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1、2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 0 页,绵阳分院,C172飞机发动机贫富油使用说明,飞行学院绵阳分院,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 1 页,一、密度高度与贫富油二、为什么要进行贫富油调节三、地面试车时的贫富油调节四、起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节五、巡航时的贫富油调节六、进近、着陆时的贫富油调节七、关车程序八、贫富油调节的限制和要求,主要内容,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 2 页,密度高度与贫富油,密度高度是将气压高度进行了温度修正后的高度。使用密度高度最主要的目的是让飞行员以及飞机设计制造部门计算及了解正确的飞机性能值,并不是用来作为飞行高度的参考。可以说,

2、一个密度高度对应一个空气密度。温度升高,密度高度会增加。密度高度增加意味着空气密度下降和飞机性能的降低。随着密度高度的增加,发动机易富油,应适当对发动机调贫油以增加发动机功率或使发动机工作更稳定。,密度高度图,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 3 页,为什么要进行贫富油调整,Lycoming Flyer 第16页:The fuel management techniques outlined previously will aid in minimizing spark plug fouling. 正确的贫富油调节可以使电嘴污染最小化。,高温积铅,低温积溴化铅和碳,1300,900,

3、2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 4 页,为什么要进行贫富油调整,Lycoming Flyer 第55页:During flight, the deposit of lead sludge in the oil can be minimized by proper leaning.正确的贫富油调节可以使滑油里的铅泥沉积最小化。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 5 页,地面试车时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第16页:The engine should be operated at engine speeds between 1000 and 1200 RPM

4、 after starting and during the initial warm-up period. Avoid prolonged closed-throttle idle engine speed operation (when possible). At engine speeds from 1000 to 1200 RPM, the spark plug core temperatures are hot enough to activate the lead scavenging agents contained in the fuel which retards the f

5、ormation of the lead salt deposits on the spark plugs and exhaust valve stems . 避免长时间慢车运行,发动机转速至少为1000至1200RPM时,电嘴温度才能达到其自洁温度。,LYCOMING FLYER 第66页: The problem of lead fouling arises when low engine-operating temperatures coupled with a rich mixture prevent the complete vaporization of the TEL(四乙基铅)

6、 . 发动机低温伴随着富油会妨碍四乙基铅完全汽化。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 6 页,地面试车时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第55页: Avoiding long periods of ground operation is a vital step since moisture can enter the breather, but will not vaporize when the oil is not heated to normal operating temperatures. Ground running also involves a slig

7、htly rich mixture which contributes to the formation of lead sludge in the oil. 避免长时间地面试车。这会使潮气进入发动机,而滑油温度又不够高,无法使其蒸发,从而形成酸性物质,造成发动机内部腐蚀;同时地面试车一般偏富油,这会加速滑油中铅泥的形成。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 7 页,地面试车时的贫富油调节,飞行手册 第4-27页: For all ground operations, after starting the engine and when the engine is running sm

8、oothly:1.Set the Throttle Control to 1200RPM.2.Lean the mixture for maximum RPM.在地面运行过程中,待发动机工作平稳后,应使发动机工作在1200RPM,调贫油至最大转速。,LYCOMING FLYER 第56页: Prolonged engine ground run-up at high-power settings, for example, can cause engine overheating or hot spots since cooling airflow is not always adequate

9、 when the aircraft is stationary. 避免长时间大功率地面运行,这样容易导致发动机过热或局部过热。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 8 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,飞行手册 第4-35页: FULL RICH mixture must be used when operating the engine above 80% power.功率大于80%运行时禁止调贫油(莱康明资料是75%以上-以飞行手册为准)。,LYCOMING FLYER 第23页: It is very possible that leaning to roughness or to

10、 peak on the EGT gage could cause serious damage if the engine is actually producing more than 75% of rated horsepower as shown in this illustration.莱康明:如果在发动机的实际功率大于75%时调贫油使发动机工作不稳定或使EGT到达峰值,则很可能会严重损坏发动机。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 9 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第25页: Most engines operated at takeoff p

