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1、托福阅读零基础考生如何搞定长难句 托福阅读零基础考生如何搞定长难句?这两招你不可不学,今天给大家带来了托福阅读零基础考生如何搞定长难句,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读零基础考生如何搞定长难句?这两招你不可不学托福阅读搞定长难句技巧:找到语法突破点例句:Only when it has been chewed up and digested almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen and on through the gut.(只有食物被嚼碎并消化为液态,食物才能穿过反刍胃到达肚子。)有效理解语法

2、本质,便于我们从战略上确定句子是否会成为考点以及我们的理解重点。在这句例句中。含有倒装结构,在强调“when it has been chewed up and digested almost to liquid”这一动物消化的必需条件,使整个句子理解的重点。托福阅读搞定长难句技巧:学会精简长句例句:On rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign sculptors, as in the 1770s when the cities of New York and C

3、harleston, South Carolina, commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt. (在零星的某些需要精美雕塑品的时候,美国人会转而求助外国雕刻艺术家,比如在1770年纽约市和南卡罗来纳的查理斯顿市就委托了英国人J.W.制作了掌权者William Pitt的大理石雕像。)在在这样的例句中,如果对其逐字逐句的翻译,肯定会耽误了不少时间,同时也未必能找到重点。但是,我们只要都能找到*中的重点部分,提炼句子主干,就能快速立即其意。其大意也就是:美国人请外国雕刻艺术家帮

4、忙。托福阅读背景之“会飞的家具”Imagine a future where your furniture flies, reacting and responding to your everyday needs. You could have an almost-sentient desk that jets off when it feels youre over-working, or a remote control that floats over when you think youve lost it.想象一下,未来你的家具会飞,还能满足与回应日常需求。当你工作过量时,智能书桌

5、会自动飞离;当你以为遥控器丢了,它会自动浮现在你眼前。In an interactive project dubbed “Levolved,” Harshit Agrawal and Sang-Won Leigh, two researchers from the MIT Media Labs Fluid Interfaces Group, are exploring how to make everyday objects transform into “flying smart agents.”来自MIT媒介流界面小组的两位研究者哈什特阿格拉瓦尔与桑王利,正探究如何让日常用品转变为“会飞的

6、智能物件”。“We really look at this as a way of making the objects around us kind of speak with us,” Agrawal said. “In the sense that they somehow know what they are doing, so they might prevent you from doing something wrong or light up your path in a dark environment.”阿格拉瓦尔说:“事实上,我们希望能让身边的物品与自己对话,即物品从某种

7、程度上了解你的需求,因此它们能避免你做出不当举动,或者懂得在黑暗中为你亮起一盏灯。”So far, their project features drones acting as flying tables that adjust to your height, fly away once youre done, or auto-eject if you start using the wrong pen on your homework. They also have a lampshade drone that hovers above you, focusing light on whe

8、re you need it when youre reading a book in the dark.到目前为止,这项以智能飞翔为特点的家具计划中,有会飞的桌子能自动适应你的身高,一旦工作完成,它会自动飞离;有当你做作业时拿错了会自动弹开的钢笔;还有悬浮在你身边的灯罩,它会自动在黑暗中为你提供光亮。To power their flying furniture, the pair used a motion capture system where a camera tracks everything in the roomincluding the person and the dron

9、e, which receives commands from the computer.为了快速推动飞翔家具,两位研究者使用了动态捕捉技术,让摄像机对房间的每一个角落进行追踪,包括主人和该家具,然后通过电脑接受指令。“The computer knows where the drone wants to go by tracking where the person is,” explained Leigh. “We are feeding that data from the computer to the drone so that it can move smoothly to the

10、 required position.”利解释道:“电脑通过追踪人的位置,就能知晓飞翔的家具应去往何处。我们将电脑中的数据传输给家具,使其准确移动到指定位置。”Currently, the duo faces two main challenges: stabilizing the drone, and feeding it a regular power supply (at the moment, its connected to a power socket).如今,两位研究者面临着两大挑战:增强飞翔家具的稳定型,并实现充电功能(现在它们仍依赖电源插座)。Drones cant supp

11、ort much weight yet, so the team opted for a paper tabletop. They soon found, however, that if they placed the tabletop directly on top of the drone, it blocked airflow. To solve this problem, they made the distance between the drone base and its paper tabletop greater so it could keep flying.飞翔家具还无

12、法承受过多的重量,因此研究团队选用了纸质台面。然而他们很快发现,如果直接将台面搁到飞翔家具上,会阻碍飞行。为了解决这个问题,他们加大了飞翔家具底座和纸质台面的距离,以保证它能飞行。Agrawal said that in the future, they could optimize stability by replacing a hovering desk with one that parks in front of users when they need it, then clears off when the user has finished their task.阿格拉瓦尔认为

13、,在未来,他们将优化飞翔家具的性能,用飞翔的桌子代替用户面前静态的桌子,当使用者工作完成后,桌子能自动离开。Ultimately, the researchers are set on enchanting everyday appliances so that they surpass their limitations as static objects, and have a more socially collaborative relationship with their human owners.最终,研究者将让日常家电也魔力四射,它们将超越传统静态物品的局限,与人类建立更好的协

