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1、第三组,马冬雪 张雪皎 赵艳娇 孟艳娇 李文平 王茹 李敏 云旭东,Middlemarch(米德尔马契),Eliot(艾略特),Author,George Eliot, British writer. 1819 was born in a middle-class merchant family Warwickshire, one of the 19th century English literatures most influential novelist. Evans Nationality British Date of Birth November 22, 1819 Date of

2、death December 22, 1880 Occupation novelist major achievement in the history of English literatures greatest novelists one representative works, Adam Bede, the Mill on the Floss, Middlemarch and other,When thirties, she was working and began his literary career in the translation, and then also serv

3、ed as editor Westminster Review magazine; in the meantime via introduction, she met the love of his life Lewis (George Henri Lewes), Lewis has wives, but Elliott still despite external pressures, rather than cohabitation; They then moved to Germany; after returning, although no place in society at t

4、hat time, but the two still loving happiness in work and life, and mutual support. Because he had in two schools steeped religion, Eliot deeply influenced by religion; most hi weekday study of language, Latin, French, German, Italian, Hebrew, Greek Jieneng proficient. Religiosity of her life, but st

5、ill very skeptical, 1841, father moved to Coventry, Meet freethinker Charles Bray, book by its influence, Elliott then give up Christianity, strongly questioned religion. Consequent, in his book, occasionally rational criticism of their religion.,乔治艾略特,(1819年11月12日1880年11月12日)英国作家。原名玛丽安伊万斯,1819年出生在华

6、威郡一个中产阶级商人家庭,19世纪英语文学最有影响力的小说家之一,代表作品亚当比德、弗洛斯河上的磨坊米德尔马契等三十几岁时,她因翻译工作而开始文学生涯,之后还担任“西敏寺评论”杂志的编辑;在此期间经由介绍,认识了一生的挚爱刘易斯,刘易斯已有妻室,但艾略特依旧不顾外在压力,与其同居;两人随后迁居德国;回国后,虽不见容于当时社会,但两人仍恩爱幸福,在工作与生活中,相互扶持。 由于曾在两所宗教气息浓厚的学校就读,艾略特受宗教影响颇深;平日最喜研究语言,拉丁文、法文、德文、意大利文、希伯来文、希腊文皆能通晓。她一生笃信宗教,却依然极富怀疑精神,一八四一年,随父迁居考文垂,结识自由思想家查尔斯布雷,受其

7、著作影响,艾略特遂放弃基督教,强烈质疑宗教。在其著作中,偶见其对宗教的理性批判。,Introudiction,.Novel Middlemarch is the study of local life, in Middlemarch that is full of noisy and Fury where locals both director and actor, staged scenes tragicomedy of life. So this Success depends largely on the novel characterization of success in the

8、 history of world fiction, portraying fictional flesh and blood has been placed in front of the novelists a big challenge. Many writers, from Richard have done a valuable exploration and try, and have made gratifying achievements. Eliot may not Joyce and Virginia Woolf as a maverick in terms of crea

9、tive skills, but we In reading Middlemarch is obviously appreciate the successful characterization gleaming glory to bring novel For novelist characterization research strategy will undoubtedly contribute to the character, the spirit of the novel character relationships and understanding to further

10、experience the novel artistic charm. Based on this, from the dramatic strategy, author of chipped policy, describing the strategy and policy aspects of the discourse of George Eliot in Middlemarch in the Characterization Strategies were discussed.,米德尔马契是关于当地生活的研究,在米德尔马契这个充满了喧嚣与骚动的地方,当地人既是导演又是演员,上演了一

11、幕幕人生的悲喜剧.因此 这部小说的成功在很大程度上有赖于人物塑造的成功.在世界小说史上,刻画有血有肉的小说人物一直是摆在小说家面前的一大挑战.许多小说家,从理查到伍尔芙都做了可贵的探索和尝试,并取得了可喜的成就.艾略特在创作技巧方面可能不像乔伊斯和伍尔芙那样特立独行,但我们在阅读米德尔马契时,能明显领略到成功的人物塑造给小说带来的熠熠光辉.对小说家的人物塑造策略的研究无疑有助于对人物性格,人物关系以及小说主旨的理解,从而进一步体验小说的艺术魅力.基于此,本文将从戏剧化策略,作者插话策略,描写策略和话语策略几个方面对乔治艾略特在米德尔马契中的人物塑造策略进行探讨,小公主(A Little Pri

12、ncess),INTROUDUCTION作品简介,Little Princess is a classic childrens book, written in the late 19th century England. Little hero girl Sara Crewe, just born mother died, his father run coal mine in India, very rich. She was seven, she was sent back to London, his father, Ms. Ching Ming foster girls do a l

13、ive reading hospital. After his father died bankrupt, Ms. Qing Ming as the little princess lowliest of female domestic workers make. Sara Crewe was instantaneous despite misfortune, but in the most difficult times, she was always strong to live decently. Later, his fathers legacy to make Sara Crewe

14、has become a little princess. Kind-hearted, not afraid of hardship Sara Crewe, not only by the readers of sympathy, but also won the heart of every reader sincere admiration and reverence. This book is a British writer Frances Burnetts classic childrens literature, is a Cinderella-style childrens fi

15、ction. Little hero, British girl Sarah Crewe, lived in boarding school life like a princess. However, with his fathers death, her position in the school has been a devastating blow. Displaced, impoverished headmistress Sarah hypocritical, vicious mercy struggling to survive, suffering greatly, but S

