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1、2023/11/7,1,2023/11/7,2,主要内容,10.1 ArcGIS概述10.2 Desktop应用环境10.3 ArcCatalog基础Task110.4 ArcMap基础10.5 ArcToolbox基础Task2,2023/11/7,3,ArcGIS概述,What is ArcGISArcGIS 9体系结构ArcGIS 9软件特色,2023/11/7,4,What is ArcGIS,ArcGIS是ESRI在全面整合了GIS与数据库、软件工程、人工智能、网络技术及其它多方面的计算机主流技术之后,成功地推出了代表GIS最高技术水平的全系列GIS产品。ArcGIS是一个全面的,可

2、伸缩的GIS平台,为用户构建一个完善的GIS系统提供完整的解决方案。ArcGIS的基本体系能够让用户在任何需要的地方部署GIS功能和业务逻辑,无论是在桌面、服务器、网络还是在野外。,2023/11/7,5,ArcGIS 9体系结构,2023/11/7,6,桌面GIS(ArcGIS Desktop)(1),ArcGIS桌面软件产品用来编辑、设计、共享、管理和发布地理信息。ArcGIS桌面可伸缩的产品结构,从ArcReader,向上扩展到ArcView、ArcEditor和ArcInfo。目前ArcInfo被公认为是功能最强大的GIS产品。,2023/11/7,7,桌面GIS(ArcGIS Des

3、ktop)(2),2023/11/7,8,通过一系列的可选的软件扩展模块(Extension Products),如Spatial Analyst、3D Analyst、Geostatistical Analyst、ArcPress、Publisher、StreetMap USA、StreetMap Europe、MrSID Encoder等,ArcGIS Desktop产品的能力还可以进一步得到扩展。,桌面GIS(ArcGIS Desktop)(3),2023/11/7,9,ArcGIS 9软件特色,制图编辑的高度一体化便捷的元数据管理灵活的定制与开发ArcGIS 9新功能,2023/11/

4、7,10,10.2 Desktop应用环境,ArcCatalog是以数据为核心,用于定位、浏览和管理空间数据的模块,是用户规划数据库表,用于制定和利用元数据的环境,利用ArcCatalog可以创建和管理空间数据库。ArcMap是一个用于编辑、显示、查询和分析地图数据的以地图为核心的模块。ArcMap包含一个复杂的专业制图和编辑系统,既是一个面向对象的编辑器,又是一个完整的数据表生成器。ArcToolbox是用于完成数据转换、叠加处理、缓冲区生成和投影变换等空间数据分析的处理环境。,2023/11/7,11,10.3 ArcCatalog基础,ArcCatalog具有浏览地图和数据,创建元数据,

5、搜索地图数据,管理数据源等功能。10.3.1 ArcCatalog基础操作10.3.2 目录内容浏览10.3.3 数据搜索10.3.4 地图与图层操作10.3.5 地理数据输出,2023/11/7,12,10.3.1 ArcCatalog基础操作,文件夹链接文件类型显示和增删文件特性项的显示操作栅格数据的显示,2023/11/7,13,文件夹连接,2023/11/7,14,文件夹类型显示操作,2023/11/7,15,增加空间数据文件类型,文件类型后缀,2023/11/7,16,增加非空间数据文件类型,2023/11/7,17,文件特性项的显示操作,2023/11/7,18,栅格数据的显示,2

6、023/11/7,19,10.3.2 目录内容浏览,三个选项卡ContentsPreviewMetadata,2023/11/7,20,Contents,Contents选项卡能扩展文件夹的项目,且能看到目录树中的所有内容。,2023/11/7,21,目录内容浏览Contents选项卡,2023/11/7,22,Preview选项卡Geography方式,Geography视图方式下,矢量数据集的每个要素或注记,栅格数据集的每个像元,TIN数据集的每个三角形均被绘图显示。借助标准工具栏的工具可以对视图进行放大、缩小、移动、查询等操作。,2023/11/7,23,Geography方式预览(Pr


