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1、第一讲,汉英文化比较与翻译,What is culture?,Edward Taylor认为:文化是一种复杂体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗, 以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他的能力与习惯。广义上说,文化是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。礼记典礼:入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳。,Examples:,Pearl. S. Buck:如今江湖上歹人多。In these times, there are men - evil men by river and lake. (in all corners of the country.)武行者心中要吃,哪里听

2、他分说,一片声喝道:“放屁!放屁!”Now Wu the Priest longed much in his heart to eat and so how could he be willing to listen to this explanation? He bellowed forth, “Pass your wind! Pass your wind.”,中西文化差异的主要表现 :,I:历史文化差异 II:地域文化差异III:习俗文化差异 IV:宗教文化差异,I:历史文化差异,历史神话传说寓言童话文学作品,历史:,Meet ones WaterlooThe sword of Damoc

3、lesCleopatras noseRoman Holiday Trojan horse赔了夫人又折兵说曹操曹操就到毛遂自荐初出茅庐,遭受惨败, 遭到毁灭性的打击临头的危险埃及艳后的鼻子幸灾乐祸, 损人利己特洛伊木马 suffer a double loss instead of making a gain. talk of the devil and he will appear. volunteer ones service. At the beginning of ones career,孙子Sun Tzu孙子兵法The Art of War三十六计走为上计go while the go

4、ing is good. The day after the discovery of the fraud, Stanford thought it prudent to show a light pair of heels. 欺诈行为被发现的第二天,斯坦福就认为三十六计走为上。,神话传说,A Pandoras boxAesops Fablesold man of the sea 无法摆脱的,纠缠不休的人Achilles heel: A seemingly small but actually mortal weakness.,寓言童话,the rabbit and the tortoiseT

5、he ugly Duckling the Princess and the Pea The farmer and the snake the lions share sour grape 南柯一梦Nanke dream (from the story of a man who dreamed that he became the governor of Nanke in the Kingdom of the Ants); a fond dream or an illusory joy,文学作品,HamletMacbeth Shylocka FrankensteinShangri-La (Jam

6、es Hilton: the Lost Horizon失去的地平线),a dark horse Man Friday (Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe)Catch-22 (Joseph Heller: Catch-22),四大名著/the Four Classic Novels,三国演义Three Kingdoms西游记Journey to the West / Pilgrimage to the West红楼梦Dream of the Red Mansions水浒传Heroes of the Marshes / Tales of the Water Margin,

7、II: 地域文化差异,从地理位置来看中国是个大陆国家,地大物博,幅员辽阔。汉语中的“黔驴技穷”,“人心齐,泰山移”,“不到黄河心不死”,“不到长城非好汉”,“福如东海,寿比南山”等都显示了中国特有的地域色彩。相比之下,英国是一个岛国,历史上航海业比较发达,反映在语言中就出现了许多与海洋、船和水有关的短语。,从南到北:from north to south biting east wind. cattle Drink like a fish, as timid as a rabbit, as happy as a cow, 力大如牛:as strong as a horse, As poor a

8、s a church mouse, 挥金如土spend money like water 半斤八两:six of one and half a dozen of the other.,汉语中与吃有关的词多(41条)英语与航海有关的词多吃香be very popular, 吃闲饭:lead an idle life, 吃不消: more than one can standWhen ones ship comes home 当某人有钱时;当某人发财时Know the ropes 懂行 in the same boat with plain sailing in full sail 全力以赴地,a

9、ll at seaburn ones boatssail before the windkeep ones head above water,译例1:真是 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。杨译:“Truly, storm gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight. ” 霍译:“I know the weather and human life are both unpredictable” .,译例2:这也难说,但凡家庭之事,不是东风压了西风,就是西风压了东风。杨译:“Well, its hard to

10、 say,” she answered. “In every family, if the east wind doesnt prevail over the west wind, then the west wind is bound to prevail over the east wind.”霍译:Its hard to tell, she said. In every family affair, one side or the other has to win. If its not the East Wind its the West.,III:习俗文化差异,称谓,数字,色彩,打招

