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1、被动语态,The Passive Voice,1.The classrooms are cleaned every day.2. Many books were written by Zhu Ziqing.3. The meeting is being discussed now.4. My car was being fixed by him at six yesterday.5. Our classroom has already been cleaned.6. My composition had been finished before supper.7.A meeting will

2、be held tomorrow.8. He said a bridge would be built there.,Self-study 归纳各种时态的被动语态的构成,常用被动语态的形式,am / is / are + done,was/were + done,am / is / are being + done,was / were being + done,have / has been + done,had been + done,will / shall be + done,would/ should be + done,二: 被动语态的用法.,不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者. 玻

3、璃昨天被打破了。 这学校成立于1951年.,The glass was broken yesterday.,The school was set up in 1951.,2. 需要突出或强调动作的承受者. 计划已经送给校长了。 克林顿被选为美国总统。,The plan has been sent to the headmaster.,Klinton was elected President of U.S.A.,3.有些动词习惯上常用被动语态.,据说他是一个好老师.我出生于1982年.,He is said to be a good teacher.,=It is said that he i

4、s a good teacher.,I was born in 1982.,三: 不需要被动的情况,1.消息很快就在镇上传开了. (spread)The news spread round the town quickly.2.这场战争爆发于1937年. (break out)The war broke out in 1937. 3. 这鱼很美味. (taste)The fish tastes delicious.4.这支钢笔很好写. (write)The pen writes well.5.这些树需要浇水了. (need)The trees need watering/to be water

5、ed. 6. 门锁不上. (lock)The door wont lock.,不及物动词无被动语态die, end , fail, happen, last, spread, 等.,会议将持续3天.The meeting _(last) three days.2. 我对你的爱将永远不会终止.My love for you will never _(die).3. 这故事的结局如何?How _the story _(end)?,will last,die,end,does,台湾属于中国.Taiwan _China.2. 只要你认真学习, 你的梦想一定会实现.Your dream _as long

6、 as you study hard.3. 我们县近几年发生了很大的变化.Great changes _in our county in recent years.,不及物动词短语无被动语态break out, come true, take place. belong to等,belongs to,will come true,have taken place,1. His idea _ (sound) good.2. Good medicine _(taste) bitter.3. His hair _(turn) grey last year.,系动词无被动语态be ,become, f

7、all, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn等.,sounds,tastes,turned,表示主语某种属性的动词, 主动形式表示被动意义wash, clean, cook, cut, sell, write, sell, dry等.,1.这本书销路好。2.这些衣服很容易干。 3. 这把刀很好切.,The book sells well.,These clothes dry easily.,The knife cuts well.,need, require, want+动名词,

8、主动形式表被动意义 need / require / want doing = need to be done,这门需要修了.,The door needs repairing.= The door needs to be repaired.,你的头发需要剪了.,Your hair needs cutting.= Your hair needs to be cut.,1. Our plates _ (make) in China. 2. Yang Liwei _ (regard) as a hero.3. My bike _recently. (steal). 4. A sports meet

9、ing _(hold) in our school next month.5. The building _(finish) by the end of last term.,Fill in the blanks.,were made,is regarded,was stolen,will be held,had been finished,6. The followers _(smell) sweet. 7.The May 4th Movement _ (take place) in 1919. 8. We _(move) by his speech. 9.Your pen _(write)

10、 smoothly.10. This room needs_. (clean) 11. A new building _(set up) last year.,smell,took place,were moved,writes,cleaning/ to be cleaned,was set up,12. By last December three ships _ (build).13. We could not get through because the road _(repair).14. The problem _ (discuss) at the meeting now.15.

11、Her second boy _(send) to school next September.,was being repaired,had been built,is being discussed,will be sent,1.一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。 Some new computers were stolen last night.2. 这座桥竣工于1981年。 This bridge was completed in 1981.3. 你们的家庭作业必须及时完成。Your homework must be finished on time.4.那些树木已经被他们砍光。 The tre

12、es have already been cut down by them. 5. 那儿发生了什么事?What has happened / happened over there?,translation,6. 这本书是鲁迅写的。 The book was written by Lu Xun. 7. 英语是世界通用语言。 English is widely spoken all over the world.8.我们家乡将要建起更多的工厂。 More factories will be built in my hometown. 9.那些树木已经被他们砍了。 The trees have a

13、lready been cut down by them. 10.这座桥正在修建。 The bridge is being built.,11.这项任务必须在明天完成. The task must be finished tomorrow.12.这药应在饭前吃. This medicine should be taken before dinner.13. 你能在六点之前完成作业吗? Can your homework be finished before six?14. 这件外套摸上去很柔软. The coat feels soft.15. 这件衬衫花掉我300元. The shirt cost me ¥300.,


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