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1、UNIT1 P8,B.Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box.,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,1.,the pilot survived the plane crash.2.He indicated the of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.3.Wont you your decision to leave the club?4.The

2、 war the trade between the two countries.,Fortunately,location,reconsider,interrupted,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,5.This is the painting,and the others are copies.6.The witness that she had never seen Mr.Smith before.7.China is rich in natural.8.Beethoven didnt him

3、self though his hearing began to weaken when he was 29.9.After a long journey,she felt and was eager to go back home.10.Tom failed to his term paper on time,though he works very hard.,original,stated,turn in,resources,give up on,weary,上海交通大学出版社,6.Practice:interpreting,When the teacher brought 30 kid

4、s to camp out on Montys ranch two summers ago,they had a conversation as follows.Interpret it into English with your partner.蒙蒂:很高兴您能带孩子们来我的牧场野营。老师:看到你今天拥有这么大的牧马场真为你高兴。蒙蒂:谢谢!希望以后老师经常带孩子们来这里搞活动。老师:蒙蒂,还记得我让你写关于梦想的文章的事吗?蒙蒂:当然记得,那篇文章我还一直保留着呢。,上海交通大学出版社,Monty:Im glad that you brought the kids to camp out

5、 on my ranch.Teacher:Im really happy that you own such a big horse ranch.Monty:Thanks.I hope you will often come here with kids to put on activities.Teacher:Monty,do you remember that I asked you to write a paper about your dream?Monty:Of course,I still have that paper.,上海交通大学出版社,老师:很抱歉当时我给你不及格。蒙蒂:哦

6、,没有关系,其实我觉得那件事对我的启发很大。老师:我做你的老师的时候,可以说是个偷梦想的人,我偷了 很多孩子的梦想,幸好你有足够的勇气没能让我把你的 梦想偷走。蒙蒂:我们每个人都应该坚持自己的梦想,只要我们坚定执着,梦想总有一天会实现。老师:再次祝贺你实现了自己的远大梦想!,6.Practice:interpreting,上海交通大学出版社,Teacher:I feel sorry for the F that I gave you.Monty:Oh,never mind.As a matter of fact,I learned a lot from it.Teacher:When I wa

7、s your teacher,I was something of a dream stealer.During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams.Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.Monty:Every one of us should keep his dream.Our dreams will come true one day as long as we have the determination.Teacher:Congratulations to

8、you again on having achieved your big dream!,6.Practice:interpreting,Unit2 P38,B.Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box.,1.The rescue workers were oblidgedto cut off her leg before saving her out of the colapsed building.2.Toms parents pride themselves on their

9、 son as the greatest Olympic gold medal winner.3.The little girl is quite at ease in public.4.They did have a hard time when surrounded by the enemy for more than three months.,5.The house is still in condition.6.In the heavy rain,the travelers were along the muddy country road.7.Dont worry.Mary wil

10、l be her word.8.The wouldnt let us keep a pet and threatened to raise the rent.9.Did you find your for tonight?10.There was nobody but a few countrymen drinking in the bar.,上海交通大学出版社,tiptop,jolting,rough-looking,4.Working with words and phrases,lodging,as good as,landlord,上海交通大学出版社,p,On his way back

11、 home,the hotel owner,the landlord in the text met one of his friends and mentioned the foolish mistake he had made that day.They had a conversation as follows.Interpret it into English with your partner.朋友:嗨,汤米,怎么一副无精打采的样子?旅馆老板:甭提了,我简直成了个大傻瓜。朋友:得了吧,常常嘲笑别人是土包子的人怎么可能变成大傻 瓜了呢?旅馆老板:我哪知道一个跟老农一样其貌不扬的人居然是

12、美国副总 统啊!朋友:怎么回事?你把他拒之门外了?,上海交通大学出版社,Friend:Hi,Tommy.Why are you in such low spirits?Landlord:Well,its a shame that Ive turned myself into a dunce.Friend:Come on.How could it be?How could a man who often laughs at others for being mossbacks become a dunce?Landlord:How could I know that a rough-lookin

