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1、洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,大学英语四级考试作文辅导,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,第一讲 主题句扩展句和结尾句,主题句、扩展句、结尾句的写作特点与技巧,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,一、主题句:要想写好段落,首先要写好主题句。,1.主题句的构成2.写好主题句的方法 完整的句子,而不是短语。紧扣文章的主题。内容具体 注意选定几个关键词 3.主题句的写作技巧4.主题句的位置,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,1.主题句的构成,由主题和作者的观点两部分构成。作者的观点就是我们通常所说的关键词(1)做合格大学生的必要性(2)做合格大学生的必备条件(可以德智体等方面谈)(3)我打

2、算这样做 It is very necessary to be a good university student.(议论体主题句)There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student.(说明体的主题句)What I will do in the future is the following.(描述题的主题句),洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,2.写好主题句的方法 完整的句子,而不是短语:那些不能表达一个完整思想的词组或短语,不能作为段落的主题句。如:,A)Worries about popul

3、ation pressure.(残缺句)B)Worries about population pressure are far from new.(完整句)A)How to drive a car.(X)B)Anyone can learn how to drive a car.()A)Five easy steps in changing a tire.(X)B)There are five easy steps in changing a tire.()上面三组中的句都不是完整的句子,因此都不能用作主题句。,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,主题句必须紧扣文章的主题:文章各段的主题句应该

4、紧紧围绕文章的中心思想,从不同的方面对文章的主题进行论述。例如下面这篇文章:,POLLUTION 1.Pollution is becoming more serious all over the world.Part of this problem is the worlds exploding population.A growing population undoubtedly means more factories polluting the air.Besides,land and water pollution has also increased.Pollution is,in

5、 fact,threatening our health,our happiness,and our very civilization.2.People are now showing a real concern over this problem.Scientists are urging that drastic solution be worked out before it is too late,and the public are demanding that government take firm action against polluters.The earth is

6、our home and we must take care of it-for ourselves and for the next generation.3.Fortunately,measures have been taken to cope with the situation.First,many countries are making efforts to bring down the birth rate.Also,new laws have been passed to exercise strict controls over industrial pollutants.

7、In addition,more sewage treatment plants are being built,and new pollution-control devices developed.Doing all this will enable us to have a cleaner world.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,主题句要内容具体,1.Taken in moderation,alcohol is rather harmless and is even beneficial in relieving feelings of stress.2.The emphasi

8、s has not always been the same.3.The emphasis on producing wealth and maintaining a high standard of living has not always been the same.,(),(X),(),洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,注意选定几个关键词,例如:a paragraph about the use of helicopters in controlling trafficHelicopters can control traffic.Or Helicopters are used to

9、 control traffic.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,3.主题句的写作技巧,1.表示人的名词或代词主语的句子College students should take part in social practice and get to know the world.People take part in recreational activities because of several reasons.We benefit a lot from doing part time jobs.Young people today are badly influenced by T

10、V.2.表示物的名词做主语的句子Information plays an indispensable role in modern life.Diligence is a key factor to success.Sports benefit people in many ways.Recreational activities fall into two major types.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,3.用动名词短语来表达主题,做主语。Owning a private car is very convenient.Keeping pets can lead to some

11、problems.Studying abroad benefits students in many aspects.4.用“There+be+名词”句型来写主题句。There are several reasons why we should develop the industry of private cars.There are innumerable advantages of keeping pets.There are diverse solutions to the housing problem in big cities.There are effective measur

12、es that we can adopt to deal with the issue of rising crime rate.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,5.用It is+Adj.+for sb.to do sth.句型It is beneficial for college students to take part in various social activities.It is necessary for us to get to know about the society.It is desirable/advisable for young people to g

13、o abroad to study.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,4.主题句的位置,主题句在段落中可以放在段首,也可以放在段中,或在段尾。作文是主观题,而且阅卷教师的时间很短,(一般1-3分钟),建议把主题句放在作文中的段首。例 Drug use is so widespread in American society that it is part of the daily life of almost every person.From birth through lifes ailments to death,drugs ease our pain and suffering.F

14、or many,drugs serve such utilitarian purposes as keeping us awake,helping us sleep,or eliminating our stress.Recreational drugs increase our pleasure or sociability at festive or informal gatherings.We take our drugs routinely without thinking of them as drugs,such as when we smoke cigarettes or dri

15、nk affricated beverages.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,二、扩展句,e.g.I dont teach because teaching is not easy for me.Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living:including mechanic,carpenter,and the writer.For me,teaching is a profession,Red-eye,because I never feel ready t

