1、英语遍世界,翻译是桥梁。-周恩来,Practical Translation,Lecture One,DefinitionsDifferences between English and ChineseCriteria of translationBasic requirements on translatorsTranslation approaches,1.Definitions,To turn into ones own language or another language-(Websters Third New International Dictionary of the Eng
2、lish Language)“翻成本族语言或另一种语言”,Definition,Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(Eugene A.Nida and Charles R.Taber,1982:12)所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息
3、。,翻译是译者将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表述出来的文化活动。,Definition,1)a love letter2)a“dear John”letter,情书绝交信,hard rockshard timesa hard smilehard worka hard winterhard on somebodythink harda hard question,坚硬的岩石艰难岁月冷酷的笑辛苦的工作/努力工作严寒的冬天对某人严厉认真思考让人难以回答的问题,Forms,oral translationwritten translationcomputer-aided/machine t
4、ranslation,2.Basic Differences between Chinese&English,语言自身差异,1.形合与意合,An Englishman who could not speak Chinese was once travelling in China.(形合)一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行。(意合),There was an englishman.He could not speak Chinese.He was once travelling in China.(意合)一个不会说中国话的英国人有一次在中国旅行。(形合),不合表达习惯:,黄河流经中国的
5、9个省和自治区,全长5464公里,流域面积75万2443平方公里。The Yellow River runs 5464 kms across 9 provinces and autonomous regions with drainage area of 752,443 square kms.,2.四字格词组He was canny,open-handed,brisk,candid and modest.他为人聪明大方,生机勃勃,忠厚耿直,谦虚谨慎。Diana was the very essence of compassion,of duty,of style,of beauty.戴安娜同情
6、心重,责任感强,风度翩翩,美丽动人。3.词语形态变化Flowers bloom all over the yard.He was as poor as we are.,密码secret code救火to save fire初恋early love青春痘youth spot拳头产品fist product隐形眼镜invisible glasses白马王子 white-horse prince,passwordto fight firepuppy love whelkknockout productcontact lensesprince charming,所指意义差异(词汇),思维差异 油漆未干
7、 wet paint 闲人免进 staff only 勿踏草坪 keep off the grass,He is the last man to reach there,他是去那里的最后一个人,他决不是会去那里的人。,交际情景差异“您贵姓?”What is your honorable name?Could I have your name?Do you mind opening the door?麻烦您开个门。,Yan Fus three-character criterion of translation,“信”Being faithful to the original(忠实于原文)“达
8、”Being explicit and smooth(明白晓畅)“雅”Being elegant in diction(words)(措辞的优雅),3.Criteria of translation,Criteria of translation,一是易解,二是保存原作的丰姿(鲁迅)神似(similarity in spirit)(傅雷)化境(sublimation)(钱钟书)Alexander F.Tytlers three principles Functional equivalence(Eugene A.Nida)功能相似,语义相符(similarity in function and
9、 correspondence in meaning),b.总统立在那里,毕恭毕敬地请求国会议员投赞成票。,1Jane does not work hard because she wants to earn money.,a.因为简想赚钱,所以才不卖力。,b.简不是因为想赚钱才卖力干的。,2The president stood there,hat in hand,begging congress(国会)for their votes.,a.总统站在那里手里拿着礼帽,乞求国会投他的票。,忠实、通顺(faithfulness;smoothness),What is a good transla
10、tion?,I am sure that it would change the situation if you are kind enough to lend support to me.我相信如果你有足够的好心支持我的话,它将会改变形势。【译文】我相信如果你非常好心能撑我一把的话,情况就不一样了。,What is a good translation?,Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a m
11、atter of the will,a quality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。,掌握必要的翻译理论和技巧加强英汉两种语言的修养,拓宽知识面(语言基本功/文化背景/社会知识/地理知识/政治倾向)译精于勤(Practice makes perfect),4.Basic requirements on translators,翻译
12、方法5.Literal Translation(直译)and Liberal/Free Translation(意译),True LiesShawshank RedemptionA World without ThievesLet the Bullet Fly,UpGhostJust my LuckSacrificeIf you are the one,Literal Translation,The so-called literal translation,superficially speaking,means“not to alter the original words and sen