11、呼,打电话,听到赞扬,骂人e.g. 望子成龙,亚洲四小龙,IV:宗教文化差异,中国三大教:儒教、道教、佛教佛教Buddhism儒教Confucianism道教Taoism玉皇大帝、来世、阎罗王,西方:基督教:上帝,Forbidden fruit, the bible, Eden Garden, The field of bloodThe tower of BabelCast pearl before swine, as poor as Joba Judas kissSpare the rod and spoil the childFinger on the wall,孔子Confucius C

12、onfucius Temple 朝闻道,夕死可矣If I can hear the Tao in the morning, in the evening I can die content.,孟子Mencius老子Lao Tzu 道Tao / the way,庄子Chuang Tzu,10本文化著作- 四书五经+史记,the Four Booksthe Analects of Confuciusthe Menciusthe Great Learningthe Doctrine of the Mean,the Book of Songsthe Book of Historythe Book of

13、 Ritesthe Book of Changesthe Spring & Autumn AnnalsHistorical Records,语言中的文化因素解析,一、词汇中的文化 二、成语中的文化 三、语用方面的文化差异,一、词汇中的文化,“盘古”、“女娲”、“秀才”、“八股文”、“太极拳”、“个体户” 牧童(悠闲) cowboy(冒险) 农民(忠厚朴实)peasant(心胸狭窄) 狗(鄙视)dog(同情)龙(高贵)dragon(凶恶) 月亮(团圆)moon(虚幻) 宣传(中性词)propaganda(贬义词),二、成语中的文化,打草惊蛇亡羊补牢骨鲠在喉同舟共济怒发冲冠,翻天覆地蜀犬吠日洗手不

14、干食言扯后腿,打草惊蛇to beat about the bush?打草惊蛇to alert enemy by rash or accidental events before carrying out the planned attackto beat about the bushto approach a subject without coming to the point, try to say something indirectly旁敲侧击,亡羊补牢to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen?亡羊补牢to repa

15、ir the stable after a sheep is gone, still in time to avoid further lossesto lock the stable door after the horse has been stolentake precautions when it is too late(贼去关门),骨鲠在喉to have a bone in ones throat?骨鲠在喉:鲠:鱼骨。鱼骨等小骨头卡在喉咙里。比喻心里有话,不说出来就非常难受。 have an opinion that one cannot suppressto have a bone

16、 in ones throatto avoid making ones opinion known(难于启齿),同舟共济to be in the same boat?同舟共济to cooperate and help each other in order to ride out a difficultyto be in the same boatto be in the same difficult situation or dangers,怒发冲冠to make ones hair stand on end?怒发冲冠bristle with anger, to fly into a rag

17、e, to be in violent angerto make ones hair stand on endto be in dangers,翻天覆地to move heaven and earth?翻天覆地epoch-making, earth-shakingto move heaven and earthto do ones utmost (竭尽全力),蜀犬吠日to bark at the moon?蜀犬吠日(成)唐柳宗元答韦中立论师道书:“仆往闻庸、蜀之南,恒雨少日,日出则犬吠。”指每逢日出,狗都叫起来。比喻少见多怪。 to make a fuss about something th

18、at one alone finds strange, un-called for alarm or excitement out of sheer ignoranceto bark at the moonto make fruitless efforts (吠月, 徒劳),洗手不干to wash ones hands of?洗手不干to stop doing wrong and reform oneselfto wash ones hands of sb. or sth.to refuse to take any more responsibility for sb. or sth.,食言t

19、o eat ones words?食言to go back on ones word, to break ones wordto eat ones wordsto take back what one has said,扯后腿to pull somebodys leg?扯后腿to hinder, to be a hindrance to sb.to pull someones legto tell someone something untrue as a joke, try to make somebody believe something that is untrue as a joke

20、,三、语用方面的文化差异,敬称 “您”、“令尊”、“令堂”、“贵舍”、“鸿论” 谦词 “寒舍”、“菲酌”、“薄酒”、“敝人”“窃以为”、“愚见” 你几岁啦?老,Exercises:,1、惭愧(不敢当,哪里) 2、欢迎,欢迎(幸会;久仰) 3、再会(保重;有空来玩儿) 4、请笑纳(别嫌弃,一点意思) 5、您太客气(让你破费,不好意思) 6、多谢(有劳您呢,累您了) 7、别客气(别见外,没什么) 8、劳驾(请问,有劳您),9、不见不散啊!10、恭喜发财! 11、一路顺风!12、该死!13、没错。14、没门儿!15、完全同意,文化翻译的原则与方法,基本原则 “信、达、雅”基本方法直译法、转换法、译注

