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1、英语词汇学习策略,一、英语词汇学习,1、英语词汇学习的要求,2、为什么要学习词汇? 其实,每个英语学习者都有不同的学习目的,同一个学习者在不同的学习阶段也有不同的学习目标。词汇学习也是这样。学习词汇时,每个学习者都应该问自己一个问题:在目前阶段我为什么要学习英语词汇?对这个问题的回答会直接影响学习者对词汇的选择和词汇学习策略的运用。,3、应该学习哪些词汇?一般的学习者和初学英语的学习者,中学生应该将精力和时间投入到那些频率更高的词汇的学习上。那么什么是使用频率高的词?什么是使用频率低的词呢?,总的来说,我们可以把英语词汇分为两类: 1)积极词汇:active vocabulary又泽:主动性词

2、汇 “Words which students will need to understand and also use themselves. We call this active vocabulary. In teaching active vocabulary, it is usually worth spending time giving examples and asking questions, so that students can really see how the word is used.” Adrian Doff,2)消极词汇:(passive vocabular

3、y) 又泽:应接性词汇 “Words which we want students to understand (e.g. when reading a text), but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this passive vocabulary. To save time, it is often best to present it quite quickly, with a simple example. If it appears as part of a text or dialogue, we can

4、often leave students to guess the word from the context.” Adrian Doff,In Britain, the weather is very varied;people never know what it will be like the next day.The summer is warmer than the winter, but even in summer the average temperature is only 16. Sometimes the sun shines, but at other times t

5、he sky is covered in cloud, and it often rains. In winter it is sometimes very cold, especially in the north of the country. The temperature may fall below 0, and then there is often snow and ice. The best season of the year is probably late spring. At this time of year the Weather is often .,sunny

6、and quite warm; thecountryside looks very green, and there are wild flowers everywhere.,Which are active vocabulary or which are the passive vocabulary?,Active Passive,Active weather cloud spring sunny (snow?) (ice?),Passive varied temperature average season countryside (snow?),4、词汇应该学习到什么程度? 对于英语学习

7、者来说,确定目标词汇的范围之后,还应该考虑词汇应该掌握到什么程度。过去的英语教学大纲把词汇分为“掌握“和“理解”两类。所以,中学英语教材中经常在单词表上标注出“四会”、“三会”、“两会”等标准来决定词汇学习和掌握的程度。 其实,这种标准只有一定的合理性,并不完全合理。教育部于2001年指定的全日制义务教育、普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿已经不再使用“掌握“和“理解”这样的术语来规定词汇学习的程度了。,这种鼓励脱离语境地记单词的结果是:学习者只能记忆单词的一两种意思,忽视了该单词的其他意思,而且还不知道如何在不同的语境中灵活地使用这些单词。,例1:A: Can we have a meetin

8、g sometime next week?B: Well, let me check my diary. 例2:He is a five-foot-tall man.The building is 40 feet high.,二、英语词汇学习策略,1、利用语境我们认为教师仅仅提倡还是不够的,教师需要引导、培养、训练学生具有从上下文中猜测单词词义的能力。关于从上下文猜测词义我们建议有以下几种做法:,1)根据同义关系猜测词义例如:(1) In order to discover who had a natural ability to learn languages, the students w

9、ere given tests to determine their language aptitude.(2) The job applicant sat in the personnel office and filled out a vita. When she finished the resume, she gave it to the secretary.(3) Tom answered quickly. But after he thought about the matter more carefully, he regretted having made such a has

10、ty decision.,2)根据反义关系猜测词义例如:(1)She has a love of rote work, but no fondness for creative jobs. Rote means _. a. creative b. mechanical c. fondness(2) It is better to be reflective about problems than to be thoughtless. Reflective means _. a. thoughtful b. uncaring c. problem(3) Todays teenagers seem

11、 to be more liberal in their ideas than their conservative grandparents. Conservative means _. a. free-thinking b. traditional c. old,3)根据整个句子的意思猜测词义例如:(1)She loves music: she can play the guitar, the piano and the cello.(2) He walked into the sitting-room and sat down on the settee.(3) Look! Theres

12、 a big fly on the window.,4) 根据段落或篇章的上下文来猜测词义 在理解段落或篇章的大环境时,根据文章中的各种关系,读者可能会发现猜测词义的另一些线索,从而推断出生词的大意。,Zip was stopped during the war and only after the war did it become popular. What a difference it has made to our lives? It keeps people at home much more. It has made the remote parts of the world m

13、ore real to us. Photographs show a country, but only zip makes us feel that a foreign country is real. Also we can see scenes in the street, big occasions are zipped, such as the coronation (加冕典礼) in 1953 and the Opening of Parliament. Perhaps the sufferers from zip are the notable people, who, as t

