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1、William Shakespeare,-(15641616),To be or not to be, that is a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. 宁为聪明的渔夫,不做愚蠢的才子。A light heart lives long. 豁达者长寿Words , words, only words, no matter from the heart. 空话,空话,只有空话,没一点是真。 A little more than kin, and less than kind. 超乎寻常的亲族,漠不相关

2、的路人。哈姆雷特 Nothing will come of nothing. 一无所有只能换来一无所有。李尔王 Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. 收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。奥赛罗,He was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds pre-eminent dramatist.,He left us a great weal

3、th of 154 sonnets, 37 plays, including 14 comedies, 12 tragedies, and 11 historical plays, as well as two long poems.,Shakespeares Birthplace -He was born in this house on Henley Street in Stratford-on-Avon in April 23 ,1564.,Shakespeares Burial Site-He died on April 23, 1616, and was buried in the

4、Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, shown here.,Four major periods of Shakespeares literary life,The First Period : The Experimental Period (15901594),The Second Period: The Period of Comedies and Histories (15951600),The Third Period: The Period of Tragedies(1601 1609),The Fourt

5、h Period : The Period of Dramatic Romances (16091612),The First Period :In this period, he wrote the chronicle plays Henry VI and Richard III ;the crude tragedy of blood Titus Andronicus; and four comedies.,Romeo and Juliet,A Midsummer Nights Dream,哈姆雷特讲述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特为父复仇的故事。哈姆雷特从父王的鬼魂口中得知叔叔克劳地杀兄篡位的秘密,但

6、却一直犹豫该如何着手报仇。结果哈姆雷特误杀未婚妻奥菲莉娅的父亲波洛涅斯,导致她因此发疯坠河而死。他的母亲后来也误饮毒酒身亡。优柔寡断的王子终于在怒不可遏之下杀死万恶的叔叔。,哈姆雷特Hamlet,克劳狄斯Claudius,乔特鲁德Gertrude 哈姆莱特之母,奥菲利亚Ophelia 波洛涅斯之女,波洛涅斯Polonius (御前大臣)雷欧提斯 (波洛涅斯之子)霍拉旭(哈姆雷特之友)多森格兰兹(朝臣)吉尔登斯吞(朝臣)奥斯克里(宫廷大臣),This is one of the most famous soliloquies of Hamlets. Soliloquy is the act of

7、 talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud. In drama it denotes the convention by which a character, alone on the stage, utters his or her thoughts aloud.,Melancholy(忧郁) Fathers death His disappoint with his motherImpulsive (冲动) When he stabs Polonius through a curtain without even checking who

8、he isLooking down upon women His words often indicate his disgust with all distrust of women in generalHesitation He thinks a lot before action To be or not to be On finding out the murder,Shakespeares success as a great playwright chiefly rest on the following five aspects: The progressive signific

9、ance of his themes; His successful character portrayal; His master-hand in constructing plays; The ingenuity of his poetry; His mastery of English language.,Characteristics of Shakespeares Drama,Through his plays, he touched almost every aspects of human life, of human pleasures and human tragedies.

10、,Moreover, he is perhaps the perfect expression of Renaissance humanism.,themes,In his 37 dramas, Shakespeare created a large group of lifelike characters who live and struggle, suffer and rejoicerepresenting all the complexities and implications of real life.,character portrayal,Shakespeare is a ma

11、ster-hand for every form of dramacomedy, tragedy, and historical plays. Moreover, his tragedies may have comic elements, and his comedies include sardonic commentaries on human frailty.,The action is developed freely, without being hindered by the rules of the classical unities (action, place and ti

12、me).,constructing plays,In his creation of dramas, he succeeded in combing the two sides of his talentShakespeare the poet and Shakespeare the dramatistinto one and produced the most remarkable poetic dramas in England or perhaps in the whole world.,Shakespeare not only produced wonderful poetry in

13、different forms, like songs, sonnets, rhymed couplets, and especially dramatic blank verse, he was also a master of prose of various styles, both effective and powerful.,poetry,He used more than 16000 different words and enriched the English language with his own coinage.,He uses the English language the greatest freedom and ease, so that all the speeches fit all the characters that use them.,language.,Question ?,


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