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1、Customs Declaration(报关)There are two channels: red and green, in China customs. Take the red one if you have something to declare, otherwise the green one. If you are uncertain which channel you should take, then take the red one.If you take the red channel the customs officer will check to see whet

2、her you have to pay duty. If you take things such as computers, cameras, video cameras, gold and silver, printed or recorded materials, or anything more than you need during your travel, you have to fill in the Customs Luggage Declaration Form.,Green Channel 快捷通道,绿色通道,Customs Declaration(报关)Green C,

3、Visitors are allowed to carry into China a limited quantity of duty-free goods including:* 2 liters(升) of alcoholic beverages(饮料)* 400 cigarettes* 50g (2 ounces) of gold or silver* US$ less than 5,000* Chinese RMB with a total value less than 20,000 yuan* Reasonable amount of perfume(香水)1 still came

4、ra and reasonable amount of film(胶片)(digital still camera (DSC) 数字静物摄影机),Visitors are allowed to carry,Prohibited imports include: fresh fruit, arms, ammunition(军火)and explosives, printed matter, films or tapes detrimental(有害的) to China, narcotic(镇定剂)drugs(毒品), animals and plants.,Prohibited imports

5、 include:,Lesson 11 Not guilty,ivory 象牙,Lesson 11 Not guilty ivory 象,guilty adj. : having done sth that is illegal; feeling ashamed because of having done sth wrong.-He felt guilty when he did what he shouldnt have done.-They found the defendant(被告)not guilty.,有罪的;内疚的,guilty adj. : having done sth,N

6、ew words & Expressions,guilty adj. 有罪的,内疚的 have a guilty conscience 问心有愧; 做贼心虚 be guilty of (a crime) 犯了 罪 be / feel guilty for sth 对 /为 感到内疚 be / feel guilty at / about doing sth 对 / 为 感到内疚eg. If you did something wrong, you would have a guilty conscience.He is guilty of bribery/embezzlement / corr

7、uption.他犯了贿赂罪/ 挪用公款罪/贪污罪。He felt guilty for his rude words.He felt guilty at/about making such trouble.,New words & Expressionsguilty,declare: v. 宣称,宣告;申报 declare war on sb 宣战 The police have declared war on drug dealers. Do you have anything to declare?declaration: n. 宣言The Declaration of Independe

8、nce 独立宣言 state v. 声明,陈述 A problem well stated is a problem half solved.,New words & Expressions,declare: v. 宣称,宣告;申报New word,New words & Expressions,tolerant: adj. 宽容的, 容忍的 be tolerant of / toward sth 对.能容忍宽容 We should be tolerant of the views of others, even if we disagree with them. 他不大能容忍批评。 He i

9、s not very tolerant of criticismtolerable: adj. 可忍受的, 可容忍的 The pain was severe, but tolerable. 疼痛剧烈, 但尚能忍受,New words & Expressionstoleran,New words & Expressions,harden v.使坚强;使变硬; 变得冷酷无情eg. The earth hardens under the hot sun. 土地让炎热的太阳晒硬了。 I hardened my heart against him. 我硬下心肠对待他。 Life in the camp

10、had hardened him considerably. 军营生活使他变得坚强多了。hardened adj. 冷酷无情的,坚强的;有经验的eg. a hardened criminal a hardened travellerhardened. adj. (侧重于老练的)experienced . adj . (侧重于有经验的)a player a thiefan teacher,hardened,hardened,experienced,New words & Expressionsharden,New words & Expressions,confidently adv. 自信地c

11、onfident adj. confidence n. 确信,深信,对充满信心: be confident of (doing) sth, be confident that have confidence in sth/sb, have confidence thatWe are confident of success.We are confident that we will succeed.I have much confidence in your ability to succeed.We have full confidence that we shall succeed.,Ne

12、w words & Expressionsconfide,New words & Expressions,ounce v. 猛抓,扑住(to seize something swiftly and eagerly) pounce on / upon sth / sb 1. 猛抓,扑住 2.抓住别人的小错误,立即指责The cat pounced on a mouse. The policemen pounced on the thief and took him to the police station.If you make a single mistake ,your boss will

13、 pounce on it.,New words & Expressionspounce,erfume n. 香水wear perfumescent 香味the scent of rosesfragrance:(抽象名词) 芬芳,芳香fragrant 芳香的flagrant 恶名昭著的,erfume n. 香水,sarcastic adj. making an unkind joke on sb. 讽刺的,挖苦的 a sarcastic remark/comment 尖酸刻薄的评论,冷嘲热讽的话acid adj. 酸性的an acid comment 尖酸的评论bitter words尖酸刻薄