16、o teach no matter how late I stay up preparing.Sweaty-palm,because Im always nervous before I enter the classroom,sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am.Sinking-stomach,because I leave the classroom an hour later,convinced that I was even more boring than usual.,1.扩展句及其特点清晰详实条理分明:在文章写作

17、时,扩展句要长短适中,就学生写作而言,每句话的平均长度应最好控制在10-15个词为宜。当然,随着写作水平的提高,句子长度可相应增加。,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,2.写好扩展句的方法:扩展句的写作方法:定义法,分类法,例证法,列举法,因果关系法,对照比较法(类比法),综合法等。,1)例证法(exemplification)There is nothing hard in the world for people with a strong will.A task,no matter how difficult,can be accomplished if a person makes

18、up his mind to do it.Take Rome as an example.It is known that Rome was not built in a day.Before she was built,her founders had suffered a great deal of severe hardship,but they never lost their faith and eventually succeeded in their efforts.Columbus,who discovered America,is another example of str

19、ong determination.In spite of defeat and affliction,he went forward and succeeded because of his singleness of purpose and perseverance.,表示例证的方法:For example,for instance,as an example,for a typical example,Such as,so on.Lets illustrate,show,prove with the following example.Lets take as an exampleAn

20、example,an instance,a(typical)case in point,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,例如:The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in peoples life.This can be best illustrated by the invention of television,which has opened a new era for mankind.Through the use of TV people can learn the even

21、ts which happened thousands of miles away and realize the dream of traveling around the world without having to leave their home.It is often believed that practice makes perfect.As everybody can see,persistent practice will naturally lead to perfect performances and high efficiency.For example,when

22、we learn English,we have to learn such things as grammar,vocabulary,structure and so on.In order to achieve fluency and accuracy as well,we need practice in listening,speaking,reading and writing.Only through constant practice can we have a good command of English.Another case in point is learning t

23、o play the piano.It is through repeated practice that a person learns to play the piano and becomes a skillful pianist.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,2)列举法(listing),Attending schools abroad has many advantages.In the first place,students can learn advanced knowledge of science and technology from the advanced c

24、ountries.In the second place,schools abroad can provide students with a better circumstance to learn foreign languages and make them grasp them more quickly.Furthermore,while studying abroad,young students can learn to become independent and develop all-round ability in order to adapt to the reality

25、 of society.表示列举的方法First of all/Above all,secondly,moreoverIn the first place,in the second place,furthermore/whats moreTo begin(start)with,secondly,in additionFor one thing,for another thing,for still another thing,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,例如1)Tourism brings China a lot of good.To begin with,it enables th

26、e Chinese to know about the outside world and contributes to international friendship and mutual understanding.More importantly,it is financially beneficial to China because tourism greatly encourages foreign investment in China.2)College students who take part-time jobs can learn a number of things

27、 that are not taught in the classroom.First of all,since they have busy schedules,they have to learn how to budget their time more effectively.They gain experiences in organizing their day of activities properly.Secondly,since any job involves contacts and cooperation with other people,they learn ho

28、w to get along well with different kinds of people.Most important of all,part-time jobs give students a chance to learn the value of responsibility.In brief,what they learn from doing part-time jobs enhances their integrity as well as their practical abilities.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,另外,还可以使用设问解答法例 主题句:E

29、nvironmental protection is becoming an important scientific field and is drawing a greater deal of attention.设问:Why is environmental protection becoming an important scientific field and is drawing a greater deal of attention?解答:(1)It involves the work against water population,air pollution,desert e

30、xpansion,and soil erosion,garbage,acid rain and so on.(2)To solve the above problems,much knowledge and research work is needed.(3)Scientists as well as people attach primary importance to environmental protection.Environmental protection is becoming an important scientific field and is drawing a gr

31、eater deal of attention.It involves the work against a variety of environmental damage,such as,water population,air pollution,desert expansion,and soil erosion,garbage,acid rain and so on.To solve these problems,much knowledge and research work is needed.Thus,it is indispensable that scientists as w

32、ell as people attach primary importance to environmental protection.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,.避免写出与主题句不相关的句子,以免走题。.用举例或者例证的方法来扩展主题句。.段落里的句式应多样化,避免全用简单句,应交替使用简单句、并列句和复合句,使句子的表达形式多种多样。.扩展句的排列必须符合事物发生时间的先后顺序。.正确使用过渡词。,要写好扩展句,必须注意以下几个方面:,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,.避免写出与主题句不相关的句子,以免走题。,例如:Here are the directions to ge

33、t to my house from yours.You walk two blocks north and then turn right on Adams Street.Walk another two blocks to Third Street.My sister,who got married last year,lives at the corner of Adams and Third.Then,turn left on Third Street and walk until you see a dirt road with a yellow house on the corne