14、作关系Vocabularysentient: 有感情的;有感觉力的lampshade: 灯罩power socket: 电源插座托福阅读背景知识:站着办公的风险A new study says that standing up at your desk doesnt actually decrease your risk of death-by-office, unless youre physically active otherwise.新研究表明:除非经常锻炼,否则站着工作也不会降低猝死风险。After several studies asserted that sitting at w

15、ork all day is slowly killing us, researchers at the University of Exeter and University College London took another look at the claims. The Washington Post reports:此前,已有多项研究表明,久坐会慢慢地致人死亡。但埃克塞特大学和伦敦大学学院的几位研究员却从另一角度进行了研究。华盛顿邮报报道:Researchers tracked 16 years worth of health data from 5,132 people in t

16、he Whitehall II study cohort. Participants reported their total time sitting and how long they sat during four different situations: at work, watching television, leisure time and non-television leisure time. Researchers also tracked time spent walking daily and on physical activity.此次研究的调查对象来自白厅二级定

17、群研究,共5132人。研究人员对他们长达16年的健康数据进行了跟踪。调查对象需汇报他们坐下的总时长,以及在四种不同场合工作、看电视、业余活动,以及不看电视的业余活动分别坐下的时长。研究人员还跟踪调查了他们每日步行和运动的时长。After controlling for a number of factors, including diet and general health, researchers found the overall mortality risk for these participants wasnt influenced by how long they sat or

18、by the kind of sitting. And the researchers cautioned that too much emphasis on not sitting shouldnt take the place of promoting physical activity.研究人员在控制了包括饮食、整体健康在内的许多变量后,发现:调查对象的总死亡率不受久坐时间和坐姿的影响。研究人员告诫称,人们不应过份强调久坐的风险,而忽视强调运动的重要。Whats particularly interesting about the study, published in the Inte

19、rnational Journal of Epidemiology, is that researchers didnt just focus on sitting during the workday, but factored in all kinds of sitting-specific data as well as rates of physical activity. Their conclusion was that “sitting time was not associated with all-cause mortality risk.” Basically, more

20、elements are in play than just whether youre sitting down at work, and your levels of physical activity are the greatest health indicator.这项研究发表在国际流行病学杂志上。其中特别有趣的是,研究员没有只研究人们在工作时的久坐情况,还考虑到了各种相关数据和运动频率。其结论是“久坐与全因死亡率无关”。总而言之,影响健康的元素很多,不仅仅在于是否在工作时久坐。最能体现健康状况的是锻炼情况。So what does this all mean? It appears

21、 that the act of working while standing upwhich has become a trendy thing to do, especially in tech officesdoesnt help your health, if youre not actually exercising otherwise. If you never make it to the gym, you might as well just sit down. This is good news for the makers of treadmill desks, howev

22、er.所以这到底意味着什么?现在流行站着办公,科技公司尤为突出。但是如果不锻炼,站着工作也似乎没什么用;如果永远都不去健身,还不如就坐着呢。这对跑步机办公桌的生产商来说,可是个好消息。The last office where I worked jumped on the standing desk trend hard, installing desks that could be raised for all workers. They also had a treadmill desk, and a bike desk. While the option to stand is cert

23、ainly nice as a change in the middle of a monotonous workday, this research suggests its not the cure-all that adherents would like to claim.我之前工作的地方勉强跟上了站立式办公桌的潮流,装上了可随意调节高度的桌子。此外,还有一张跑步机办公桌和一张自行车办公桌。当然,在乏味的工作之余能站着工作也是个不错的选择,但研究表明,站着工作并不是所谓的万灵丹。“Our study overturns current thinking on the health ri

24、sks of sitting and indicates that the problem lies in the absence of movement rather than the time spent sitting itself,” study author Melvyn Hillsdon of the University of Exeter said in a statement. “Any stationary posture where energy expenditure is low may be detrimental to health, be it sitting

25、or standing.”“我们的研究推翻了当下人们对久坐危害的认知,并指出危害健康的原因在于缺乏锻炼,而不是久坐,”来自埃克塞特大学的研究作者梅尔文希尔斯顿在一份声明中说道。“身体静止不动,能量消耗就低,从而危害健康,不管是坐着还是站着都一样。”The takeaway here is companies that truly want to assist worker health should invest money in options like free exercise classes and gym reimbursements. They should encourage e

26、mployees to go outside and actually walk around, not simply stand up at their computers. And maybe it means that everyone who insists that standing up is the only way to work can climb down off their high desk.这表明,真正关心员工健康的公司应该把钱花在购买免费运动课程和报销健身费用上。公司应鼓励员工走出办公室,四处走走,而不是只在电脑前站着工作。或许这意味着那些坚信“站着是唯一解决办法”的人终于能从高高的桌子上爬下来了。Vocabularytreadmill desk: 跑步机办公桌detrimental: 不利的;有害的reimbursement: 报销托福阅读零基础考生如何搞定长难句


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