14、的话There is always a sting in his words. a sharp rebuke 严厉的斥责,New words & Expressions,sarcastic adj. making an unkin,New words & Expressions,exempt v. adj. 被免除的 (usu. no passive voice) exempt sb from sth 免除某人 be exempt from stheg. The government exempts the disabled from military service. 政府免除残疾人的兵役

15、He is exempt from military service, because of his bad sight. 他由于视力不好而免服兵役。The school exempted him from the entrance examination.He was exempt from the entrance examination.,New words & Expressionsexempt,duty n. a tax paid on sth. imported or exported税customs duty关税 stamp duty 印花税duty free 免税的tariff

16、 n. 关税GATT: General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 关税与贸易总协定(二战后签定的广泛的国际性贸易协定,目的是消除国际贸易壁垒,促进自由贸易。1995年WTO成立,GATT完成了它的使命。)tax (general expression) 税 income tax 个人所得税;property tax 财产税VAT : value added tax 附加税,New words & Expressions,duty n. a tax paid on sth. imp,New words & Expressions,baggage: (=lugga

17、ge美) 行李 a piece of baggage 一件行李 hand baggage 随身携带的小件行李 missing baggage 遗失的行李 unclaimed baggage 无人认领的行李,New words & Expressionsbaggage,declare v. 申报,宣称(正式的)declare war on 对宣战 Police have now declared war on drug dealers. 警察已经对毒品贩子宣战了declare 申报 Do you have anything to declare?declaration n.宣言 the Decl

18、aration of Independence 独立宣言,declare v. 申报,宣称(正式的),rofessional adj. 职业的,专业的近义词: occupational vocational professional teacher 职业教师 occupational /vocational school 职业学校,技术学校a professional player 职业选手regular lawyer 职业律师prize-fighter 职业拳击手work ethic 职业道德家industrial disease 职业病,rofessional adj. 职业的,专业的,s

19、muggler n. 走私者smuggling drug trafficking 毒品交易trafficker 从事违法勾当者drug dealer 贩毒者,smuggler n. 走私者,officious adj. 爱管闲事的officiously adv.officiousness n.officious civil servant an officious police officer,officious adj. 爱管闲事的,dreadful adj. 可怕的,一团糟的= frightful (表示胆怯的,恐惧的)dreadful (侧重于可怕的,乱七八糟的) in a dreadf

20、ul messin an awful / a terrible messin chaos 混乱,粉乱;处于杂乱状况in disorder,dreadful adj. 可怕的,一团糟的,exempt adj. 被免除的duty n. 税Customs Duty:关税Stamp duty 印花税duty free 免税的tax:income tax 所得税property taxVAT- 增值税(Value Added Tax)附加税同义词 tax : income tax 所得税,exempt adj. 被免除的,Text Study,1. Even really honest people a

21、re often made to feel guilty. make sb do sth be made to do sth注意变为被动语态后原来不带to的不定式要加上toeg. He made them work day and night.They were made to work day and night.We heard her sing the song.She was heard to sing the song.Someone saw him take the money.He was seen to take the money.,Text Study1. Even rea

22、lly hones,2. The hardened professional smuggler, on the other hand, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase. on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面另一方面 一方面我是你的老师,另一方面,我也是你的朋友 . On the one hand, I am your teacher, on the other hand, I am you

23、r friend.trouble n. / v. 使烦恼;苦恼;费神 You are asking for trouble when you behave in that way. May I trouble you to pass on a message to her? 麻烦您给她捎个信儿. 过去分词短语作定语,修饰watches.,2. The hardened professional s,3. He asked, looking me in the eye. look sb in the eye 两眼直盯盯的注视着 look sb in the face stare sb in th

24、e eye look directly at sb No one dared to look him in the eye. She looked him steadily in the face.The teacher stared the naughty boy in the eye.When you make a speech, you shall look directly at your audience.,3. He asked, looking me in the,4. Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please? 请你做好吗?Wo

25、uld you mind (not) doing sth please? Would you kindly do sth please?Would you kindly do me a favour?Would you kindly hold this for a moment?would you please do sth?Would you be so kind as to do sth?Would you be so kind as to lower your voice? Would you be so kind as to pass me the mustard? Would you

26、 be kind enough to do sth?Would you be kind enough to tell us the date of her arrival? 如果我做,你介意吗?Would you mind me/my doing sth?Would you mind if I did sth? (虚拟) Do you mind if I do sth?,4. Would you mind unlocking th,Would (Do) you mind 后接if从句时,也是用来表示请求对方是否介意某人做某事。“Would you mind if 从句”中,谓语常用一般过去时进

