英国文学史William Butler Yeats.ppt

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《英国文学史William Butler Yeats.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英国文学史William Butler Yeats.ppt(25页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、2023/2/23,william butler yeats,1,William Butler Yeats 威廉巴特勒叶芝(1865-1939),英国文学史学生上课ppt,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,2,William Butler Yeats,An Irish poet,dramatist,and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature.A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments,in his later y

2、ears Yeats served as an Irish Senator for two terms.He was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival,and along with Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn founded the Abbey Theatre,serving as its chief during its early years.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,3,In 1923,he was awarded the Nobel Prize in

3、 Literature for what the Nobel Committee described as inspired poetry,which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation.(用鼓舞人心的诗篇,以高度的艺术形式表达了整个民族的精神风貌)He was the first Irishman so honored.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,4,Life timeA verse in the textbook Other worksA f

4、amous verse,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,5,Birth,William Butler Yeats was born in Sandymount,County Dublin,Ireland.The Butler Yeats family were highly artistic;His brother Jack went on to be a highly regarded painter,while his sisters Elizabeth and Susan Maryknown to family and friends as Lollie a

5、nd Lilybecame involved in the Arts and Crafts movement(an international design movement).,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,6,Education,At first the Yeats children were educated at home.Their mother entertained them with stories and Irish folktales.John provided an erratic education in geography and ch

6、emistr On 26 January 1877(when he was 13),the young poet entered the Godolphin primary school,In October 1881(when he was 17),Yeats resumed his education at Dublins Erasmus Smith High School(started writing poetry)Between 1884&1886,William attended the Metropolitan School of Artnow the National Coll

7、ege of Art and Designin Thomas Street.(first known works were written when he was seventeen,and include a poem heavily influenced by Percy Bysshe Shelley),2023/2/23,william butler yeats,7,Young poet,Yeatss early poems are usually based on Irish mythology and folklore(爱尔兰神话和民间传说),his language style i

8、s influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite prose(拉斐尔前派散文)effect.In 1890,Yeats co-founded the Rhymers Club with Ernest Rhys,18 a group of London based poets who met regularly in a Fleet Street tavern to recite their verse.Yeats first significant poem was The Isle of Statues 雕塑的岛屿 His first solo publication w

9、as the pamphlet Mosada:A Dramatic Poem(1886),which comprised a print run of 100 copies paid for by his father.followed by the collection The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems(1889),which arranged a series of verse that dated as far back as the mid-1880s.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,8,The Wander

10、ings of Oisin(乌辛之浪迹)the appeal of the life of contemplation over the appeal of the life of action(追求冥思的生活抑或追求行动的生活).Following the work,Yeats never again attempted another long poem.other early poems:Poems(1895),The Secret Rose(1897),and The Wind Among the Reeds(苇间风)(1899).(love or mystical and esote

11、ric subjects),2023/2/23,william butler yeats,9,Maud Gonne,In 1889,Yeats met Maud Gonne(茅德冈),then a 23-year-old heiress and ardent Nationalist.She had a significant and lasting effect on his poetry and his life thereafter.Yeats even created a script Countess Kathleen(凯丝琳女伯爵)putting her as the prototy

12、pe,and wrote the famous song when you are oldfor her.In 1891,he visited Gonne in Ireland and proposed marriage,but was rejected.Yeats proposed to Gonne three more times:in 1899,1900 and 1901.,23/02/2023,william butler yeats,10,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,11,Abbey Theatre,In 1899,Yeats,Lady Gregor

13、y,Edward Martyn,and George Moore established the Irish Literary Theatre for the purpose of performing Celtic and Irish plays.This group of founders was able,along with J.M.Synge,to acquire property in Dublin and open the Abbey Theatre on 27 December,1904.Yeats play Cathleen N Houlihan and Lady Grego

14、rys Spreading the News were featured on the opening night.Yeats continued to be involved with the Abbey until his death,both as a member of the board and a prolific playwright.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,12,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,13,Nobel Prize,In December 1923,Yeats was awarded the Nobe

