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1、A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technology 电子技术简介,Requirement:1、Master the history of Electronic Technology 教学要求:掌握电子技术的历史 2、Know the introduce to some courses 了解一些课程的介绍 3、Master the knowledge about translation 掌握翻译知识 4、Practise the reading ability 锻炼阅读能力,Key points:1、Technical words and phrases

2、教学重点:技术单词和词组 2、The method to translate the text 翻译方法,A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technology 电子技术简介,Part One History about Electronics(电子学的发展史)Part Two Introduce to Some Courses(相关课程介绍),Part One History about Electronics,There can be no doubt that the 1900s is remembered as the electronic cent

3、ury.Of course there have been other great advances,in medicine,in transports,in science,in commerce,and many other fields,but where would they have been without the Instruments and devices that electronics has provided?How would you see a 3D virtual reality image of your beating heart(with no electr

4、onics)?How would you get money out of the bank on a Sunday night(without electronics)?Would you go to a pop concert that had no amplifiers,large screens or lighting effects?Dont say you would rather watch TV-there would not be any.,(原文片段),Part One History about Electronics,第一部分 电子学的发展史毫无疑问,20世纪是电子技术

5、的世纪。当然许多其他行业如医药、交通、科学、商业等也取得了很大的进步,但是没有电子技术所提供的仪器和设备,这些行业能取得这么大的进步吗?没有电子技术,你无法看到自己正在跳动的心脏的逼真的三维虚拟图像;没有电子技术,你就无法在星期日的晚上从银行取钱;你愿意去参加一个没有音响放大器、没有大屏幕或灯光效果的流行音乐会吗?不要说你宁愿在家看电视-没有电子技术也就没有电视。,Part One History about Electronics,Electronics in the early 20th century started thriving at a greater speed unlike

6、the pre-20th century developments.In the first decade the new thing that was welcomed to the technical world was the vacuum tube.The real electronics what it is called today was actually started after the discovery of the transistor effect.Transistor opened the road for the electronics and more impo

7、rtantly it opened the road for the computing world.After that people threw away all the wires and tried to connect the resistors,capacitors and transistors on the same piece of wafer internally.The way worked and gave birth to the integrated circuit industries.,(原文片段),Part One History about Electron

8、ics,第一部分 电子学的发展史与20世纪前不同,在20世纪早期,电子技术开始有了较快的发展。在20世纪的第一个十年中最受技术世界欢迎的新东西是真空管。今天所说的电子技术实际上是在发现晶体管效应以后开始的。晶体管为电子技术开辟了道路,更重要的是它为计算机世界开辟了道路。后来,人们不用任何导线,把电阻、电容和晶体管在同一片晶片内部连接起来,这种方式成功了,从此诞生了集成电路工业。,Part Two Introduce to Some Courses,1.Direct Current Circuit&Alternating Current Circuit 直流电路和交流电路 2.Analog El

9、ectronics 模拟电子技术 3.Digital Electronics 数字电子技术 4.Microcontroller Systems 微处理器系统 5.Computer Programming for Engineering Applications计算机编程在工程中的应用,【Knowledge about Translation】,A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technology,Of course there have been other great advances,in medicine,in transports,in scien

10、ce,in commerce and many other fields,but where would they have been without the Instruments and devices that electronics has provided?译 文:当然在许多其他领域如医药、交通、科学、商业等行业也取得了很大 进步,但如果没有电子提供的仪器和设备,这些行业能取得这么大的 进步吗?知识点:科技英语复杂长句多。要注意 it,that,which 等词的指代。,【Knowledge about Translation】,A Brief Introduction of Ele

11、ctronic Technology,The language of C will be used for teaching purposes.Emphasis is towards the use of programming for engineering applications and solving problem.译 文:采用C语言进行教学时,重点放在如何运用编程技术解决工程 应用的实际问题。知识点:被动语态多。不一定要译出被动语态。,【Knowledge about Translation】,A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technolog

12、y,This module enable the student to program a simple micro-controller to perform typical industrial tasks.译 文:这个模块使学生能够对一个简单的微处理器进行编程(使其)执行典 行的工业任务。The ability to program these devices will make a student an invaluable asset to the growing electronic industry.译 文:对日益增长的电子工业来说,一个具有微处理器编程能力的学生将会 是无价的人

13、才。知识点:非谓语动词多。英语每个简单句中,只能用一个谓语动词,如果有几 动词就必须选出主要动词当谓语,其余动词用非谓语动词形式(V-ing,V-ed,to V)表示。,【Knowledge about Translation】,A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technology,light 用做名词:high light 强光、精华 safty light 安全灯用做形容词:light industry 轻工业 light room 明亮的房间 light blue 淡蓝色用做动词:light up the lamp 点灯用做副词:travel lig

14、ht 轻装旅行知识点:词性转换多。,单元补充材料,【Exercises】短语英翻汉、短语汉翻英、句子翻译(答案见附录),【Reading Material】an Advertisement 2.Do you know these electronic systems?3.Domestic power plugs&socketsMore courses 1)Signals and System 信号与系统 2)Circuit Theory and Design 电路理论和设计 3)Control Theory 控制理论 4)Communication Electronics and Photonics 通讯电子学和光学 5)Power Electronics and Drives 功率电子学和驱动,


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