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1、一 选出每组中含有所给音标的单词,并在口号中写出其汉语意思1/A girl B boy C back 2/A apple B egg C we 3/A come B friend C this 4/A you B student C Miss 5/A today B meet C again,将与单词相对应的汉语意思的序号写在括号内()1 elephant A 美国()2 duck B 老师()3 America C 大象()4 nice D 好的()5 teacher E 鸭子,A,C,E,D,B,三 填空1 Welcome back to _(学校)!2 Nice to _(看见)you

2、again.3 I have a new _(朋友)4 She is from _(美国)5 Her _(名字)is Amy,school,see,friend,America,name,四 阅读理解并回答问题。正确的写”T”错误的写“F”Jim is an English boy.He is twelve.He is in Class 4,Grade1.Wei Hua is a Chinese girl.She is thirteen.She is in Class 4,Grade1,too.Miss Gao is their English teacher.She is a good te

3、acher.()1 Jim is Chinese.()2Jim and Wei Hua are in Class Four,Grade One()3 Jim is 12()4 Miss Gao teaches English.()5 Wei Hua is 12,too.,F,T,T,T,F,五,连线补全对话1 Where are you from?A Nice to meet you.2 This is my friend,Amy?B Im from America.3 Whats your name?C Sure4 Can you read this?D Thanks5 Have some

4、tea,Mom E My name is Amy,完形填空Jim_1_ a good student.He is in _2_ _3_.He is 13 years old.Jim is in Row 2,Number 3.Kate is _4_ student _5_.She is in Row 3,Number 2.They are my good friends.()1 A am B is C are D be()2 A one B class one C Class One D Class one()3 A Grade one B Grade One C grade one D gra

5、de One()4 A good B a good C good D/()5 A too B/C to D two,B,C,B,B,A,七 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号1 see,to,nice,you _2 a,we,new,have,today,friend _3 are,where,from,you _4 teacher,am,the,I _5 is,my,Amy,name _,Nice to see you.,We have a new friend today.,Where are you from?,I am the teacher.,My name is Amy.,八 英译汉1

6、 Welcome back to school!_2 Nice to see you again._3 Where are you from?_4 Happy Womens Day!_5 Can you read this?_,欢迎回到学校。,又一次见到你很高兴。,你从哪里来?,妇女节快乐!,你能读这个吗?,九,连线选择恰当的译文1 Good afternoon A我很聪明2 My name is Amy B 喝点茶吧3 Im from America C 下午好4 Drink some tea.D我是美国人5 Im smart E我叫艾米,十 连线补全对话1 Good afternoon A

7、 Im American.2 Where are you from?B Good afternoon3 This is my friend,Amy.C Thanks4 Happy Womens Day!D No,thanks,5 Have some coffee!E Nice to meet you.,英译汉1 Lets play school-teacher and student._2 Touch your knee._3 Lets drink some tea._4 Come and follow me._5 Watch out!_,让我们玩学校老师和学生的游戏吧。,触摸你的膝盖。,让我

8、们喝一些茶吧。,来跟着我。,小心!,五汉译英1 我叫艾米。我是美国人_2 我叫麦克。我是加拿大人 _3 我叫百灵。我是中国人 _4 同学们,我们今天来了一位新朋友 _5 很高兴又见到你。_,My name is Amy.Im from America.,My name is Mike.Im from Canada.,My name is Bai Ling.Im from China.,Boys and girls,we have a new friend today.,Nice to see you again.,六排序,将正确的序号填入括号内。()Welcome!()Class,we hav

9、e a new friend today.()Good morning,boys and girls!()Hi,Im Amy.Im from America.()Good morning,Miss White.,1,2,3,4,5,一 为下列汉语选择正确的翻译。1 那个女人是谁?()A Whos that woman?B Whos this woman?C What is that woman?2 这是我的全家()A It is my home.B This is my family.C This is my house.3 多大的一条鱼啊!()A What a big fish!B What

10、 big fish!C What is big fish!4 我们在树下唱歌和跳舞。()A They sing and dance under the tree.B We sing and dance under the tree.C We sing and dance on the tree.5哇,真有趣!()A Wow,it is funny!B Wow,What funny!C Wow,how funny!,二 判断下列对话是否正确,正确的在括号内划“”错误的划“”()A:Whos this girl?B:Great!()A:Is she your sister?B:Yes,she is

11、.()A:This is my friend,Amy.B:Nice to meet you,too.()A:What a big fish!B:Wow!()A:My mom is an actress.B:Really?,三 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1 beautiful,is,she _2 woman,is,that,who,_3 from,mom,China,is,my _4 to,meet,nice,you _5 my,Amy,is,this,friend _,四 将与单词相对应的汉语意思的序号写在括号内。()1 father and mother A太好了。()2 come o

12、n B 猜猜看()3 Well done!C 加油()4 guess D 爸爸和妈妈()5 great E 干得好,五 单项选择,将正确答案的序号填入提前的括号里()1 _is this girl?A That B Who C Why()2 _she your sister?A Are B Is C Am()3 _my mother.A Hes B Shes C Its()4 Let _watch TV.A is B are C us()5 _a big hamburger!A Where B What C It,六用“am,is,are”填空1 Who _this boy?He _ my b

13、rother.2 How old _ you?I _ 14.3 What _ that?It _ an apple.4 Who _ they?They _ my sisters.5 _ she your grandma?No,she _ my aunt.,七 组词成句,注意大小写1 that,is,who,woman _2 too,you,to,meet,nice _3 sister,is she,my_4 an,is,my,mom,actress_5 China,is,mom,my,from _,八 汉译英1 她是一个演员_2 看看我!_3 那个女孩是谁?_4这是你姐姐吗?_5 让我们看电视吧!_,


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