15、l Prize in Literature The prize led to a significant increase in the sales of his books,as his publishers Macmillan sought to capitalise on the publicity.Yeats is generally considered one of the few writers whose greatest works were completed after being awarded the Nobel Prize;2 such works include

16、The Tower(1928)and The Winding Stair and Other Poems(1929),2023/2/23,william butler yeats,14,Old age and death,The Yeatss late life,he published many poems,plays and essays.Many famous poems are written in his later life,including sailing to Byzantium(颠峰之作驶向拜占庭)When he was old,Yeats has been in poor

17、 health,and he died in Menton,France,on 28 January 1939.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,15,His epitaph is taken from the last lines of Under Ben Bulben(本布尔本山下)one of his final poems:Cast a cold EyeOn Life,on Death.Horseman,pass by.(掷冷冷的一眼,看生 看死,骑士啊越过生死向前!)-传递出叶芝对生与死的超越。,2023/2/23,william butler yeat

18、s,16,The Second Coming,Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart;the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction,while the

19、worstAre full of passionate intensity.Surely some revelation is at hand;Surely the Second Coming is at hand.The Second Coming!Hardly are those words out,When a vast image out of Spiritus MundiTroubles my sight:somewhere in sands of the desertA shape with lion body and the head of a man,A gaze blank

20、and pitiless as the sun,Is moving its slow thighs,while all about itReel shadows of the indignant desert birds.The darkness drops again;but now I knowThat twenty centuries of stony sleepWere vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,And what rough beast,its hour come round at last,Slouches towards Beth

21、lehem to be born?,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,17,第二次降临,盘旋盘旋在渐渐广阔的锥体中,猎鹰再听不见驯鹰人的呼声;万物崩散;中心难再维系;世界上散布着一派狼藉,血污的潮水到处泛滥,把纯真的礼俗吞噬;优秀的人们缺乏信念,卑劣之徒却狂嚣一时。确实有某种启示近在眼前;确实第二次降临近在眼前。,第二次降临!这几个字尚未口,蓦地一个巨大形象出自“世界灵魂”闯入我的眼帘:在大漠的尘沙里,一个狮身人面的形体,目光似太阳茫然而冷酷,正缓缓挪动着巨腿;它周围处处旋舞着愤怒的沙漠野鸟的阴影。黑暗重新降临;但如今我明白那两千年的僵死的沉睡已被一只摇篮搅扰成恶梦

22、,于是何等恶兽它的时辰终于到来懒懒地走向伯利恒来投生?,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,18,解析:这首诗的题目,指的是传统基督教的一个信念:基督会在将来的某天重返这个世界,并且在伟大的善与恶之战消灭了旧有的文明之后,统治这个世界。基督在未来的再生被称为第二次圣临。而叶芝的理解不同于正宗基督教的解释。叶芝的神秘主义美学认为,世界历史是由一个螺旋上升的结构(他称之为GYRE)构成,以两千年为单位,由善恶交替的时代相穿插,如DNA的双螺旋结构一样。在一个好的时代之后紧接著一个坏的时代。如此循环往复。写这首诗的时候(1919)正值一次世界大战期间结束之际,爱尔兰(叶芝的

23、祖国)正处于动荡与流血冲突之中,西半球旧有的秩序被战争撕得粉碎。惨烈的战争似乎预示著旧有的基督教文明的终结。而一个可怕的时代即将来临.狂野的狮身人面怪兽将出现,象征著叶芝对西方文明的幻灭感。讽刺的是这个“第二次圣临”不是和平地到来,伴随祂而来的,将是由一个可怕的野兽带来的巨大的混乱时代。诗的结尾处,那个狮身人面怪兽正走向伯利恒去投胎,犹如两千年前耶稣基督的诞生一样,预示著一个新的时代的到来,只是这一次是一个可怕的两千年.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,19,1886年 摩沙达 1888年 爱尔兰乡村的神话和民间故事集 1889年 乌辛之浪迹及其他诗作 1891年

