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1、,三案导学初中英语八年级上(外研版),Module 8 Around town,Unit 2The London Eye is on your right.,New words,旅行美术馆油画,绘画议会,国会晴朗的,清晰地船下(飞机、车、船等)塔游客手册,指南宗教的,tour gallery painting parliament clear boat off tower tourist guidebook religious,预习反馈,1.优秀小组:优秀个人:2.存在的问题:(1)(2)(3),London,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,学习目标1.扎实掌握本单元tour,take the

2、 boat等单词、短语和句子及其用法;能够读懂对地图的描述,恰当运用方位介词描述一个地点。2.通过自主学习,合作探究,对短文的阅读和复述,培养同学们的合作共赢及阅读理解能力。3.了解外国文化,扩大视野,全力以赴,高效学习。,Enjoy our study!,自主学习,1.独立思考,完成“质疑探究”部分的学习内容,列出问题的思路、要点。2.明确自己的疑问,以备小组合作讨论解决。3.学有余力的同学力争做好“拓展提升”。,合作探究(10分钟左右),内容:“质疑探究”部分题目。要求:【激情投入,活力四射】1组长协调,先一对一讨论完善答案,然后小组集中讨论疑难点,注意方法、技巧的归纳总结,实现智慧整合。

3、27分钟后,老师出示“展示分工”,组长要注意根据分工情况有重点地讨论,帮助小组成员展示最佳答案。3.书写要认真、卷面整洁;有疑问的地方用红笔标记。目标:参与积极,讨论高效,争取解决个人所有疑难!让生命的活力充分涌流!,高效展示,展示要求:书面:书写认真,展示迅速。口头:声音洪亮,语言简洁,表达清楚、条理。其他同学:讨论结束后继续思考相关问题,并关注展示内容,准备点评、质疑、补充。,精彩点评,点评要求:先点评展示内容,然后再作修改、补充。语言简洁,态度大方;突出重点,突出思路方法。其他同学:积极参与、用心倾听,善于补充、质疑,并养成用红笔修改补充的习惯。,点拨提升,(一)单词和短语1tour n

4、&v.旅行,表示旅行完再返回出发地点Mr Wang made a tour around Europe last year.去年王先生到欧洲旅行了一次。辨析:tour,travel,journey,trip(1)travel常指长距离旅行或国外旅行(可数名词或不可数名词)eg.He came home after years of foreign travel.多年在国外旅行之后他回家了。(2)journey常指远距离的陆地旅行(可数名词)。eg.They decided to take a train journey.他们决定坐火车旅行。(3)trip 常指短距离的旅行远足。eg.I enj

5、oyed our trip to the seaside.我很喜欢我们到海边的那次旅行。,2.most of 中的大多数(1)Most of the parents came to the meeting.大多数父母来参加了会议。(2)I spent most of this summer holiday learning to drive.这个暑假的大多数时间我都花在了学驾驶上。(3)Most of the work has been done.大多数工作已经做完了。注意:most of+名词复数表示该类事物中的大多数most of+单数名词表示一个事物中的大部分,3.take the bo

6、at backThey took the boat back from the sea.他们乘船从海上回来了。take the boat back 的意思是“乘船回来”。类似的短语还有:go/come toby bike=ride to骑车去/来go/come toby car=drive to/take a car to 开车去/来go/come toby air=fly to/take a plane to.乘飞机去/来go/come toon foot=walk to步行去,4go past 路过,经过(1)You will go past a park when you go to t

7、he station.当你去车站时,你会经过一个公园。(介词)(2)I watched the people hurry past.我看着人们匆匆而过。(副词)(3)Dont worry.The danger is past.不用担心,危险已过。(形容词)(4)In the past,the poor old man lived a hard life.在过去,这位可怜的老人过着艰苦的生活。(名词),即时练习答案及点拨:见教师用书,(二)重难点句子探究:Opposite is the National Gallery,a museum with lots of famous paitings.

8、对面是国家画廊,一个藏有许多名画的博物馆。该句为倒装句,介词或介词短语作表语放句首句子形成倒装。2.When you are tired,the best way to see London is by boat.当你累了的时候,游览伦敦最好的方式便是乘船。本句是when引导的时间状语从句,既可放在主句前,也可放在主句后。,重点句子即时练习答案及点拨:见教师用书,语法探究,1.方位表达方式(1)The bank is next to the market.(2)The supermarket is opposite the restaurant.(3)The bookstore is betw

9、een the cinema and the hotel.,2.询问路线和指示方向的句型:A:询问路线的句型How do I get to the Forbidden City?Where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?Can you tell me the way to a park?Which is the way to the Museum?Is there a post office near here?B:指示方向的句型Go straight ahead.Its opposite Tiananmen Square.Go across the sq

10、uare.Turn left into Changan Jie.Turn right and go along Dong Changan Jie.,语篇探究,(1)本文是一篇游记,按照旅游路线进行的描述。(2)本文分为5段,一共提到了7个著名建筑,其游览的顺序是:the square the National Gallery Buckingham Palacethe Houses of ParliamentBig BenLondon EyeTower Bridgethe Tower of London,熟读课文,疯狂复述,We are starting from the square _ Lo

11、ndon._ is the National Gallery.Go along the _ street _ Buckingham Palace.Turn _ and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.Opposite you can see the _.You can see the most of London _.When you are _,the best way to see London is _.As you go along the river,the London Eye is _._ the boat at Tower

12、Bridge.The Tower of London is _ the bridge.Take the boat _ along the river.Get off the boat and go _ the station and walk _ the street.Opposite is the _ market.Turn _ into Kings Street and go _ the church.Now you are back _ you started.,in the middle of,Opposite,red,to,left,London Eye,on a clear day,tired,by boat,on your right,Get off,next to,back,past,along,fruit and vegetable,left,past,where,学以致用,拓展提升,假设你是我校小导游,其他同学是来我校参观的师生,请你用英语向他们介绍参观我校的最佳路线,整理巩固,从语篇结构、重难点单词、短语和句子 方面进行二次领会和记忆。2.巩固整理的过程中,存在问题的地方要及时质疑解决。,课堂评价,学科班长:1.回扣目标 总结收获 2.评出优秀小组和个人 课后完成训练学案并整理巩固,Thanks!Goodbye!,


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