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1、英语长句翻译的原则(二),首先是理解原文,摆脱原文的形式约束,进入到语义的深层次,判断分析各种内在的实质是隐含的逻辑关系。然后再回到汉语的表层形式上来。在组织汉语的过程中,我们可以遵从下面的一些原则。,1时间原则,汉语在叙述一系列事件时,一般遵从“先发生的先说,后发生的后说”的原则。We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959.(句子依照反时间顺序;先议后叙)试比较

2、:我们在1959年离开了中国,此后,中国连续三年遭到自然灾害。我们在国内读到这方面的消息,心情颇为低沉。(句子依照自然的时间顺序展开,先叙后议),The lightly regarded Swede,in becoming the first native-born Scandinavian ever to win the title,floored Patterson seven times before the referee halted the fight in the third round.在第三个回合里裁判员叫停之前,这位不太被人看得起的瑞典人七次将帕特森打倒在地。于是他成了第一

3、个获得此项冠军的斯堪的纳维亚人。(刘振江,“翻译与语言深层结构的划分”),2空间原则,汉语在表述空间关系时,一般按照由近及远,由此及彼,由大及小的顺序,少数时候也遵从由远及近,由彼及此,由小及大。比如:The deserted mining villages,protruding pitheads overgrown with tall grass and rusting refineries behind crumbling walls situated in valleys,were surrounded by thick wooded mountain slopes,hot spring

4、s gushing out here and there.按照从村里向村外的视角方向,译文可以组织为:这些荒芜的矿村位于山谷之中,突兀的矿井口上长着深深的野草,破败的屋墙后是锈迹斑斑的冶炼设备。山谷周围群山环抱,山上树林密布,温热的泉水随处涌出。形合转换为意合,3层次原则,汉语在叙述层次含孕的关系时,一般按照由总及分的顺序,少数时候也遵从由分及总。比如:His period in office was marked by a steep rise in Irans oil revenues and the beginning of a social-political crisis broug

5、ht on by wide-scale misuse of the 22 billion a year earnings from oil.他执政期间,有两个突出的事件:一是伊朗的石油收入迅猛上升,二是大规模地滥用每年二百二十亿美元的石油收益而引发的社会政治危机。,Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement,or mor

6、e often,because the physical properties of the synthetic substance,which is the common name for man-made materials,have been chosen,and even emphasized,so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied.本句的逻辑关系是,先呈现观点“Many man-made substances are replacing certain nat

7、ural materials”,然后再分述两条原因,而第二条原因中又包含着复杂的语法结构。汉语中我们可以按照“由总及分”的顺序简明地阐述为:,Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement,or more often,because the physical properties of the synthetic subst

8、ance,which is the common name for man-made materials,have been chosen,and even emphasized,so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied.很多人造材料正在取代天然材料,一方面是因为天然材料的产量难以满足日益增长的需要;更重要的原因是,人们选择了合成材料(即通常所称的人造材料)的一些物理特性并加以突出,以便它能在应用领域发挥最大的作用。,The original members of the

9、 United Nations shall be the states which,having participated in the United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco,or having previously signed the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January,1942,sign the present Charter and ratify it in accordance with Article 110.联合国之创始会员

10、国必须满足两个条件:1、或者此前曾参加在旧金山举行的关于成立国际组织的联合国大会,或者此前曾在1942年1月1日签署联合国宣言;2、签订本宪章、并根据第110款批准本宪章。,Group discussion,Multitudes of bees used to bury themselves in the yellow blossoms of the summer squashes.This,too,was a deep satisfaction;although,when they had laden themselves with sweets,they flew away to some

11、 unknown hive,which could give back nothing in requital of what my garden had contributed.在夏天,成群结队的蜜蜂则喜欢一头扎进黄色的南瓜花里。当它们载满了蜜汁,便会飞到那些我无从知晓的巢穴中,不再对我花园的奉献作任何酬答。而我,依然是深深的心满意足。(试比较:“在夏天,成群结队的蜜蜂则喜欢一头扎进黄色的南瓜花里。我也感到无比满意。当它们载满了蜜汁,便会飞到那些我无从知晓的巢穴中,不再对我花园的奉献作任何酬答。”,4因果组块原则,在叙述因果关系时,汉语一般是原因在前,结果在后,少数时候也遵从结果在前,原因在

