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1、Love Is a Fallacy,Max shulman马克斯舒尔曼(March 14,1919August 28,1988),Max Shulman,Birth:14th March 1919,St.Pual,Minnesota,USA.Death:28th August 1988,Los Angeles,California,USA(bone cancer),Max Shulman,Max Shulman is a 20th century American writer best known for his television and short story character Do

2、bie Gillis(多比吉利斯),as well as for best-selling novels.His writing often focused on young people,particularly in a collegiate setting.,Max Shulman,writerplaywrighthumorist(幽默大师),novels,Barefoot Boy with Cheek(his first novel)无礼的赤脚少年The Feather Merchants衣冠楚楚的商人The Zebra DerbySleep till NoonRally Around

3、 The Flag,Boys孩子们,团结在旗帜周围吧Potatoes Are Cheap,writing features,Focusing on young people,particularly in a collegiate setting.Colloquialism(口语体)a colloquial expression.The story goes at a very fast pace with a racy dialogue full of American slang.He is a writer who could make people laugh,but his humo

4、r is not an instrument of criticism.,Play,Starlight Theatre(1950)Half a Hero(1953)The Affairs of Dobie Gillis(1953)The Tender Trap(1955)The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis(1959)House Calls(1979),movies,星光剧院,多比吉利斯的许多爱,movies,Fallacy:a false idea that many people consider as a truth 谬论,谬误同义词:mistake,error

5、fallacy 指建立在错误或无效推论上的错误声明或论据;error强调违反某一既定标准,不经心而做了错事,产生偏差,疏忽或行为上的错误;mistake指由于粗心不注意活在理解认识上的不正确而造成行动或看法上的错误,有时这种错误是无意的,Special Terms in Logic,Three types of fallacy:1.material fallacy(fallacies of presumption):in its material content through a misstatement of the facts.2.verbal fallacy(fallacies of

6、ambiguity):in its wording through an incorrect use of terms.3.formal fallacy(logical fallacy):in its structure through the use of an improper process of inference.,1.绝对判断:即将普遍规则运用于有特殊情况发生的个别情形之中Dicto Simpliciter:means an argument based on an unqualified generalization Example:“Everyone wants to get

7、married handsome boy.”The example starts a logical train of thought with an assumption that is false.Not“everyone”wants to get married.,2.草率结论:由个别情形来推断普遍规则Hasty Generalization:It applies a special case to general rule.Example:Wuyifan is handsome;Zhonghanliang is handsome,so you know every man is han

8、dsome in the world.The fact that a certain handsome person doesnt imply that all men is handsome.,3.错误因果:导致某一现象的原因仅停留在表面上Post hoc:The cause has no connection with the result.Example:Every time Xiaojingteng came somewhere,it rains.In fact,there is no relationship between Xiaojingteng and rain.,4.矛盾前提

9、:当论证的前提相互矛盾时,这立论便不能成立Contradictory premises:when the premises of an argument contradict each other,there can be no argumentExample:A barber said he only barbers the people who can not barber their hairShould he barbers himself?,5.诸诉同情(文不对题):并无关联的结论与前提Ad Misericordiam:answer has no connection with th

10、e question.Example:We hope youll accept our recommendations.We spent the last three months working extra time on it.HR:You had done too much,but we do not need,6.错误类比:将情况不同的事物进行比较False analogy:make an analogy between different things.Example:Young children are like flowers-flowers should stay away f

11、rom terrible weather to grow,so children need get rid of everything negative.After all,children flowers,7.事实相反的假设:不合逻辑的推理Hypothesis contrary to fact:draw any supportable conclusion from a hyperthesis that is not ture.Example:If Wuyifan did not reture to China,we would not see the movie somewhere onl

12、y we know.The director could find someone else,8.井下放毒:事先否定对方Poisoning the well:Poisoning the Well,or speaking“against the man”rather than the issue,in which the premises may only make a personal attack on a person who holds some thesis,instead of offering grounds showing why what he says is false.,E

