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1、托福口语备考中如何解决口音问题 托福口语备考中如何解决口音问题?这5个方法规范你的发音。今天给大家带来了托福口语备考中如何解决口音问题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语备考中如何解决口音问题?这5个方法规范你的发音托福口语语音语调调整5大实用技巧讲解1. 听录音,做标记(录音材料推荐大家使用官方真题Official中的task5)第一遍 感受录音的语音、语调。不要读出声音来,只要静静地听、仔细地感受就可以了。第二遍 标记单词的重音(word stress),把耳朵听到的每个单词的重音标在录音材料原文上。第三遍 标记所有单词与单词之间的连读。第四遍 标记句子的升调、降

2、调,要体会不同的句型所使用的语调的变化。第五遍 标记句中的弱化,某一个音读得比较轻,甚至都感觉不到,这个音就是被弱化了。2. 多模仿,心要细模仿大致可以分为两个阶段:句子的模仿。先一句话一句话模仿,把每一个句子的语音语调模仿到位,关注到每个细节。段落的模仿。把单个句子模仿好之后,就可以把一段话连起来了,模仿时要特别注意句子与句子之间的衔接。3. 勤朗读,练记忆从发音原理来讲,英语和汉语的音节组合方式大不相同,发音方式也有很大区别。中国人的发音器官实际上并不熟悉或是不适应英语发音方式,大量的朗读练习实际上是在训练发音部位,让发音器官的肌肉适应英语的发音体系。光是大量朗读是不够的,还需要练习记忆,

3、在朗读的时候脑袋里要在播放听过的录音材料。经过前两步之后,录音材料已经深深印在学习者的脑海里了,朗读时就可以跟着脑海里浮现的声音一起进行了。不需要再听录音材料,也不要把录音上的声音彻底扔到脑后,按自己原来习惯的方式进行朗读。如果觉得自己的朗读和录音的确有差距,没有读出录音上的那种味道,就要返回去再听听录音材料,找其中的原因,做对比研究,看哪些地方不太像,再按第一步的方法标记一次。5. 再模仿,到满意返回去听录音材料找到差距后,就要努力再进行模仿,这样循环往复一直到满意为止。托福口语评分标准解析|从零开始01 DeliveryDelivery :How clear your speech is.

4、 Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns语言表达:考生是否能做到清晰的表达,好的表达应该流畅清晰、发音正确、语速适中、语音语调自然。02 Language useLanguage use:How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters wil

5、l be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.语言运用:考生是否能有效使用英文语法和词汇来表达自己的观点。评分人会考察考生能否熟练运用简单和复杂的语言结构和恰当的词汇。03Topic developmentTopic development:How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Go

6、od responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.话题发展:考生是否能完成命题所要求的所有任务,表达是否连冠一致。好的表达应该在规定时间内完成,并且能够让评分人很容易听出各个观点之间的关系和思路之间的衔接。搞清楚三大评分维度之后,我们快来看一下ets给出的托福独立口语四分评分标准的相关内容。回答概述:回答满足


8、完整性和可理解性即可。下面我们来看一道例题帮助大家更好的理解评分标准。Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.Sample 1I think the better policy is to make stud

9、ent live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm.because I think they can be safer first, because they are from.most are come from other town, so they dont really know the environment. so.I think it safer. huh.Moreover I think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have g

10、ood relationship to know on the.on the universitys.is.I mean.they know better the environment. Especially they dont have cars.Sample 2Um. I think its better for the first- year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and its safer for them to l

11、ive on campus where theres more security. Because they dont know much about the city in the first place. Uh. Second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with peop

12、le whoyou might not.um.seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to doing with the seniors if any live in the dorm.托福口语评分标准解析|实例详解题目:Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which

13、policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.sample 1I think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm, because I think they can be safer first, because they are from most of them are come from ot

14、her town, so they dont really know the environment. so I think it safer. huh, moreover I think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have a good relationship to know on the, on the universitys is, the goal I mean, they know better the environment. Especially they dont have cars.sample 2I thi

15、nk its better for the first year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and it safer for them to live on campus where theres more security. Because they dont know much about the city in the first place. Second of all, it helps them to become m

16、ore familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to interact with the seniors if any live in you

17、r dorm.现在来公布正确答案,sample 2是满分回答,不知道大家有没有回答正确呢?01 Delivery虽然有一些口音,但是整体清晰流畅,连贯性好,发音不错,很容易让人听懂speaker表达的内容。02 Language use词汇使用恰当,语法能够准确表达观点,句子结构完整并且具有一定的多样性。03 Topic development答案结构完整,考生能够恰当地回答了问题,并且有一定的细节来支撑自己的观点。以上三点均能满足,所以sample 2为满分回答。那么大家可以猜测一下sample response1是多少分呢?Sample 1在实际考试中拿到了3分,在讲解为什么这个回答是三分

18、之前,我们还是先来学习一下ets 给出的3分评分标准的具体内容, 判断一下sample 1是否满足我们3分评分细则。回答概述回答能够恰当地完成题目,但是缺乏充分的细节展开。回答大体上清晰明了、逻辑连贯,但是在表达论点上有一些明显的失误。这一分数的回答至少包括右边所列的两个特点:语言表达回答总体清晰流畅,但是发音、语调或语速上存在一些小错误,听者需要时不时地努力去听才能理解。(尽管并没有严重地影响回答的清晰度)语言运用回答显示考生基本能够有效自主地使用语法和词汇,并连贯地表达相关论点。回答存在一些不准确的用词或错误的语法结构,并且句式多样性也很有限。这或许影响总体的流利性,但是并不会严重地影响信

19、息的表达。话题发展回答总体上持续连贯,并表达了相关论点和信息。但是论点展开受限,通常缺乏对论点的充分展开和具体的细节,论点之间的关系有时不清楚。Sample 101 Delivery有一些发音上的小错误,回答停顿处稍多,但基本不影响整体理解02 Language use有一定的语法错误,词汇和句式稍受限,但基本不影响理解03 Topic development答案结构较为完整,回答了问题,并给出了一定的理由,但是缺乏细节支撑由此可见sample response 1是满足3分评分标准的。虽然不是满分也有一定的缺陷,但也是一个不错的成绩,因为如果我们在speaking section中的6道题都能拿到3分,最后的口语总分也有23分。


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