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1、-How many students will attend James course?-I suppose there will be not more than ten,_,for it is too abstract.If so B.if possible C.if any D.if ever_ Lisa is a lovely and quiet girl,she can be very naughty and duifficult to work with sometimes.While B.As C.Unless D.Once-Come on,please give me some

2、 ideas about the project.-Sorry,with so much work _ my mind,I almost break down.A.filled B.Filling C.to fill D.being filled,非谓语动词,分词不定式,现在分词doing,过去分词done,to do,4.作宾语,3.作定语,2.作表语,5.作补语,V-ing 形式,1.作主语,6.作状语,参考P112,V-ed 形式,1.作表语,2.作定语,3.作宾补,4.作状语,1.作主语,4.作宾语,一、动名词的形式,4.作宾语,3.作定语,2.作表语,5.作补语,V-ing 形式,1

3、.作主语,6.作状语,V-ed 形式,1.作表语,2.作定语,3.作宾补,4.作状语,1.作主语,4.作宾语,doing/being done,V.-ing 形式,1.作主语,1.Our _(come)made him happy.2._(find)more information are important.,在改错时注意句型分析,此类题目容易出现在改错题中。,1.-What do you think made Jack so sad?-_his new watch.As he lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing,coming,Finding,i

4、s,你介意他抽烟吗?,Do you mind his smoking,二、功能及用法(作主语),1作主语.动名词作主语时,句子有三种形式:动名词直接置于句首主语的位置上。1)捉弄别人是我们万万不能干的._ is something we should never do2)学习新单词对我来说非常重要。_ is very important for me3)说比做容易。_ is easier than doing.,Playing tricks on others,Learning new words,Talking,提示:当动名词用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。1)我姐

5、姐病了,使我很担心。My sisters being ill made we worried.2)你正确未必就意味着我错了。Your being right doesnt necessarily mean _.,my being wrong,二、功能及用法(作主语),_made her mother very angry.Mary married Jim B.Marys married JimC.Marys marrying Jim D.Marrys being married Jim_ makes him very happy.Toms taking abroadTom will take

6、abroadToms being taken abroadTom will be taken abroad,=Marys being married to Jim,That Mary had married Jim,That,注意被动形式的ing,makes him very upset,Toms not being taken,复合结构:sbs doing,注意动名词的否定式(sbs)not doing,动名词作主语与不定式作主语的区别:动名词表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定式则通常表示具体的动作。如:1)还是个孩子的时侯,她就觉得探视病人是一种责任,也是一种愉悦。As a child,

7、she felt that _ was a duty and a pleasure2)到美国人家里做客对我来说将是一个极好的经历。_ in an American home will be a good experience for me.,二、功能及用法(作主语),visiting sick people,To be a guest,作宾语,动词后 介词后on,for,by,about,+ing 口诀:Meipscarf,M:miss,mindE:escape,enjoy,excuse,ensure(确保),evade(躲避)I:imagine,includeP:practise,pardo

8、n,put offS:suggestC:cant help(禁不住),cant resist(不能抵制),cant stand(无法忍受)A:avoid,appreciate,admit(承认)R:riskF:finish,fancy,feel like,补充:dislike,delay give up,动词后作宾语,动名词作宾语有两种情况。一是有些动词只能后接动名词作宾语;二是有些动词既可后接动名词也可后接不定式作宾语。只能后接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有avoid,consider,enjoy,keep,finish,suggest,dislike,delay,escape,cannot

9、help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,cannot stand等。如:1)我不能不去。I cant avoid going2)你是否考虑过找一位挚友?Have you considered _ one special friend?,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),looking for,3)我们必须设法避免犯同样的错误。We must try to _ the same mistake4)晚饭后你想和我一起散步吗?Do you _ with me after supper?5)人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。People _ foolish man 这类动词还有:excus

10、e,fancy,give up,put off,risk等。,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),avoid repeating,feel like having a walk,couldnt help laughing at that,注意某些to充当介词的时候:,pay attention to,be devoted to get down to(着手干),object to(反对),look forward to,stick to(坚持),be/get used to习惯于,其他一些词组,lead to(导致)insist on what(how)about feel like thank sb

11、 for apologize to sb for dream ofbe busy(in)doing have fun doinghave difficulty/trouble/problem(in)doinghave a good/wonderful/hard time(in)Its no use doingTheres no sense/point(in)doing干是无意义的spend as much time sb can doing,I really appreciate _back this afternoon.A.you to call B.you call C.your call

12、ing D.youre callingI can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.sail B.sailing C.to sail D.to have sailed,I cant help _(cry)when I heard the news.I cant help _(clean),because I am busy now.,crying,to clean,forget remember regret stop go on try mean cant help,以下词有双重跟法,双重意义,以下

13、词有三种动词形式,advise admit consider encourage forbid permit,以下词有双重跟法,意义基本相同,like dislike love continue start,He suggested _(call)a meeting and _(let)the workers _(decide)the matter themselves.2.A:Would you children mind _(keep)quiet for a moment?Im trying _(fill)up a form.B.Its no use _(ask)children _(ke

