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3、的基本原理,保证试题的信度,以使考试形式有利于实现英语学业考试的考查目的,使考试结果尽可能准确地反映学生的实际水平。难易度比为80%:15%:5%(易、中、难)。二、考查内容1、听力技能听力技能指学生对口头材料的理解能力以及从口头语言材料中获取信息的能力。在理解信息的基础上,学生还要能够对信息进行判断、归纳、综合。2、口语技能能够回答有关个人信息的问题,并就较熟悉的话题与他人进行交流,特别是在真实语境中沟通信息、描述事物与情感、发表观点和意见的能力。鉴于口语考试仍在实验中,口语技能的考查将分散在笔试试题中。3、 阅读技能着重考查学生理解各题材和体裁的书面材料的能力及从各种材料中获取信息的能力。


5、teningPart One Choose the right picture according to thedialogue you hear.55Part Two Match the best choice from A to Faccording to the dialogue(passage) you hear.55Part Three Choose the right answer according to the passage (dialogue) you hear.55Part four Complete the note according to the meaning o

6、f the passage.55IIMultiple choiceChoose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence .1515IIICloze testChoose the best answer to complete the passage.1515IVCommunication(A) Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue . You have one more answer. Each choice sh

7、ould be used only once.55(B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.510VReading(A) Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.55(B) Judge the following sentences true or false according to the passage.510(C) Choose the best choice from A, B or C according

8、 to the passage.510(D) Fill in each blank according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.55(E) Answer the following questions according to what you have read.510VIWriting(A)A short passage about a card, a note,or an announcement and so on .15(B) Write 80-100 words to finish a short passage a

9、ccording to the verbal directions or picture hints.110总计87120各题说明如下:第一题(听力)听力试题每题中速读两遍,考试时间约15-20分钟,采取播放录音形式。要求考生从所听内容中,获取具体信息,理解领会说话者的观点、态度及意图等。考生在应答第四部分时,只需写出关键信息词,无须考虑时态、人称等变化,无须进行完整回答。Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear. A B C D E F1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 录音原文Part One Cho

10、ose the right picture according to what you hear.No. 1. M: Hey, Julie. Do you like playing sports? W: Of course. I like running after I get up every morning. M: Me,too. Then what about your sister? W: She likes playing tennis. But now shes playing baseball with her friends. Q: What sport does Julies

11、 sister like?No. 2. M: Hi, Lucy! Where are you going for May Day? W: Mm I decide to stay on my uncles farm. The air there is nice and clean. M: I hope youll have a good time there. W: Thank you. Q: Where will Lucy stay? No. 3. W: Did you go to the countryside by bus, David? M: No, Jims father drove.

12、 W: You had a great time there, didnt you? M: Yes, we did.Q: How did David go to the countryside?No. 4. M: Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. What can I buy? W: You can buy a beautiful scarf. M: No. I bought one last year. W: What about a hat? M: Great! Q: What does Mary want to buy for her mothers bi

13、rthday?No. 5. M: Oh, I left my umbrella at home. W: Why do you often bring it with you? M: You are new here, the weather here often changes. W: You can bring a raincoat, too. M: Im sorry, I dont like a raincoat. Q: What does the man often bring with him? 答 案15 EBDCF说明:此类题要求根据所听小对话内容及问题选出与小对话内容和问题相符的

14、图片,要求考生捕捉和识记有效信息,作出准确判断,排除信息干扰和相关图片干扰。 Part Four Complete the note according to what you hear.Time: _Person:_Place:_Happening:_Result:_录音原文 On a rainy day, when school was over, Dongdong and Wei Hua were going home together with one umbrella. Suddenly Dongdong ran out in the rain, Wei Hua was surpri

15、sed. When Wei Hua saw Dongdong taking down the nations flag, he understood and hurried to help him. They held the flag carefully so that it was kept out of the rain. They both got wet, but they were very happy.Time: (on)a rainy dayPerson: Dong Dong and Wei HuaPlace: at school(on the way home)Happeni