8、元数据栏浏览,2023/11/7,30,10.3.3 数据搜索,数据搜索即按照一定条件或关键词搜索需要的数据。ArcCatalog的四种搜索方式按内容项按地理范围按时间利用关键词,2023/11/7,31,按内容项搜索,2023/11/7,32,按地理范围搜索,2023/11/7,33,按时间搜索,2023/11/7,34,利用关键词搜索,2023/11/7,35,10.3.4 地图与图层操作,创建文件设置文件特性保存独立的图层文件,2023/11/7,36,创建文件,2023/11/7,37,设置文件特性,2023/11/7,38,保存独立的图层文件,一般情况下,在ArcMap中制作的图层是

9、作为地图文档的一部分,与地图文档一起保存为*.mxd。为了便于在其他地图中调用,或者实现其共享,对于一个已经完成符号化设置和注记的图层,可以在地图文档以外以图层文件的形式独立保存为*.lyr文件。,2023/11/7,39,10.3.5 地理数据输出(1),2023/11/7,40,地理数据输出(2),2023/11/7,41,Task 1:Introduction to ArcCatalog(1),1.Start ArcCatalog.ArcCatalog lets you set up connections to your data sources,which may reside in

10、 a folder on a local disk or a database on the network.For Task 1,you will make connection to the folder containing the Chapter 1 database(e.g.,chapl).Click the Connect to Folder button.Navigate to the chapl folder and click OK.The chapl folder now appears in the Catalog tree.Expand the folder to vi

11、ew the data sets.,2023/11/7,42,Task 1:Introduction to ArcCatalog(2),2.Click emidalat in the Catalog tree.Click the Preview tab to view the elevation raster.Click the Metadata tab,and select FGDC for the stylesheet.The narrative shows that emidalat is a raster dataset in ESRI GRID format and that the

12、 raster is projected onto the Universal Transverse Mercator(UTM)coordinate system.Q1.What does FGDC stand for?,2023/11/7,43,元数据的样式表,2023/11/7,44,Task 1:Introduction to ArcCatalog(3),3.Click emidastrm.shp in the Catalog tree.On the Preview tab,you can preview the geography and table of emidastrm.shp.

13、,2023/11/7,45,Task 1:Introduction to ArcCatalog(4),4.ArcCatalog has tools for various data management tasks.You can access these tools by right-clicking a data set to open its context menu.Right-click emidastrm.shp,and the menu shows Copy,Delete,Rename,Create Layer,Export,and Properties.Using the co

14、ntext menu,you can copy emidastrm.shp and paste it to a different folder or delete it.A layer,or a layer file,is a visual representation of a data set.The export tool can export a shapefile to a geodatabase or a coverage.The properties dialog shows the data set information.,2023/11/7,46,Task 1:Intro

15、duction to ArcCatalog(5),5.This step lets you create a personal geodatabase and then import emidalat and emidastrm.shp to the geodatabase.Right-click the Chapter 1 database in the Catalog tree,point to New,and select Personal Geodatabase.Click the new geodatabase and rename it Taskl.mdb.If the exten

16、sion.mdb does not appear,select Options from the Tools menu and on the General tab uncheck the box to hide file extensions.,2023/11/7,47,Task 1:Introduction to ArcCatalog(6),6.There are two options for importing emidalat and emidastrm.shp to Taskl.mdb.You will try both options.Right-click Taskl.mdb,

17、point to Import,and select Raster Datasets.In the next dialog,navigate to emidalat,add it for the input raster,and click OK to import.,2023/11/7,48,7.Now you will use the second option,ArcToolbox,to import emidastrm.shp to Taskl.mdb.ArcCatalogs standard toolbar has a button called Show/Hide ArcToolb

18、ox Window.Click the button to open ArcToolbox.Dock the ArcToolbox window so that you can see both the window and the Catalog tree.Right-click ArcToolbox and select Environments.The Environment Settings dialog has five sets of settings.One setting that is used in most operations is the working direct

19、ory.Click the dropdown arrow for General Settings.Navigate to the Chapter 1 database and set it as the current workspace.Tools in ArcToolbox are organized into a hierarchy.The tool you need for importing emidastrm,shp resides in the Conversion Tools/To Geodatabase toolset.Double-click Feature Class

