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1、Unit Seven Beauty,I.Library Work1.Roman Catholic Church:Christian church headed by the Pope,the Bishop of Rome.Roman Catholics may be simply defined as Christians in communion with the Pope.Roman Catholicism holds that the Pope and the Bishops have in varying degrees the,I.Library Work,spiritual aut

2、hority Christ assigned to his apostles.The voice of the Pope is regarded as infallible when speaking on matters of faith and morals.Protestantism is a special development within Christianity.It is distinct from Roman Catholicism in that it breaks from papal obedience.Protestantism is widely,I.Librar

3、y Work,practiced in most northwestern European countries except southern Germany,Ireland,France,and Belgium.2.Pagan(异教徒):one of a people or community professing a polytheistic,i.e.,a religion based on the belief in more than one god.Ancient Romans and Greeks were pagans.A pagan is different,I.Librar

4、y Work,from a Roman Catholic and a Protestant in that the latter believe in only one god.,II.Organization of the Text,1.Ancient Greek attitude toward beauty:Beauty is a total,integrated concept of excellence(Paragraph 1)2.Changes in the meaning of beauty-the conventional attitude toward beauty-and i

5、ts negative effect(Paragraphs 2-9),II.Organization of the Text,a.Conventional attitude toward beauty:a concept applied to women and their outward appearance(2 3)b.Female beauty and male handsomeness(4)c.Womens character and the essence of men(5),II.Organization of the Text,d.Female perfection and ma

6、le blemish(6 7)e.The power to do and the power to attract(8)f.Preening(9),II.Organization of the Text,3.Conclusion:There should be a way of saving beauty from women-and for them.(Paragraph 10),III.Key Points of the Text,Paragraph 1lame:weak;unsatisfactory 站不住脚的;差劲的,蹩脚的E.g.:a lame excuse 站不住脚的借口 lame

7、 effort 无效的努力 lame counterfeits of the original 原件的拙劣复制品,Paragraph 1,His counter arguments sound lame.他的反驳听上去软弱无力。occur to:come into(someones mind)paradoxical:seemingly self-contradictory;incongruous;puzzlingparadox(n.):a situation which involves two opposite facts,Paragraph 1,E.g.:It is a paradox t

8、hat racial discrimination and protection of human rights should coexist in the same country.seductive:attractive;charmingpedagogical:teaching,Paragraph 2,wary:heedful;careful;cautious 谨慎的,小心翼翼的;警惕的E.g.:Having been taken in several times by street pedlars,he is now very wary of them.,Paragraph 2,faci

9、lity:the quality of being able to be done or performed easily;absence of difficulty or effort 熟练,灵巧;技巧,技能;流畅E.g.:play the piano with facility 技巧娴熟地弹钢琴 Practice gives a wonderful facility.娴熟的技巧来自实践。,Paragraph 2,facility of style 文体的流畅,Paragraph 3,deprive of:take away fromE.g.:Women in some places in

10、the world today are still deprived of the right to vote.A serious case of trachoma(沙眼)deprived him of his eyesight.,Paragraph 3,set/turn adrift:leave(someone or a boat)to float on the water,without direction 使(船)漂流;使漂泊着没有着落;撇弃于不顾E.g.:The sailors,after quarrelling with their captain,set him adrift on

11、 the ocean in an open boat.,Paragraph 3,The country will thus be set perilously adrift,possibly toward war.国家将因此被弄得岌岌可危地随波逐流,可能导致战争。lose prestige:lose significance,lose prominenceon the defensive:prepared for disapproval or attack,Paragraph 4,demean:(formal)lower in the opinion of oneself or others

12、降低的身份;有辱的人格;贬损E.g.:demean oneself by taking a bribe 因受贿而为人不齿,Paragraph 4,overtone:things that are suggested but not shown or stated clearly 弦外之音,含蓄之意;暗示E.g.:His words were polite,but there were overtones of anger in his voice.a reply full of overtones 话里有话的回答,Paragraph 4,praise with overtones of env

13、y 带着妒忌口气夸奖 His marriage had political overtones.他的婚姻带有政治色彩。demeaning overtones:implications of humiliation,Paragraph 4,detriment:harm;damage 损害;不利;伤害E.g.:Smoking is a detriment to ones health.吸烟危害健康。The war caused great detriment to the nations economy.战争大大地损害了该国经济。,Paragraph 4,to the detriment of:t