12、后。比如:Attracting specialized,career-focused students is one reason Stanford University Medical Center overhauled(彻底检查,大修)its curriculum and required students to pick a concentration by the end of their first year.斯坦福大学医学中心重新调整了课程体系,并要求学生在第一学年结束时选择专业方向,其目的之一便是为了吸引细化专业、有明确职业目标的学生。,A long standing retic

13、ence(沉默),perhaps born of national abhorrence(憎恨)of monarchies and kings,kept faces and portraits off United States coins as a regular practice until 1909,the centennial(100周年)of Abraham Lincolns birth.句子的主干结构是:reticence kept faces and portraits off United States coins。在句子的前半部分中,“perhaps born of nati

14、onal abhorrence”和“a long standing reticence”是因果关系,可以按因果组块来安排;综观整个句子,又可以用时间组块来安排:或许是出于国民长期以来对独裁和君主的憎恨,美国人一直不情愿在钱币上刻印肖像和人物。这一惯例一直持续到1909年,即亚伯拉罕林肯诞辰100周年时,才被打破。,5 信息值比较原则,According Hallidayian grammar,an information unit is composed of a theme and a rheme.eg:(In stylistics,foregrounding and backgroudin

15、g are used;in psycholinguistic,saliency/salient is used)The crop was destroyed by the rain.Theme rhemeGiven/old new/expected(information)Low value high value(information),Mr.Smith is the chairman.The chairman is Mr.Smith.屡战屡败。屡败屡战。有啥吃啥。吃啥有啥。,信息排列方式:功能学派认为信息的聚焦原则是旧信息在前,新信息在后,对此我们称为无标记聚焦(unmarked focu

16、s)。在特定的语境中为了达到强调效果,也将新信息放在句首,旧信息放在句后,对此我们称为标记聚焦(marked focus)。Eg:Great was his joy when he put the bird into the cage.It is the chimp that has been chosen as the subject.Rachel is my name.,汉语在行文时,一般按照“低值信息在前,高值信息在后”、“已知信息在前,新知信息在后”、“确定信息在前,不定信息在后”的规则来陈述逻辑关系。如:Physicians in training must learn a stag

17、gering array of facts required by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education,North Americas accrediting authority for medical schools.医学教育联络委员会是北美医科院校资格认证机构,它要求在学的医生必须熟记大量的材料。,so attractive that the Reverend Mr.Crisp,fresh from Oxford,and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick,the Reverend Mr.Flowerdew,fel

18、l in love with Miss Sharp.context:上文描写夏普小姐的眼睛迷人。她惯常低垂眉目,抬起眼来看人时,眼睛显得很特别,不但大,而且动人。a.刚从牛津大学毕业的Crisp先生因此爱上了她,他正在Chiswick教区Flowerdew牧师手下做助理牧师。b.契息克的弗拉活丢牧师手下有一个副牧师,名叫克里斯泼,刚从牛津大学毕业,竟因此爱上了她。(杨必译),The cells are the last constant link in the great chain of mutually subordinated formations that form tissues,o

19、rgans,systems,the individual.1)细胞是构成组织、器官、系统以及个体的相互隶属的构造物组成的长链上的最后恒定的一环。2)细胞是相互隶属的构造物所组成的长链上最后恒定的一环,这些相互隶属的构造物形成了组织、器官、系统乃至个体。3)生物的组织、器官、系统乃至个体,都是由相互隶属的构造物组成。细胞正是这一系列构造物组成的大链条上的最后、恒定的一环。(倒过来)译文1)将定语从句翻译为定语,虽然句式较长,在学术定义中可以接受。译文2)和3)将定语从句独立成句,显然译文3)的语序更好。注意学习译文3)的信息值的安排,遵循从已知到未知。,The contrast between

20、this knowledge and understanding of Kingsingers tactics and this uncertainty about his strategy is characteristic of most of what is written and said,not just about his role in the Middle East but about a whole range of Kingsingers ventures,including the most important has undertaken.不少的文章和言论分析了基辛格在