14、ep)quiet.They cant help _(make)a noise.3.They dont allow _(smoke)in the auditorium;They dont want _(risk)_(set)it on fire,but you can _(smoke)in the foyer(休息室)during the interval.4.We cant stand him _(beat)the desk.5.I couldnt imagine that _(be)possible.6.You still have a lot _(learn)if youll forgiv

15、e my _(say)so.,calling,letting,decide,keeping,to fill,Why not _(try)_(boat)?,try,boating,asking,Its no use/good doingIts a waste of time doinghave a good/wonderful/hard time(in)doingfeel like doinghave difficulty/trouble/problem(in)doing,to keep,making,smoking,to risk,setting,smoke,beating,being,to

16、learn,saying,7.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A.to invent B.inventing C.to have invented D.having invented,I am considering _(go)abroad.I am considered _(go)abroad.I considered _(go)abroad.,going,to go,going,consider sb to dobe considered to doconsider doing,类似动词:forbid

17、,allow,advise,permit,Were consideringEnglish in pairs after class.Apractising speakingBpractising to speakCto practise speakingDto practise to speakCharles Babbage is generally consideredthe first computer.Ato have inventedBinventingCto inventDhaving invented,There is nothing more I can try _ you to

18、 stay,so I wish you good luck.being persuaded B.persuadingC.to be persuaded D.to persuade,Why not try doing sth,You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting.Well,now I regret _ that.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having doneI regret _(tell)you that youve failed the exam.She reached

19、the top of the hill and stopped_on a bigrock by the side of the path.A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.restWhen the teacher came in,they stopped_(talk),to tell,talking,She reached the top of the hill and stoppedon a big rock by the side of the path.Ato have rested Btesting Cto restDRestWe have

20、to do something to stop wild animals.AkillingBto be killed Cbeing killed Dto kill You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regretthat.Ato do Bto be doingCto have done Dhaving doneTry_the back door if nobody answers the front door.Ato knock at Bknocking atCand knock at Dand

21、 knocking at,I should say sorry to him.I regret _to help him that day.A.refusing B.to refuse C.refused D.refuse,I remember posting the letter我记得我已把信寄了。2)Ill remember to post the letter我会记着去寄信的。3)I shall never forget seeing the famous writer_4)Dont forget to write to your mother_ 5)我真后悔没赶上那次报告会。_6)我遗

22、憾地告诉你我不能接受你的建议。_,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家。,不要忘了给你母亲写信。,I regret missing the report,I regret to say I cant take your advice,D在try,mean之后,意义各不相同,如try to do(设法),try doing(试试),mean to do(打算,有意要做),mean doing(意思是,意味着)。如:1)我们必须设法及时把一切搞好。We must try to get everything done in time2)我们用别的方法做这工作试试。Lets t

23、ry doing the working in some other way3)I didnt mean to make you angry_4)Your plan would mean spending hours_,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),我并不想叫你生气。,你的计划意味着要花费几个小时。,E go on doing 和go on to dogo on doing继续做一直在做的事;go on to do接着做另一件事。如:1)请接着做这同一个练习。_ the same exercise2)请做另外一个练习。_ the other exerciseFstop doing与stop to

24、 do:Stop doing停止做,stop to do停下正在干的事去干另一件事。如:我们停止了交谈。_我们停了下来去谈话。_,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),Please go on doing,Please go on to do,We stopped talking,We stopped to talk,3作介词宾语.动名词可与介词一起构成介词短语。A介词+动名词,如:1)我们得想些法子改变人们的习惯。Weve got to think of ways of changing peoples habits.2)我向你道歉,刚才对你那样生气。I apologize _ so angry wi

25、th you.3)离开几年之后再回到你生长的地方,感觉有点怪。_ away for several years,it is a strange experience to return to the place you were born and brought up,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),for being,After being,B动词+介词+动名词,如:1)我坚持为这次出行带足需要的食物。I insist on taking proper food fort his expedition2)同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸。_,each of them made a face她对

26、为我们公司工作很感兴趣。She was very _ for our company下列短语中的to都是介词,所以后面跟名词或-ing形式:devote to,object to,pay attention to,get down to,lead to,look forward to,stick to,be used to等,二、功能及用法(用作宾语),Instead of smiling,interested in working,4.Tom enjoys _ basketball on Sunday afternoons,doesnt he?Yes,he does.But what his

27、 sister enjoys _.A.to play;dancing B.playing;to dance C.to play;to dance D.playing;is to dance5.Were you at home last Sunday?Yeah!I devoted the whole day to _ the English grammar.A.reviewB.reviewingC.be reviewedD.being reviewed6.I am busy _ for the entrance examination,so I cant help _ housework at

28、homeA.preparing;doing B.preparing;to doC.to prepare;doing D.to prepare;to do,What he wants to do first is tell his mother the good news.,devote sth to doing/sthbe devoted to doing/sth,7.After the guests left,she spent as much time as she could _ the rooms.tidy up B.to clear away C.clear away D.tidyi