20、to Geodatabase(Multiple)to open the tool.Select emidastrm.shp for the input features,select Taskl.mdb for the output location,specify emidastrm for the output feature class name,and click OK.Expand Taskl.mdb to make sure that the import operations are complete.,2023/11/7,49,Task 1:Introduction to Ar

21、cCatalog(8),Q2.The number of usable tools in ArcToolbox varies depending on which version of ArcG1S you are using.Go to ArcGIS Desktop Help/Geoprocessing(including ArcToolbox)/Geoprocessing tool reference/Geoprocessing Commands Quick ReferenceGuide.Open the document.Is the Feature Class to Feature C

22、lass tool for Task 1 available to all three versions of ArcGIS?,2023/11/7,50,10.4 ArcMap基础,10.4.1 ArcMap窗口组成10.4.2 新地图文档创建10.4.3 数据层的加载10.4.4 数据层的基本操作10.4.5 数据层的保存,2023/11/7,51,10.4.1 ArcMap的窗口组成,窗口标准工具,内容显示表,地图显示窗口,数据显示工具,输出显示工具,绘图工具,2023/11/7,52,快捷菜单(1),数据组操作快捷菜单,2023/11/7,53,快捷菜单(2),数据层操作快捷菜单,202

23、3/11/7,54,快捷菜单(3),地图输出操作快捷菜单,2023/11/7,55,快捷菜单(4),窗口工具设置快捷菜单,2023/11/7,56,10.4.2 新地图文档创建,可利用模板,2023/11/7,57,10.4.3 数据层的加载,直接加载用ArcCatalog加载,2023/11/7,58,10.4.4 数据层的基本操作,数据层更名改变数据层顺序数据层的复制与删除数据层的分组可将多个图层形成一个组图层(Group Layer)数据层比例尺设置,2023/11/7,59,数据层比例尺设置,不起作用,2023/11/7,60,10.4.5 数据层的保存,ArcMap地图文档记录和保存

24、的并不是数据层所对应的源数据,而是各数据层对应的源数据路径信息。两种保存数据层路径的方式:绝对路径与相对路径(参见Task 2-11),2023/11/7,61,10.5 ArcToolbox基础,2023/11/7,62,脚本和模型,脚本可以通过一个工具或多个工具实现一个简单或复杂的处理。因为数据不是特定的,所以脚本可以重复使用。在ArcToolbox中,用户可以通过把数据和工具拖放到模型中,来建立一个固定有序的处理复杂GIS任务的过程。脚本可以脱离ArcGIS的环境独立运行,模型不可以。,2023/11/7,63,ArcToolbox基本操作,激活扩展工具(参见Task 2-10)创建新的

25、Toolbox管理工具,2023/11/7,64,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(1),1.You can start ArcMap by clicking the Launch ArcMap button in ArcCatalog or from the Programs menu.ArcMap is the main application for data display,data query,data analysis,and data output.ArcMap organizes data sets into data frames(also call

26、ed maps).You open a new data frame called Layers when you launch ArcMap.Right-click Layers and select Properties.On the General tab,change the name Layers to Task 2 and click OK.,2023/11/7,65,2.Next add emidalat and emidastrm.shp to Task 2.Click the Add Data button in ArcMap,navigate to the Chapter

27、1 database,and select emidalat and emidastrm.shp.To select more than one data set to add,click the first data set and then click other data sets while holding down the Ctrl key.An alternative to the Add Data button is the drag-and-drop method.You can add a data set in ArcMap by dragging it from the

28、Catalog tree and dropping it in ArcMaps view window.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(2),2023/11/7,66,3.A warning message states that one or more layers are missing spatial reference information.Click OK to dismiss the dialog.emidastrm.shp does not have the projection information,although it is based o

29、n the UTM coordinate system,same as emidalat.You will learn in Chapter 2 how to define a coordinate system.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(3),2023/11/7,67,4.Both emidastrm and emidalat are highlighted in the table of contents,meaning that they are both active.You can deactivate by clicking on the emp

30、ty space.The table of contents has three tabs:Display,Source,and Selection.On the Display tab,you can change the drawing order of the layers by dragging and dropping a layer up or down.The Source tab shows the data source of each layer.(The Source tab also lists tables that have been added.)The Sele