11、ower or at a power setting in the high cruise range need a relatively rich fuel/air mixture to help cool the engine and reduce possibilities of detonation. Since lean fuel/air mixtures and high power settings promote detonation, it is recommended that Lycoming engines not be leaned at power settings

12、 which produce more than 75% of rated engine power unless this operation is approved in the POH .大部分发动机在起飞或大功率巡航时需要相对富油一些,多余的油用来帮助冷却发动机和减小发动机爆震的机率。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 10 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第20页: Piston engines are vulnerable to detonation at high power output because combustion tempera

13、ture and pressure are, of course, higher than they are at low or medium powers. Leaning the mixture at high power can cause it.活塞式发动机在大功率输出时容易发生爆震,因为此时燃烧温度和压力比较大-在大功率下调贫就会导致这种状况。,LYCOMING FLYER 第20页: Unless detonation is heavy, there is no cockpit evidence of its presence. Severe detonation can caus

14、e a rough-running engine and high cylinder head temperature.除非很严重,在驾驶舱内一般感觉不到爆震的存在。严重的爆震会导致发动机工作不稳定和汽缸头温度升高。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 11 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第20页: Preignition may also be caused by high power operation at excessively leaned mixtures. 大功率过贫油还可能导致早燃。,LYCOMING FLYER 第20页: Preigni

15、tion is usually indicated in the cockpit by engine roughness, backfiring, 回火and by a sudden increase in cylinder head temperature.早燃常表现为发动机工作不稳定,回火和汽缸头温度的突然上升。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 12 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第20页:The best temporary in-flight methods for correcting preignition and detonation a

16、re to reduce the cylinder temperature by retarding the throttle, enriching the mixture, opening cowl flaps if available, or a combination of all of these.飞行中修正早燃和爆震最好的临时方法就是通过收油门、调富油、打开鱼鳞片整流罩来降低汽缸头头温度。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 13 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第15页: However, during takeoff from high-ele

17、vation airports or during climb at higher altitudes, roughness or reduction of power may occur at full-rich mixture. In such a case, the mixture may be adjusted only enough to obtain smooth engine operation. Careful observation of temperature instruments should be practiced. 然而在高海拔机场起飞或在高高度爬升期间,全富油可

18、能导致发动机工作不稳定或功率损失。这种情况下,应适当调节混合比使发动机工作平稳。操作中应注意观察发动机温度的变化。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 14 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第63页: At 5,000 ft. density altitude or higher, the available horsepower has been reduced so that leaning as described will not damage a healthy engine . 在高高度时,空气密度下降,发动机的可用功率已经降低,此时调贫油不会损

19、害发动机。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 15 页,起飞、爬升时的贫富油调节,莱康明1497号SI(服务说明)“Engine Procedures for Flight Training Operation” 第2页: For take-off, set mixture Full Rich.( For high elevation fields, leaning may be required for smooth engine operation. Refer to POH or AFM)Climb: Below 3000 feet density altitude, use

20、Full Rich mixture.Above 3000 feet density altitude, lean to maximum RPM. 低于3000英尺密度高度全富油,高于3000英尺调贫油至最大转速。,为什么调最大转速而不是调EGT?,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 16 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第39页: First, we must know that cruise power for Lycoming normally aspirated engines is generally considered to be 55% to 75%

21、 of the maximum power for which the engine is rated. At these power settings, the engine may be leaned at any altitude. 在发动机巡航功率下,任何高度下都可调贫油。-注意不要跟起飞、爬升时3000英尺下不能调贫搞混,巡航功率表:飞行手册第4-33页和第5-17页,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 17 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第39页: Engines operating at full rich in cruise tend to be

22、 rough, resulting in shaking engine accessories and engine mounts, thereby considerably reducing their life and often resulting in expensive early replacement. A properly leaned engine at cruise power is a smooth engine and will save money. 巡航时全富油工作会使发动机工作不稳定,使发动机附件和发动机架晃动而降低寿命。巡航时适当的贫富油调整意味着发动机工作平稳