13、g man like an old farmer would turn out to be the American Vice President?Friend:What happened?You turned him away for lodging?,6.Practice:interpreting,Reference answer:,上海交通大学出版社,旅馆老板:可不是嘛,我让他睡谷仓,最后还把他打发到别的旅 馆了。朋友:你赶快去负荆请罪,再把人请回来呀。旅馆老板:我刚才去了,可副总统先生不肯原谅我。朋友:你是怎么道歉的?旅馆老板:我说我不该误以为他是老农。朋友:哪有你这样道歉的?说明你还

14、是看不起农民兄弟。你这 叫自作自受,罪有应得。旅馆老板:哎教训啊,教训!,上海交通大学出版社,Landlord:Exactly.I offered him the barn for his stay and finally sent him to another hotel.Friend:Then why dont you go to apologize to him at once and fetch him back?Landlord:Thats what I did just now.But Mr.Vice President wouldnt pardon me.Friend:How d

15、id you make your apology?Landlord:I said that I shouldnt have mistaken him for an old farmer.Friend:How could you make an apology like that?You did that only to show that you are still looking down upon the farmer brothers.You made the bed and you must lie on it.It serves you right.Landlord:Oh,what

16、a lesson,what a lesson!,6.Practice:interpreting,Unit3 p73,B.Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box.,19,1.In most colleges top students are qualified to apply for _ to cover the tuition and living expenses.2.I was wondering when it would be possible for me to be

17、 _ of the job interview result.3.Im calling your want ad in New York Times dated July 24th.4.Be sure to send your job application before the deadline accompanied by three.,上海交通大学出版社,scholarships,in response to,references,notified,20,上海交通大学出版社,5.Did you say that you cant type a letter for lack of _ s

18、kills?6.Do you have a second or back-up plan if the first plan _?7.The three-year-old child managed to a chair for his grandpa to sit on after a long trip.8.Do you really mean to your holiday plan to save the money for a new car?9.You should have known that there wouldnt be any tickets _ for late ar

19、rivals.10.The manager assistant was speechless when the manager decided to send her to a project in the northern part of the country.,pull up,word-processing,falls through,cancel,available,supervise,21,Kathy is talking with her friend,Betty about her experiences of looking for a part-time job.Interp

20、ret their conversation into English with your partner.凯西:真没想到找个兼职会有这么多麻烦!贝蒂:你以为天上会掉馅饼啊?说给我听听看需不需要我帮你一把。凯西:你知道最初我指望能勤工俭学好负担部分学费以及生活费。遗憾的是因 为政府削减开支而让我的计划泡汤了。贝蒂:那你可以去职业介绍所啊。凯西:我去了,并参加了一家公司的面试。结果因为没有文字处理技能被淘汰 了。,上海交通大学出版社,6.Practice:interpreting,22,上海交通大学出版社,Kathy:Never thought that it would take so muc

21、h trouble looking for a part-time job!Betty:Did you expect a windfall or something?Share your story with me and see if I might give you a hand.Kathy:As you know,from the beginning I counted on work-study programs to cover part of my tuition and living expenses.Unfortunately,my plan fell through due

22、to government budget cuts.Betty:What about an employment agency?Kathy:I got there and went in for a companys job interview only to be rejected for my lack of word-processing skills.,6.Practice:interpreting,23,贝蒂:然后呢?凯西:我又去了一个工厂面试。本以为做个兼职秘书什么的应该没问题。猜猜 我碰到了一个什么样的老板?贝蒂:不会是色狼吧?凯西:你还真猜对了!他暗示要我做他的小蜜,太不知羞耻

23、了。贝蒂:没什么大不了的。我以前也遇到过这种人,还动手动脚的,让我搧了一 个嘴巴。凯西:看不出你还挺厉害的嘛。贝蒂:那还用说。最后找到工作了吗?凯西:还算运气好,认识了我朋友的哥哥。他推荐我去他儿子学校的课外活动 中心兼音乐老师。贝蒂:祝贺了!总算有着落了。,上海交通大学出版社,6.Practice:interpreting,24,上海交通大学出版社,Betty:What happened then?Kathy:I went to a factory for another interview,thinking I would be qualified for a part-time secr