13、tences”;strictly speaking,it strives“to keep the sentiments and style of the original”.,所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式-特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方特色。但直译不是死译和硬译。,1.Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War.武装到牙齿(比“全副武装”好)2.But I hated Sakamoto,and I had a feeling hed surely
14、 lead us both to our ancestors.“去见祖先”保持了原文的比喻,译文也通顺,“带着我们去送死”,通顺 但失去原文的形式,较逊色。,Liberal/Free Translation,an alternative approach used mainly to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech.,当原文的思想内容与疑问的表达形式有矛盾,不宜采取直译法处理的时候,可采用意译。
15、意译要求译文能够正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥于原文的形式。,at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 It rains cats and dogs 滂沱大雨 Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.不必自寻烦恼;不要自找麻烦。Do you see any green in my eyes?你以为我是好欺骗的吗?He threw the slipper to the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony and left.婚礼结束后,他向这对新婚夫妇表达了祝福.,Proper uses,lite
16、ral translation possibly;liberal translation alternativelyChoose the better one according to the usual expressing of the target language.,无法直译时只能意译Dont put on airs.不要摆架子.直译/意译均可,意译更传神There is no way of proving this point.现在没有办法证明这一点。/这一点尚无定论。包办买卖婚姻arranged or bought&sold marriages/forced marriages-H
17、ow much have you suffered?-A lot.许多。/一言难尽啊。,Attentions!,1.no absolutely“literal”,nor entirely“free”2.literal translation“死译”/“硬译”:Dont be bound hand and foot by the source language syntax;free translation“乱译”/“胡译”:Do not add personal emotion to the original works.,Dead translation(死译),好 好 学习 Good go
18、od study,天 天 向上 day day up.()Study hard and you will make progress every day.哪 里!哪 里!Where!Where!()Thank you.(Its very kind of you to say so.),3.In idioms translation,if there are corresponding set sayings both in Chinese and English,just match them instead of translating literally.1)Birds of a feat
19、her flock(聚结)together 物以类聚 2)Nothing can be made out of nothing 巧妇难为无米之炊。3)Great men are apt to have short memories 贵人多忘事。4)Agues come on horse back,but go away on foot 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。,既然你已经错过良机了,振作起来吧。天涯何处无芳草呢,将来有的是机会。你这是放马后炮。岁月不饶人啊!,miss the bus,A Monday morning quarterback,There is plenty of fish in
20、 the sea.,Time and tide wait for no man.,Commonly used idioms or proverbs,Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌 lion in the way 拦路虎 Diamond cuts diamond 棋逢对手 Two can play the game.孤掌难鸣to grow like mushrooms 雨后春笋 wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡,talk horse 吹牛 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵drink like a fi
21、sh 牛饮He that lives with cripples learns to limp.近朱者赤,近墨者黑Have one foot in the grave 行将就木风烛残年,What is a good translation?,月亮代表我的心。The moon stands for my heart.The moon reflects my mood.,What is a good translation?,士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。A gentleman dies for one who knows his heart;a woman makes up her face fo
22、r one who pleases her.A true man is ready to die a loyal death for those who know the worth of him;a woman is eager to live a happy life with one who touches the chord in her.,Translation Improvement,1.She is in love with him.2.Commit no nuisance.3.I found myself at the foot of a hill.4.岂有此理。5.他这人从来
23、不管什么 三七二十一。,她和他在爱中。不要犯讨厌。我在一座小山的山脚发现了自己。There is no such principle.He never cares that three times seven equals to twenty-one.,She is in love with him.她爱上了他。Commit no nuisance.不要随地大小便。I found myself at the foot of a hill.我发现自己已在山脚下 岂有此理。It is really absurd!Nonsense!他这人从来不管什么三七二十一。He has always been acting indiscriminately.He has always been acting regardless of the sequences.,