24、 经典爱尔兰故事1892年 凯丝琳女伯爵及其他传说和抒情诗 1893年 凯尔特曙光 当你老了1894年 心灵的欲望之田 1895年 诗集 1897年 神秘的玫瑰 1899年 苇间风 1903年 善恶之观念 1903年 七重林中 1907年 发现 1910年 绿盔及其他诗作 1913年 挫折的诗歌,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,20,1914年 责任 1916年 青春岁月的幻想曲 1917年 库利的野天鹅 1918年 宁静的月色中 1921年 迈可罗拔兹与舞者 1921年 四年 1924年 猫和月光 1925年 灵视 1926年 疏远 1926年 自传 1927年

25、 十月的爆发 1928年 塔楼 1933年 回梯与其他诗作 1934年 剧作选集 1935年 三月的满月 1938年 新诗 1939年 最后的诗及两部剧作(死后出版)1939年 气锅中(死后出版),2023/2/23,william butler yeats,21,When You Are Old,When you are old and gray and full of sleepAnd nodding by the fire,take down this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once,an

26、d of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true;,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face.And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how love fledAnd paced upon the mounta

27、ins overhead,And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,22,当你老了,当你步入晚年,头发苍白,睡意沉沉 坐在火炉旁打盹的时候,请翻开这本书慢慢地品味,细细回忆你当初那温柔的双眸,和脉脉的眼神有多少人曾爱慕你年轻时的容颜 渴望你的美貌,不管他们是真心还是假意,但有一个人深爱着你纯洁的心灵纵然岁月的皱纹在你脸庞上日渐显现你俯下身,在闪闪发光的炉栅边略带悲伤,窃窃私语,爱情怎能逃窜并登上头顶的高山隐藏在漫天繁星之间,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,23,So

28、me people only know that this poem is a touching,movedpoem more than a century of love song.But what a frustrated love tragedy behind it.Initially,there is no carvingin Yeatss love;he falls in love with Maud Gonne at the first sight.At that moment,she stood beside the window,full of a mass of apple

29、blossom;its brightness dazzles the eyes.She,like itself is full of sunshine petals.He said,I never thought that I can see such sublime beauty at a woman alive.But the hill between him and Maud is elusive,pain and joy intertwined,hope and despair followed.This kind of love let the poet feeling a pain

30、ful life,but it activated the poets inner passion,so that his soul sublimated.Yeats has been waiting for,though his lover already is the wife of others,until the age of 52,he got married.It is when Mauds husband were dead but she again refused to marry Yeats.Yeats finally stopped the hopelessness.Bu

31、t in fact,Yeats still can not forget Maud.In the last months of his life,he still wrote letter to Maud eanting her out for a cup of tea.But he was refused again.Moreover,Maud also firmly refused to attend his funeral.Maybe Yeats was the only one who never got even a little in return in such a lifeti

32、me obsession of love towards one person.,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,24,有人只知道当你老了这首诗感人,是感动了一个多世纪的爱情绝唱。可是在它背后,却隐藏着多么沮丧的爱情悲剧。当初,叶芝的爱来的那么自然,毫无雕琢;他爱上她,如同惊鸿一瞥。那一刻,她伫立窗前,身旁盛开着一大团苹果花;她光彩夺目,仿佛自身就是洒满了阳光的花瓣。他说,我从来没想到在一个活着的女人身上看到这样超凡的美。但他和茅德冈之间却可望不可及,痛楚和喜悦交织,希望和失望相随。这种爱情,让诗人感情上痛苦一生,但激活了诗人心灵深处的激情,让他的灵魂得到了升华。叶芝一直等待着,即使他的意中人早已经是别人的妻子,直到52岁,才结婚。那是在已经死去丈夫的茅德-冈再次拒绝了叶芝的求婚后,在叶芝向茅德冈的女儿伊莎贝拉求婚被拒绝之后,叶芝终于停止了这种无望的念头。但事实上,叶芝还是无法忘记茅德冈。在他生命的最后几个月,他还给茅德冈写信,约她出来喝茶,但还是被拒绝。而且,茅德-冈还坚决拒绝参加他的葬礼。世上对爱情终生执着,却又无法得到哪怕是一点点回报,只有叶芝一人了。,2023/2/23,william butler yeats,25,Thank you,


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