21、中东扮演的角色,以及他所从事的一系列冒险活动。但这些文章和言论大部分都有一个特点,就是既反映出对他的策略有所认识和了解,又表现出对他的战略捉摸不透。,6 语篇连贯原则,在运用上述语序原则时,要照顾到长句内部以及与上下文的衔接和连贯,因而有时要作局部处理,如重复关键词、补充过渡信息或调整语序等等。如:1How energy and matter behave,how they interact with one another,and how we control them to serve the people make up the substance of physics and chem

22、istry.能和物质怎样运动,它们又怎样相互作用,我们又如何对它们进行控制以服务人类,这些构成了物理和化学的主要内容。,The old idea of an essentially unchanging universe that could have existed,and could continue to exist forever,was replaced by the notion of a dynamic,expanding universe that seemed to have begun a finite time ago,and that might end at a fi

23、nite time in the future.旧的宇宙观为新的宇宙观替代了。前者认为宇宙基本上是不变的,它已经存在了无限长的时间,并将永远继续存在下去;后者则认为,宇宙在运动和膨胀,它开始于遥远过去的某一个时间,并将在遥远将来的某一个时间终结。,最后,某些英语长句的结构是高值信息在前,低值信息在后,有时译文如果按照“低值信息在前,高值信息在后”的原则组织,位于前面的低值信息很难与前一句构成有意义连贯,那种情况下首先必须保证连贯,即将高值信息部份放前,低值信息部分放后作补充,使该长句与它前面的成分能有机连贯,整个句子便体现出顺译法的特点。,As the century developed,th

24、e increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnections of different disciplines made it impossible,in many cases,for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data,techniques,and equipment that were required for carrying out research accu

25、rately and efficiently.随着本世纪向前发展,有待解决的问题的数量越来越多,越来越复杂,学科之间的联系也越来越紧密。因此,科学家已不可能单独地处理大量的数据、使用大量的技术和设备,而这些工作是进行准确和有效的研究所不可或缺的。采用了顺拆法,做到了连贯,但是尾重心有所转移。,There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or bus

26、iness with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee,the lightness of the cake,or the attractiveness of the house,which may be her chief interest and pride.最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫谈政治、谈生意,全然没有注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些可能才是她最感兴趣和引为自豪的。(采用了顺拆法,做到了连贯,但是尾重心有所转移。

27、),By 2001,the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths.This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to

28、continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.讨论译文:到2001年,美国人口至少会有2亿5千万到2亿7千万。那时美国会发现,为了养活新增人口而扩大粮食生产将会是十分困难。食品危机的困境无法避免,因为能源紧张使农业无法以高能耗这种美国耕作方式继续下去了,而这种耕作方式投入少数农民就可以获得高产。问题:定语从句拆分下来单独成句后,第层意思得到了不应有的强调。这是拆分法以及汉英语言差异造成的结果。,By 2

29、001,the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths.This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to contin

30、ue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.到2001年,美国人口至少会有2亿5千万到2亿7千万。那时美国会发现,为了养活新增人口而扩大粮食生产将会是十分困难的。虽然在美国的高耗能耕作模式下,投入少量农民就可以获得高产,但由于能源匮乏,这种耕作方式将难以维持,因而食品短缺这一困境将是不可避免的。解决方法一:调整语序,将重心放到最后。,By 2001,the population of the United Sta

31、tes will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths.This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy Am

32、erican fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.到2001年,美国人口至少会有2亿5千万到2亿7千万。那是美国会发现,为了养活新增人口而扩大粮食生产将会是十分困难的。这一困境将是无法避免的,由于能源匮乏,靠投入少量农民就可以获得高产这种高耗能的耕作方式将难以为继。(小组译文)解决方法二:将定语从句整合到主句中,不单独处理,也避免了单独成句的重心转移问题。,实际上英语最典型的,最不同于汉语的结构就是,随时可以插入修饰,或补充说明(定语从句,分词短语,名词短语等)汉语一般会拆分下来,拆分下来

