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1、,上海交通大学出版社,Book I,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 6,Unit Seven,Table of Contents,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Starter,Text:Chinglish ban in Beijing,Working

2、 with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice:interpreting,Practice:translation,Practice:writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Part 1 Language Skills Development,Table of Contents,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,HighlightsS:Bad English on signageL:ChinglishR:Chinglish ban in BeijingW:Compound-c

3、omplex sentences(1)Internet work:Searching for information about dinner toast speeches,Part 1 Language Skills Development,()1.Public Water Tap()2.Cashpoint/ATM(Automatic Teller Machine)()3.Dont Leave Anything on the Train()4.Toilet for the Disabled()5.Be Careful on the Escalator()6.Merry Christmas,上

4、海交通大学出版社,Focus1 starter,Next,1.Starter,A.Can you identify the mistakes in the English expressions on each sign?Match them to the correct expressions 1 to 6.,a,b,d,f,e,c,f,c,b,e,d,a,Back,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1.Starter,B.Listen to the talk on Chinglish and then take notes,putting down the

5、 key words for each aspect of the talk.,1.Topic of the talk:_2.Beijings attempt:_ 3.Some peoples view of Chinglish:_4.The writers view of Beijings attempt:_ _5.English translation of“精神文明办公室”:_,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,to improve its English language environment,persist,even thrive,impossib

6、le to eradicate Chinglish;help foreigners in Beijing;help English learners,Civic Enhancement Office,1.Starter,Chinglish,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Tapescript,1.Starter,Chinglish is a commonly used term for Chinese English.Examples are for the most part mistranslated signs and products.There has been mu

7、ch publicity about Beijings effort to improve its English language environment lately.The effort has been described by the Global Language Monitor as an attempt to eradicate Chinglish before the 2008 Games.Some,however,predict that Chinglish will persistand even thrivefar after the Games have ended.

8、Probably this is right.I have no intention to challenge the prediction and I personally know some working on this correction project.Do they want to eradicate Chinglish?No,that will be an impossible mission.They do the job because they want the Chinese language not to be misunderstood.They want to h

9、elp foreignersto make their life in Beijing somewhat easier and their understanding of Beijing somewhat better.,Back,Next,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Tapescript,1.Starter,By doing so,they also want to help some 250 million Chinese who are currently studying English as a second,auxiliary or business lang

10、uage.China Daily has been asked to help in this effort,too.For example,organizations names need to be translated correctly to facilitate exchanges with the world.So we were asked by the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal Peoples Government to help.We obliged and helped.Since often we could

11、not find exact English equivalents,we had to make up expressions such as“Civic Enhancement Office”for the Chinese“jingshen wenming bangongshi”.Chinglish or not,it is true we are contributing new words to be added to this global language which will hit its millionth word on April 29,2009.,Back,Next,B

12、ack,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Text Lead in,Warm Up:Correct the following Chinglish on the public signs.,cabstand/cab rank,Back,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Gentlemen,Text Lead in,Back,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Special Christmas offers from manufacturers.,Text Lead in,Back,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Call bra

13、nd only.,Text Lead in,Back,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Caution:low overhang.Watch your head.,Text Lead in,Back,Next,Focus1 Text lead in,Text Organization,China attempts to wipe out Chinglish,Text Lead in,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,Chinglish Ban in Beijing 1 China has

14、 launched a fresh drive to clamp down on bad English after being awarded the 2008 Olympics back in 2001.Previous attempts to wipe out Chinglishthe mistranslated phrases often seen on Chinese street signs and product labelshave met with little success.,Translation,中式英语命休北京 1 中国在2001年成功申办2008年奥运会之后,进一

15、步加大了治理不规范英语的力度。在此之前,政府也曾着手取缔中式英语,即那些常见于街头指示牌和产品标签上误译的词句,但是收效甚微。,ban:n.禁令e.g.The government imposed a total ban on cigarette advertising.The military leadership lifted the ban on homosexuals in the military.A ban on drug trafficking has been issued recently.vt.禁止,取缔e.g.The new regulations ban smoking