16、arah still retains an optimistic heart .,小公主是一部经典的儿童作品,写于19世纪后期的英国。小主人公女孩萨拉克鲁,刚生下来母亲就去世了,父亲在印度经营煤矿,十分富有。在她七岁的时候,她被父亲送回伦敦,在明卿女士办的一所女童培育院住读。父亲破产身亡后,明卿女士把小公主当作最低贱的佣女使。萨拉克鲁尽管遭到瞬间变故,但是在最困难的时候,她始终坚强地生活,不卑不亢。后来,父亲的遗产使萨拉克鲁又变成一位“小公主”。心地善良、不怕困苦的萨拉克鲁,不仅得到了广大读者的同情,而且还赢得了每一个读者内心由衷的佩服和崇敬。 本书是英国作家弗朗西丝伯内特的经典儿童文学作品,

17、是一部灰姑娘式的儿童小说。小主人公,英国女孩萨拉克鲁,在寄宿学校里过着公主般的生活。但是,随着父亲的离世,她在学校里的地位受到了毁灭性的打击。流离失所,穷困潦倒的萨拉在女校长伪善、恶毒的怜悯中艰难度日,受尽苦难,然而萨拉依旧保持着一颗乐观向上的心,AUTHOR,Chinese name Frances Hodgson Burnett English name Frances Hodgson Burnett was born in Manchester, England Place of Birth Date November 24, 1849 Date of death October 29,

18、 1924 Workplace English childrens literature writers Representative works Little Princess, The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett (Frances Hodgson Burnett.), English-speaking world well-known writer of childrens literature in 1849, was born on November 24 in Manchester, England factory owner of a

19、 hardware family. In 1853 his father died, his mother continued to operate until the factory closed down. 1865 emigrated to the US with his family in Tennessee. 1872 with Dr. Burnett married and has two sons. In 1905, he became a US citizen.,AUTHOR,Historical figuresBurnetts father died young, his f

20、amily was poor, from the age of 18 stories published in the magazine, supplement the family income. Her first book is a best-selling book published at age 28, Laurie home that girl based on the childhood she lived in England Mine. However, let Burnett famous, is her childrens literature. In 1886 she

21、 published the novel the little master square Troy, wrote an American boy became a British earl heir stories. Fang Troy has since become the English term for excessive costumed kids. She had several walled garden around Britains residence, one of which is outside her den, writing in the garden every

22、 day. In 1909, when she arranged their own home garden on Long Island in New York, when a burst of inspiration, the idea of ?a secret garden. This novel was published in 1911, in her two countries - Britain and the United States are selling, and became best known for her most successful works. Becau

23、se her childrens literature, so she was still alive lucrative. It is a renowned novelist and playwright.,AUTHOR,Life writing full-time, created a novel 40 films, many of the works selected for the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa and other countries to Primary and Secon

24、dary text. Representative works include the novel Little Lord (The Little Lord Fauntleroy), The Secret Garden (The Secret Garden) and Little Princess (A Little Princess), three novels have all the rage, the world out of ten kinds Guoshuo color version, and was adapted for film or TV show, more than

25、a century, the Anglo-American family has been essential to cultivate childrens literature sentiment.,AUTHOR,弗朗西丝霍奇森伯内特弗朗西丝霍奇森伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett.),英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,1849年11月24日出生于英国曼彻斯特一个五金工厂主的家庭。1853年父亲去世,母亲继续经营,直到工厂倒闭。 1865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。1872年与伯内特博士(Dr. S.M.Burnett)结婚,育有二子。1905年,正式成为美国公民。中文名弗朗

26、西丝霍奇森伯内特 外文名Frances Hodgson Burnett 出生地英国曼彻斯特 出生日期1849年11月24日 逝世日期1924年10月29日 职 业英语儿童文学作家 代表作品小公主 秘密花园,AUTHOR,人物生平 伯内特的父亲早逝,家境贫寒,从18岁开始在杂志上发表故事,贴补家用。她的第一本畅销书是28岁时出版的劳瑞家的那闺女(That Lass OLowries),取材于幼年她在英国煤矿的生活。可是,让伯内特闻名于世的,是她的儿童文学作品。1886年她发表了小说小少爷方特罗伊,写一个美国小男孩成为英国伯爵继承人的故事。“方特罗伊”从此成为英语词汇,指“过分盛装打扮的小孩”。这

27、本书让伯内特成为当时最畅销、最富有的流行作家之一。此书和1905年发表的小公主(A Little Princess)都曾被改编成话剧。 1939年,电影小公主由当时红极一时的童星秀兰邓波儿(Sherley Temper)主演。伯内特从小喜欢植物,离婚后投入园艺(她结过两次婚,伯内特是她第一个丈夫的姓。 )。她在英国的住所周围有几个带围墙的花园,其中一个是她的户外书房,每天在花园里写作。1909年,当她在纽约长岛布置自己家花园的时候,突发灵感,构思出秘密花园。这本小说出版于1911年,在她的两个国家英国和美国都畅销,并且成为她最著名、最成功的作品。因为她的儿童文学作品,使她在世时收入丰厚。是享有盛名的小说家和剧作家。弗朗西丝霍奇森伯内特于1924年在美国纽约州长岛去世。,


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