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1、2023/11/8,1,pragmatics,The analysis of meaning in context1 deixis and refernce指称和照应2 speech Act theory 言语行为3 cooperation and implicature 合作原则 会话含义4the politeness principle礼貌原则5 the principle of relevance关联原则,2023/11/8,2,Some important notions,1 sentence&utterance我明天有考试.火!2abstract meaning&contextual

2、 meaning他是一头牛.3natural meaning&unnatural meaning打雷意味着要下雨了./喝酒他的脸就发红./他全身的斑点说明他得了麻疹.,2023/11/8,3,1他的脸红了./2三声铃响意味着下课4 correctness&appropriateness正确性和得体性1 open the door.2 can you open the door.?3 I want you to open the door.4 would you please open the door.?5 would you please possibly open the door?6wh

3、at do people usually do after they enter in summer?7 I feel its too hot.,2023/11/8,4,去机场.你能载我去机场吗?,2023/11/8,5,context,Linguistic context&non-linguistic contextLinguistic context:1 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟.啊,这样的诗句真美.2我还是那句话.我们俱乐部欠谁的,帐上有记录的,我们绝对不会赖帐,帐面上没记录的我们不理会.,2023/11/8,6,&non-linguistic contextsituational cul

4、tural)1你知道世界有多少个大洲,多少大洋?那还用问吗?2吃了吗?吃了.上哪?3good morning.Good morning.4 怎么样?诶,难办啦!,2023/11/8,7,Speech Act theory 言语行为,1 Austins model of Speech acts2 Searls classification of speech acts1 Austins model of Speech acts1)performative&statative2)Illocutionary act,2023/11/8,8,performative&statative,1 I do.

5、2 I name this ship Elizabeth.3 I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.4 I bet you sixpence it will rain tomorrow.,2023/11/8,9,Illocutionary act,locutionary act言内行为/Illocutionary act言外之意/perlocutionary act言后行为 Eg you have left the door wide open.,2023/11/8,10,主持人对高明),你今天坐在这里我稍微有点替你担心,因为我知道你北京大学读书

6、的时候,听过肖灼基先生的课,如果今天我们的话题发生争论的话,你怎么能跟老师争呢?高 明:有这么一句话:吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理。主持人:好,希望你青出于蓝而胜于蓝。大家都是消费者,经常去购物,很好的购物心情因为遇到了假冒伪劣商品,于是心情就变糟了。(中央电视台实话实说节目,“谁来保护消费者?”,1996年3月),2023/11/8,11,“发现了局长所在的地方,他身边还有一位女子,最让人难堪的是他们的衣服都没在应在的地方。”(“中学发生大火,教育局长在车库里死得很尴尬”时代商报 2003年12月13日,,2023/11/8,12,“Hi,你好呀!This morning,我们对你的case进行了d

7、iscuss,我们发现,这对我们没什么benefit。所以我们不得不遗憾地告诉你:与这件事相关的所有project都将被cancel掉。(选自“中国IT人的时髦说话方式”,广州日报,2001年2月20日,2023/11/8,13,“Sure!have a look see!”张先生打开橱门,请鸿渐赏鉴。鸿渐拿了几件,看都是“成化”、“宣德、“康熙”,也不识真假,只好说:“这东西很值钱罢?”“Sure!不少钱呢,plenty of dough。并且这东西不比书画。买书画买了假的,一文不值,只等于waste paper。瓷器 假的,至少还可以盛菜盛饭。我有时请外国friends吃饭,就用那个康熙窑

8、油底蓝五彩大盘做salad dish,他们都觉得古色古香,菜的味道也有点oldtime。”方鸿渐道“张先生眼光一定好,不会买假东西.张先生大笑道:“我不懂什么年代花纹,事情忙,也没工夫翻书研究。可是我有hunch;看见一件东西,忽然what d you call灵机一动,买来准O。K。他们古董掮客都佩服我,我常对他们说:不用拿假货来fool我。O yeah,我姓张的 不是sucker,休想骗我!,2023/11/8,14,Theory of Conversational,A How is C going on.B oh,quite well I think.he likes his colle

9、agues,and he hasnt been to prison.“你不戴眼镜的时候很漂亮”“我不戴眼睛的时候一定很丑了”A Lets go to movies.B.I have examination this morning.,2023/11/8,15,CP-Cooperative principle,Maxims of CP principleQuality Maxim质的准则1 Dont say what you believe to be false.2 Dont say that for which you lack adequate evidence.中国是一个人口众多的国家.

10、Syntax is more abstract than pragmatics.,2023/11/8,16,美国是中国的近邻.The sun goes around the earth.1:Smoking is hazardous to ones health.2 When will he be coming?(moral offence),2023/11/8,17,Quantity Maxim数量准则,1 make your contribution as informative as is required.2 Dont make your contribution more inform

11、ative than is required.今天中午吃的什么?/蛋炒饭昨天上街买了些什么?/买了些东西。,2023/11/8,18,Is the exam difficult?Not very actually.My mother teaches me to play the piano on the weekends,and my father cooks for us.,2023/11/8,19,Relation(Relevance)关联准则,2023/11/8,20,Manner Maxim方式准则,Be perspicuous 清晰1Avoid obscruity晦涩 of expr

12、ession2 Avoid ambiguity歧义3 Be brief简练4 Be orderly有序,2023/11/8,21,Manner Maxim:1.He addressed and sealed the envelop.He sealed and addressed the envelop.2 He shaved and listen to the radio.He shaved then listen to the radioTime flies.,2023/11/8,22,Violation of CP Maxims,Lies are not implicature prope

13、r.Violated违反=upheld遵循,2023/11/8,23,Violation of Quantity Maxim:eg(letter for his past student for a lectureship in philosophy)Eg1“Dear sir,Mrs command of English is excellent,and his attendance at tutorial has been regular.yours”,2023/11/8,24,Quantity*Quality maxim,Eg 2 A.Where does C live?B.Somewhe

14、re in the south of France.Eg3 Boys are boys.War is war.(Violation of Quantity Maxim)Implicature,2023/11/8,25,A Where is X?B.Hes gone to library.He said so when he left.(Implicature)Violation of Quality Maxim He is made of iron.Every nice girl loves a sailor.(Implicature)隐喻 夸张 反讽,2023/11/8,26,Violati

15、on of Relevant Maxim.,A:Mrs X is an old bag.(Appalled silence)B.The weather has been delightful this summer,hasnt it?(Implicature)violation of Manner MaximA:Lets get the kids sth.B okey,but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-AM-S.(OBSCRITY),2023/11/8,27,(ambiguity),Never seek to tell my love.Love that never told ca

16、n be.”(brief)a.Miss X sang“Home sweet home”b:Miss X produces a series of sounds that corresponded closely with the score of“Home sweet home.”,2023/11/8,28,(order),They had a baby and got marriedThey got married and had a baby 屡战屡败 Exercises:1 I think he was married and had lioness at home.2 A where have you been.B out3 A.what do you intend to do today?B I have a terrible headache.4 A what time will John arrive.B sometimes today.,


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