29、ng up,After the guests left,she did everything she could _ the rooms.,to tidy up,You cant imagine what great difficulty the woman had _three children in those hard years.bring up B.brought up C.Bringing up D.to bring up,Much use should be made of _ English well.A.learning B.to learn C.learned D.have

30、 learned,Such mistakes must be avoided _ a second time.A.to make B.to be made C.making D.being made2.I find it hard to get along with Miss Smith,and therefore I always avoid _ together with her.to leave alone B.leaving aloneC.to be left alone D.being left aloneHe was lucky enough to avoid _ somethin

31、g in ourcompany office.being caught stealing B.to be catch stealingC.catching stealing D.being caught stolen,be left doing/done/形容词,Which of the following should I avoid _ along well with Arabian business?A.getting B.to get C.being got D.to be got,Which will enjoy _(spend)the holiday,swimming or cli

32、mbing?,to spend,7.Much attention should be paid to _ the environment.A.protect B.protecting C.protected D.of protecting8.Do you feel like _ out?No.Id rather we _ a taxito drive;take B.to drive;tookC.driving;take D.driving;took9.There was a famous person at the party whom everyone would like _ to the

33、mselves.to introduce B.to be introduced C.introducing D.being introduced,Id rather you _(tell)me the news yesterday.Id rather _(stay)at home at such rainy days.,hadnt told,stay,Revision,-Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me?(Fujian,33)-No problem.A.seat B.sit C.seated D.satThe trees _ in

34、 the storm have been moved off the road.(Hunan,26)being blown down B.blown down C.blowing down D.to blow downWe had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the results ofthe experiment.(Sichuan,14)A.wait B.to be waiting C.waited D.waiting,The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs forthe meeting.(quang

35、uo2,12)A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking upIt is worth considering what makes“convenience”foods sopopular,and _ better ones of your own.(Beijing,35)introduces B.to introduce C.introducing D.introducedIt is one of the funniest things _ on the Internet so farthis year.(Zhejiang,13)A.finding B

36、.being found C.to find D.found,-Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me?(Fujian,33)-No problem.A.seat B.sit C.seated D.satThe trees _ in the storm have been moved off the road.(Hunan,26)being blown down B.blown down C.blowing down D.to blow downWe had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the re

37、sults ofthe experiment.(Sichuan,14)A.wait B.to be waiting C.waited D.waiting,Please remain _;the winner of the prize will beannounced soon.(Liaoning,31)A.seating B.seated C.to seat D.to be seated,作定语,_,liquids can be changed into gases.2._ the liquid,you will find that it can be changed into gases.3

38、._ the liquid,and you will find that it can be changed into gases.4._ the liquid,you should make a fire first.A.Heating B.To be heated C.Heated D.Heat,4.作状语,_ a reply,he decided to write again.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received,Heated,Heating,Heat,祈使句+连词(and/or

39、)+句子(常用一般将来),To heat,Having been attacked by terrorists,_.doctors came to their rescuean emergency measure was takenthe tall building collapsedwarnings were given to tourists,_the news,he cried.(hear)_ the news,tears filled eyes.(hear),Hearing,When hearing,When he heard(万能),When he heard,_ on the to

40、p of the hill,the whole city can be seen._ on the top of the hill,we can see the whole city._the whole city,we should stand on the top of the hill._ on the top of the hill,and you can see the whole city.A.SeenB.To seeC.Seeing D.See,A.Seen,C.Seeing,B.To see,D.See,1.There was a terrible noise _the sud

41、den burst of light.A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed 2.The first text-books _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written 3.The disc,digitally _ in the studio,sounded fantastic at the party la

42、st night.A.recorded B.recording C.to be recorded D.having recorded,For nearly three hours we waited for the decision,only _ to come again the next day.to tell B.telling C.to be told D.being told,thus doing,Do let your mother know all the truth,but she appears _ everything.to tell B.to be told C.to b

43、e telling D.to have been toldId love _ to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A.To go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone,不定式的时态和语态:to do to be doing to have done to be done to have been done,Flu is said _(cause)by a special virus.Robert is believed _(study)abroad,

44、but I dont which country he studied.,to be caused,to have studied,There are five pairs _,but Im at a loss which to buy.to be chosen B.to choose fromto choose D.for choosing-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers.-The key _(solve)the problem is to meet the demand

45、_(make)by the customers.,But I dont know which one to _,choose,to solving,made,The _ boy was last seen _ near the East Lake.Missing,playing B.missing,playgone,to play D.lost,playedHe sent me an E-mail _ to get further information.A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope,The man needed _ for one of his legs

46、 was badly injured.to look after B.looking afterC.look after D.being looked after,=to be looked after,_ in her best dress,the girl tried to make herself _ at the party.Dressed,noticed B.Dressing;noticingC.Wearing;noticed D.Dressed;noticing_by a crowd of people,he felt nervous,_what to say.Watching;didnt know B.Having watched;and not knowC.Having been watched;not knownD.Being watched;not knowing,make oneself done(understood,heard,noticed),


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