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1、律者,追求公理、维护正义 清洗谎言,寻找真相要有说服力,要简洁、明确 简洁、准确、平淡 严肃死板,译者,中介者创新主动者 公正准确合适简洁,精练体现译入语的语域特征,法律翻译的基本原则,对于法律翻译,译者不宜片面追求形式上的对等,要求译文的词类、语序和句子结构与原文基本保持一致。法律文件的翻译质量必须用译文读者对译文的反映程度来衡量。法律文体的翻译应该遵循奈达提出的“功能对等”翻译原则,即“译文读者对译文的反应等值于原文读者对原文的反应。,公正准确合适简洁,精练体现译入语的语域特征,公正性(impartiality),法律专业人员要遵守的最为基本的原则。法律翻译是法律行业工作的一部分,因此公正


3、材料,也要固守准确性的原则。仅涉及一种语言时,准确性原则要求语言使用者对法律概念、原理、规范以及所涉及的社会行为进行严格的审视和表达。由于法律法规的概括性和一定程度的灵活性,准确性的实现往往是一个人们孜孜以求但难以达到的目标。在法律活动涉及两种语言时,除了仅涉及单语时造成的困难外,又有不同法律文化的影响。更多因素的介入以及语言表达的差异,使准确性及准确性的判断标准更加复杂,因此也对译员提出更严格的要求。,合适性,反映翻译的度,包括对讲话人双方的了解程度,对语体运用的恰切程度,对讲话(或文本)原意传达的充分程度,也包括上文所提到的译员权限的控制程度等。,简洁,精练,The simplest, m

4、ost concise English is the best for legislation: “The draftsman should bear in mind that he is supposed to be read by the plain men. In any case he may be sure that if he finds he can express his meaning in simple words all is going well with his draft. While if he finds himself driven to complicate

5、d expressions composed of long words it is a sign that he is getting lost and he should reconsider the form of the action.” -A. Russel, Legislative Drafting and Forms,外商投资企业生产的产品,除国家另有规定的产品之外,免征关税。原译:Export products manufactured by foreign invested enterprises in the New Area, except those under oth

6、er existing regulations by the State, shall be exempted from custom duty.改译:Exports manufactured by foreign-invested enterprises in the New Area are duty-free, unless other regulated by the state.,甲 Persons who violate this law乙 Persons violating this law丙 Violators of this law,外籍职工的工资、薪金所得, 减半征收所的税

7、。Individual income tax on his/her wages or salary of foreign employees shall be allowed a fifty percent reduction. A foreign employees wage/salary-income is taxable 50% less.,任何组织或者个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。 No organization or individual may appropriate, buy, sell or otherwise engage in the transfer of

8、 land by unlawful means. No organization or individual may appropriate, buy, sell or otherwise transfer land unlawfully.,体现译入语的语域特征,甲方兹保证所供应之货物系在中华人民共和国内制造。Party A hereby certifies that the goods to be supplied are produced in the Peoples Republic of China.,“特许产品”系指本协议所属所有装置和产品以及全部改进和改造的产品或与之有关的研制产品

9、。“Licensed Products” means all the devices and products described in the Agreement annexed hereto, together with all improvement and modifications thereof or developments with respect thereto.普通名词大写有修辞及表意功能合同中出现仅指合同所规定的对象,法律翻译分类,If during the hiring Party A ascertains that Party B has made a false s

10、tatement in this offer or in relation thereto or that Party B is now or hereafter a convicted person or if Party B shall during the hiring: (a) makes default in any payment or commits any breach hereunder; or (b) does suffer or omits any act , matter or thing which in the opinion of Party A is preju

11、dicial to Party As interest in the Goods or Party As rights hereunder, then and in any such event Party A shall become entitled to mediate possession of the Goods, subject to any rights conferred up Party B by law to resume the hiring, and may retake possession thereof and upon such repossession the

12、 hiring shall terminate.,法律英语用词的基本特点及翻译用词比较准确。用词比较正式、拘谨。比如,不用before而用prior,不用but而用provided that,不用after而用sequent,不用tell而用advise,不用begin或start而用commence,不用use而用employ,不用according to而用in accordance with,不用show而用demonstrate,等等。shall的使用,措词精确、避免歧义,原文:自9月20日起,甲方以无权接受任何订单或收据译文:Party A shall be unauthorized

13、 to accept any order or to accept any orders to collect any account after September 20.改译: Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order or to accept any orders to collect any account on and after September 20.,惯用副词,hereafter = after this time; 今后hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此herein = in t