33、带来的一个可能就是重心转移了,英文中作为修饰和补充说明的成分独立为句了。这个问题有时是可以用其他方式处理来避免,有时甚至是无法避免的,是语言结构不同造成的loss or distortion.我们只能尽量发挥汉语表达的潜力,寻找最忠实准确的译法。,Homework,Also common in the natural sciences,the techniques fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation.It applie

34、s equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources,and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.1)同样在自然科学领域,技术谬误也错误的将学科看成是由一些技术运用所组成的整体。这种谬误同样存在于传统历史学派和社会科学历史学派的身上,前者认为历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料的评议,后者认为历史的研究应该是某

35、些技术的运用。(小组译文)2)纯技术方法论错误地把整个学科与学科研究的某些操作方法等同起来,这种情况在自然科学领域里也很常见。这种谬误同样适用于认为历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料来源的评论的历史传统派和认为历史的研究是具体方法的应用的历史社科派。(小组译文),Group discussion,There is a great quantity of eating and drinking,making love and jilting,laughing and the contrary,smoking,cheating,fighting,dancing and fiddling;the

36、re are bullies pushing about,bucks ogling the women,knaves picking pockets,policemen on the look-out,quacks(other quacks,plague take them!)bawling in front of their booths,and yokels looking up at the tin-shelled dancers and poor old rouged tumblers,while the light-fingered folks are operating upon

37、their pockets behind.市场上的人有的在吃喝,有的在调情,有的得了新宠就丢了旧爱;有在笑的,也有在哭的,还有在抽烟的,打架的,跳舞的,拉提琴的,诓骗哄人的。有些是到处横行的强梁汉子;有些是对女人飞眼儿的花花公子,也有扒儿手和到处巡逻的警察,还有走江湖吃四方的,在自己摊子前面扯起嗓子嚷嚷(这些人偏和我同行,真该死!),跳舞的穿着浑身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻斤斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引得那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。(杨必译),Group discussion,In the afternoon we did our first guard and B

38、enjamin showed us around the position.In front of the parapet there ran a system of narrow trenches hewn out of the rock,with extremely primitive loopholes made of piles of limestones.There were twelve sentries,placed at varied points in the trench and behind the inner parapet.In front of the trench

39、 was the barbed wire,and then the hillside slid down into a seemingly bottomless ravine;opposite were naked hills,in places mere cliffs of rock,all grey and wintry,with no life anywhere,not even a bird.I peered cautiously through a loophole,trying to find the Fascist trench.-Gorge Orwell,Homage to C

40、atalonia,下午我们进行了第一次站岗,本杰明领着我们在驻地周围转了转。在胸墙的前方有着一连串狭窄的战壕,这都是从岩石中砍劈出来的;战壕上头是一些用石灰石堆起来的简陋射击孔。一共有十二名哨兵,他们或者守在战壕各处,或者守在胸墙后方。壕沟的前方布着带倒钩的铁丝网,再往前便是一块山坡,往下延伸到一个似乎深不见底的峡谷;峡谷的对面是一些赤裸裸的荒山,有些地方完全是一些岩石突兀的绝壁,一片灰白、瑟缩,没有一丝生气,连一只鸟都看不到。我小心翼翼地透过一个射击孔朝着对面张望,试图找到法西斯分子的战壕。乔治奥威尔 向加泰罗尼亚致敬,本章参考文献:2 黄邦杰:译艺谭,中国对外翻译出版公司。3 祝吉芳:英汉

41、翻译方法与试笔,北京大学出版社。4 丘述德:“语用学与英语定语从句的翻译”)5 李瑞华:英汉语言文化对比研究6 王福祥:对比语言学论文集7 连淑能:英汉对比研究8 刘宓庆:汉英对比研究与翻译9 刘宓庆:文体与翻译10 李运兴:“论英语复合句汉译的基本取向”11 毛荣贵:新世纪大学英汉翻译教程12 王寅:“英译汉:句法结构比较”13 王建始:“前重心与后重心英汉句子比较”14 朱纯深:“翻译:理论、实践与教学”15 Li,Charles N.and Sandra A.Thompson.The semantic function of word order:A case study in Mandarin16 Yong,Ho.Aspects of Discourse Structure in Mandarin Chinese,


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