31、ction tab lets you choose the selectable layer.Q3.Does ArcMap draw the top layer in the table of contents first?,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(4),2023/11/7,68,5.The standard toolbar in ArcMap has such tools as Zoom In,Zoom Out,Pan,Select Elements,and Identify.When you hold the mouse point over a too

32、l,a ToolTip appears in a floating box to tell you the name of the tool and a short message about the use of the tool appears at the bottom of the ArcMap window.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(5),2023/11/7,69,6.ArcMap has two views:Data View and Layout View.(The buttons for the two views are located a

33、t the bottom of the view window.)Data View is for viewing data,whereas Layout View is for viewing the map product for printing and plotting.For this task,you will stay with Data View.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(6),2023/11/7,70,7.This step is to change the symbol for emidastrm.Click the symbol for

34、 emidastrm in the table of contents to open the Symbol Selector dialog.You can either select a preset symbol(e.g.,river)or make up your own symbol for emidastrm by specifying the color,width,and properties of the symbol.Choose the preset symbol for river.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(7),2023/11/7,7

35、1,8.Next classify emidalat into the elevation zones of 1300 meters.Right-click emidalat,and select Properties.Click the Symbology tab.Click Classified in the Show frame.Change the number of classes to 6,and click the Classify button.The Method dropdown list shows six methods.Select Manual.There are

36、two ways to set the break values for the elevation zones manually.To use the first method,you will check the box to snap breaks to data values and then click the first break line and drag it to the intended value of 900.Then set the other break lines at 1000,1100,1200,1300,and 1337.To use the second

37、 method,you will click the first cell in the Break Values frame and enter 900.Then enter 1000,1100,1200,and 1300 for the next four ceils.(If the break value you entered is changed to a different value,reenter it.)Click OK to dismiss the Classification dialog.,2023/11/7,72,9.You can change the color

38、scheme for emidalat by using the Color Ramp dropdown list in the Layer Properties dialog.Sometimes it is easier to select a color scheme using words instead of graphic views.In that case,you can right-click inside the Color Ramp box and uncheck Graphic View.The Color Ramp dropdown list now shows Whi

39、te to Black,Yellow to Red,etc.Select Elevation#1.Click OK to dismiss the dialog.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(9),2023/11/7,73,颜色梯度(1),2023/11/7,74,颜色梯度(2),2023/11/7,75,10.ArcMap has access to several extensions including Spatial Analyst.Select Extensions from the Tools menu and check Spatial Analys

40、t.Then select Toolbars from the View menu and check Spatial Analyst.The Spatial Analyst toolbar should now appear in ArcMap.Click the Spatial Analyst dropdown arrow,point to Surface Analysis,and select Slope.In the Slope dialog,select emidalat for the input surface and click OK to run the command.Sl

41、ope of emidalat is the slope layer of emidalat.An alternative for Arclnfo users is to use ArcToolbox in ArcMap.The Slope tool in the Spatial Analyst Tools/Surface toolset can perform the same operation except that you have to save the output on disk.Spatial Analyst Tools are not available for ArcVie

42、w users,2023/11/7,76,扩展模块的启动,2023/11/7,77,11.You can save Task 2 as a map document before exiting ArcMap.Select Save As from the File menu in ArcMap.Navigate to the Chapter 1 database,enter chap1 for the file name,and click Save.ArcMap automatically adds the extension.mxd to chapl.Data sets displaye

43、d in Task 2 are now saved with chapl.mxd.To re-open chapl.mxd,chapl.mxd must reside in the same folder as the data sets it references.You can save a map document with the relative path name option(e.g.,without the drive name).Select Map Properties from ArcMaps File menu.In the next dialog,click on D

44、ata Source Options.The Data Source Options dialog has the options of full path names and relative path names.,2023/11/7,78,空间分析工具栏,2023/11/7,79,存储路径,2023/11/7,80,12.To make sure that chapl.mxd is saved correctly,first select Exit from ArcMaps File menu.Then launch ArcMap again.chapl.mxd should appear in the ArcMap dialog.If not,select an existing map,navigate to the Chapter 1 database,and double-click on chapl.mxd.,Task 2:Introduction to ArcMap(12),2023/11/7,81,数据库的创建,2023/11/7,82,坡度分析,


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