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1、期末考试复习要求:1.26字母大小写配对,正确按顺序排列书写2.P68-70所有单词,准确认读,知道中文3.课文出现的句型独立认读,知道中午大意,并根据问题找出答语。4.独立认读韵文,知道大意。注意单词句型的认读,能够认读知道中文大意的句子。,Glad to see you again.,再次见到你很高兴。,Glad to see you,too.,见到你我也很高兴。,You will have a bag of apples.,你会有一袋子苹果。,This is my friend.,这是我的朋友。,Nice to meet you.,认识你很高兴。,Nice to meet you,too

2、.,认识你我也很高兴。,Cats and dogs,Both are pets.,猫和狗都是宠物。,This is our classroom.,这是我们的教室。,I like our classroom.,我喜欢我们的教室。,Its big.,它很大。,Its nice.,它很棒.,He has three eggs.,他有三个鸡蛋。,Go back to your seat.,回到你的座位上。,What do you do in the morning?,你早上做什么?,What do you do in the afternoon?,你中午做什么?,What do you do in t

3、he evening?,你晚上做什么?,I go to school.,我去上学。,I like school.,我喜欢学校。,I have PE.,我有体育课。,We play games.,我们做游戏。,I watch cartoons.,我看卡通片。,I play with my toys.,我玩玩具。,Ice cream is sweet,And so is jello.,冰淇淋是甜的,果冻也是。,Who will try?,谁来试一试?,Let me try.,让我试一试,me 我(宾格),What color is your yoyo?,你的溜溜球是什么颜色的?,My bag is

4、 green.,我的书包是绿色的。,They call me the Lion King.,他们叫我狮子王。,I have a red bag.,我有一个红书包。,The monkey is fishing with a net.,这只猴子正在用一个网打渔。,Is this a blue van?,这是一辆蓝色的车么?,Is that a yellow snake?,那是一条黄色的蛇么?,Is this a red bus?,这是一辆红色的公共汽车么?,Is that a black kitten?,那是一只黑色的小猫么?,No,it isnt.,不,它不是。,Yes,it is.,是的,它是

5、。,Cook the onion in the oil.,在油里烹调洋葱。,Who can say it in English?,谁能够用英语说出它?,I cant.,我不能。,I can.,我能。,How many books do you have?,你有多少本书?,I have eight books.,我有八本书。,Let me see.,让我看一看。,I have seven apples,three big apples and four small apples.,我有七个苹果,三个大的,四个小的。,You see a duck near the river.,你在河的附近看到一

6、只鸭子。,There are many ducks in the lake.,湖里有很多鸭子。,Lets count.,让我们数一数。,A boy is playing in the classroom.,一个男孩在教室里玩。,Read it again,please.,请再读一遍。,Who is that man?,那个男人是谁?,I love my father.,我爱我的爸爸。,He is my grandfather.,他是我的祖父。,You see a woman driving a car.,我看到一个女人开着一辆车。,Whos that woman?,那个女人是谁?,I love

7、 my mother.,我爱我的妈妈。,She is my grandmother.,她是我的祖母。,Im sorry Im late.,对不起我迟到了。,The man is carrying a bag.,这个男人正提着一个包。,Dont be late again.,不要再迟到。,I love him.,我爱他。,I love her.,我爱她。,That is my teacher.,那是我的老师。,Whats her name?,她的名字是什么?,His name is Jack.,他的名字是Jack。,今天谁不在?(今天谁没来?),Whos not here today?,可能出现

8、的试题类型,1.字母大小写连线 A c C n N a 2.听音圈出字母(1)a e(2)d b(3)c x(4)m n,1.写出下列字母的左邻右舍_ Kk_(2)_ L l_(3)_ Ff_(4)_ Bb _(5)_ Dd _(6)_ Hh _2.按顺序默写26个字母,Jj,Ll,Aa,Cc,根据听到的内容填空(期末复习题型)My name:_ Moms name:_听力材料-Whats your name?-My name is Bob,B-o-b,Bob.-Whats your mothers name?-Her name is Mary,M-a-r-y,Mary.,Bob,Mary,1

9、.单词图片配对 2.看图圈出相应的单词 milk oil a ball balls 3.听音圈单词(1)a ball a wall(2)yogurt yo-yo,综合应用题,检测题型:1.听对话,与图片相符的画,不符的画X。(X)听力材料:-How many stars do you have?-I have five stars.,例(2):听力材料:-What do you do in the evening?-I play with my cat.2.听一听,涂一涂,听力材料:I have three yellow balls.,(X),3.选择正确的答语-Whos that?-_s my mother.A.She B.He C.Her.,A,


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