24、etary or something.Guess what kind of boss I met with over there.Betty:You do not mean a pervert,do you?Kathy:You did guess right!He was dead to shame by implying that I should work as his mistress.Betty:Its no big deal and Ive met with someone like that before.He even touched me so I slapped him on

25、 the cheek.Kathy:Cant see you were so tough.Betty:Sure thing.Have you got a job now?Kathy:Anyway I was lucky enough to meet my friends brother,who recommended me to work for an after-school program at his sons school.Betty:Congratulations!You made it at last.,6.Practice:interpreting,Unit4 p103,1.She

26、 listened to him when he was telling his sad story.2.The bird flu drug has been useless.The drug will no longer protect people in case of a worldwide bird flu epidemic.3.Dont go and break this heart.His hurting mind is in need of emotion.,上海交通大学出版社,B.Complete the following sentences with appropriate

27、 words or phrases in the box.,sympathetically,rendered,fragile,4.The number of pets by their owners in recent months has risen by 70%since the economic woes started.5.Towns and villages should be to cope with the increasing number of floods.6.Grandma was in fine condition both and mentally after spe

28、nding two months in the countryside.7.Regular exercise can not only make your mind and body stronger but also help rid you of the that occurs at work.8.I am going to take a job for the summer vocation.9.It is very dangerous to outdated ideas and theories.10.Nowadays,people too much computers to solv

29、e problems.,上海交通大学出版社,abandoned,4.Working with words and phrases,adapted,physically,frustration,temporary,cling to,rely on,Some time after the medical accident,Susan felt ready to return to work and had a conversation with Mark as follows.Interpret it into English with your partner.苏珊:亲爱的,我觉得可以回去上班了

30、。马克:这真是太好了!可是你怎么去公司呢?苏珊:这也是我担心的事儿。你看,以前我一个人乘车上班多轻松啊。可是我现在都不敢随便走动了。马克:别担心,亲爱的,每天早上我可以开车送你去上班,下午我再去接你。苏珊:可是你上班就不方便了啊,你的公司正好在相反的方向。马克:没关系,我愿意保护你。,上海交通大学出版社,6.Practice:interpreting,上海交通大学出版社,Susan:Honey,I think Im ready to return to my job.Mark:Fabulous!But how can you get to your office?Susan:Thats my

31、big concern.You see,I used to take the bus and you know how easy it was!Now Im too frightened to get around all by myself!Mark:No worries,sweetheart.I can drive you to work every morning and pick you up in the afternoon.Susan:But its not convenient for you to go to work.Your company is at the opposi

32、te end of the city.Mark:Im fine.Its my pleasure to protect you.,6.Practice:interpreting,(两周后)马克:亲爱的,我认为你应该学会自己乘车上班了。苏珊:什么?我自己乘车?我可什么都看不见啊!马克:你必须学会独立,这样你才能真正恢复生活的信心和勇气。苏珊:你知道我现在多害怕一个人出门!你是不是烦我了?马克:哦,亲爱的,我怎么会烦你呢?你知道我多么爱你啊。苏珊:可是我怎么知道往哪走啊?马克:开始的几周我陪你一起乘车上班,帮你熟悉汽车的环境,直到你自己能乘车为止。苏珊:好吧,我可以试一试。,上海交通大学出版社,6.

33、Practice:interpreting,上海交通大学出版社,(Two weeks later)Mark:Dear,I think you need to learn to take the bus by yourself.Susan:What?Take the bus on my own?Im blind!Mark:You must learn to be independent.Only in this way can you gain your confidence and courage for life in the real sense.Susan:You know how ho

34、rrified I am at the idea of going out by myself!I feel like you are tired of me!Mark:Oh,my dear,how could I possibly get tired of you!You know how much I love you!Susan:But how am I supposed to know where Im going?Mark:I can ride the bus together with you in the first few weeks and help you to adapt to the environment on the bus until you get the hang of it.Susan:OK,I think I can have a try.,6.Practice:interpreting,


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