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1、Lecture Six,1.Error Analysis(2)2.Nominal Clause(1),.Revision Error Analysis.New contents Nominal Clause().Assignment,mistake,error,performance,competence,Systematic,would occur in similar context,systematic or random?,Errors are an integral part of interlanguage.In the process of mastering a target

2、language(TL),second language learners(L2)develop a linguistic system which is different from both the learners first language(L1)and the TL(Nemser,1971).This linguistic system has been called interlanguage(IL)(Selinker,1972).,The field of error analysis in SLA was established in the 1970s by S.P.Cor

3、der.Error can be classified according to basic types:-omission(quantitative differences:under-use)I go shopping tomorrow.-addition(quantitative differences:overuse)He doesnt knows me.-substitution or related to word order.I everyday by school bus come here.,-Errors may also be classified according t

4、o the level of language:phonological errors,vocabulary or lexical errors,syntactic errors,and so on.-It is good to learn at another mans cost.From normal study to error analysis,we shift our role from receiving information to checking information.,Purposes of discussing“error analysis”-To avoid maki

5、ng the same errors.-To avoid handing down these errors onto our students or children,and to put tragedy a stop.-To provide us a special angle to look into learning.,例1 The man is not a young man,but the man is not old.He is about forty-four or forty-five years old.The man is a good-looking man:tall,

6、handsome,rather thin,with dark-brown hair just beginning to go grey.The man is always well-dressed,but quietly in good taste.redundancy,pronoun,inconsistency 汉语倾向用名词重复以使上下文连贯,而英语则倾向于使用代词。中国学生在英文写作中大量重复名词,而少用代词,使作文读起来既不流畅也不精练.,例2:Self-confidence is very important for us.With self-confidence we can do

7、 whatever we want to;without self-confidence we can achieve nothing.无明显语法错误,但读起来颇似汉语结构:自信对我们很重要,有了自信我们百事可为;没有自信则一事成.”可改为:Self-confidence is very important for us.With it we can do whatever we want to,or else we can achieve nothing.,例3:People should not spend too much time on hobbies in order to avoi

8、d disturbing normal work and study.汉语中不使用物主代词不会引起误解,读起来也非常自然。然而,在英语中则应加上物主代词。disturbing their normal work and study,Reasons Behind These Errors1.Thinking in Chinese&translating literally.能力训练(translation):1)“有空来玩”中的玩”?-Come and play if you have time.正确表达:Drop in whenever you have time.或 Come over wh

9、enever you feel like it.2)我们英语课经常讲故事。Our English class often told stories.-We often told stories in our English class.,2.Transitive VS Intransitive3.Articles4.Redundancy5.Passive Voice VS Active Voice6.The Misuse of the Word Classes7.Misplacement,8.Errors in Collocation 用词搭配不当。(overgeneralization)开机

10、器operate a machine 开汽车drive a car 开灯turn on a light 开会hold a meeting,开窗 open the windows 开工厂set up a factory 开茶馆run a teahouse 开矿exploit a mine 开荒reclaim wasteland,8.Synonyms(近义词辨析)英语语汇和表达十分丰富。如:表“休息”的词:break 指工作中途或者课间休息;pause 指讲话时的短时停顿、间歇;recess 国会预定的休会期,在美国也指学校休假等;interval 指话剧等的剧场休息,幕间休息;interlude

11、 指忙里偷闲式的休息;rest 指没有时间限制的放松、休闲。Suggestions:register,semantic field,context,language intuition,8.Errors in Sentences His age is older than his wife.(Illogical comparison)As a matter of fact.There are a lot of things need to do.(Sentence fragment)To lose your country means losing your home,your root.(C

12、oordination),9.Errors in Tense Agreement英汉一个显著不同在于:英语动词借助词尾的曲折变化和相应的助词表达不同的时态,汉语主要借助于“着”、“了”、“过”来表时态,没有词尾的曲折变化.(inflection)After the vacation,we come back to school.-After the vacation,we came back to school.*A baby can cry as soon as it was born.-A baby can cry as soon as it is born.(common sense),

13、10.Complex Sentences 复合句 复合句包含一个独立主句和至少一个独立或非独立从句。英语复合句必须分清主从,从句必须借助于关联词连接。Although he is young,but he knows a lot.He studies hard,his teachers all like him.,(两个都为从句,没有主句。),(两个句子都为主句,无从句,也是错句。),Class practice:作文练习1:Population Explosion,Yesterday,Today,tomorrow,Population Explosion,11.习惯上的误用 Good mor

14、ning,Teacher Zhang!中国式英语,根据英语国家习惯,应说Good morning,Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms Zhang!另外,中国学生对于赞扬和恭维常常不知所措、过于谦卑或贬低自己,甚至反复地予以否认。Oh,your English is really good.1)Well,it is just so so.2)Oh,no.My English is very poor.3)Thank you.,back,.New contents Nominal Clause A nominal clause is a clause functioning like a noun

15、or noun phrase.A clause is a group of words containing a subject and predicate,and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence.名词从句的功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语等。我们的目的:内化、活用名词性从句,According to its function in sentences,nominal clauses can be roughly divided into:1)Subject clause What

16、 happened next remains a mystery.2)Object clause I know that he is here.3)Predicative clause The question is how we should proceed.4)Appositive clause I had no idea that you were here.,练习(目的:考察大家的掌握情况)1.The order came the soldiers the small village the next morning.A.that;had to leave B.that;should

17、leave C./;must leave D.when;should leave 考查同位语从句。Order决定用虚拟语气。(B)2.Obviously we do morning exercises every day us good.A.that;do B.if;do C.what;does D.that;does that引导从句在句中作主语,从句作主语谓动用单数。(D),3.It is said was all he said.A.that;that;that B.what;what;what C.that;which;what D.that;that;which Its said t

18、hat为固定短语。第二个在从句中作主语,第三个引导定从,先行词是all.(A)4.I feel it important that they finish their own task in time.(分析结构),5 It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray.A.while B.that C.if D.for 头发变白使她有点儿不安。It作形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。(),思考:*词汇语法题、翻译题或阅读理解中遇到主语从句时,你能很快辨别出来吗?*写作时你能熟练驾驭主语从句吗?*引导主语从句的关联词有哪些?,1.Subject

19、clause(重点,详讲)定义:用作主语的从句叫做主语从句。构成:关联词+简单句引导主语从句的关联词有三类:(1)从属连词(2)连接代词(3)连接副词,(1)从属连词that和whether(if)如:*Thattheyweresisterswasclearfromthefacialresemblancebetweenthem.*That she did her best in the exam pleased her parents.*Whetherhellcomehereisntclear.他是否会来这里还不清楚。,()连接代词 who,whom,whose,what,which,whoe

20、ver,whatever,whichever语法能力训练:1)他在会上说的话让在场的人很吃惊。What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.2)哪个队赢得比赛还不清楚。*Which team will win the match is still unknown.3)不论谁来都受欢迎。*Whoevercomesiswelcome.,(3)连接副词where,when,how,why.如:语法能力训练:1)How he became a famous musician is known to all.2)When we will start is not clear.3)这事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。*Howthishappenedisnotcleartoanyone.,.Assignment 1.Chapter 9-10 2.Chapter 35Next time:Nominal clause(2)(同位语从句的翻译技巧),Next,Any Advice is welcome!,Thank you for your attendance!,


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