14、o the harm of 有损于(或对不利)without detriment to:causing no harm or danger to 无损于,Paragraph 5,in the throes of:in the middle of doing something very difficultE.g.:We are in the throes of drawing a blueprint for the reorganization of the Students Union.in the throes of revolution 处于革命的动荡时期,Paragraph 5,Bri

15、tain was in the throes of choosing a new Prime Minister.英国当时正处于挑选一位新首相的混乱时期。throes:intense or violent pain and struggle;a condition of E.g.:death throes 临终痛苦 throes of childbirth 分娩的阵痛,Paragraph 5,identify with:consider two things as being the same;equate with;associate with 认为等同于;使与有关联E.g.:Some peo

16、ple identify book learning with work efficiency.given(prep):if one takes into account 考虑到,Paragraph 6,submit to:offer(an idea,something written,etc.)for consideration to(someone or a group)使经受,使受到E.g.:The metal was submitted to analysis.对该金属进行了分析。submit an applicant to examination 对申请者进行考试,Paragraph

17、 6,fretful:irritable;complaining 苦恼的;烦躁的E.g.:a fretful baby crying all night 整夜啼哭烦躁不安的婴孩 The emptiness of his dream made him fretful.梦想的落空使他十分苦恼。,Paragraph 6,pass muster:be accepted as satisfactory 通过检验;被认为合格,被认为符合要求;被认为可以接受E.g.:Slipshod work would never pass muster.草率的工作绝对经不起检验。Such excuses will no

18、t pass muster with him.这种借口在他面前是通不过的。,Paragraph 6,muster:a gathering of people,especially of soldiers to march or be inspected(军队等)集合,集结;检阅E.g.:There was a muster of all the militiamen.全体民兵进行了一次集合。call out the troops to stand muster 召集部队接受检阅,Paragraph 6,wanting:lacking 欠缺的;缺少的;没有的E.g.:coat with some

19、 buttons wanting 一件缺了几颗纽扣的外套 The infinitive of the verb“must”is wanting.动词“must”没有不定式。Seed plants are totally wanting there.那儿完全没有种子植物。,Paragraph 6,Hes wanting in courtesy(judgment).他不够礼貌(缺乏判断力)。,Paragraph 7,blemish:a mark that spoils the beauty or perfection 疤痕mole:a small,dark brown,slightly raise

20、d mark on a persons skin,usually there since birth 痣,Paragraph 7,the depreciation of women:the devaluation of women;the decrease in value of women;the lowering of womens statusdepreciation:a disparaging or a belittling act or instance,Paragraph 8,immense:extremely large or great,especially in size o

21、r degreeto be sure:it must be accepted(that)毫无疑问,当然E.g.:-May I come in?-To be sure.当然可以。,Paragraph 8,lamentable:(of an event,action,or attitude)unfortunate,regrettable;(of circumstances or conditions)very bad or unsatisfactory可悲的;不幸的,令人惋惜的;拙劣的;质量低劣的E.g.:His prejudice against the underachievers is la

22、mentable.,Paragraph 8,The service provided by the hotel was simply lamentable.a lamentable performance 拙劣的表演renounce:give up(a claim);say formally that one does not own 声明放弃E.g.:renounce ones claim to an inheritance 声明放弃对一笔遗产的继承权,Paragraph 8,renounce smoking and drinking 戒烟戒酒censure:an expression of

23、 blame or disapproval 责备;公开谴责E.g.:call for somebodys censure by the Senate 要求参议院公开谴责某人,Paragraph 9,preen:(of a bird)clean or smooth(itself or its feathers)with the beak;(of a person)make(oneself)neat;adorn or trim(oneself)carefully 用嘴(或舌)整理的羽毛;精心打扮E.g.:She preened herself in the mirror.她对着镜子精心梳妆打扮。,

24、Paragraph 9,work at:put effort into(something or doing something)致力于,从事于E.g.:Is Tom still working at the new book that he promised?keep up:continue;remain the same 坚持;保持,Paragraph 9,E.g.:keep up a correspondence 保持通信联系 Splendid!Keep up the good work!好极了!继续好好干!,Paragraph 10,interminable:endlessdisparage:(rather formal)regard as being of little worth;speak about without respect 贬低;轻视E.g.:Do not disparage others efforts in carrying out the work.,


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