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1、Phrases,Chapter1 1展开翅膀2 去滑雪3 种植庄稼4 例如5风景区6 过去常常7 著名的景点8 以著名9 法国人民,spread ones wingsgo skiinggrow cropssuch asa scenic areaused to do sth.famous attractionsbe famous forFrench people,10 电影节11玩得开心12 倒向一边13 倒塌14 不迟于15 好像做某事16 事实上17 变得更糟18 给某人提供某物,film festival enjoy oneself lean to one sidefall overby

2、seem to do sthin fact become worse provide sth for sb provide sb with sth,19 提供某事20 和 一样21 大约5分钟的路程22国旗23 去观光24 抵御入侵者,offer sth to sbthe sameasabout 5 minutes awaya national flaggo sightseeingkeep out invaders,chapter 21 气味芬芳的花朵2 释放出3 互相4关于污染的课题研究5 生物6 呼吸新鲜的空气 7 知道许多8 也不真的是9 例如,sweet-smelling flower

3、sgive outone another a class project on pollutionliving things breathe fresh airknow a lotnot reallyfor example,10 警告不做某事11 令某人做某事12 因而感谢13 尝起来不好14 和交流15 处于危险中16 砍到17让.活着18属于19 离开某地去某地,warn not to do sthmake sb do sththanks for doing sthtaste badcommunicate withbe in dangercut downkeep alivebelong t

4、o sb,leave+出发点for+目的地,20 给某人送行21交通阻塞22 刚才23 最好做某事24 很快回来25 和脚26 停止做某事27 塑料袋28 阻止做某事,see sb offbe in traffic jam just nowhad better do sthbe back in a minutefit my feetstop doing stha plastic bagstop from doing sth,29 我的观点是30 太 而不能31在过去200年32 在未来10年33 加入我们34 超过35 查出来36 休闲区,in my opiniontoo to in the

5、last 200 yearsin the next 10 yearsjoin usmore thanfind outa leisure area,Chapter 31查找2 多于3 人类4 有的,有的5 灭绝6 了解,研究某事7 游乐场8 卡通人物9 出身于,lookupmore thanhuman beingssome,othersdie out learn aboutan amusement parkcartoon characterbe born,10 离开学校后11 送邮件12 同时13 以为根据14 最后15 以著名16 以作为 而出名17 给某人买某物18 真老鼠,after le

6、aving schooldeliver mailat the same timebe based onat last/in the end/finallybe famous forbe famous asbuy sth.for sb.a real mouse,19 和一样20 六千万年21 知道原因22 死于疾病23 许多不同的工作24 中国的首都25 把变成26 面积平方米27 花做某事,as as sixty million years know the reason die of diseasea number of different jobs the capital of China

7、 change into.square metres in size spend.in doing sth,28 全年29 快餐店30 竹林31在中国的西南32 大熊猫33 形状上相似34 缓慢笨拙的走,all year roundfast food restaurantbamboo forestin south-western Chinagiant panda be like in shapewalk in a slow clumsy way,35 用后腿站立36 生37 一年一次38 成年熊猫39 重达40 竹笋41也42 受法律保护,stand up on the hind legsgi

8、ve birth toonce a yearan adult pandaweigh up tobamboo shootsas well be protected by law,Chapter 41服务台2 预定房间3 允许做某事4 被允许做某事5 领某人去某地6 消防出口的位置7 安全第一8 睡着9 听到在做某事,the reception deskbook a roomallow to do sthbe allowed to do sth/allow doing sthlead sb.to sw.the location of the fire exitsafety firstfall as

9、leep/be asleephear sb doing sth,10 醒来11 闻到烟味12 正在那时13 突然响起14 打湿毛巾15 电话坏了16 躺在地板上17 好像要做某事18 消防车,wake upsmell smokejust then/at that momentgo offwet the towelThe phone is dead.lie on the floorseem to do sth.a fire engine,19 出现20违反规定21 过了一会22 总是,始终23 请注意24 摔倒25 对感到自豪,骄傲26 玩得开心,show upbe against the ru

10、lesseconds laterall the timeMay I have your attention,please?fall over/fall down be/feel proud of enjoy oneself,27 随便吃点28 觉得身体不舒服29 悦耳的声音30 给某人买某物31 视觉器官32 小心脚下33 进去34 小心,help oneself to not feel well music to the ears buy sth for sbthe sense of sightmind your stepsgo inbe careful/take care/watch ou

11、t/look out,35在床的对面36 好了,就这些37 在左边的墙角里38至少39对负责40消防员41 扑灭火42 做某事有困难43解决困难,opposite the bedThats all.in the left-hand cornerat leastbe responsible forthe fire fighterput out the firehave trouble in doing sth.solve the problem,44根本不45 保持平衡 46 感冒47 确定48 打断某人49 救某人的命,not at allkeep balancehave a cold/cat

