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1、八年级总复习Unit 1-Unit 6,1.Unit 1Unit 6词组总汇2.单词及词组辫义3.句型及语法4.运用(练习),Unit 11.去滑板2.锻炼3.几乎不曾4.一周两次5.一个月一次6.一年三次7.一周三或四次8.网上冲浪9.多久(一次)10.的结果11.活动调查12.有某物给某人13.在周末,go skateboarding,exercise=do/take exercise,hardly ever,twice a week,once a month,three times a year,surf the Internet,How often,three or four time

2、s a week,the result of,activity survey,Here is/are sth for sb.,on weekends,14.活跃的;积极的15.至于;关于16.垃圾食品17.想要(某人)做某事18.对有好处/坏处19.健康的,20.每晚你睡几个小时?21.九个小时22.从学校放学回家23.饮食习惯,24.尽(最大)努力/试着做,be active,as for,junk food,want(sb)to do sth,be good/bad for,be healthy,How many hours do you sleep every night?,come h

3、ome from school,eating habits,try(ones best)to do sth/try doing sth,for nine hours,25.大量,许多26.当然27.注意健康28.有健康的生活方式29.帮助某人做某事30.取得好成绩31.学得好/更好/最好32.为什么不做某事?33.与相同34.与不同35.(和)的不同点36.有几分/一点不健康,a lot of=lots of,of course=sure=certainly,look after my health,have a healthy lifestyle,help sb(to)do/with sth

4、,get good grades,study well/better/best,be the same as,be different from,be kind of unhealthy,why not do sth?=why dont you/we do sth?,the differences(betweenand),39.提高英语,37.保持健康38.少吃肉,keep in good health=keep/stay healthyKeep/stay在这个结构中都是系动词,eat less meat,improve English,Unit 21.怎么了?得什么病了?2.(重)感冒3.发

5、(高)烧,4.胃痛5.牙痛6.头痛7.喉咙痛8.背痛9.躺下休息10.加蜂蜜的热茶11.看病12.看牙医13.多喝水14.应该/不该做某事,=whats up,Whats the matter/trouble(with sb)?,=Whats wrong(with sb)?,have/get a(bad)cold,have a(high)fever,have a stomachache,have a toothache,have a headache,have a sore throat,have a sore back,lie down and rest/have a rest,hot te

6、a with honey,see a doctor,see a dentist,drink lots of water,should/shouldnt do sth,=have a backache,15.好主意。16.我感觉不舒服。17.太糟了。18.我(不)是这样认为的。19.我希望你能尽快好起来。20.疲劳21.压力大22.早上床睡觉23.听音乐24.参加派对25.需要阴和阳的平衡来保持健康26.此刻;现在,Im not feeling well=I dont feel well=I feel terrible/bad.,Thats a good idea.,Thats too bad.

7、,I(dont)think so.,I hope you feel better soon.,be+adj.,be/get tired,be/get stressed out,go to bed early,listen to music,go to/join the party,need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy,at the moment=now,27.传统中医28.例如29.在某方面很弱30.太多 实在太31.生()气32.中药33.吃药34.在西方国家35.吃均衡的饮食36.(对某人来说)做某事很37.少数几个/一些(肯定)几乎没有

8、(否定)38.很遗憾听到这个消息,traditional Chinese doctors,for example,be weak(in sth),too many+可数n.复数,too much+不可数n.,much too+adj./adv.,be/get angry(with sb.),Chinese medicine,take medicine,in western countries,eat a balanced diet,Its+adj.+(for sb)+to do sth,a few+可数n.复数,a little+不可数n.,few+可数n.复数,little+不可数n.,Im

9、 sorry to hear that.,Doing sth is+adj+(for sb).,Unit 31.假期你打算做什么?2.去野营 3.去远足4.去观光5.去骑自行车6.听起来7.那听起来很棒。8.休闲在家9.你将和谁一起去?10.在12号11.在(深)山里12.你将呆多长时间?四天。13.离开太长时间,go bike riding=ride a bike=go riding,go+V+ing 去,What are you doing for vacation?,go camping,go hiking,go sightseeing,That sounds nice.,sound+a

10、dj.,relax at home,Who are you going with?,on the 12th,in the mountains,How long are you staying?,For four days.,go away for too long,14.把某物寄给某人15.把某物给某人看16.回到学校17.去渡假18.散步19.假期计划,20.租录像带21.以而出名22.过长假23.今年夏天24.考虑某事/做某事25.决定做某事26.在欧洲,get/come back to=return to 回来,send sb sth=send sth to sb,show sb sth

11、=show sth to sb,get/come back to school,go for vacation,take walks,take a walk=have a walk=walk,vacation plans?,rent videos,be famous for,take/have a long vacation,this summer,think about sth/doing sth,decide to do sth,decide on sth/doing sth,in Europe,27.做一些不同的事28.计划做某事29.在乡村30.花时间/金钱于某物/做某事31.多睡32

12、.迫不及待做某事33.做完某事34.需要做某事35.询问某人某事36.一个观光的好地方37.随身带上某物,do something different,plan to do sth,in the countryside,spend time/money on sth/(in)doing,sleep a lot,cant wait to do sth,finish doing sth,need to do sth,ask sb about sth,a good place to go sightseeing,take sth with sb,38.离开某地 动身前往某地 离开去,leave+(f