16、ng: take down the national flag to keep out of the rain Result: both wet, but happy 说明:此类题要求考生根据所听内容及设题要求完成note,考查学生在听音过程中获取信息的能力。本题听音材料是一件发生在Wei Hua和Dongdong生活中的事。所要答题的5个点包括时间,人物,地点,事件和结果,只要学生能答对主旨即赋分。第二题(单项选择)此题主要考查学生的基础知识掌握情况,包括:语法、词汇、固定搭配、交际用语等,考核内容均设计在语境中,非正确的选项也都具有干扰功能,以考查学生在特定情景中应用所学知识的能力。( )

17、 1. He _a piece of waste paper , and put it into the rubbish bag .A. threw away B. picked up C. handed in答 案B。说明:题干设计一般都有一定的语境,考生作答时要考虑整个句子的结构及意义,不要只顾及局部结构。 ( ) 2. What a hard problem ! Ask Mary . Maybe she has _with a good idea about it. A. come up B. ended up C. kept up答 案 A。说明:此类题不是根据僵化的语法规则命题,而是

18、根据语言的实际使用情况设计题干和选项,特别是要充分考虑语言的变化,考生要注意考虑语境以及各个选项在所给语境中可能表达的意思。第三题(完型填空)在一个意思完整的短文中,留出一定的空白,要求考生根据短文内容及每空所提供的选项,选出最佳答案,使补全后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整、语法正确。此题既涉及语法、词汇、固定搭配,又涉及通过篇章语境获取信息,处理信息的语用能力。阅读下面短文,从A,B,C中选出一个能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。Spending more time around the family dinner table and less time in front of the

19、TV can help kids from _1_, a new study show.The study _2_ 8,000 children in the US for several years. Those children who watched the most TV were the most likely to become overweight, the study found. And _3_meals children ate with their families, the more likely they would put on weight.“Families n

20、eed to work together to help children _4_a healthy weight,” a researcher said. “Even the simple things,_5_ how often families eat together and the amount of time that children spend _6_ TV , play a role in childrens weight.”The researchers _7_the 8,000 children into three groups: those who had _8_be

21、en overweight; those who began at a normal weight _9_ became overweight, and those who were overweight from the _10_of the study. According to the study , kids who became overweight _11_ the study watched over 15 hours of TV a week, and kids who kept a healthy weight watched much less. _12_, overwei

22、ght children ate less than 9 meals a week with their families.The researchers think children _13_ parents for such things as family mealtimes and limits(限制) on their TV time. “Teaching children about healthy habits _14_the whole familys effort: children are not going to learn things _15_,” one of th

23、em explained.( ) 1. A. get fat B. getting fat C. getting thin( ) 2. A. followed B. following C. follow( ) 3. A. few B. fewer C. the fewer( ) 4. A. get B. become C. keep( ) 5. A. such as B. as if C. as for( ) 6. A. watch B. watching C. watches( ) 7. A. divided B. put C. made( ) 8. A. already B. never

24、 C. always( ) 9. A. and B. but C. so( ) 10. A. end B. middle C. beginning( ) 11. A. during B. in C. after( ) 12. A. Except B. But C. Besides ( )13. A depend on B. according to C. belong to ( ) 14. A. need B. needs C. wants ( ) 15. A. on their own B. in their own C. with their own答案1-5 BACCA 6-10 BAB

25、BC 11-15 ACABA说明:完形填空的文字材料难度应略低于阅读理解的材料,所选材料一般含有比较丰富的语言形式和紧凑的篇章结构,试题所涉及的各类考点(词汇、语法的运用、上下文的理解和篇章结构安排)一般都均衡分布。第四题(情景交际)Communication.A. Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue . You have one more answer.A: Im going to the school party this Friday .B: (1)_ Lets take some snacks.A: (2)

26、_B: Really? Why not?A: (3)_B: Well, can we wear jeans to the party ?A: (4)_ If we wear jeans ,the teacher will not let us in.B: Should we take our ID card ?A: Sure. (5)_A. I agree with you . B. If we dont, we cant get into the party. C. Me, too. D. Oh, we cant take them.E. No, we cant. F. If we do,