23、和省钱。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 18 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: It is also important to understand that leaning to roughness at the engine manufacturers recommended cruise power is not an indication of detonation, but indicates normal characteristics of distribution to the individual cylinders. The r

24、oughness indicates that the leanest cylinder has become so lean, it is beginning to miss. Damage, to an engine from leaning does not occur at the manufacturers recommended cruise power, but takes place at higher than cruise power.同样重要的是:应该明白,在发动机生产厂推荐的巡航功率下调贫所导致的发动机工作不稳定并不是发动机爆震的征兆,这只是显示了燃油分配至每个汽缸时的

25、正常特征。工作不稳定表明最贫的缸太贫了,开始无法正常工作了。在厂家推荐的巡航功率下调贫是不会损坏发动机的,损坏只会发生在高于巡航功率的情况下。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 19 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: A simple definition of peak EGT is given us by engineering as the chemically correct mixture of fuel and air which gives 100% utilization of all the fuel and all the air

26、. EGT峰值就是最佳混合比所在,此时空气和燃油均被100%利用。,LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: From peak EGT, either increasing or decreasing the fuel flow causes a decrease in EGT. When richer than peak EGT cooling occurs because there is excess fuel, and when leaner than peak, cooling occurs because there is excess air. 在峰值处增加或减少燃油流量都会使

27、EGT下降。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 20 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: Operation at peak EGT, particularly on long flights, can be an advantage not only for purposes of increased range, but there is less likelihood of spark plug fouling as well.P41尤其是在长时间的巡航飞行,将发动机贫富油调节在EGT峰值的好处,除了能增加航程外,还能减小电嘴污染的可能性。,LYC

28、OMING FLYER 第41页: The location of peak EGT on the gage will also vary with different power settings, changes in altitude and change in ambient temperature. EGT峰值位置随功率设置、高度和环境温度的变化而变化。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 21 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第42页: Best economy mixture as it relates to the EGT system begin

29、s at peak.Best power mixture, or sometimes termed maximum power range, as depicted on the EGT gage, is in the range of plus 100 F on the rich side of peak. 飞行手册第4-36页:The recommended lean mixture: 50 F rich of peak EGT.最经济混合比:EGT峰值。最佳功率混合比:EGT峰值富油侧100 F 。推荐混合比:EGT峰值富油侧5 0 F 。,For aircraft with an EG

30、T gage, a good “rule of thumb”(凭经验) for most general aviation engines at cruise is to lean to ( )?,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 22 页,巡航时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: Where a cylinder head temperature is also available, the operator should always cross-check the head temperature as a routine procedure when le

31、aning, and remember that whenever CHT reaches the maximum before reaching peak EGT, then CHT rather than EGT should dictate the limit of allowable leaning. 巡航时调贫应兼顾CHT指示,任何时候只要CHT在EGT峰值前到达最大值,就应以CHT来判定调贫极限。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 23 页,进近、着陆时的贫富油调节,LYCOMING FLYER 第15页: During let-down and reduced-powe

32、r flight operations, it may be necessary to manually lean or leave mixture setting at cruise position prior to landing. During the landing sequence, the mixture control should then be placed in the full-rich position, unless landing at high-elevation fields where operation at a lean setting may be n

33、ecessary.在下降和减功率飞行时,可能有必要在着陆前进行人工调贫油或保持在巡航时的贫富油设置。在着陆过过程中,混合比必须置于全富油位,除非在高标高机场着陆,此时可能有必要在适当贫油状态下操作发动机。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 24 页,关车程序,LYCOMING FLYER 第16页: Prior to the engine shut-down, the engine speed should be maintained between 1000 and 1200 RPM until the operating temperatures have stabilized.

