1、Answer of HW,Chapter 4,R12:What is the 32-bit binary equivalent of the address 00000001 00000011 00011100,R13:Do routers have IP addresses?If so,how many?Yes.They have one address for each interface,R18:Yes,because the entire IPv6 datagram(including header fields)is encapsulated
2、in an IPv4 datagram,R21:Link state algorithms:Computes the least-cost path between source and destination using complete,global knowledge about the network.Distance-vector routing:The calculation of the least-cost path is carried out in an iterative,distributed manner.A node only knows the neighbor
3、to which it should forward a packet in order toreach given destination along the least-cost path,and the cost of that path from itself to the destination.,Answer of HW,P447 P8a)Prefix MatchLink Interface 11100000 00000000 0 11100000 00000001 1 11100000 2 11100001 3 otherwise 4b)Prefix match for firs
4、t address is 4th entry:link interface 4 Prefix match for second address is 2nd entry:link interface 2 Prefix match for first address is 3rd entry:link interface 3,Answer of HW,P448 P9Destination Address Range Link Interface 0000 0011 0 0100 0111 1 1000 1011 2 1100 1111 3 number of addresses in each
5、range=,Answer of HW,P448 10 Address interface 10000000 through 10111111(64 addresses)011000000 through 11011111(32addresses)111100000 through 11111111(32 addresses)200000000 through 01111111(128 addresses)3,P448 P11Subnet 1:2000 211=2048Subnet 2:1000 210=1024Subnet 3:1000 210=10240000.000000000000.0
6、0000000 through subnet 10111.111111111000.00000000 through subnet 21011.111111111100.00000000 through subnet 31111.11111111,P448 P12,Destination Address Link Interface otherwise 3,P448 P13,P448 P14,000000 through 111111 Any IP address in range to 0000000.00000000 22=4
7、subnets 00 01 10 11,P449 Problem 15,0.00000000 Subnet A: addresses)0.00000000 Subnet B: addresses-8=120)1.00000000 1.01111000 through-through 1.01111111 1.01111111Subnet C: addresses)1.10000000Subnet D:
8、20/31(2 addresses)1.01111000Subnet E: addresses)1.01111010Subnet F: addresses)1.01111100,To simplify the solution,assume that no datagrams have router interfaces as ultimate destinations.Also,label D,E,F for the upper-right,bottom,and upper-left interior subnets
9、,respectively.For the second schedule,we have:Router 1 Longest Prefix MatchOutgoing Interface 11010110 01100001 11111111 Subnet A 11010110 01100001 11111110 0000000 Subnet D 11010110 01100001 11111110 000001 Subnet F Router 2 Longest Prefix MatchOutgoing Interface 11010110 01100001 11111111 000001 S
10、ubnet F 11010110 01100001 11111110 0000001 Subnet E 11010110 01100001 11111110 1 Subnet C Router 3Longest Prefix MatchOutgoing Interface 11010110 01100001 11111111 0000000 Subnet D 11010110 01100001 11111110 0 Subnet B 11010110 01100001 11111110 0000001 Subnet E,P449 Problem 18,a)Home addresses:192.
11、168.0.1,, with the router interface being b)NAT Translation Table WAN Side LAN Side,4000,3345,4001,3346,4002,3445,4003,3446,4004,3545 12
12、,4005,3546,P449 Problem 19,It is not possible to devise such a technique.In order to establish a direct TCP connection between Arnold and Bernard,either Arnold or Bob must initiate a connection to the other.But the NATs covering Arnold and Bob drop SYN packets arriving from th
13、e WAN side.Thus neither Arnold nor Bob can initiate a TCP connection to the other if they are both behind NATs.,P22,StepND(s),p(s)D(t),p(t)D(u),p(u)D(v),p(v)D(w),p(w)D(y),p(y)D(z),p(z)1 x 8,x 6,x 6,x 2 xy 15,y 7,y 6,x 18,y 3 xyw 15,y 14,w 7,y 18,y 4 xywv 11,v 10,v 18,y 5 xywvu 14,u 11,v 18,y 6 xywvut 12,t 16,t 7 xywvuts 16,tS:tvyx xyvtsZ:tvyx xyvtz,P24,cost tofrom u v x y z v x y z 5 2 10 0,cost tofrom u v x y z v 2 0 7 5 x 12 0 1 2 y 7 1 0 10 z 7 5 2 3 0,cost tofrom u v x y z v 2 0 7 7 5 x 9 7 0 1 2 y 9 7 1 0 3 z 7 5 2 3 0,