,5 3.1 Listen and write the answers to the questions in exercise 4.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_,In Brents living room.Late flights and late hotel bookings.France,Germany and Sweden.1,400.In 2000.In 2003.,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,SPEAKING,Decide whether

31、these types of business organizations usually have one owner(O)or more than one owner(M).1 a freelancer _ 5 a limited company(Ltd)_ 2 a non-profit organization _ 6 a partnership _ 3 a public limited company(plc)_ 7 self-employ_ 4 a sole trader _,Presenting your company,O,M,M,M,O,O,M,MODULE 3.1 BUSSI

32、NESS TOPIC,7 Do you see yourself as a millionaire or a celebrity entrepreneur?Work in pairs to design your own company,choosing one of the types of business organization in exercise 6.Complete the first column of the table with your company biography.Your company biography Your partners company biog

33、raphyCompany nameType of companyProduct/Service offered Got idea for business in(when)First business activity(when/where)Expanded(where to/when)Notable successesKey dates/achievementsCurrent operationsNumber of employeesCurrent value of companyCurrent personal worth,MODULE 3.1 BUSSINESS TOPIC,8 Prac

34、tise giving a spoken presentation about your company,using the notes you made in exercise 7.9 Now present your company to a new partner.While you listen to the presentation,complete the second column of the table above with as much information as you can about this company.Ask follow-up or clarifica

35、tion questions as necessary.10 Use your notes to write a short paragraph(100-150 words)about your company.You will not need to use all of the information.Choose the most relevant,interesting or unusual facts.Before you start,read the paragraphs about The Body Shop and easyJet again.Follow a similar

36、organization in your paragraph.11 Work with your partner from exercise 7 again.Exchange your paragraphs and compare them.Did you choose the same information to write about?,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,VOCABULARY,3.2,Company performance,What companies do,Write the names of as many companies you can t

37、hing of in two minutes.Which of the words can be used to describe the activities of the companies you wrote just now.,design sell distribute provide manage publish marketexport import produce supply organize manufacture,Armani designs and sells fashionable clothes.P&G produce and sells shampoos and

38、body lotions.,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,Look at the press releases.What event is each company announcing?Choose from the following.Fill in the fact file using information from the texts.,A a new CEO B record profiles C a new productD a new contact E new shops,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,Fill in th

39、e fact file using information from the texts.,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,announces a new line in vegetarian and organic menus,to add to its extensive high-quality product range.Athens Daily Menu provides catering services for major businesses,hospitals,schools and colleges,using only quality ingred

40、ients to prepare tasty and nutritious menus.The company supplies meals for over 15,000 people every lunchtime!With an efficient,high-quality catering service Athens Daily Menu can help any organisation to improve its image,and make financial savings.They also provide catering for special occasions,f

41、rom banquets for up to 1,000 romantic dinners for two.,ATHENS DAILY MENU,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,announce宣布 a piece of news/a decision/plan vegetarian n.素食者,素食的 vedtern organic adj.使用有机肥料的catering services 餐饮服务ingredient n.配料,成分 ngridnt nutritious adj.有营养的 njtrs improve ones image 改善形象banquet n.

42、宴会 v.设宴款待 bkwt,ATHENS DAILY MENU,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,SISSO is pleased to announce the signing of a major new deal with a Japanese car manufacturer.The deal guarantees the future of both SISSO plants and is a symbol of SISSOs growth philosophy.SISSO manufactures innovative,high-quality seats

43、and interiors for cars,sport utility vehicles and vans.SISSO designs its components in close conjunction with the client,guaranteeing satisfaction.With clients in both Europe and the USA,SISSO exports up to half of its production.,SISSO plc,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,manufacturer n.制造业者,厂商guarantee

44、 vt.&n.保证,担保,担保人symbol n.象征,符号,记号innovative adj.创新的,革新的sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车 实用,功用;多种用途的component n.成分,ATHENS DAILY MENU,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,WRITING,3.2,Company performance,Press release,Use the information below to write a similar press release for another company.Exchange with your

45、 partner and make one suggestion for him or her.,Company name-Soap HeavenProducts/service-soaps,shampoos and skin care goodsCustomers-teenagers-males ambitiousexpansion plans into new EU markets,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,WRITING,Press release,Use the information below to write a similar press rele

46、ase for another company.Exchange with your partner and make one suggestion for him or her.,Soap Heaven is pleased to announce that a new CEO is joining the company next year.Her name is Tanya Radcliffe and she has ambitious plans for expansion into new EU markets,especially Northern and Eastern Euro

47、pe.The company is based in Portugal and produces natural soaps,shampoos and skin-care products that are very popular with teenagers,both male and female.,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,WRITING,Press release,Use the information below to write a similar press release for another company.Exchange with you

48、r partner and make one suggestion for him or her.,Soap Heaven is a cosmetic company.The company products variety of cosmetics,such as soaps,shampoos and skin-care goods.Soap heavens service are very widespread and have high-quality and many benefits to skin,which can protect our skin in case of dryi

49、ng.Soap heaven company provides commodities services for major teenagers(male and female)and western Europe.To improve the company better development,a new CEO is joining the company.And they will expand plants into new EU markets in the next few years.,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKILLS,Listening,Company

50、structure,Listen to the presentation again and complete the organizational chart.,Nigel Parker is presenting his company to a new potential business partner.Listen to his presentation.What is the companys core business.,R&D activities Industrial Dpt.Contract&purchasing Mgr.,MODULE 3.2 BUSSINESS SKIL


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