34、 At this time, the engine speed should be increased to approximately 1800 RPM for 15 to 20 seconds, then reduced to 1000 to 1200 RPM and shut down immediately using the mixture control.关车前,应使发动机在1000至1200RPM运转,直到发动机温度稳定。然后调整发动机转速至1800RPM,保持10-15秒,再将转速降至1200RPM,混合比关断。,1200RPM全富油冷机1800RPM全富油或适当调贫烧电嘴,2

35、008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 25 页,贫富油调节的限制和要求,LYCOMING FLYER 第37页/操作人员手册第3-6页: Without exception, observe the red-line temperature limits during takeoff, climb and high-performance cruise power operation.在起飞、爬升和高性能巡航时,要密切注意各种温度的红线限制。,LYCOMING FLYER 第37页/操作人员手册第3-6页: Whenever mixture is adjusted, rich or lea

36、n, it should be done slowly.任何时候调节贫富油,无论是调贫或调富,都应缓慢进行。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 26 页,贫富油调节的限制和要求,LYCOMING FLYER 第37页/操作人员手册第3-6页: Always return mixture slowly to full before increasing power setting.任何时候增加功率前都应先慢慢将混合比回到全富油位。,LYCOMING FLYER 第43页: 功率设置应遵循的顺序TO INCREASE POWER first, enrich mixture, increa

37、se RPM, then follow with throttle. 增加功率:首先调富油,然后推油门增加RPM。TO DECREASE POWER first, reduce throttle, reduce RPM, and then adjust mixture.减小功率:首先收油门降低RPM,然后调混合比。INCREASING POWER enrich mixture first to ensure protecting the engine against damage from higher power when previously leaned out for a lower

38、power setting.先调富油就是为了防止大功率过贫油会对发动机造成的损害。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 27 页,贫富油调节的限制和要求,LYCOMING FLYER 第37页/操作人员手册第3-6页: At all times, caution must be taken not to shock-cool the cylinders. The maximum recommended temperature change should not exceed 50 F per minute.任何时候都要注意不能使汽缸骤冷。推荐最大汽缸头温度变化率不能超过50 F 每分钟

39、。,LYCOMING FLYER 第53页: Sudden cooling is detrimental to the good health of the piston aircraft engine. Operations that tend to induce rapid engine cooldown are often associated with a fast letdown(fast descents).骤冷对活塞式发动机非常不利。它多是由快速下降导致的。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 28 页,贫富油调节的限制和要求,LYCOMING FLYER 第53页: T

40、he engine problems that may be expected when pilots consistently make fast letdowns with little or no power include:1. Excessively worn ring grooves accompanied by broken rings.2. Cracked cylinder heads.3. Warped exhaust valves.4. Bent pushrods.5. Spark plug fouling.飞行人员一直使用低功率或无功率快速下降可能导致发动机:1.涨圈槽过

41、度磨损、涨圈断裂。2.汽缸头破裂。3.排气门扭曲变形。4.推杆弯曲。 5.电嘴污染。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 29 页,贫富油调节的限制和要求,LYCOMING FLYER 第53页: Generally speaking, pilots hold the key to dodging these problems. They must avoid fast letdowns with very low power (high-cruise RPM and low manifold pressure), along with rich mixtures that contr

42、ibute to sudden cooling. 飞行人员应避免会导致骤冷的低功率(高巡航转速和低进气压力)伴随富油的快速下降。,LYCOMING FLYER 第54页: The mixture setting also has an effect on engine cooling. To reduce spark plug fouling and keep the cylinder cooling within the recommended 50 perminute limit, the mixture should be left at the lean setting used fo

43、r cruise and then richened gradually during descent from altitude.为减少电嘴污染、防止发动机骤冷,应先保持巡航时的贫富油设定,然后在下降过程中逐渐调富油。,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 30 页,贫富油调节的限制和要求,LYCOMING FLYER 第53页: For maximum service life, maintain the following recommended limits for continuous cruise operation:a. Engine power setting 65% of rated or less.b. Cylinder head temperatures 400 F. or below.c. Oil temperature 165 F. 220 F.为获得最大发动机使用寿命,在持续巡航中应保持:发动机功率-65%或以下汽缸头温度- 400 F或以下滑油温度-165 F.至 220 F.,2008/10/12,飞行学院绵阳分院,第 31 页,C172飞机发动机贫富油使用,贫富油设定要合适调节千万要慢大功率尤忌过贫小功率更防过富密度高度越大,调贫量也应越大,


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