1、Fanding out who someone is,083 都春屏,ta,To find who someone is,ask the question”他是谁?”The reply could be a term of address for the person,e.g.”她是李老师”,or the persons name,e.g.”他是王小伟”。,她是谁?她是李老师。,他是谁?他是王小伟。,Shi shu,生词:谁,他是谁?,他是谁?,她是谁?,全班同学站成两排,面对面,1.一个同学指着任意一个同学问对面的同学:“他(她)是谁?”2.对面的同学回答“他(是)。”3.被点到的同学对大家
2、说:“我是”,活动:Lets play a game togerther.The whole class divides into two groups.the students on the side being the group and the students on that side being to the other group.Stand face to face.,任务:Bring in pictures of your friends or family menbers and introduce them to your classmates by telling their names.using the sentence“他是谁?”or“她是谁?”find who someone is,give a replye using the sentence:“他(她)是”,