14、his; 此中,于此hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来thereby = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方面therein = from that; 在那里;在那点上thereinafter = later in the same contract; 以下;在下文whereby = by what; by which; 由是;凭那个wherein = in what; in which; 在哪里;在哪点上,常用词的特殊用法,大量使用外来词语,特别是拉丁词语。比如,de f

15、acto(事实上的),in re(关于),inter alia(除了别的因素以外;特别),alibi(不在犯罪现场),bona fide(真正的,真诚的),quasi(好像;准),per se(自身), ad hoc(专门的;专门地),等等。 使用具有不同意义的常用词。比如,action(诉讼),avoid(取消),consideration(对价),execute(签署),prejudice(损害),save(除了,除外),serve(送达),said(上述,该),minor(未成年)或major(已成年),instrument(法律文件),等等。少用形容词;不用加强性的副词(如very,

16、rather),使用法律术语和行话、套话。一个科学领域内,一个术语只表达一个概念,同一个概念只用一个术语来表达。术语最突出的特点是词义单一而固定,每个专业术语所表示的都是一个特定的法律概念,在使用时其他任何词语都不能代替。例如:“termination(终止)”不能用 “finish”代替;“invoke(援引)”不能用“quote”代替;“peremptory(最高)”不能用“supreme”代替;“a material breach(重大违约)”不能用“a serious breach”代替.其他,burden of proof(举证责任),cause of action(案由),lett

17、ers patent(专利证书),negotiable instrument(流通票据),reasonable doubt(合理的怀疑),contributory negligence(与有过失),等等。,经常使用古英语和中古英语。古英语(Old English)是公元约1100年以前的英语,中古英语(Middle English)则是公元约1100年至1500年间的英语。这一点主要体现在大量使用以here, there和where与介词合成的词,比如,hereafter,herein,hereunder,hereafter,thereto,whereby,wherein,等等。有意使用模糊语

18、言。这主要用于不愿肯定地表示自己立场与观点、表示礼貌和对他人的尊重等情况。,词语并列 为使国际条约表意准确和规范严谨,条约制定者在行文中大量使用词语并列结构,用“and”或“or”把两个或多个短语并列起来。这种并列结构有更强的包容性,同时也更加具有弹性。例如:“under or in accordance with”,“signed and delivered”,“in whole or in part”,“within EU or elsewhere”,“revocation,suspension or imposition”,“by the government or by any gov

19、ernment,public or local authority or by any person other than the person claiming relief”等等。,翻译方法,模糊语言法律术语,法律英语句法特点及翻译,修饰成分多而繁杂多使用长句为避免造成混乱和误解,句中不用代词多用被动结构多用名词化结构 大量状语的使用,多使用长句,组织时长句可以借助于分段和标点符号使其更易理解。另外,组织一个长句比组成一段话相对逻辑性更强,也就减少了产生歧义的可能性。 国际条约的主题严肃,又意蕴深刻,结构严谨,复杂的客体关系,需要周密严谨的叙述,语句也就相应的变得复杂冗长,远远超出英语句子

20、的平均长度(17个单词)。长句多为复合句,有很多的从句和修饰语,结构上相互重叠,前后编插,往往一个句子就是一个段落。长句中插入的从句和修饰成分会造成句子在视觉上支离破碎,但它们却都有严密的逻辑结构。下面是引自联合国宪章的一个例子:,Subject to the provision of Article 12,the General Assembly may recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation,regardless of origin,which it deems likely to impair the

21、 general welfare or friendly relations among nations,including situations resulting from a violation of the provision of the present charter setting forth the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.,该句独立成段,句子主干部分占不到全句的三分之一,其余皆为限定和修饰成分,短语有“subject to the provision of Article 12”和“regardless of

22、 origin”,从句有“which”从句,“which”从句还有它自己的修饰成分,由“including”引导。我们只有理解了这些结构之间的逻辑关系,才能正确的进行翻译。当然,前面所谈的状语的翻译技巧在翻译长句时也是必不可少的。“大会对于其所认为足以妨害国际间公共福利或友好关系之任何情势,不论其起源如何,包括由违反本宪章所在联合国之宗旨及原则而其之情势,得建议和平调整方法,但以不违背第十二条之规定为限。”,多用被动结构,被动结构的最大功能就是隐藏和弱化动作的行为者,在法律语境下就是隐藏和弱化法律主体,从而模糊了对法律行为主体的认定。 被动结构可以使法律语言显得更加客观公正 原文: 中国人民解

23、放军气象工作的管理办法,由中央军事委员会制定(气象法第43条),译文:Administrative measures governing the meteorological work in the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission. 分析:原法律文本采用“由”构成的非典型被动句弱化了法律行为主体,其英文版本用被动语态如实再现了原文本的法律意图。,原文:建设工程必须按照抗震设防要求和抗震设计规范进行抗震设计,并按照抗震设计进行施工(防震减灾法第19条)。译

