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1、Exercise 2,Lecture 4:Expression,faithfulness easecontentformrestraintcreation,I faithfulness ease,Example Titanic-E.avi,The English caption,Jack:Dont do it.Rose:Stay back.Dont come any closer.Jack:Come on.Just give me your hand,Ill pull you back over.Rose:No.Stay where you are.I mean it.Ill let go.J

2、ack:No,you wont.Rose:What do you mean,no,I wont?Dont presume to tell me what I will and will not do.You dont know me.Jack:Well,you wouldve done it already.Rose:Youre distracting me.Go away.Jack:I cant.Im involved now.You let go and Im gonna have to jump in there after you.Rose:Dont be absurd.Youll b

3、e killed.Jack:Im a good swimmer.Rose:The fall alone would kill you.Jack:It would hurt.Im not saying it wouldnt.Tell you the truth Im a lot more concerned about the water being so cold.Rose:How cold?,中文字幕,杰克:别跳!Titanic-C.AVI萝丝:走开,你别过来!杰克:来,伸出手,我拉你回来。萝丝:不,你别过来。我说的是真的。我要我要跳了。杰克:你不会跳的。萝丝:怎么不会?别以为你知道我是怎么

4、想的。你根本就不了解我。杰克:嗯,要跳早跳了。萝丝:别分我的心了。走开。杰克:我不能走。我不能袖手旁观。如果你要跳的话,那我也只好跟着你跳下去了。萝丝:你别傻了。你会被淹死的。杰克:我会游泳。萝丝:那会摔伤。杰克:摔伤?这倒是有可能。不过我更怕的是水里温度低,会冷得让人受不了。萝丝:有多冷?,analysis:,scene:crisis solutionRoses reluctance,aristocratic capriciousness;Jacks goodwill,cautious action,language features Rose:command,alert Jack:humo

5、r,politeness,sagacityColloquial language,II content form,types of literature constructive arrangementform image figures of speech,1types of literature,O Captain!My Captain!W.WhitmanO Captain my Captain!our fearful trip is done;The ship has weathered every rack,the prize we sought is won;The port is

6、near,the bells I hear,the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel,the vessel grim and daring:But O heart!heart!heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.,哦,船长,我的船长!我们险恶的航程已经告终,我们的船安渡过惊涛骇浪,我们寻求的奖赏已赢得手中。港口已经不远,钟声我已听见,万千人众在欢呼呐喊,目迎着我们的船从容返航,我们

7、的船威严而且勇敢。可是,心啊!心啊!心啊!哦,殷红的血滴流泻,在甲板上,那里躺着我的船长,他已倒下,已死去,已冷却。(江枫译),O Captain!my Captain!rise up and hear the bells;Rise up-for you the flag is flung-for you the bugle trills;For you bouquets and ribbond wreaths-for you the shores a-crowding;For you they call,the swaying mass,their eager faces turning;H

8、ere Captain!dear father!This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deck,Youve fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer,his lips are pale and still;My father does not feel my arm,he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchored safe and sound,its voyage closed and done;From fearful t

9、rip,the victor ship,comes in with object won;Exult,O shores,and ring,O bells!But I,with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.,2 constructive arrangementE-C syntax comparison(1)Sentence structureSentence sequenceSentence contentSentence structure(一)simple sentence complex

10、 sentence,1)The development of an economical artificial heart is only a few transient failures away.只消再经过几次试验,就能造出价格低廉的人工心脏了。(英语简单句汉语偏正复句的条件句)2)A call from Chile to Spain had to be radioed over the Andes and the Caribbean to New York,across the Atlantic by cable,and over telephone wires through Euro

11、pe to Madrid.要从智利与西班牙通电话,就得先用无线电越过安第斯山脉和加勒比海,到纽约中转,由电缆通过大西洋,然后再通过电话经欧洲通马德里。(英语简单句汉语偏正复句假设句),(二)complex sentence simple sentence3)The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening.问题是我们能不能在明晚以前完成这项工作。(英语主从复合句汉语简单句)4)There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity

12、 and ability to be magnetized.某些金属具有导电的能力和被磁化的能力。(英语主从复合句汉语简单句),(三)complex sentence complex sentence5)Hardly had I got aboard when the train started.我刚上火车,车就开了。6)It was a difficult task,but we accomplished it.虽然任务艰巨,可我们完成了。(四)inverted sentence normal sequence7)Here ends the diary of Dr.Watson.华生大夫的日

13、记到这里就结束了。,(五)passive sentence active sentence8)Taiyuan has long been known as a famous ancient city and was historically considered as the north gate of China.太原市一向有“中原北门”之喻和“名都自古并州”之赞。9)But someone who has been out there in the floodlights as often as he has cannot remain wholly undecipherable.但是,像

14、他这样一个经常抛头露面的人是不可能一点不被人识破的。,3 figures of speech,10)Janes uncle is an old fox,up to all kinds of evils.简的叔叔是只老狐狸,什么坏事都干得出来。11)After that long talk,Jim became the sun in her heart.那次长谈之后,吉姆成了她心中的太阳。12)Pug did believe he hadnt played this particular fish.帕格的确相信,他并没有玩弄这个大笨蛋。13)My old servant never left m

15、e,he was as faithful as a dog.我的老仆人从不离开我,他对我非常忠诚。,as majestic as a lion 虎虎生威 in like a lion,out like a lamb 虎头蛇尾 as mute as fish 噤若寒蝉 as drunk as a mouse 烂醉如泥 Shes a regular cat 她实在是个令人讨厌的女人。Jackson cant go with usHe has got a date with his bird 杰克逊不能和我们同行,他跟姑娘有约。I never trusted him because I knew h

16、e was a toad 我从不相信他,因为我知道他是个品质恶劣的人。,III restraintcreation,Practice It is simple enough to say that since books have classesfiction,biography,poetry we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.(1)Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.Most common

17、ly we come to books with blurred and divided minds,asking of fiction that it shall be true,of poetry that it shall be false,of biography that it shall be flattering,of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read,that would be an admirable

18、beginning.Do not dictate to your author;try to become him.,Be his fellow-worker and accomplice.If you hang back,and reserve and criticize at first,you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.(2)But if you open your mind as widely as possible,then signs and

19、hints of almost imperceptible fineness,from the twist and turn of the first sentences,will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other.Steep yourself in this,acquaint yourself with this,and soon you will find that your author is giving you,or attempting to give you,something far mo

20、re definite.,(1)然而,人们对书籍往往求非所予。开卷之时,我们常常思想模糊,思维割裂,苛求小说真实,认定诗歌造作,视传记为美化,期望史书认同一己之见。(2)但是,你若能大大敞开思想,那么,开篇的那几行曲径通幽的文字,那若明若暗的微妙表达和深意将把你带到一个独具特色的灵魂面前。,翻译作业(4):将以下段落翻译成汉语 Modern roads today are built very like railways.They are wide and straight.They have a separate way for traffic in each direction,and t

21、hey have no cross-roads or traffic lights.Each half of the road is very wide and three cars can travel side by side in the same direction.These roads are called motorways.Motorways never pass through a town.Cars join or leave the motorway by side roads.Other roads may cross the motorway by a bridge

22、or through a tunnel.No car is allowed to stop on a motorway.Every two kilometers there is a telephone.If a driver is in difficulty,he can use the telephone to call for help.About every thirty kilometers there are service stations.There a driver can stop and rest,and he and his passengers can have a meal.These service stations also supply petrol,water and oil.Motorways are very safe.Cars can travel on them at very high speed.,


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