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1、考研英语,考生难点分析 :部分考生读不懂文章,对于复杂句尤其是长句、多义词及难词理解有误。这些考生的英语阅读的基本功还有待提高。 还有的考生文章读得懂,但抓不住重点,不知道到文章的什么地方去找答案,他们常常抱怨时间不够,来不及答题! 对于水平较高的学生而言,尽管不存在上述问题,可以读懂文章,也知道答案在文章中所处位置,但由于受到陷阱题的蒙蔽而犯错误,事后会觉得冤枉。,考研英语的阅读理解部分,阅读高分对策,基本功 :最大的障碍 :英语长句、复杂句 。突破:王若平硕士研究生英语入学考试阅读基本功难句过关 石春桢精编英语阅读220篇,技巧 :技艺就是反命题 以往考题为关键,目录,1考研阅读之倚天屠龙

2、篇-考研阅读心理学2考研阅读之九阴真经篇-阅读应试理论 3考研阅读之盘龙云海篇-考研阅读潜在命题点的挖掘 4考研阅读之射雕英雄最新阅读练习精选 5考研阅读笑傲江湖篇最新考题全真测试,第一部分考研阅读之倚天屠龙篇,自信 自信至关重要,自信在某种情况下超越了学习本身。当年考研究生的时候,我和一个师兄说,“我考的这个专业仅我知道的报考人数就超过20个,确实挺担心的!”师兄笑了笑说:“要是高手,一个就够了,要是不行的,一百个也没用。” 平常心 不见高山不显平地,平常心的获得往往并不是在平常的环境下轻易得来的。,考研的境界 (一),面对考研究生大军:普通境界:秉承中华民族自强不息、吃苦耐劳优良品质,心中

3、想的是今后甚至是一生的幸福,吃苦在先,享乐在后。切记:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。 最高境界:与天奋斗,其乐无穷!与地奋斗,其乐无穷!与人奋斗,其乐无穷!快乐=奋斗。,考研境界(二),问题二:旁人对考研者有闲话、有看法,甚至打击、下绊都不足为奇,因为有些人能够容忍尸位素餐之徒在工作时间打牌、闲聊乃至吃喝嫖赌博,就是不能容忍好学之辈利用业余时间考研、考博。 普通境界:“走自己的路,让别人去说吧!” 高级境界:“侮辱我吧,打击我吧,让我成为一真正的人!钢铁怎样炼成的?”,考研境界(三),考场上什么心态答题? 普通境界:读文章、读题、找答案,疲于奔命,被试题牵着鼻子走。 最高境界:以一种挑剔、透视、居高

4、临下的眼光观察试题,以轻松、愉快近似于捉迷藏的心情游玩于试题之中。看看这次出的是什么题、又是什么套路的出现?看看命题的质量如何,是否具备合理性?“这道题命题深得要领!”顺手就把题做上了,第二部分英语阅读之九阴真经篇,(一)有关文章难度方面的一些容易被人忽视的事实 单词不难,句子难。出题者通过句子难度方面做文章,通过使用复杂句来达到这一目的。简而言之,多重复合句、被动句、插入成分、分割句、省略句、倒装句和双重否定句的广泛应用,给考研阅读增加了决定性的难度。,(二)文章题材及长度,试题中阅读理解部分一般为五篇文章,每篇约400600字,阅读总量在20002500字。文章选材广泛 不同体裁的文章不同

5、考试要点:对于说明文,要注意事实和数据;对于议论文而言,要注意作者的结论和观点,以及作者对其他观点的态度。,阅读理解的大纲要求,*掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; *了解用以阐述主旨的事实和有关细节;*根据上下文判断大纲附表以外的某些词汇和短语的意义; *既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系; *根据所读材料进行一定的判断、推断和引申; *领会作者的观点和态度;,阅读方法(一),阅读的大忌试图弄懂文章中的每一个词 快速阅读法 :*略读或跳读(Skimmming)即从头到尾寻找重点词、关键句去理解;*查读或扫读(Scanning),即在文章特定部分寻找某一线索,就像我们日常阅读电视报当天节

6、目一样。,阅读方法(二),不良的阅读习惯 :指读 、头读 、声读 、回读 、译读 。阅读顺序先读文章?还是先读题? 阅读速度假象,如何积极阅读,较高境界的阅读是把注意力集中在作者的思想上,而不是个别是零碎“单词”上。比如读到but的时候,应当能够“预见”到下一句的意思与上一句的不同,意思相反。 考研文章的常见脉络如下: *时间顺序:按时间的先后说明某一理论的发展,某一研究成果由过去至现在的情况。*一般 具体:首段做总的说明,其他段落分别说明或具体论述首段观点。 *具体 一般:前面几段分别说明,末段总结。*对比:以进行对比的两个事物之间的基本共同点或差异为主题展开。,如何积极阅读,1. 综述详述

