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1、大学英语预备级二,1,1、这起交通事故在很大程度上是由于粗心大意引起的。(to a extent)To a great extent,the car accident was caused by carelessness.2、无论你去哪儿、无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你。(wherever,whatever)Wherever you go,whatever you do,Ill be right here waiting for you.3、我们必须限制这次会议的开支。(limit)We must set a limit to the expense of the conference.4、她

2、又改变主意了,这让我们大家都很生气。(which)She changed her mind again,which made us all angry.5、因特网可以为不同的学习者提供更灵活多样的学习方式。(provide)Internet can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning.6、在他看来他好像永远也没办法解决这个问题。(it seems that)It sees to him that he would never be able to work out the pr

3、oblem.7、他们并不是等着老师讲解,而是努力发现解决问题的办法。(instead of)Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,they try to find the solution to the problems for themselves.8、对她而言,抓住这次学习的机会是很重要的。(it is important for)It is important for her to grasp this learning opportunity.9、一方面这家酒店靠近大海,但另一方面花费高。(on the other hand)On

4、the one hand the hotel is near the sea,but on the other hand it costs a lot.10、这次会议的目的是选一个新主席。(purpose)The purpose of the meeting is to elect a new chairman.11、随着工作时间越来越短和假期越来越长,如何度过休闲时间已经成为一个热门话题。(with)With the working hours becoming shorter and shorter and holidays becoming longer and longer,how t

5、o spend the leisure time has become a hot topic.12、显然,人们在休闲时间所做的一切,使他们能够满足他们的愿望。(enableto)Obviously,all things people do in leisure hours enable them to satisfy their wishes.,2,13、锻炼有益于健康。(contribute to)Exercise contributes to better health.14、我们的喜好、品味、兴趣和个性与社会环境和学习经验有关。(be related to)Our likes and

6、dislikes,tastes,interests and characters are all related to social background and learning experiences.15、建这个图书馆花了他们五年多时间。(take)It took them over five years to build this library.16、他不是适合做这个工作的人。(who)He is not the person who is fit for the job.17、这些问题固然是些难题,但我相信是能够解决的。(indeed)These problems are inde

7、ed a little bit difficult,but I believe they could be solved.18、在许多方面城市生活比不上乡村生活。(compare with)Living in a town cant compare with living in the country in many respects.19、我发现他的理论是正确的。(find sth.+a)I found his theory to be true.20、环球旅游一直是他从孩提时代就开始的人生目标。(v-ing)Travelling round the world is always his

8、life goal from his childhood.,3,一、选择填空(每题2分,共20分)1.Mark often attempts to escape(D)whenever he breaks traffic regulations.D.being fined2.If I had remembered(C)the door,the things would not have been stolen.C.locking3.Mary,help yourself to some salad.-(C).C.Thanks,but Ive had enough.4.Millions of pou

9、nds worth of damage(A)by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.A.has been caused 5.Her son promised()in the bedroom until the baby stopped(B).B.to stay crying6.Mrs.Smith warned her daughter(A)after drinking.A.never to drive 7.As she is looking forward to()from me,please remember

10、()this letter on your way to school.(C)C.hearingto post 8.Everything seems all right,(A)?A.doesnt it 9.its a fine day.Lets go fishing,(D)?D.shall we10.We mustnt lose heart,must we?All the teachers are encouraging us.(D)-.D.No,we mustnt.11.Whats the language(B)in Germany?B.spoken12.Mr.Lee,()of the()s

11、peech,started to read a novel.(A)A.tiredboring 13.(D),the boy couldnt enter his house.D.Having lost the key14.I think they will go to town tomorrow,(D)?D.wont they15.We told you that he would come tonight,(A)?A.didnt we16.Do you think living in the countryside has more advantages?-(B).B.Well,it depe

12、nds17.Youve won the basketball game.Congratulations!-(C).C.Thank you.Were really lucky.18.The problem of housing(A)leads to the problem of social instability.A.itself 19.The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within(B)a few seconds.B.just20.After(C)his work,he came to help me with my

13、English.C.finishing,4,Passage 1 You are unique.There are 6.5 billion people in the world but no other person is exactly like you.Besides people,there are millions of other living things.Every living thing is different from each other.Every living thing is a unique combination of characteristics.1.In

14、 the first paragraph,the author mainly tells us that.C.every living thing is unique2.The word of Gregor Mendel was especially important because.D.he had first discovered what we call genes today3.Gregor Mendel made a special study of plant because.C.he wanted to find out why pea plants differed in s

15、hape,color and size4.By experiments Gregor Mendel proved.B.pea plants possessed factors which could be passed onto the young5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Every person is unique because he is a unique combination of genes.,5,Passage 2 What do you know about the sea?Most of us have see

16、n it.Many of us have swum in it.We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.And we also know that the sea is full of waves.Waves are beautiful to look at,but they can destroy ships at sea,as well as houses and buildings 1.Which of the following directly causes waves?B.The wind.2.