16、 from all work sites.He was banned from boasting about his criminal activities on the Internet after posting videos of himself.,clamp:vt./vi.夹住,固定e.g.She clamped her hands over her ears.clamp down on:对进行治理;禁止,取缔e.g.The police are clamping down on drunk drivers.,Meaning:China has started a new campai

17、gn to ban ill-formed English after it succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympics back in 2001.,previous:a.以前的,先前的e.g.No previous experience is necessary for this job.,label:n.1)标签,签条,标记e.g.Bar code labels are terrific for using as product labels for products such as DVDs,CDs,VHS tapes and other elec

18、tronic media.2)称谓,绰号e.g.I hate the label“househusband”.vt.1)给贴标签e.g.She labeled the parcels neatly,writing the addresses in capital letters.2)把分类,将列为e.g.The newspapers had unjustly labeled him a troublemaker.,Questions about Para.1,wipe out:彻底消灭e.g.Landowners fear the plan to introduce sea eagles in

19、to the area could wipe out other rare birds.The government is trying to wipe out illiteracy.,Drivee.g.a recruitment drive for new members an economy drive(=effort to reduce spending)e.g.a nationwide drive to crack down on crime,label:n.1)标签,签条,标记e.g.Bar code labels are terrific for using as product

20、labels for products such as DVDs,CDs,VHS tapes and other electronic media.2)称谓,绰号e.g.I hate the label“househusband”.vt.1)给贴标签e.g.She labeled the parcels neatly,writing the addresses in capital letters.2)把分类,将列为e.g.The newspapers had unjustly labeled him a troublemaker.,1.Why has China started a new

21、campaign to ban Chinglish?,Because the widespread use of Chinglish causes trouble or inconvenience to foreign visitors to China,especially in the year 2008 when the Olympic Games would be hosted in Beijing.,Back,Next,上海交通大学出版社,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,2 Emergenc

22、y exits at Beijing airport read“No entry on peacetime”and the Ethnic Minorities Park is named“Racist Park”.,Translation,2 在北京机场,紧急出口(Emergency exits)处写有“No entry on peacetime(和平时期禁止入内)”的字样;而“中华民族园(the Ethnic Minorities Park)”则变成了“Racist Park(种族主义者公园)”。,emergency:n.U 突发事件;紧急情况;非常时期e.g.The ambulance b

23、rought him to the emergency room with no time to spare.救护车立即把他送到了急救室。,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,3 A road sign on Beijings Avenue of Eternal Peace warns of a dangerous pavement with the words:“To Take Notice of Safe;The Slippery are Very Crafty”.Menus frequently list items

24、such as“Corrugated iron beef”,“Government abuse chicken”,“Chop the strange fish”,“Husband and Wifes Lung Slices”,and“Tofu Made By A Pock-Marked Woman”.This last dish differs slightly from“the Tofu Commonly Home-Made”,though both complement“The Temple Explodes The Chicken Cube”and“Young Chicken Witho

25、ut Sex”.,Translation,3 北京长安大街上有一块路牌,提醒行人注意人行道上的危险,上面写着:“To Take Notice of Safe;The Slippery are Very Crafty(要注意保险箱;那些滑的是非常狡猾的)。”菜单上菜名的误译更是比比皆是,如,“铁板牛肉”被译为“瓦楞铁皮牛肉(Corrugated Iron Beef)”,“宫保鸡丁”被译成“政府虐待鸡(Government abuse chicken)”,而“生鱼片”成了“砍那陌生的鱼(Chop the strange fish)”,“夫妻肺片”被译为“丈夫和妻子的肺片(Husband and W

26、ifes Lung slices)”,“麻婆豆腐”则被译为“脸上长有麻点的女子做的豆腐(Tofu Made By A Pock-Marked Woman)”。虽然最后这道菜的做法与“家常豆腐(the Tofu Commonly Home-Made)”略有不同,但是二者的翻译与“The Temple Explodes The Chicken Cube(庙宇爆炸鸡丁)”和“Young Chicken Without Sex(没有性的雏鸡)”如出一辙。,avenue:n.1)美(城市中心)大街,林阴路;道路;e.g.Pennsylvania Avenue is among the worlds mo