24、文:All construction projects shall be designed in compliance with the requirements for fortification against earthquakes and in conformity with the standard aseismatic design and shall be constructed in accordance with the design.分析:原文虽然为主动结构但是其主语为指事主语而非指人主语,没有明确指认承担法律义务的主体。译文采用被动结构隐藏了法律主体,真实地表达了原文的法

25、律意图:任何建设工程的设计、施工单位和有关人员都可能成为法律义务的主体。,多用名词化结构,名词化结构是将形容词尤其是动词等非名词词类转化成名词使用的一种语言表述方法。名词化结构除了使语言表述更加紧凑但增加了理解难度之外,还可以帮助立法者使法律条文的表述更加准确,而另一方面也使法律条文更具有包容性(all-inclusiveness)。正是这个包容性功能使立法语言含有不确定性因素。同被动结构一样,名词化结构的一个效果就是模糊和隐藏动作的行为者,目的是含盖任何人做出某个特定行为的可能性,从而扩大了法律的适用范围。,原文:禁止抢采掠青、毁坏母树(种子法第24条)。译文:Plundering of u

26、nripe seeds and doing damage to other trees are prohibited.分析:原文采用否定祈使句来表示对人人都适用的禁止性规范,“抢采”和“毁坏”都是动词,译文将它们分别译成带有名词性质的动名词“plundering”和“doing damage to”就是通过名词化手段模糊和隐藏了动作的行为者,从而弱化了法律行为主体,扩大了法律适用范围,而且使语言更加简练。,大量状语的使用,为了使条款明确清晰,排除一切可能产生的歧义和误解,严格界定条约各方的义务和权利,条约的句式中常常使用大量结构复杂,重叠的状语来修饰条款中的动词。多个状语同时修饰一个动词,或者

27、一个状语包含另一个状语的现象也跟常见。,如联合国宪章第26条: In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the worlds human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance theMilitary Staf

28、f Committee referred to in Article 47, plans to be submitted to the Members of the United Nations for the establishmentof a system for the regulation of armaments. 该句包含一个目的状语和一个方式状语,从在整句所占的比重就可看出其重要性。,国际条约用语中的目的状语通常由in order to,for the purposes of,so as to,so(such)that引导,可以位于句首,也可以位于句末。其所在的位置取决于它传递的

29、信息在条约内容中的重要性和目的状语的结构。一般目的为次要信息或者目的状语含有多个平行结构,行文时以位于句末为主,The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purposes of: Apromoting international co-operation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification; B. pro

30、moting international co-operation in the economic,social,cultural,educational,and health fields,and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all withoutdistinction as to race,sex,language,or religion。,句中“for the purposes of”引导的目的状语含有两个平行结构,而句子的主干部分相对短小,若翻译时把目的状语放在前面则

31、有“头重脚轻”的感觉,不如用“以”字把状语拖后: 联合国大会应发起研究并做成建设以促进:(甲)政治上之国际合作,并提倡国际法之逐渐发展编纂。(乙)以促进经济、社会、文化、教育及卫生多部门之国际合作,且不分种族、性别,语言或宗教,助成全体人类之人权及基本自由之实现。,The Security Council shall encourage the development of pacific settlement of local disputes through such regional arrangements or by such regional agencies either on

32、the initiative of the states concerned or by reference from the Security Council。,此句中的方式状语占全句比重十分大,由于汉语方式状语位置较为固定,若直接把冗长的方式状语译成中文有时十分困难。遇到这种情况,我们可以进行转换,把长状语转换成并列句来处理。该句可译为:“安全理事会对于依区域办法或由区域机关而求地方争端之和平解决,不论其系由关系国主动提出,或由安全理事会提交者,应鼓励其发展。”,条件状语的情况比较复杂,有表假设的条件状语,有表先决条件的条件状语,还有表示例外情况的条件状语。引导条件状语的词语有if,unl

33、ess,except,subject to,in case,provided(that)等等,所以在翻译中不可一概而论,针对不同的条件状语要采取不同的翻译技巧。 遇到表假设的条件状语,我们一般考虑将其放到句首,使句子主干部分更加紧凑,结构也更加简化。,If the Security Council deems that continuance of the dispute is in fact likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace andsecurity, it shall decide whether to take action under Article 36 or to recommend such terms of settlement as it may consider appropriate。“安全理事会如认为该项争端之继续存在,在事实上足以危及国际和平和安全之维持时,应决定是否当以第三十六条采取行动或建议其所认为适当之解决条件。”,孔子在礼记大学中说:“古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。”,


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