17、Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?C.The size of a wave is determined by how high the air rises above the water.3.When was the largest measured wave in history reported?C.In 1933.4.How high was the largest measured wave?B.34 meters.5.Which of the following may be the most appropr

18、iate title for this passage?B.Winds and Waves.,6,Passage 3The tea ceremony in Japan,or Cha-No-Yu,is a special form of entertainment for distinguished guests.The tradition started in the 15th century and has existed for about six hundred years,and it has very special and strict rules that must be fol

19、lowed.1.What is the main purpose of a Japanese Cha-No-Yu?D.To let the guests enjoy a moment of peace and calm.2.What do the guests NOT do before they are led to the tea room?B.Chang their clothes.3.Which of the following best describe a tea room?C.Not big but artistically decorated.4.What have you l

20、earned about the tea masters from the tape?B.They follow a strict procedure in making and serving the tea.5.How are the guests feeling when they leave the tea room after the ceremony is over?C.Joyful And calm.,7,三、完型填空(每题1分,共10分)You really have to get very old before you realize youre old.Im in my m

21、iddle fifties and I dont feel old yet.However,sometimes I look back at my childhood and 1 things to the way life is for todays kids.Some things have 2 changed.One area of change is television.Some changes have been improvements.Some changes,3 the other hand,have been setbacks.When I started school,m

22、ost people didnt have a television.TV was just beginning to get 4.My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white Motorola set.I still remember 5 the Lone Ranger save people from the bad guys on that awesome electronic machine.That was exciting!Now,televisions have larger pictures

23、in full color.The pictures are 6 and the sound is much more realistic.The new high definition sets are made to rival movie 7.The variety and quantity of programming has increased greatly.There are hundreds of 8 and more shows than one person could ever watch.There are many fine entertainment and 9 s

24、hows.Theres also a lot of garbage,stuff that most parents dont want their kids exposed to.Overall,we have more choices,and that is good.I wonder what television will be 10 when todays kids are my age.1.C.compare2.D.certainly3.B.on4.D.popular5.C.watching6.A.clearer7.D.screen8.C.channels9.B.educationa

25、l10.C.like,8,1.请根据下列内容,写一张便条:玛丽:你同学来电话说他今天晚上8点来接你看电影,望你在家等候 罗莉 星期六下午4点30分Mary,Your classmate called you that he would pick you up at 8p.m to go to see the film.Please wait for him at home.Rolly 4:30pm.Saturday 2.请以My Father/Mother 为题,写一篇80词左右的描述文。My fatherMy father is a businessman.He sells computer

26、s.He is a tall and strong man.He is very kind to my mother and me.He is warm harted and always help the people who is in trouble.He doesnt like going to movies and watching TV at home,but he likes reading newspaper in the evening.He isnt good at talking,but only like to do something well.Sometimes h

27、e is very busy,and he can stay another place for several weeks.But when he comes back home,he can bring some interesting things to me.I love my father,and I am also proud of my father.,9,名称:作文3 例文 内容:May 15th 借字典Alice,I wonder if you can lend me your Chinese-English dictionary.I will return it three

28、 days later.Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English.However,I often meet some Chinese words which I dont know how to translate.I will take good care of your dictionary.Thank you very much.Peter名称:作文4例文 内容:香港旅游 During the Spring Festival holidays,I had travelled to Hong Kong wi

29、th some of my friends.We went to Hong Kong by plane.Hong Kong is very small,but it is a crowded and prosperous.In Hong Kong,all of the buildings are very tall.There are lots of shops there and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night.In Hong Kong,things are very expensive,so we only bought a f

30、ew souvenirs.We went to lots of places,such as the Disneyland and Ocean Park.I like Ocean Park best.Sitting in the cable car,you can see Deep Water Bay,it is a beautiful sea view.But my friend Lily was afraid of sitting in the cable car!We stayed in the Shu Ren College.There are many big trees around it.We had meals in the restaurants,but I didnt like the food.I like Hong Kong and I hope to go there again some day.,10,


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