13、xample:You may argue that God doesnt exist,but you are just following a fad.,Love is a Fallacy,I was not Pygmalion;Iwas Frankenstein,andmy monster had me bythroat.,Explain:These two allusions(暗示、提及)are well chosen.He planned to be Pygmalion(希腊神话中的皮格马利翁),to fashion(把塑造成)an ideal wife for himself;but

14、he became Frankenstein(作法自毙的人)for Polly(his student)ultimately rejected him(her teacher),What is the meaning?,Pygmalion,Introduction:akingofCyprus(塞浦路斯),anda sculptor,whofell in love with his own statue of Galatea(加拉泰雅),late brought to life by the goddess of love,Aphrodite(阿芙洛狄忒),at his prayer.(from

15、 Greek mythology)Pygmalion effect:It means that people get what they expect not what you want.Only when you have expectation,you willsuccess.On the contrary,there will be hinders if you believe that your career confront a series of hinders.so you will get good results as you expected if you are full

16、 of expectation,though sometimes they are wrong.(皮格马利翁效应,说你行,你就行;说你不行,你就不行,行也不行)Apply:in our new society,Pygmalion effect is applied widely In education and management.It tell us that positive expectationCan help people progress fast and better.Everyone will get expectedResults when praised.,Movies

17、and Books about Pygmalion,Book:Pygmalion is written by GeorgeBernard Shaw.The story is that anIdealistic professor transforms anUnsophisticated cockney girl into a refined young lady in this classicDramas set in turn-of-the-century London.MOVIES:My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女)IT is adapted by George Cukor(乔治 丘克)

18、according to Pygmalion.,Frankenstein,Frankenstein;The title character in a novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley;he is a young medical student who creat-es monster that destroys him.(今也可指自作自受的人).,The story was placed in Europe.A young man who loved science went to England to study.After some time of

19、researching,he discovered the mystery of human body and created a strange being,an ugly monster.Frankenstein was very shocked by the ugly shape of the monster,so he left the monster with hate.Since then,the monster faced a world full of hate and fear.He couldnt bear the heavy burden of being a stran

20、ge creature.He then made up his mind to revenge on his creator,Frankenstein.,Stutz Bearcat,The original Stutz Bearcat was produced from 1912 through 1916 by Stutz Motor Company.It used a 6388 cc 14 engine.The Bearcats were a shorter(120“wheelbase vs 130”),lighter version of the standard Stutz passen

21、ger cars chassis.Common with racing and sports cars of the period,it featured minimal bodywork consisting of a“dog house”hood,open bucket seats,a tiny“monocle”windscreen in front of the driver,and a cylindrical(圆柱形的)fuel tank on a short rear deck.Overall,its low weight,balance,and power made it an e

22、xcellent racer.Owning a Stutz Bearcat became a famousstatus symbolfor the wealthy of the era.In 1914 it was priced at$2000,much less than some imported European sports cars,but about two to three times the cost of the average American basic car(with theFord Model T of the day pricedat$550).,Brief In

23、troduction,The Bearcat name was quickly resurrected for the new Stutz Motor Car of America,but production lagged behind the 1970Blackhawk.The original 1967 design of the new Bearcat was based on Virgil ExnersDuesenbergRevival Car concept,but a production Bearcat was not manufactured until 1979.That

24、model used theGM A platformshared with the Blackhawk,and was essentially aTarga Topcoupe.The Bearcat switched with the Blackhawk to theGM B platformthe next year,with the exterior continuing the Blackhawks exposed trunk-mounted spare tire.The base platform was now theGM F platformfor 1987,with the t

25、railing edge of the spare now forming part of the cars rear bumper.Just 12 or 13 modern Bearcats were produced.Notable owners included theSultan of Brunei,who owned two.,Modern Bearcat,Essay of EliaMrs Leicesters SchoolThe Tale of Rosamund GrayOld Blind MargaretOn the Tragedies of ShakespeareOn the

26、Genius and Character of HogarthThe Adventures of UlyssesThe London MagazineDissertation on Roast PigDream-Children:A ReverieOld ChinaPraise of Chimney Sweepers,Main Works,Charles Lamb(10 February 1775 27 December 1834)was anEnglishwriter andessayist,best known for his Essays of Elia and for the chil