14、hey step out of an airplane, have to face the battery of zip cameras and know that every movement, every gesture will be seen by millions of people. Politicians not only have to speak well, they now have to have what is called a “zip personality”. Perhaps we can sympathize when Members of Parliament

15、 say that they do not want debates to be zipped.,Zip means a. cinema. b. photography. c. television. d. telephone.,5)利用构词线索猜测词义(1)根据前缀来猜测和推测词义: 例如:Read the following sentences, and guess the meaning of the italicized words.1. An education enriches the mind.2. He did not write his composition well an

16、d the teacher told him to rewrite it.3. Mr Smith unlocked the safe and took out five thousand dollars.4. He had been overworking and fell sick at last.5. We disapprove of middle-school students smoking cigarettes.6. At midnight, several hours after the ship had left the port, she ran into bad weathe

17、r.7. The country is underdeveloped and the living standard of the people is rather low.8. It is impolite to turn your back on someone who is speaking to you.9. Those old people are very active in anti-pollution activities.10. Dont let his friendly words mislead you into believing him.,(2)根据后缀来猜测和推测词

18、义后缀主要分为四大类:名词后缀、形容词后缀、动词后缀和副词后缀。例如:Read the following sentences, and guess the meaning of the italicized words.1.You must stop dreaming and face reality.2.Travel broadens the mind.3.My work is still in the experimental stage.4.He did too little preparation for his examination.5.The line of waiting p

19、eople seemed to be endless.6.I was very much impressed by the friendliness of the people there.7.The country is trying to popularize education.8.Our troops won a decisive victory in that battle.9.They were very friendly and even offered assistance.10. The magazine is called English Language Learning

20、 and is published monthly.,(3)利用合成词线索猜测词义(Compound words)例如:Identify and underline the compound nouns in these sentences. (Not all the sentences have compound nouns in them and some have more than one.)1. We bought a town plan at the corner shop.2. Id like a return ticket to London, please.3. Do you

21、 want to go to the sports center this evening? Theres a good tennis match on.4. He was wearing a brown coat and a pair of jeans.5. We decided to meet in the hotel bar.6. There was a small gas fire in the corner of the town.7. Theres a lovely little fruit market on Wednesdays. Its very cheap and the

22、fruit is really nice.8. He walked in, sat down, and started reading a magazine.9. I took the film to a photo shop, but the shop assistant said it was too old to develop.10.Please do not make copies for personal use with this machine. It is for office use only.,2、利用联想联想词群(word association)和情景联想(situa

23、tion association) table desk bed wardrobe chaircupboard stool,Furniture,classroom teachers office sound lab chemistry lab library clinic dining hall reading room,school,例3:下面的单词都是家庭用具的名称。请你把单词填入适当的方框中去;然后请你再画几个椭圆并填入类似的英语单词。,2) 情景联想另外一种利用联想的词汇学习策略是情景联想(situation association)。例4:下面的是关于到饭店吃饭的相关词汇和短语。这个

24、到饭点吃饭的循环过程能帮助你理解和记忆这些词组或短语吗?你还知道其他的有关的英语单词或短语吗?,Eating out,find a restaurant,reserve the table,go to the restaurant,order the dish read the menu,waiter brings the dishesto the customer,ask for the bill,pay the bill,leave the restaurant,3、利用图像或想像对于人物、动物、物体等具体名词,如果能够借助图片(picture)学习单词,理解和记忆的效果会比较理想。这就是

25、为什么很多的英语教材常常用图片来展示单词的意思。,动物:Animals,交通工具:Vehicles,衣物:Clothes,工作:Jobs,食品:Food,英语学习中并不是每遇到一个生词就能找到一幅相应的图片。所以,学习者要借助单词的释义或解释进行想像,在头脑中形成一种影像(image)。学习某个单词时,如果学习者能够成功地想像并对这个单词代表的人或物形成影像,将来再遇到这个单词时,学习者也许不记得这个单词的文字释义,但却可能记得这种影像。,如在学习building一词时,你可能会听到你的老师这样的解释“Houses are buildings . This school is also a b

26、uilding .In big cities there are many large buildings there are hotels, and offices , and cinemas. They are all buildings of different kinds.”,比如在学习lazy一词时,你的老师可以通过举例的方法帮助你在头脑中通过想像形成一种影像。“Some people work hard, other people dont work hard they are lazy. For example , I have a brother. He is very laz

27、y. He gets up late, and then he does nothing all day. I said to him,“ Dont be so lazy ! Do some work!”,在学习一些抽象词,比如:love, happiness, imagine, quality, impossible 等时使用这种方法是比较有效的。,4、利用分类例1:下面的单词都是有关食品的单词。哪些是蔬菜?哪些是水果?哪些是饮料?哪些是肉类?哪些是食品?,例2:下面图表中的单词或短语都是可以用来描述人的外貌的,它们可以被分为六类。请你根据一定的分类标准把单词填入相应的方框中去。,Build