34、r.That is my house.Exercise:1.One of the most important men in our society is the garbage man.Each year more and more garbage is produced,and more men are required to dispose of it.These men do this dirty work despite the danger of being disabled or killed by the blades of the disposal trucks.If mor

35、e people realized how important the garbage mans job is,perhaps his working conditions would improve.My brother used to work on a garbage truck.He quit because the job was too dangerous.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,2.Australia is a very large country.But most of the population is in the south-east part.85%of

36、the populations live in cities and towns.They usually dont go to the movies at the weekend.Only 15%live in the countryside.Three out of every five people live in big cities.3.Today in China,most of the families have only one child.These only children,who seldom worry about eating and clothing,are re

37、garded as little Emperors of the families.My sister has only one child,a daughter.What they want or need will be immediately satisfied either by their parents or their grandparents,but my sisters husband is usually very strict with his daughter.They do nothing in the family except study.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教

38、研部 黄保超,4.若要写一个以Automobile racing is a dangerous sport为主题句的段落,下列哪些句子可以作为它的扩展句。,1)Many drivers say that they love the danger.2)I like horse racing better.3)Each year several drivers are killed in accidents.4)Soccer is also dangerous.5)Sometimes mechanics are hurt too-when cars crash during races.6)Car

39、s are less dependable than horses.7)Yet spectators,drivers,and mechanics all enjoy the excitement.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,.用举例或者例证的方法来扩展主题句。,例如:若以“My parents look and behave like each other”为主题句,下列哪些句子可以用作例证来说明主题句?1)They both like nature and the outdoors and are fond of walking,gardening,and swimming.2)M

40、y father is eight years older than my mother and taller and thinner.3)They never get tired of listening to China opera.4)Both of my parents have dark hair and black eyes and both have low voices and gentle personalities.5)They both believe in giving their children love and responsibility,and neither

41、 one believes in punishing a child physically.6)My mother is quieter than my father and talks much less than he does.7)They are both interested in reading and music.8)Most of the time they are in agreement on bringing up their children.,(),(),(),(),(),(),洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,My parents look and behave

42、like each other.Both of my parents have dark hair and black eyes and both have low voices and gentle personalities.They both like nature and the outdoors and are fond of walking,gardening,and swimming.They are both interested in reading and music;they never get tired of listening to China opera.Most

43、 of the time they are in agreement on bringing up their children.They both believe in giving their children love and responsibility,and neither one believes in punishing a child physically.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,Exercise:根据所给的主题句,分别通过举例或例证写出扩展句。1.Smoking in school is not worth the risk of getting caught

44、.2.Playing the guitar well requires knowledge of several skills.3.Increasing your vocabulary can help you in a number of ways.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,.段落里的句式应多样化,避免全用简单句,应交替使用简单句、并列句和复合句,使句子的表达形式多种多样。,例如:I will never drive a car again.I had an accident today.I was driving up Fourth Avenue.I saw a bright

45、yellow car.It was driven by a little old lady.She obviously did not see the stop sign.I could not stop in time.She ran right into me.Then she called me a young hoodlum.简单句复合句复合句并列句简单句简单句 I will never drive a car again.I had an accident today when I was driving up Fourth Avenue.I saw a bright yellow

46、car which was driven by little old lady.She obviously did not see the stop sign,and I could not stop in time.She ran right into me.Then she called me a young hoodlum.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,Exercise:改变下列各段的单一句式,使句式多样化,1.The house was beautiful.A long sidewalk led up to the door.Rows of flowers stood on e

47、ach side of the steps.The front of the house was redbrick.The woodwork was painted white.2.Thursday was a sunny day.My brother borrowed a car.We went to the beach.The water was warm.We went swimming.3.I was young.I had a very bad temper.I did something once.I am now very ashamed of that.Tom was my o

48、lder sisters fianc.Tom was in the army.Every week my sister bought cigarettes for Tom.My sister kept the cigarettes in a drawer in her bedroom.4.My parents came home.My sister told them what I had done.My father asked me a question.Is your sister telling the truth?I could not deny the fact.I had cut

49、 up the cigarettes.I was severely punished.I did not get any more pocket money.I got pocket money again only after I had paid for the cigarettes.,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部 黄保超,.扩展句的排列必须符合事物发生时间的先后顺序,Then we turned left.To get to the museum,we started off by taking the subway to 79th Street.Suddenly,right in fro

50、nt of us was the beautiful building we were looking for!When we got off the subway,we walked four blocks up Lexington Avenue.After turning left,we walked what seemed to be an endless distance.经过按时间的先后顺序重新组合句子后,全段就通顺易懂了:To get to the museum,we started off by taking the subway to 79th Street.When we g


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