Unit 5,Part A,唱一唱,看图记忆,小 结,我喜欢吃,口语操练,学食物,I have May I have a look?Sure.Here you are.,ten little candles dance,?,?,?,?,?,?,chicken,cake,bread,hot dogs,French fries,hamburger,What do you like?Hamburgers?French fries?Or hot dog?,I like hamburgers.,I like chicken.,I like chicken and French fries.,Lets call the food in English.,Now,we are in the McDonalds.,Lets call the food in English.,1 学习了六种食物的读法及相应的动作指示语,2 表达自己喜欢的食物I like,小结,1 听Lets learn的录音2 用英语向家人这六种食物3 用英语向同学或者家人介绍自己喜欢的食物,作业,Goodbye,Goodbye,