27、the teacher will be angry .答案15 CDFEB 说明:此类题侧重于对交际功能运用能力的考查,所涉及的日常交际用语贴近考生生活,采用了生活中常用的话题,增强了语言的实践性。B. Complete the dialogue.Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences according to the meaning of the dialogue.M: Good morning.W: Good morning,doctor.M: (1)_?W: Im not feeling well, doctor. (2)

28、_ .M: When did it start ?W: (3)_ .M: You Should have come earlier.W: I really wanted to come earlier. (4)_ .M :Oh, I see . W : (5)_ ? M: If you came one day later, it would be serious. Take this medicine three times a day and stay in bed for two days, and then youll get well a few days later.W: Than

29、k you , doctor. 答案(1) Whats the matter (trouble) with you ?/ Whats wrong with you ?(2) I have a fever. (a sore back/a headache)(3) About two days (three days /a week etc ) ago.(4) But I have been very busy. (But I havent finished my work until this morning.etc)(5) Is it serious, doctor?说明:此类题强调在特定情景


31、意。构思能力和发散思维能充分体现。(要求学生完成一个小作文和一个话题作文或图示作文) 1应用文(小作文。 包括英文通知、启事、感谢信、假条、贺卡等内容。NOTICE(通知)明天早晨 8:00,二年级学生要在校门外集合。请穿上旧衣服,去农场劳动。请根据所给条件写一篇简短的通知。NOTICEAll (of) the students of (in) Grade Two, Well go to work on the farm tomorrow. Please meet at 8:00 oclock outside the school gate. Dont forget to (Youd bett

32、er) put on your old clothes.June 25, 2011 2话题作文或图示作文。(任选其一)主要包括教材所示的健康、饮食、运动、兴趣与爱好、学校生活、人口、环境英语学习策略、情感等方面内容。2A设想过十年后,你是什么样子的吗?请你展开丰富的想象,谈谈将来吧。以In the Future为题写一篇短文。首句已给出,词数80-100。In the FutureIn ten years, I will _.说明:写作要求语言通顺,条理清楚,结构合理,无语法错误。2B:图示作文下面四幅图片描述了小明在一天下午所发生的事情,请仔细阅读图片,然后写一篇短文。要求如下:1) 描述四

33、幅图片的内容;2) 从保护动物角度简单谈谈你的看法; 3) 语句通顺,行文连贯,书写工整。词数:80左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。A DayOne afternoon Xiao Ming _.In the FutureA:(One possible answer)In ten years, I will be taller and stronger. I will look smart that everyone will like me. I will try my best to find a good job to make more money. If someone has a

34、dream, he will have hope. Maybe I will have a big company and then I will buy a big house for my parents and buy myself a car. Thank my parents for giving me life and much love. I will make them live a happy life. I think my future will be bright and wonderful if I study hard now. A DayB:(One possib

35、le answer)One afternoon Xiao Ming was on his way home. When he was walking past a nice field, he saw a frog. He wanted to play with it. So he went over quickly and caught it .Just at that time, an old man came up and said to him, “Frogs are our friends. They are good at catching pests. Its not right

36、 to catch them.” When he heard it, his face turned red. He put the frog back into the field. The old man said with a smile. “You are a good boy.” 英 语 试 题(样题) 注:试题共计120分第一部分听力部分(共计20分)Listening (本题共20分,每小题1分)Part one Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear. A B C D E F 1. 2. 3. 4.

37、 5. Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to what you hear. ( ) 6. Zhang Hai A. had a bad cold.( ) 7. Feifei B. must look after her mother. ( ) 8. Li Jie C. can tell English stories.( ) 9. Tan Mei D. will prepare for the party.( ) 10.Wei Hua E. will take photos for his friends.F. is s

38、tudying in Beijing.G. can sing English songs.Part Three Choose the right answer according to what you hear.( ) 11. Jim forgot _.A. the lesson B. what the teacher said C. what his mother said( ) 12. The story happened _.A. in the evening B. in the afternoon C. in the morning( ) 13. Jim was happy because _.A. the teacher liked him


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