27、行虚拟;“Do you mind if从句”中,谓语常用一般现在时。Do you mind if he attends the meeting? Would you mind if changed channels on TV? 关于如何回答该句型的问题。若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式。如: No, of course not. No, certainly not. No, not at all No, go ahead No, do as you like. No, indeed. No, please. No, I dont mind. Not in the least. 表示

28、“介意”或“不同意”时,常用委婉的方式加以拒绝。Im sorry but I do. Sorry, youd better not. Im afraid you cant. I wish you wouldnt Im sorry, but its not allowed Yes, I do mind. (该方式较生硬,故较少用),新概念英语第三册第11课课件,5. Suddenly, I saw the Officers face light up. light up: suddenly look pleased and happy 面露喜色,荣光焕发;照亮,点燃 light - lighte

29、d - lighted or light lit lit Tom will light up when he sees the new bicycle that I bought for him.Her face lit up when she heard the news.,5. Suddenly, I saw the Officer,6. He was greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him that I was telling the truth.,greet: 1) to say hello to sb 致敬;问候;迎接2)

30、 (be greeted by) sounds or smells that you see , hear or smell (景象、声音、气味等)映入眼帘,呈现在面前;被感觉到 sth greet sb sb be greeted by sthI opened the door, and a dreadful mess greeted me.When we reached the top of the mountain, a beautiful view of the sea greeted us.I woke up and was greeted by the birds song.I c

31、ame such a long way to see him but was only greeted by his indifference.,6. He was greeted by an unplea,Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare.stop : preventto stop sb. from doing sth.= to p

32、revent sb. from doing sth. 阻止做There is nothing to stop me taking the challenge.stop for sth:中途停下来做We stopped for a drink on the way home.,Customs Officers are quite tol,Green Channel 快捷通道,绿色通道green eyed 眼红了 He became green eyed when he heard his neighbor had got a new car.当他得知他的邻居有一辆新车的时候,他眼红了。Green

33、 back 美钞Green card 绿卡Green house effect 温室效应,Green Channel 快捷通道,绿色通道,When I returned from abroad recently, a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.return from abroad 回国go abroadstudy abroadboth home and abroad 国内外,When I returned from abroad re,The Officer we

34、nt through the case with great care. All the things I had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess.with great care 小心翼翼地go through: 1) to pass by 通过2) to look over carefully 仔细检查3) to suffer from on experience sth bad 经历,经受Go through the Green ChannelHe went through all the books borrowed fr

35、om the libraryThose who never go through hardship will not appreciate happiness .in a mess: 乱作一团 be in a dreadful / awful / terrible mess = in disorder / in chaos / at sixes and sevens,The Officer went through the c,He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with deli

36、ght.with 和抽象名词搭配,表示内心充满了一种感情自信地: with confidence细心地: with care骄傲的: with pride欣喜若狂的: with delight惊讶的: with surprise,He had spotted a tiny bottle a,Perfume, eh? he asked sarcastically. You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.should have done : 本应该做某事却没有做shouldnt have done

37、: 本不应该做某事(但是没有)You should have arrived here five minutes earlier. You shouldnt have told him about it.exempt 免除的,被免除的 be exempt from 免除exempt from ones duty/obligation(义务、责任)He is exempt from his obligationDrinks are not exempt from import duty.,Perfume, eh? he asked sarcas,be free from fear 免于恐惧be

38、free from problems 不被问题所困扰be free from case 无忧无虑be free from anxiety 免于烦恼be independent of human interference 不受主观意志支配,be free from fear 免于恐惧,1. Old wine in new bottles 新瓶装旧酒,换汤不换药2. True lies at the bottom of the decanter(玻璃水瓶)酒后吐真言,1. Old wine in new bottles,现在,目前通过绿色通道觉得有罪, 觉得有犯罪感另一方面即使回国把看做直盯着某人

39、的眼睛检查小心翼翼地,仔细地,these daysgo through the Green Channelfeel guiltyon the other handeven ifreturn from abroadregard aslook sb. in the eyego throughwith great care,现在,目前 these days,乱七八糟;混乱透了面露喜色扑向高兴地 免除,豁免发胶拧开瓶盖映入眼帘/ 呈现在面前/ 被感觉到说实话匆匆离去,in a dreadful mess light up pounce on with delight be exempt from hair gel unscrew the cap be greeted by tell the truth hurry away,乱七八糟;混乱透了 in a dreadful mess,你只闻到我的香水,却没看到我的汗水。你否定我的现在,我决定我的未来!你嘲笑我一无所有,不配去爱,我可怜你总是等待。你可以轻视我们的年轻,我们会证明这是谁的时代。梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎样?哪怕遍体鳞伤,也要活得漂亮!,你只闻到我的香水,却没看到我的汗水。,


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