13、rom)地点,leave for+地点,leave for,Unit 4How do you get to school?,take the subway 乘地铁take the bus 乘公交车take the train 乘火车take the car 坐小汽车take a taxi to 乘出租车 去take a plane 乘飞机take a ship 乘轮船ride a bike 骑自行车walk 走路,=by subway by bus by train by car go/come to by taxi by plane/air by ship/sea by bike on fo

14、ot,3.1054.某人花时间做某事5.要花多长时间?6.从他家到学校有多远?离学校10公里远7.远离某地8.离某地很近9.快速地吃早餐10.在大约6:3011.带到/去,2.46,have a quick breakfast=have breakfast quickly,forty-six,one hundred and five,How long does it take?,It takes/took sb some time to do sth.,How far is it from his home to school?,10 kilometers(away)from school,b

15、e far(away)from,be near,at around/about six thirty,take to(do),get to=arrive in/at=reach,12.到达,13.公交车行程通常要花费25分钟。14.公交车站点 汽车站/火车站/地铁站15.全世界16.在北美洲17.在世界的其他地区18.那肯定比坐公交车更有趣得多。,What think of=howlike,20.朝看;看,most students=most of the students,must be 一定,The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.,the

16、bus stop,the bus/train/subway station,around the world=all over the world,in North America,go to school on the school bus 乘校车上学,in other parts of the world,That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.,19.大多数学生,look at=have a look at,21.怎么样,22.视而定;决定于23.不是所有的学生24.做某事的方式 交通方式 做某事的最流行方式25.一定数量的 少量的/大

17、量的 的数量26.生病住院27.别担心。为而担忧28.有困难,the most popular ways of doing sth,depend on,not all students,the way/means of doing sth,the means/ways of transportation,a number of=a lot of,a small/large number of,Dont worry.,be ill in hospital,worry about=be worried about,have a problem/problems,the number of(is),

18、Unit 5Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?周六下午你能来参加我的派对吗?Sure,Id love to./Sorry,I cant.可以。/对不起,不能。2.为考试而作准备3.去看病,4.上钢琴课5.有太多的家庭作业6.下一次 另外一次7.去听音乐会8.去商场购物,study for a test,go to the doctor,have a piano lesson,have too much homework,=another time,go to the concert,go to the mall,太多 too much

19、+不可数名词 too many+可数名词,next time,9.在日历上10.后天11.今天是几号,星期几?12.今天是14号,星期一。13.多谢你的邀请。14.忙于做某事15.今天晚上16.进行网球训练17.下个假期18.保持安静,on the calendar,the day after tomorrow,Whats today?,Its Wednesday the 14th.,Thank you for your/the invitation.,=Thanks(a lot)for asking/inviting me.,be busy with sth,=be busy doing s

20、th,this evening=tonight,have tennis training,next vacation,keep quiet,19.在电视上20.足球比赛21.整天22.顺便来23.有空,空闲,24.确信,25.与某人讨论某事,be sure,discuss sth with sb,the whole day=all day(long),football match,on TV,come over to,be free,Unit 61.谢谢你的上封来信。Thank you for your last letter.2.正如你能看到的,。3.从某些方面来说4.从某一方面来说5.看起

21、来相同 看起来不同6.喜欢做某事7.超过,多于 不到,少于8.有一些共同之处9.擅长于,be different from与。不同=not the same as,As you can see,in some ways,in a way,look the same,look different,enjoy doing sth,more than=over,less than,have some things in common,be good at sth/doing sth,=do well in sth/doing sth,=like/love to do sth.=like/love d

22、oing sth.,10.与一样 不如,11.有点外向 a little/much/a lot/even/far+adj.比较级12.与某人做相同的事13.使某人(不)做某事14.对于我来说那并不重要。15.最好的朋友16.有相反的观点和兴趣爱好 have opposite views and interests17.大多数的孩子 most of the kids=most kids,as+adj./adv.原级+as,not as/so+adj./adv.原级+as,a little more outgoing,do the same things as sb,make/let sb(not

23、)do sth,Thats not important for me.,best friend,=ask/tell sb(not)to do sth,18.在和之间有一些不同点。There are some differences between and 19.相同是没必要的。Its not necessary to be the same.Its(not)+adj.+to do sth20.(在某个比赛项目中)打败某人 beat sb+(in+比赛项目)赢得某个比赛项目 win+比赛项目 21.差异对于友谊来说并不重要的。Differences are not important in a

24、friendship.22.一位小学教师 a teacher for primary school students23.有优秀的成绩,have good grades,24.善待某人25.说笑话26.获得一份工作27.停止正在做的事 停下来,(开始)做某事28.呆在家里29.的一张照片30.对.来说,be good with sb,tell jokes,get a job,stop doing sth,stop to do sth,stay at home,a photo of,for sb.,Review of Units 1_-61.使用某物做某事2.以开始3.在我空闲的时间里4.在那之后5.在游泳池,use sth to do sth,begin/start with,in my free time,after that,in the swimming pool,


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