21、法、意译法、音译法,笑掉牙齿饿得像狼挥金如土胆小如鼠,laugh off ones head as hungry as a bearspend money like water as timid as a rabbit,转换法,转换表达方法意象转换等值意义转换对典故作适当转换,转换表达方法,因受不同文化习俗的影响,各民族表达相同概念的说法是各不相同的,在不同语言的互译中,要注意转换表达方法以符合译文习惯。 例1:“天生有福”俄国人:“穿着衬衣生下来的,英国人:“生来嘴里就含着一把银勺”(born with a silver spoon in ones mouth);德国人:“梳好了头才出世的”

22、,例1:汉语成语“一箭双雕”或“一举两得”,法语:“一块石头打两处”;英文:“一石打死二鸟”(to kill two birds with one stone);俄语:“一枪打死两只免子”;德语:“一个拍子打两只苍蝇”,意象转换,1过着牛马不如的生活 to lead a dog life 2瘦得像猴 as thin as a shadow3望子成龙long to see ones son succeed in life; long to see ones son become a dragon (i.e., win success in the world)4fishing in the ai

23、r缘木求鱼,等值意义转换,“饭桶”“吃不开”“吃不了兜着走”“吃不消”“吃不住”、“吃老本”、“吃软不吃硬”、“吃闲饭”“吃香”,“good- for-nothing”,“be unpopular”, “land oneself in serious trouble”“be unable to stand”,“be unable to bear or support”,“live off ones past gains”,“be open to persuasion,but not to coercion”,“lead an idle life”“be very popular”,对典故作适当

24、转换,典故也是一种常见的文化现象,在直译以后读者无法理解典故含义时,就要意译,把原文中的用典转换成译文读者所熟悉的文化典故,只要换成的译文中的典故的民族色彩不特别明显,就会使译文比较忠实于原文。,直译,瞎子点灯-白费蜡。 It is as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.黄鼠狼给鸡拜年-不怀好意。 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to a chicken-harboring no good intention.,直译加注,打破沙锅纹(问)到底。Breaking an earthenware pot-cracked

25、 to the bottom; interrogate thoroughly or get to the bottom of a matter.擀面杖吹火-一窍不通。Try to blow up a fire through a rolling pin(stick)-it just doesnt work, which means he doesnt know the first thing about something at all.狗拿耗子-多管闲事。a dog catching mice meddles in cats business-to poke ones nose into o

26、ther peoples business.,意译,正月十五贴门神-晚了半个月了。They were too late for a rescue.一切都是外甥打灯笼,照旧(舅)。Things will be back to what they were before.哑巴吃黄连-有苦说不出。unspoken bitterness;他的心头如同十五个吊桶打水-七上八下。His mind was in turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.骑驴看唱本-走着瞧。Lets wait and see.,Thank you

27、!,1. Im pleased that you think so. (Im pleased to hear that. You flatter me. Thank you for your compliment.)2. Glad to meet you. (Im pleased to see you. Its such a pleasure to see you.)3. Good-bye. (Take care. See you. Do come again.) 4. I hope you will like it. (Please accept it.)5. Its so lovely!

28、(Thank you for the gift.) 6. Thanks. (Many, many thanks. Im much obliged.) 7. Dont mention it. (Its a pleasure. Not at all. Youre welcome. Never mind.)8. Excuse me. (Could you be so kind as to . Would you please.? Would you mind.?)9. Please be there on time. (Till then. See you.) 10. Good luck! 11. Plain sailing. (Have a good journey. May the favorable wind accompany you.)12. Damn it. 13. You bet. (No mistake. Certainly.) 14. No way. 15. I couldnt agree more. (How right you are!),In Shangri-la, people find both the physical and the spiritual garden that they look for.,


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