27、drens bookTales from Shakespeare,which he produced with his sister,Mary Lamb(17641847)He also wrote a number of poems,and was part of a literary circle in England,along withSamuel Taylor Coleridge andWilliam Wordsworth,whom he befriended.He has been referred to byE.V.Lucas,his principal biographer,a

28、s the most lovable figure in English literature,The CharlestonBearcatRaccoon coat,The Charleston(查尔斯登舞),The Charleston(查尔斯登舞),The Charleston is a dance named for the harbor city of Charleston,South Carolina.The rhythm was popularized in mainstream dance music in the United States by a 1923 tune call

29、ed The Charleston by composer/pianist sJame P.Johnson which originated in the Broadway show Runnin Wild and became one of the most popular hits of the decade.Runnin Wild ran from 29 October 1923 through 28 June 1924.The peak year for the Charleston as a dance by the public was mid-1926 to 1927,由北京文硕

30、音乐剧传播公司承办的第二届(2006年)音乐剧夏令营营地,学员们正在百老汇舞蹈教官文芹芹女士带领下,兴高采烈地排练演艺船中的名曲“Why Do I Love You。这是一首查尔斯登舞风情的歌舞段落据悉,这是百老汇查尔斯登舞首次登陆中国。,CharlestonCocktail,the appearance of Charless cocktail is to cater the dance.Drinking this wine while dancing is a real portraiture of Negro life,Charles dance is now out of fashio

31、n,but the cocktail has been around for over 70 years.,【材料】:辛辣金酒1/6,樱桃蒸馏酒1/6,柳橙柑香酒1/6,黑樱桃利口酒1/6,辛辣苦艾酒1/6,甜味苦艾酒1/6,柠檬皮1片.【制法】:将柠檬皮以外的材料摇和;将摇和好的酒倒入鸡尾酒杯中,挤几滴柠檬皮汁在杯面。,CharlestonCocktail,James P.Johnson,American pianist and composer.A pioneer of the stride style of jazz pianoThe Invisible Pianist,jazz,Ori

32、gins from a blue tone A kind of folk music of African slaves from the southern United States and continued to their descendants,At first,it is the extension of African dance,then was brought into the United States by black people who were sold as slaves,舞姿:原始、热情、奔放特点:送胯、扭腰、身体呈波浪形扭动追求愉快、活泼、有生气,自由自在的跳

33、,with the development of American popular culture,especially the emergence of hip-hop culture system,and jazz dance have been completely different,之前那种完全自由化的风格已经慢慢被各种风格的规律和要求所限制,变成一种自由与规律并存的风格。,Bearcat,The binturong/bntur/(熊狸),The binturong also known as bearcat(熊狸),is a viverrid(灵猫类动物)native to Sou

34、th and Southeast Asia.It is uncommon in much of its range,and listed as Vulnerable by IUCN(International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 国际自然与自然资源保护联合会瑞士)because of a declining population trend that is estimated at more than 30%over the last three decades.Thomas Stamford R

35、affles(英国东印度群岛行政官员,新加坡海港城市的创建者(1819年),英国远东殖民帝国的奠基者之一。他的主要贡献包括把新加坡建立为欧洲与亚洲之间的国际港口。)first described a specimen from Malacca(马六甲海峡)where it is called binturung.In standard Malay,it is known as benturung,and in Riau,Indonesia,as tenturun.,The binturong/bntur/(熊狸),essentially like Paradoxurus(椰子狸属)and Pa

36、guma(花面狸属)but more massive in the length of the tail,legs and feetThe tail is nearly as long as the head and bodyBinturongs are omnivorous(杂食的),Raccoon coat,Raccoon coats were a fad(时尚)in the United States during the 1920s,particularly with(male)college students in the middle and later years of the

37、decade.They are full-length fur coats.The raccoon coat(many times accompanied with a straw boater,wingtip spectator oxfords,and either a saxophone or a ukelele)has been referenced numerous times in movies and television,both as a symbol of the Jazz Age and as a clich motif of collegiate enthusiasm.,say no to fur coat,


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