27、st famous streets.It is known the world over as the heart of the Nations Capital.2)手段,途径e.g.The president wants to explore every avenue towards peace in the region.,eternal:a.永恒的,持久的,永远的e.g.The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.,pavement:n.人行道e.g.The mu

28、lticolored pavement paint contains high levels of lead,posing a risk of poisoning to young children.,slippery:a.滑溜的,光滑的e.g.In the snow the slippery road tends to cause more traffic accidents.,crafty:a.狡猾的e.g.Do not trust him,he is as crafty as a fox.,abuse:vt.1)虐待sexually/physically/emotionally abus

29、ed e.g.She was physically and emotionally abused as a child.2)滥用e.g.Williams abused his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends.3)辱骂e.g.Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.n.1)虐待e.g.Many children suffer racial abuse at school.2)滥用e.g.government officials abuse of powe

30、r,complement:vt.补充,加强e.g.She used photographs to complement the text of the news story.The proposals complement the incentives already available.n.补充物e.g.It is a resource for the teachers and their classes,and a complement to the traditional education system.,chop:vt.剁碎,砍,切e.g.He went outside to cho

31、p some more wood for the fire.Add two finely chopped onions and a clove of garlic.DFF 厚肉片,排,cube:n.1)立方体e.g.Cut the meat into small cubes.2)(算术)立方e.g.The cube of 3 is 27.,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,crafty:a.狡猾的e.g.Do not trust him,he is as crafty as a fox.,Back,Next,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Ne

32、xt,4 The mistranslations arise because many Chinese words express concepts obliquely and can be interpreted in multiple ways,making translation a minefield for non-English speakers.What are the more memorable examples of Chinglish that you have seen?,Translation,4.之所以产生误译是因为许多汉字表意时不直截了当,并有多种释义,这些都是非

33、英语母语使用者在翻译中的“雷区”。记忆中还有哪些中式英语让人过目“难忘”呢?,arise:vi.1)出现,发生e.g.A new crisis has arisen.2)起床e.g.She arises at 9:00 a.m.,interpret:vt./vi.1)翻译e.g.Would you please interpret for me?2)理解e.g.His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.3)解释 e.g.Freud attempted to interpret

34、the meaning of dreams.,multiple:a.多样的,多重的e.g.He is the person with multiple injuries.Players are not allowed to have multiple accounts.n.倍数e.g.4,6,and 12 are multiples of 2.,minefield:n.1)危险区,危机四伏的局面e.g.The legal system is a minefield for the ordinary people.2)雷区e.g.They realized they had wandered i

35、nto a minefield.,memorable:a.值得纪念的,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,5 Found commonly on products and signage in China it is an attempt at English marred by poor translation and misspelling.The sign above features a classic mistakenot only the bizarre word substitution(u

36、nless they really are selling bishops)but also the more unusual use of language.Where on earth did they find“nosh”?,Translation,5 在中国,产品和标示牌上充斥着误译和误拼的英文,这是对英语语言的糟蹋。上图中所示的英语招牌就是一种典型的错误,不仅词的选用离奇古怪(除非店家真的出售主教),而且语言的使用更是匪夷所思。“nosh”一词究竟从何而来?,Meaning:The English words or phrases on products,signs and post

37、ers in China are often incorrectly interpreted and misspelled.In this sentence,it is a function word and the logical subject is an attempt;thus what is really meant should be:an attempt is found commonly on products and signage in China.The past participle marred modifies English,functioning as an a

38、ttribute.,Questions about Paras.4-5,nosh:n.小吃,点心,mar:vt.损毁,损伤,糟蹋e.g.Age cannot mar her beauty.The noise marred the peace of the night.,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,2.What has caused the mistakes frequently found in the names of the dishes on a menu?,People do word f

