1、Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,工程心理学与人类行为,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,2,Features,Interesting 趣Significant 益Hard 难,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,3,Introduction of Bi-language Course,English textbookEnglish PPTChinese & English oral presentat
2、ion 100 basic English glossaries,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,4,Introduction of the textbook,以人的认知信息加工心理学为基础,系统阐述与工程技术设计有关的心理学问题,理论性强、与技术设计联系密切;引用大量的工程心理学实验结果,立论依据充足,科学性强;内容新颖,引用的文献大多反映最近10年来美国工程心理学的研究成果。,Christopher D. Wickens ,Justin G. Hollands出版社:Prentice Hall,2007.7,Engin
3、eering Psychology and Human Performance,5,Reference books,C.D. Wickens ,J.G. Hollands著,朱主祥等译.工程心理学与人的作业, 华东师范大学出版社, 2002美唐纳德.A.诺曼著,梅琼译.设计心理学, 中信出版社, 2003方俐洛,于国丰,汪慧丽.工程心理学, 团结出版社, 1989,Chapter 1,Introduction to Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Perfo
4、rmance,7,Overview,What is psychology? Science, study, of the mind and its processes.,Human psychology,Animal psychology,Child psychology,Engineering psychology,Society psychology,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,8,What is Engineering Psychology?,Reduce error(减少错误)Promote productiv
5、ity(提高生产率)Increase safety and comfort(增加安全性和舒适度),A branch of psychology, using psychology in engineering.,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,9,Engineering psychology,When? Where? Why? What? How?,20 Century 50s World War II,USA,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,10,W
6、hy?3 Motivations,Practical needs(实践需要),“training the human to fit the machines”,“designing the machines to fit the human”,In World War II,After World War II,! Aircraft accidents with well- trained operators(Table 1),Psychologists analyzed the operator-machine interface,2007.7,Engineering Psychology
7、and Human Performance,11,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,12,Why?3 Motivations,Technology evolutionary trends(科技进步),More rapid, more complex, more and more interrelated elements, forcing the designer to consider the distribution of tasks between human and machines.,2007.7,Engineer
8、ing Psychology and Human Performance,13,Why?3 Motivations,Information theory and cybernetics (信息论和控制论),Information theory Cybernetics(控制论),Stimulus-response languageof behavior psychology,Terms: feedback, channel capacity bandwidth,Same terms as mechanical, electronic, information system, help integ
9、rate humans and machines in system design and analysis.,World War ,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,14,Application field,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,15,What?Research scope,Information-processing capacities of the human brain.(人脑的信息加工过程),“工程心理学的目的不是简单的比较一件设备
10、的两种可能的设计(这是人类因素学的任务),而是要说明人的能力以及限度(产生实验数据的基础),并可以根据这种能力限度直接推断并选择出一种较好的设计”。 Poulton,1966,!注意与人因工程学的研究范畴区分开 是否涉及人脑的信息加工过程。,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,16,Introduction of the teaching content,Chapter1 Introduction (工程心理学介绍)Chapter4 Spatial Display(空间显示)Chapter5 Navigation and In
11、teraction in Real and Virtual Environment(现实与虚拟环境中的导航与交互)Chapter6 Language and Communication(语言与通讯)Chapter9 Selection of Action(行动的选择)Chapter12 Stress and Human error(应激和人为差错) Totally 40 hours,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,17,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,
12、18,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,19,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,20,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,21,How?Research Methods,Field Studies 现场研究Accident/Incident Reports 事故/事件报告Surveys 调查Task Simulation 任务模拟Laboratory Experiments 实验室研究Li
13、terature (research and handbooks) 文献Models (human simulations) 模型,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,22,Field Studies,Feature: evaluations of real users employing the system in question “in the field” .Forms: videotapes, user reports eg: ATM videotapes,2007.7,Engineering Psychology
14、and Human Performance,23,Accident/Incident Reports,focus on the cause of events when things went wrong.,limitations,Without control: difficult to determine the specific cause of behavior,Number of accident is small: hard to draw statistically valid conclusions from small samples,eg: aviation industr
15、y (black box),2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,24,Surveys,reveal users attitudes towards the strengths and weakness of a particular system.,limitations,The sample of user may be small or biased.,What people like may not always correspond with what supports the best performance.,eg
16、: color display,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,25,Task Simulation,capture much of the complexity in real-worldoffer control over the events and circumstances in which performance is observed.,eg: driving simulator, virtual environment,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Perf
17、ormance,26,Laboratory Experiments,identify and manipulate variables that are expected to influence performance with the system in question, while controlling other variables.,Advantages: such experiments can generate across a wide range of design applications.,Limitations: the conditions in the lab
18、is highly controlled, may not real.,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,27,Literature (research and handbooks),not “raw data”, been collected by others and complied in literature or in design principles and standards.,Note: the context of the principle or standard is appropriate for
