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1、D R _ word _ haul2,这几个词都是动词,都有“拖”、“拉”、“拽”之意。,haul,drag&pull,CF:,The lorries haul heavy goods from factories to ports.,大卡车把沉重的货物从工厂运到港口。,haul 指缓慢而费力地拖一极重之物,有时可表示很困难地拽。例如:,drag 指施力者在地面或表面上缓慢而沉重地把东西拖过一段距离,该词通常使人想到主动或被动的阻力。例如:,You might drag a heavy box across the ground if you couldnt lift it.,如果你提不动一个

2、重箱子,你可以在地上拖着它走。,D R _ word _ on balance,on balance:with all things considered,On balance,its probably not advisable to change the companys name.,我想,总的来说我更喜欢新的操作系统。,I think,on balance,I prefer the new operating system.,NB:,balance 的反义词是 imbalance。此外,与 balance 有关的其他搭配有:keep ones balance保持平衡lose ones b

3、alance失去平衡strike a balance力求折中in the balance不确定,成败或安危未定,D R _ word _ illustrate,illustrate:vt.provide with visual features;clarify by use of examples,etc.,Let me use another example to illustrate this difficult point.,这三个词都是动词,都有“举例说明”之意。,illustrate,exemplify&demonstrate,CF:,The way that a pump work

4、s is used to illustrate how the heart sends blood around the body.,水泵的工作原理可用来解释心脏是如何将血液送至全身各处的。,illustrate 表示不仅使用具体事例而且有时使用图画,目的是使说明生动、逼真或有效,从而真实地说明某一观点。例如:,D R _ word _ exemplify,exemplify 可用于举例说明某一笼统、抽象的陈述,也可用于举出某事物的典型或范例。例如:,Knights exemplified courage and courtesy.,武士们是勇敢与礼貌(courtesy)的榜样。,Galile

5、o demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed.,伽俐略证实了重量不同的物体以同样的速度下落。,demonstrate 表示用充足且可靠的证据证实某一学术观点或结论,也可用于说明人或事。例如:,D R _ word _ insurance2,Collocation:,意外保险,accident insurance,医疗保险,medical insurance,私人健康保险,private health insurance,伤残保险,disability insurance,社会保险,social i

6、nsurance,失业保险,unemployment insurance,终身人寿保险,whole life insurance,D R _ word _ suspect3,这几个词都可用作动词,都有“主观想像”之意,suspect,assume&presume,CF:,We suspected that he was lost,even before we were told.,别人告诉我们之前,我们就怀疑他失踪了。,He is suspected of murdering that old lady.,他被怀疑杀了那位老妇人。,suspect 意思是“猜想”、“觉得会”、“有点感觉到”,表

7、示有(某事物)存在的想法。另外,该词有“怀疑”、“怀疑某人有罪”之意。例如:,D R _ word _ suspect4,assume 意思是“假定”、“设想”,指把一件尚未证实的事作为事实或真理。例如:,He assumed that the train would be on time.,他假定火车会准时到达。,presume 也有“假定”、“设想”的意思,但它指根据过去的经验或某些现实的感觉认为某事属实,虽然还没有确凿的证据。例如:,The court presumed the death of the man who disappeared during the war.,法庭假定那个

8、在战争中失踪的人已死亡。,D R _ word _ budget2,Collocation:,制定预算,draw up a budget,提交一项预算报告,submit a budget,平衡预算,balance a budget,超出预算,exceed a budget,减少预算,cut/reduce a budget,联邦/家庭收支/市政/国家预算,a federal/household/municipal/national budget,D R _ word _ temptation1,Collocation:,克服诱惑,overcome temptation,抵制诱惑,resist t

9、emptation,受到诱惑,be exposed to temptation,面临诱惑,face temptation,向诱惑屈服,Succumb skm to temptation,让某人受诱惑,place/put temptation in sb.s way,D R _ word _ device1,device:n.a piece of equipment designed to serve a special purpose,They suspected that an explosive device had been left somewhere inside the build

10、ing.,她发明了一种能在下雨时自动关闭窗户的装置。,She invented a device that automatically closes windows when it rains.,device,instrument&implement这几个词都可用作名词,都有“用具”、“器具”之意。,CF:,D R _ word _ device2,I have fitted a device to my car which opens the garage doors automatically.,我车上装了一个能自动开启车库门的装置。,instrument 表示“器械”、“仪器”、“(发动

11、机或航海、航空等的)测量仪器”、“仪表”,表示为技术工作设计的工具,着重于工具的精密与复杂。例如:,All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use.,所有外科手术器械使用前都必须消毒(sterilize)。,device 表示“(为某种用途而制作或改装的)装置、器具”。例如:,D R _ word _ implement,implement 指“工具”、“器具”,常指用于户外如园艺或农用的工具。例如:,Mans earliest implements were carved from stone and bone.,人类最早的工具是

12、用石头和骨头凿刻而成。,D R _ word _ profit2,Collocation:,获得利润,clear/earn/make/turn a profit,分红利,divide profits,净利,a clear/net profit,毛利,总利润,a gross profit,薄利,poor profits,薄利多销,small profits and quick returns,获利地、有利可图地,at a profit,D R _ word _ profit3,这几个词都可用作名词,均有“利益”、“好处”之意。,profit,interest&advantage,CF:,The

13、company has targeted a quite high profit for the year.,公司为今年制定了较高的赢利目标。,A public servant is to work in the interests of the public.,公务员应该为公众谋利益。,interest 当“利益”讲时常用复数形式。例如:,profit 指在物质与精神方面的好处,但以金钱方面为主。例如:,A R _ Useful Expressions 1,Useful Expressions,1.过得去,get by,2.寻觅心灵的满足,find contentment,3.一种自力更生的

14、生活,a self-reliant sort of life,4.大地回暖的气息,the smell of the earth warming,5.艰苦的生活,a tough life,6.日常的家务,usual household routine,7.正如老话说的那样,as the old saying goes,A R _ Useful Expressions 2,love/enjoy every minute of sth.,get through the winter,Ivy League schools,with sb.s blessings,on balance,be employ

15、ed full time,mortgage payments,A R _ Useful Expressions 3,When it comes to.,aside/apart from.,dine out,lower the standard of living/living standard,make up the difference in income,attend the opera and ballet,a tolerance for solitude,15.,至于,16.,除以外,17.,外出吃饭,18.,降低生活标准,19.,弥补收入差额,20.,听歌剧、看芭蕾演出,21.,耐得住寂寞,A R _ Useful Expressions 4,be on a tight budget,self-sufficiency,resist the temptation to do sth.,leave with a feeling of sorrow,a sense of pride,once economic conditions improve,earn money,


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