39、or word translations ignoring the dietary culture in the west.,3.To which degree do you agree that Chinese words express concepts obliquely and can be interpreted in multiple ways?,Many Chinese words each have more than two meanings and therefore can be interpreted differently depending on the conte

40、xts.,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,6 How much courage would be required of the potential user of the autobank if he or she sees the sign below:“Help Oneself Terminating Machine”!,Translation,6 如果在自助银行上看到“帮助你结束自己的机器”的字样,谁还有勇气再往前踏入一步?,terminate:vt./vi.结束,终止e.g.They hav

41、e terminated the contract.The sign below frequently pops into your eye as you take a stroll in the park:公园里散步时,下面这个标牌常常会跳入你的眼帘:,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,7.The sign below frequently pops into your eye as you take a stroll in the park:8 It may take you a few minut

42、es before you can puzzle out the meaning of“Do the birds friend”!,Translation,7 公园里散步时,下面这个标牌常常会跳入你的眼帘:8 费一番思考之后,你才能琢磨出何谓“Do the birds friend”!,puzzle:vt.t 使困惑,为难e.g.Earthquake prediction is a question that continues to puzzle scientists.n.1)测验智力的问题(玩具)e.g.a crossword puzzle 填词游戏 2)难题,迷惑puzzle out:苦

43、思冥想才弄清楚(或解决)e.g.He lay looking at the ceiling,trying to puzzle things out.,Questions about Paras.7-8,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,pop into:突然进入 e.g.She popped into the kitchen to check the stove.她快速走进厨房去检查炉子。An idea popped into his mind like a flash.他脑海里突然闪过一个念头。,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,4.

44、What is the sign“Let us do the birds friend”really saying?,A possible correction would be“Treat brids as our friends.”or“Birds are our friends.”or“Make friends with birds.”,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,9 Also,when someone takes a walk in the park,he or she is likely

45、 to come upon a notice erected by a meadow that reads:“I Like Your Smile,But Unlike You Put Your Shoes On My Face.”10“My God!”the walker would think,jumping back toward the asphalt.“The grass wrote that sign!The grass has a face!”,Translation,9 在公园散步的行人,多半还会见到这样一块告示牌,立在草地旁,上面写着:“我喜欢你的微笑。但是不希望你把你的鞋子放

46、在我的脸上。”10“我的天啊!”行人抽回脚步,连忙跳回到柏油马路上,心中纳闷,“告示牌是小草写的!小草还长着一张脸孔呢!”,erect:vt.竖立e.g.This city has erected a monument to the past mayor.Several wooden crosses were erected at the foot of the mountain.,Questions about Paras.9-10,asphalt:n.U 沥青;柏油e.g.Asphalt is used for making road surfaces.,2.Text:Chinglish

47、Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,5.How would you interpret“不喜欢你把鞋子踩在我 的脸上”?,A possible interpretation is:Please Keep Off the Grass.,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,11 This is the beauty of Chinglish:It makes you laugh and think at the same time.12 It crack

48、les with puzzling advice,like“Dont Press The Glass To Get Hurt!”and,“If You Are Stolen,Call The Police At Once!”,Translation,11 这便是中式英语的妙处:它带来笑声,同时也激发想象。12 还有下列令人费解的忠告:“为了受伤不要挤压玻璃!”,以及“如果你被偷走了,请立即报警!”,Questions about Paras.11-12,crackle:vi.发出噼啪声e.g.The fire suddenly crackled and spat sparks.e.g.Attr

49、action and opposition were crackling between them.,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,When beauty is used in the context like the beauty of something,it refers to a particularly good quality that makes something especially suitable or useful,i.e.an advantage.e.g.The beauty of the plan consists in its s

50、implicity.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,6.What is the beauty of Chinglish according to the writer?,Chinglish sometimes is entertaining,and simultaneously,thought provoking.,2.Text:Chinglish Ban in Beijing,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,13 In North America,parents saunter through malls with kids,rarely think


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