28、,Age,Hair,Height,Complexion,Eyes,5利用同义词和反义词例1:,例2:Supply a word which is the opposite of the word underlined .1) I have lent John another 10 dollars. That is the third time he has _ money from me .2) I get on well with my uncle Jim, and I think I am his favourite ._.3) Mr. Brown is not married. He i

29、s still _.,6、利用构词法1)前缀和后缀,常见的后缀有:,在学生有了一定的前缀和后缀知识以后,教师可以设计一些练习,以巩固他们这方面的知识,使他们具有扩展词汇的能力。例1:Work out the meaning of the underlined words. There is a misprint in this newspaper . I have mislaid my pipe . The politician complained that he had been misquoted . The driver misread an important signal. He

30、was accused of misconduct and dismissed from his job,例2:A person who paints is called a .A person who swims is called a .,例3. 1)The research worker divided his material into different classes. He his material. 2) The police are sure of the identity of the murderer. They have him. 3)The ugly old witc

31、h filled the children with terror. she them. 4) He put the book into simple language .He the book. 5)He tried to show what he had done was just and right . He tried to what he had done.,2)合成词英语中我们常见到两个或几个英语单词放在一起又重新组合成一个新的词汇,这叫作合成词(compound words),比如:textbook(教科书), icy-cold(冰冷的), blackboard(黑板), hea

32、dmaster(校长), mother-in-law (婆婆)。,学生在学习合成词的构词方法时,应该注意以下的两点:(1)合成词的重音与词组的重音不一样,合成词的重音,一般在词首,如: greenhouse - green house hotdog - hot dog bluebird- blue bird redcoat - red coat,(2)合成词的意思有时取决于合成词内两个或几个词的意思,如:type writer, bottle opener, blackboard, icy cold等。 但在许多情况下,合成词的意思并不是组成它的每个词意的合成,如:playground, no

33、tebook ,redcoat (英国士兵)。 Hotdog(热狗),bluebird (兰鸟),white-collar(白领工人)等。当学生们在学习这类合成词时,需要在上下文中猜出它们的意思。,例如:学生常常见到教师在教两个名词合成在一起表示一个人的具体职业时,采用下列的方式:He drives buses he is a bus driver. He makes shoes he is a shoemaker.,也可采用:A bus driver is someone who drives a bus. A shoemaker is someone who makes shoes.How

34、 do you call someone who plays tennis?How do you call someone is the owns a shop?How do yon call someone who robs a bank?How do you call someone who loves animals?,7、正确使用词典1)词典的分类与选用2)词典的使用,三、英语词汇学习策略指导,引导和指导学生进行词汇的学习原则:1、集中精力学习常用的积极词汇2、采用正确的词汇学习策略1)采用在情境中猜测、构词法和查字典等策略学习使用频率低的词汇2)采用课堂学习、通过听、说、读、写和多种

35、练习策略学习使用频率高的词汇,对于使用频率高的英语词汇,教师应该占用课堂教学时间引导学生学习。具体的做法包括:(1)教师直接教授、展示这些词汇。(2)教师引导学生通过阅读、听力包含学生所要学习的这些词汇的材料,以帮助学生学习有关词汇。(3)教师引导学生学习相关词汇,设计相关词汇的练习和学习任务,指导学生通过练习和执行任务学习这些词汇。(4)教师指导学生用所学习的词汇进行口语练习及写作,运用这些词汇。,3、在听、说、读、写四方面注意高频率词汇的使用4、鼓励学生对自己的词汇学习进行反思并负责任,引用几个学生对于自己词汇学习的描述:“Mostly I just choose the words th

36、at I already know but I have to improve them or make them clear to me. Or I choose the one that are difficult to me about how to use them in different situations.”“I learn words from talking to people, from TV and from radio. If that word is interesting I write on a small book. I always have a pen a

37、nd a notebook. Later I can put them in this list (vocabulary notebook).”,与以上两个学生相反不对自己的词汇学习负责任的学生是这样描述自己的词汇学习的:“I dont have no time to finding the words. Just I open my book and then I just pick up the words.”“I choose very big academic word, but academic word is not useful. Of course I should know that word, but I think I dont use after this course.”,学生只有对自己的词汇学习负责任,才能取得良好的学习效果。建议教师可以通过下面的方式帮助学生:1)将不同类型的词汇介绍给学生。2)用不同的方式和学习策略训练和培训学生学习词汇,以帮助他们了解和掌握这些策略进行词汇学习。3)提供培养学生如何选择词汇和如何学习词汇的机会。4)为学生提供鼓励、反思和评估的机会。,


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