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1、2020年初级商务英语口语例句 为了让大家更好的准备初级商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理2020年初级商务英语口语例句,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2020年初级商务英语口语例句一1.I manage my time perfectly so that I can always get things done on time.我能很好地分配时间,因此总能准时完成任务。2. I suppose a strong point is that I like developing new things and ideas.我想我有一个优点就是喜欢创新。3. When I think somethin

2、g is right, I will stick to that. Sometimes it sounds a little stubborn, but I am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.我认为某件事情是对的,我会坚持到底。有时候,这显得有点顽固,因此我正努力在执着与让步之间寻求平衡。4. Can you tell me my specific duties?可以告诉我具体的工作任务吗?5. What are the main job duties for me?我的主要工作职责是什么?6.

3、Id like you to meet Mr. Anderson, CEO of the company.我想让你见一下公司的首席执行官,安德森先生。7. Please let me introduce my colleague professor Zhang to you.请允许我把我的同事张教授介绍给你。8. That sounds great.听上去不错。9. Great! Id love that.太好了,我很愿意。10. Thanks, but unfortunately, I already have plans.谢谢,但不巧的是我已经有计划了2020年初级商务英语口语例句二I w

4、ish could, but I will have a conference that day.我希望我能去,但那天我还有个会议。2. Is it okay if we put the appointment off till next Sunday?我们把约会推到下个星期天可以吗?3. Do you mind if I change it to another time, say, Sunday?我想改下见面时间,比如改到周日,你介意吗?4. I would like to apply for the post of Assistant Accountant.本人欲应聘助理会计一职。5.

5、In reply to your advertisement in China Daily of May 18 for a clerk, I offer myself for the post.欣读5月18日中国日报上贵公司招聘职员的广告,敝人愿应征此职。6. Youll spend 30% of your time on the computer.你大约有30%的时间是和电脑打交道。7. You must have over 2 years experience.你必须有两年的工作经验。8. What type of experience do you have for the job?你的

6、哪种经验可以用在这份工作上?9. Why do you feel you will be successful in this work?你为什么认为自己可以胜任这份工作?10. Do you have any work experience in this field?你有该行业的工作经验吗?2020年初级商务英语口语例句三1. May I ask you why you left the job?我可以问一下你为什么要放弃这份工作吗?2. What made you make a decision to leave?是什么让你决定离职的呢?3. Your salary includes a

7、 base pay and bonuses.你的薪资包括基本工资和奖金。4. Raise will be given after probation on the basis of performance.试用期结朿后会根据工作表现加薪I am very interested in your company, but this will give me some time to make a formal decision.我对贵公司很感兴趣,但我还想好好考虑一下再做出正式决定。6. What do you know about our major products and our share

8、 of the market?你对我们的主要产品和市场占有率知道多少?7. Personal Information includes your name, sex, date of birth, height and phone number.个人信息应该包含姓名、性别、出生日期、身高和电话。8. You are expected to write the educational experience about your high school and college, even the time span.教育背景里应该写上就读的高中、大学及就读时间。9. How does your p

9、revious experience relate to this position?你以前的经验与这个职位有何联系?10. What have you learned from your other jobs?你从其他的工作中学到了什么?2020年初级商务英语口语例句四1. I can work well with a multicultural work force.我能和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。2. I just want to let you know that we made an offer to you.我想通知你,我们录用你了。3. You are hired. Pleas

10、e report to the personnel office on April 1st at eight oclock in the morning.你已经被录用了,请在四月一日上午8点到人事部报到。4. I want to express my appreciation for this chance. I can assure you that you wont be disappointed.谢谢您给我这个机会,我保证不会让您失望。5. Thank you! Ill come at nine oclock tomorrow.谢谢您!我明天早上9点到。6. What interests

11、 do you have after work?工作之余你有什么兴趣爱好?7. What are your leisure-time activities?闲暇时你都做什么?8. Are you introverted or extroverted?你性格内向还是外向?9. What kind of person would you like to work with?你喜欢和什么样的人一起工作呢?10. I have a stable personality and high sense of responsibility.我个性稳重,具有很强的责任感2020年初级商务英语口语例句五1. I

12、m in Financial Department.我在财务部工作。2. Your main task is to handle routine business.你的主要任务就是处理日常事务。3. Your work is to recruit and train new staff.你的工作是招聘和培训新员工。4. Should I take some training classes before I start to work?上班前我需要参加一些培训课程吗?5. Does our company offer any training programs to new staff?我们公

13、司对新员工有培训项目吗?6. Is there any chance to further study?贵公司有机会深造吗?7. What kind of further study do you mainly focus on?你最注重的是什么样的进修学习?8. There is allowance on Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day, and the Dragon Boat Festival.春节、中秋节和端午节公司都有节日补贴。9. There are subsidies for high temperature, food, transportation, renting and communication allowance.公司有防暑降温补贴、餐补、交通补贴、租房补贴和通讯补贴。10. I am in Personnel Department. Here is my card.我在人事部上班,这是我的名片。


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