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1、小学教师资格考试,英语面试,1.面试流程2.考试大纲3.考试注意4.考题类型梳理5.教案设计,1.侯考2.分组3.抽题4.进入备课室写教学简案(十五分钟)5.排队到面试室6.面试(进门鞠躬)7. 结构化问题8. 正式试讲(10分钟) (0-5min-10min)时间分配9. 考官提问10. 擦黑板离开,评分标准,教材梳理,教材梳理,教材后面所有生词梳理教材后面的语法知识点做到心中有数 ,增加自信心,小学英语老师面试要求(区别于初中英语)1.小学英语要求教师带感情色彩,声音有平仄起伏2.注意对学生兴趣的引导3.可以用英文歌曲,英语游戏,猜词游戏(准备一两个)尤其是当时间还剩余一些的时候。,1.语

2、法课2.词汇课3.语音课4.阅读课5.写作课,语法课,词汇课,语音课,阅读课,写作课,教学简案(PPP)语音、语法、词汇,Teaching Content:Teaching objectives:(1)Knowledge objective(s)(2)Ability objective(s)(3)Emotional objective(s)Teaching Key Point:Teaching Difficult Point:Teaching Aid:Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up and lead-in(1)Greeting,Step 2 Pres

3、entationStep 3 PracticeStep 4 ProductionStep 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary and Homework:Blackboard Design:,Step 2 Pre-readingStep 3 While-readingTask 1 Fast readingTask 2 Careful readingStep 4 Post-readingStep 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary:Homework:Blackboard Design,第一节英语教学目标,一、教学目标的确定(一)教学目标确立的依据1、

4、课程标准课程标准是编写教材和进行教学工作的依据,也是制定教学目标的依据。2、知识类型不同的知识类型在教学中有不同的要求。3、学情特点学情因素包括学生的学习水平、学习风气、学习习惯、年级年龄特征等因素。在设置教学目标时必须考虑这些因素。,教学目标注意点,1、教学目标的主语是学生。2、教学目标要具体、可检测。3、教学目标的表述要反映学习结果的层次性。,三维教学目标,英语教学目标常分为三个层次:知识目标、能力目标、情感目标1、知识目标(Knowledge objective)知识目标指本堂课中要让学生了解和掌握的主要知识点。主要有词汇、句型、语法等。在知识方面:学生“能”-说出、列举、背诵、复述、识

5、别、解释、说明、分类、对比、归纳等。Students”can-speak,list,recite,retell,distinguish from,explain,classify,contrast,conclude,知识目标,Version 1:Knowledge objective:Students can grasp the new words:.”andsentence structures:”by reading the text.(通用)Version2:Knowledge objective:Students can know more knowledge about sth.Ve

6、rsion3:Knowledge objective:Students will know some differences between sth.Version4:Knowledge objective:Students will have a clear mind about what apersonal essay is and know how to write a personalessay.(写),知识目标,Version 5:Knowledge objective:Students can grasp the meaning of the words:Version 6:Kno

7、wledge objective:Students can retell the main idea of the passage.Version7:Knowledge objective:Students can master the usage of“sth”.(语法),能力目标,能力目标指通过这堂课学生能够锻炼什么样的能力。在能力方面:通过一“经历、参与、讨论、交流、合作、分享”等一(学生)能“了解、掌握、学习”Through-“experience,take part in,discussion,communication,cooperation,share”-students can

8、”understand,master,learn.”,能力目标,Version 1:Ability objective: Students can learn sth (how to say different subjects) and get the ability of describing them through discussion and cooperation.Version 2:Ability objective: Students can develop the ability to analyze the structure of the passage and mast

9、er the skills of writing a personal essay.Version3: Ability objective: Students can enrich their vocabularies and improve their reading ability.,能力目标,Version 1:Ability objective: Students can learn sth (how to say different subjects) and get the ability of describing them through discussion and coop

10、eration.Version 2:Ability objective: Students can develop the ability to analyze the structure of the passage and master the skills of writing a personal eassy.Version3: Ability objective: Students can enrich their vocabularies and improve their reading ability.,能力目标,Version4:Ability objective: Stud

11、ents will be able to use reading methods such as skimming, scanning and careful reading during the process of understanding of the passage.Version5: Ability objective: By writing a short composition about sth (the changes in their own hometown in the countryside), students writing skills can be enha

12、nced.,能力目标,Version 6: Ability objective: By reading the passage, students reading ability of skimming and scanning can be improved.Version 7: Ability objective: Students will improve their ability of reading, and know how to get the information from the passage.,情感目标,情感目标指学生通过课堂学习、参与活动及教师在情感上的引导,从而在

13、情感上产生什么样的倾向。在情感方面:学生学会认可、接受、称赞、喜欢、关心、热爱、坚持、保持、重视、追求、培养、尊重等。Students learn to approve,accept,praise,like,care about,love,persist in,retain,value,pursue,cultivate,respect,情感目标,Version 1: Emotional objective: Students can learn to care about classmates more through the discussion, and get to love every

14、 day and every class.Version 2: Emotional objective: Students can develop their interest in learning English and be confident to communicate with others./After this lesson, students will have more interest in exploring sth(the English language culture).Version 3: Emotional objective: Students can im

15、prove their consciousness of sth(love nature).,情感目标,练习:1小学英语词汇课1、题目:Traffic Lights2、内容:Car,car,red car;Bus,bus,yellow bus;Plane,plane,green plane;Bike,bike,blue bike.词汇:red,yellow,green,light.3、要求(1)全英文授课,朗读一遍;(2)上词汇课;(3)要设计相应的课堂互动环节。,情感目标,1、小学英语 Trafic LightsTeaching objectives:(1)Knowledge aim:Students will read and speak the new words-red,yellow,green and light.(2)Ability aim:Students can use the simple words to describe the colors of some objects flexibly.(3)Emotional aim:After the study,students can develop and enhance the consciousness of obeying the traffic rules.,


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