19、the context of the current product.,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,28,Models (human simulations),a special case of data provided by literature and handbooks.,Design parameters,performance,ModelMathematical equationsComputer simulations,input,output,Question: compare the 7 differ
20、ent research methodscost, ease of product change, ease of control, design relevance of conclusions?,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,29,Comparison of different research methodologies,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,30,How to study this course?,Its not your faul
21、t.(不是你的错) 当你在使用某物品遇到麻烦时,那不是你的错,而是设计出了问题。 摘自设计心理学2003 Observe carefully.(仔细观察) 改变认识世界的方法,开始敏锐的观察周围的人和物,以及这两者之间的联系。,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,31,Performance Measurement 绩效测量,4 categories of raw data,Measures of,Speed or time (emergency shutdown switch ),Workload or capacity d
22、emands (vehicle GPS),Accuracy or error (diagnosis device),Preference (consumer products),2 sorts of derived measures,Evaluate measures, or the figure of merit(评价测量或价值图),have a clear defined “good” or “bad”,Strategic measures (全局测量),accuracy+ response timeaccuracy- response rate,High values for slow
23、but accuracy performance,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,32,人类信息处理阶段的词汇定义,Attention resources 注意力资源Long term Memory 长期记忆Working memory 工作记忆Sensory 感觉Perception 知觉、感知Cognition 认知Short-term sensory store (STSS)短时感觉贮存Response Selection 反应选择Response Execution 反应执行,2007.7,Engineering
24、Psychology and Human Performance,33,Fig 1.1 A model of Human information processing stages,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,34,Sensory Processing 感觉加工,visual receptors (eyes) 视觉接收器(眼),auditory receptors (ears) 听觉接收器(耳),STSS:0.5s,STSS:2-4s,Short-term sensory store (STSS)短时感觉贮存: A t
25、emporary mechanism for prolonging(延长) the representation of the raw stimulus evidence for durations as short as around 0.5 second (visual STSS) ,to 2-4 seconds (auditory STSS) .对持续时间半秒至2-4秒的原始刺激表征的暂时机制。Egs: cartoons and an interesting experiment,see,hear,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Perfo
26、rmance,35,Perception 知觉、感知,Decode the meaning of the raw sensory data relayed to the brain. 粗糙的感觉材料传入脑中(或贮存在感觉中)必须通过知觉阶段加以解释或赋予意义。,Proceeds automatically and rapidly, requiring little attention,Be driven both,by sensory input (bottom-up processing),by inputs from long-term memory (experience) (top-d
27、own processing),2 important features,例: 原始刺激 解码 警铃(听觉) 存在危险 闪烁的信号灯(视觉) 存在故障,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,36,Bottom-up Processing,Top-down Processing,Sensory data or “lower” channels of neural information (感觉或较低级神经信息通道),Long-term memory Past experience (经验、长时记忆),Danger!,Danger!
28、,Perception,Perception,harmonious,High sensory quality Unfamiliar circumference,Poor sensory quality,Eg: the cab driver,自下而上,自上而下,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,37,Cognition and Memory 认知和记忆,Perception: “存在故障”Cognition: “哪个部位出了故障”,Q: Whats the distinction between perception and
29、cognition?,A: Cognition require more time, mental effort, or attention.,Q: Why?,CognitiveOperations,rehearsal(复述),reasoning,Imaging,Using working memory,Working memory: a vulnerable(易损的,脆弱的),temporary(暂时的) store of activated information.,Note: Sometimes rehearsal in working memory may lead to long-t
30、erm memory, which is less vulnerable, more permanent(永久的).,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,38,Response Selection and Execution,Cognition,Perception,Response Selection,Response Execution,Requiring the coordination of the muscles for controlled motion, to assure the chosen goal is
31、correctly obtained 为了控制运动要对肌肉进行协调,以保证正确的获得选定的目标.,Just in brain.,Eg: correct response selection,Poor execution,Lose control,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,39,Feedback,Emphasize that the “flow” of information can be initiated at any point.,eg:,a perceived environment event,a cogni
32、tive motivation,Emphasize that the “flow” of information is continuous, “action causes perception” or “perception causes action”,turn onthe radio,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,40,Attention,A supply of limited mental resources.,Selective attention: many mental operations are not
33、 carried automatically but require the selective application of these limited resources.,Dividing attention: when there are so many tasks to perform, a strategy must be selected to allocate resources between different tasks or mental operations.,eg: foveal vision(视网膜中央凹视力) is limited resource for vi
34、sual information.,Note: Because attention resource is limited, when the demand of some tasks is excessive(额外的), the others must suffer.,eg: the cab driver,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,41,一个新的驾驶员驾驶一辆货车在城里运送容易腐烂的食物。他坐在一个用最先进技术装备的驾驶舱内。仪表板向他显示一幅标明他在城内位置的地图,对不同的目的地按其优先权以颜色进行编码并用强光加
35、以显示。该地图还配备有关交通路况的信息,并拥有一系列电子图像放大选件。在一个单独的表下面表明每次交货所要求的时间。,2007.7,Engineering Psychology and Human Performance,42,在一个阴沉的冬天,夜色降临,天下着雪。向南的公路上交通繁忙,车辆速度很快。司机俯视着驾驶舱中的地图,地图上头朝北,他试图找到他的下一个目的地,以及在即将到达的出口应该向哪个方向转弯。地图杂乱难读,相对于他的行车方向来说,地图显得乱七八糟。因此他按压了(他认为是)图像电子放大按钮,这一按使得地图上的全部目的地立即变成同样的“高优先”颜色。他向后扫视道路并检查交通车辆,然后再