7、结构词 *表示综述的词汇:often, generally speaking, thus, therefore等; *表示详述的词汇:for example, because等 2. 分类列举结构词 *表示分类的词汇:there are two/three types等,其特点为“基数词”; *表示列举的词汇:first(ly), second(ly), third(ly)last(ly)等,其特点为“序数词”或“序数词+ly ”。 3. 对比比较结构词 *表示比较即顺序的词汇:similarly等; *表示对比即转折的词汇:however, but等。,出题思路,中心+细节=文章 *文章中心

8、常考:常于主题句中表现出来,主题句可以出现于文章的首句或篇中,一篇文章也可以没有明确的主题句。 *段中心常考:可以在段子的首句和末句,也可以没有明显的段中心句,需要自己概括出来。 *细节题的实质:细节题针对文章的某个局部命题,通俗地说,所谓细节题就是将文章中的一句话拿出来单考。,出题思路,*指代(信息传递)常考:文章中的指代常作为考察内容。 命题模式:B指代A,B具有X特点,结论为A具有X特点。有时只是简单地提问指代关系。 *倒着考:即是将文章中的某句话,倒过来考一遍。 命题模式:文章中A导致B;问题:有B这一结果,为何?答案:因为A。 *反着考:即是将文章中的某句话,反过来考一遍。 命题模式

9、:文章中A具有X属性,B与A不同; 问题:B有何属性?答案:非X属性。,第三部分 考研阅读之盘龙云海篇-考研阅读潜在命题点的挖掘,1.体裁 年份 议论文 说明文 2003 4 02002 4 0 2001 4 1 2000 5 0 1999 4 1,如何在文章中做记号,1 文章主旨句 An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computers in the cl

10、assroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction indeed, contradiction which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.,段落主题句,主题句的特点:1)通常是第一句话,偶尔是最后一句,段中少见。2)是观点(不是描写/说明、不是事实)。可能是作者的

11、观点,也可能是他人的观点。3)该观点可能是作者提倡的,也可能是作者认为其他人的观点是错误的/偏激的等等。4)作者的观点只能有一个。主题句只能有一个,其他的内容都起说明/论证作用。5)具有归纳性、概括性、抽象性等特点。,Example:,And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists. This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their content

12、ion over a dam on the Danube. The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems of big dams. But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself.,Q:What is the myth concerning giant dams? A They bring in more fertile soil. B They help defend the cou

13、ntry. C They strengthen international ties. D They have universal control of the waters.,3 题干与选项中的关键词,“I have great confidence that by the end of the decade well know in vast detail how cancer cells arise,” says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer. “But ,” he cautions, “some people h

14、ave the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. Consider Pasteur. He discovered the causes of many kinds of infections, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available.”,Q: The example of Pasteur in the passage is used to A predict that the secret of canc

15、er will be disclosed in a decade. indicate that the prospects for curing cancer are bright. C prove that cancer will be cured in fifty to sixty years. D warn that there is still a long way to go before cancer can be conquered.,1)正确选项大量使用原文的同义词或同义结构,Useful as half-sleeping might be, its only been fou

16、nd in birds and such water mammals as dolphins, whales, and seals. Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allows a sleeping animal to surface occasionally to avoid drowning.,Q:While sleeping, some water mammals tend to keep half awake in order to A alert themselves to the approaching enemy. B e

17、merge from water now and then to breathe. C be sensitive to the ever-changing environment. D avoid being swept away by rapid currents.,2)正确选项频繁使用原文的反义词加上反义结构来表达与原文相同的意思,Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has star

18、ted late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he con speak simple words and understand simple commands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words. At three he knows about 1,000 words whi

19、ch he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style rather than grammar.,Q:If a child starts to speak later than others, he will A have a high IQ. B be less intelligent. C be insensitive to verbal signals. D not necessarily be backward.,3)正确选项是原文的总体或局部,Th

20、ere are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new

21、language all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.,Q: A person is generally believed to achieve personal growth when A he has given up his smoking habit. B he has made great efforts in his work. C he is keen on learning anything new. D he has tried to de

22、termine where he is on his journey.,正确选项是原文某段文字的推理,Kitcher is a philosopher, and this may account, in part, for the clarity and effectiveness of his arguments. The non-specialist will be able to obtain at least a notion of the sorts of data and argument that support evolutionary theory. The final ch

23、apter in the creationists will be extremely clear to all. On the dust jacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gould says: “This book stands for reason itself.” And so it does and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationism/ evolution debate.,Q: From the passage we can infer that A

24、reasoning has played a decisive role in the debate. B creationists do not base their argument on reasoning. C evolutionary theory is too difficult for non-specialists. D creationism is supported by scientific findings.,2 干扰项的特点,1 合理项 2 以偏概全 3 过度引申 4. 字面意思 5 以偏概全,结束语当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So DonT Give Up, Stick To The End,感谢聆听不足之处请大家批评指导Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings,演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日,


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