12、ch a coldmake sureinterrupt sb.save ones life,chapter 51一包/盒2 能够3 流过4 在某种程度上5 各种各样 6 用某物做某事7 运转空调8 挠挠头9 不同形式的能量 10 电灯泡,a packet of be able toflow through in a wayall kinds of use sth.to do sthrun the air-conditionersscratch ones headdifferent forms of energy a light bulb,11 和连接起来 12 发电站13 露齿笑 14 有礼貌

13、地站起来 15 洗衣机16 电饭煲 17 吸尘器18 打开/关电视,be connected toa power stationa grin on ones facestand up politely/with good mannersa washing machinea rice cookera vacuum cleanerswitch on/off the TV,19 保持安静20交朋友21 分数低 22 头疼23 缺钱 24 身体弱25热水器26 放好 27 锁门,keep silent/quietmake friends withget low markshave a headache

14、be short of moneyhave a weak bodya water heaterputawaylock the door,28 鼓励人们29 阻止做某事30 接电话31 探身出去 32 在农场 33把变成 34看起来很傻 35弄明白 36一般来说,encourage peoplestop from doing sthanswer the phonelean out ofon the farmchange intolook foolishfigure outgenerally speaking,Chapter 61.保持活力2.一直在大叫3.和 相似4.敲5.讨厌做6.介意做.7.

15、发现 怎么样8.全聋9 一直在叫,keep livelykeep shoutingbe similar toknock on/athate doing sth.mind doing sth.find sb./sth.+adj.stone deaf keep shouting,10 十里外11 绕圈跑12 浏览13 在工作14 谢天谢地15 和平常一样16 顺便17 帮一下忙,ten miles awayrun in ringsgo throughat workthank goodnessas usualby the waydo sb.a favour,18 去骑单车19 觉得想做某事20 去吃

16、午餐21 吃药22 胃疼23 躺下24 违反规则25 一条面包,go cyclingfeel like doing sthgo for lunchtake medicinehave a painin the stomachlie downbreak the rulesa loaf of bread,1.Dinosaurs e_ over sixty m_years before h_ b_.Some dinosaurs were as s_ as chickens,others were as b_as ten elephants.Some dinosaurs e_ had wings and

17、 could fly.Some dinosaurs were as g_ as sheep and ate plant,others were f_ and ate meat.N_ knows why dinosaurs all died s_.We l_ about the l_ of them from the f_ of their s_,eggs and footprints they left b_.,xisted,illion,uman,eings,mall,ig,ven,entle,ierce,obody,uddenly,earn,ossils,keletons,ives,ehi

18、nd,Please revise the first article and complete the following passages:,2.Walt Disney f_ Disneyland in 1954.He is f_ for his cartoon c_ such as Donald Duck and Snow White.Disney was b_ in the USA.Walt s_ newspapers and d_ letters after l_ school.He liked drawing so he s_ art at night.In the e_,he be

19、gan to draw c_ for films.He p_ a real mouse in a cartoon.Soon,both he and the mouse b_ famous.,ounded,amous,haracters,orn,old,elivered,eaving,tudied,nd,artoons,ut,ecame,Please revise the second article and complete the following passages:,John tells us what happened next.“I was _.Suddenly,I heard Ch

20、arlie _ loudly.I woke up and smelt smoke!A fire!Just then,the fire alarm _ _.I went to feel the door.The surface was hot,so I didnt open it.I _ some towels and put them along the _ of the door.The phone was _.Some smoke got in round the door.I _ on the floor with Charlie and waited.The minutes _ lik

21、e hours.Then I heard the _ of a fire engine.It was _ to my ears.,asleep,barking,went off,wet,bottom,dead,lay,seemed,sound,music,Review the article and Fill in the blanks.,One evening,Daisy wanted to go out to buy _.At the same time,Benny asked her to bring him _.Benny thought he _ trick Daisy.Becaus

22、e no one could buy _ in packets.Daisy would _.,some sweets,a packet of electricity,was able to,electricity,look foolish,What is electricity?Electricity _ a wire.Its like water,_.It also helps us like a _.We use it to do _ things.What does electricity look like?We cant see electricity,but we can _ it

23、 _ different _ of energy.Electricity comes into our flat _ thin wires,and these wires _ cables under the street.The cables are _.We make _ there.,flows through,in a way,servant,all kinds of,change,into,forms,through,are connected to,connected to a power station,electricity,When Daisy came back,Benny with a _ on his face.Benny was surprised that Daisy brought him some _.Daisys right,said Dad.they _ electricity.The _ inside _ electricity.Mum said,Whos _ now,Benny?,grin,batteries,contain,chemicals,produce,looking foolish,


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